Dear DatagLANce Network Analyzer User: The Corrective Services for Version 1.20 of DatagLANce has been sent to you. These corrective services will update your installed DatagLANce software to Version 1.21. The installation process is: 1. Install Version 1 Release 2 of DatagLANce if not already installed from your installation diskettes. 2. Download the files in BINARY format to your hard disk. 3. Format two (2) 1.44 MB diskettes. 4. Issue the following command for each diskette: LOADDSKF DGCSDDx.DSK A: /F where x is 1 or 2. 5. Place Corrective Services Diskette 1 in the drive and at an OS/2 command prompt type: A:SERVICE 6. Follow the installation instructions given to you by the corrective services program. 7. Read the README.CSD file for information about which problems these corrective services resolve. This file is copied to the directory where DatagLANce is installed. THE DATAGLANCE TEAM (DGNA AT RALVM29)