Dear DatagLANce Network Analyzer User: The latest level of DatagLANce code has just been sent to you. If you do not own a DatagLANce Network Analyzer, this package will be of no use to you, since the DatagLANce key-lock is required for operation. The installation process is: 1. Download the files in BINARY format to your hard disk. 2. Format four (4) 1.44 MB diskettes. 3. Issue the following command for each diskette: LOADDSKF DGNAGADx.DSK A: /F where x is 1,2,3, or 4. WARNING: DO NOT OVERWRITE YOUR MASTER DATAGLANCE DISKETTES. IF YOU HAVE ENABLED KEYLESS OPERATION, YOUR DATAGLANCE MAY BECOME UNUSEABLE. USE 4 NEW BLANK DISKETTES TO REFRESH YOUR DATAGLANCE DISKETTES. 4. Insert your DatagLANce key into your parallel port (ignore this step if you have run KEYLESS). 5. At an OS/2 FULL SCREEN prompt type: A:INSTALL 6. Follow the installation instructions given to you by the installation program. 7. Read the READ.ME file for information on how to install and configure your network adapter(s). This file is installed with the software and is also on installation diskette 1. 8. Use your DatagLANce! See online help for information on how to use it and any new features that you might not know about. 9. If you experience problems, see the READ.ME file for troubleshooting installation problem information. The files that will follow this note are: DGNAGAD1 DSKBIN DatagLANce Installation disk 1 DGNAGAD2 DSKBIN disk 2 DGNAGAD3 DSKBIN disk 3 DGNAGAD4 DSKBIN disk 4 LOADDSKF EXEBIN Program to unpack these diskettes (Version 1.14b) - USE ONLY THIS VERSION OR A NEWER VERSION OF IT The DatagLANce Team (DGNA at RALVM29)