======================================================= This fixpak is a limited distribution fixpak for use by IBM VisualAge DataAtlas customers only, for use with DataAtlas Version 2.5 Fixpak 3. ======================================================= IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Version 2.0 Fixpak 10 - README.TXT -------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VisualAge TeamConnection Version 2.0, Fixpak 10! NOTICE TO USERS: In 1997, TeamConnection became part of the VisualAge family of Application Development (AD) products. The VisualAge family includes a variety of AD tools, including languages, development environments, and other products for software development. VisualAge TeamConnection is an important part of the VisualAge strategy supporting application development. As a result of this change, you will notice that we are beginning the task of changing our brand name to "IBM VisualAge TeamConnection." We have started this change now, and will complete it with our next version. In this fixpak you will see references to the product as "VisualAge TeamConnection" or, in a shortened form, simply "TeamConnection." You will also begin to see the use of the VisualAge family 'eye' logo which is replacing the former TeamConnection logo. During this transition period, we hope you won't find these references confusing. IBM's rebranding of TeamConnection as part of the VisualAge family of AD tools reflects the important role that our product plays in support of software development. This README.TXT file contains information you need for installing this latest refresh of TeamConnection, as well as the latest information about the product. The installation instructions cover all of the platforms that TeamConnection is currently available on (OS/2, Windows NT, HP-UX, and AIX). Be sure you read the installation procedures for the operating system you wish to install. The softcopy publications will contain more up to date information than the hardcopy publications as periodic updates can be made for each fixpak. Please be sure you look at the softcopy publications for the latest information. Book parts and chapters are numbered differently in the softcopy and hardcopy versions of the books. This document refers to chapter numbers in the HARDCOPY documentation. This README.TXT file is divided into the following categories: - Getting Help - Installing TeamConnection Version 2.0, Current Fixpak - New Features in the Current Fixpak for TeamConnection - Fixes in the Current Fixpak for TeamConnection - Known Problems in TeamConnection Version 2.0, Current FixPak - Additional Information as of January 1998 - Your Satisfaction - Trademarks Getting Help ------------ Available Documentation ----------------------- The following is a list of the TeamConnection publications. Unless otherwise noted, these publications are available in printed (bound) and printable-softcopy (Adobe Acrobat) form. If you would like to access the Acrobat softcopy files, please look in the nls\doc\enu directory in the installation image. NOTE to UNIX users: UNIX users will find softcopy files on the AIX CD-ROM in the softpubs/en_us directory. See the file called readme.pub in the nls\doc\enu (softpubs/en_us for UNIX) directory for instructions on how to obtain a free copy of the Acrobat Reader Version 3.0 from the Adobe homepage. The file also provides information about printing PDF files on a PostScript printer. Note: Library Reader (BookManager) versions of the publications are still included in the current release of the product. These files have NOT been updated in this release. From the current release forward, the Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) files will represent the most current TeamConnection product documentation. Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients (SC34-4552): Tells first-time users how to install the TeamConnection clients on their workstations and familiarizes them with the command line and graphical user interfaces. User's Guide (SC34-4499): Helps TeamConnection users to understand and effectively use TeamConnection. ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge User's Guide (new document): This document is a primer for SmallTalk/ENVY development teams who intend to install and use the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge for exporting and importing ENVY components to and from TeamConnection. NOTE: This information is offered as a stand-alone document for the current release. In future releases it will be incorporated by the TeamConnection User's Guide. Source Code Control User's Guide (new document): This document is a primer for the TeamConnection source code control feature provided in the current release for Microsoft language products, including Visual Basic, Visual C++, and PowerBuilder. NOTE: This information is offered as a stand-alone document for the current release. In future releases it will be incorporated by the TeamConnection User's Guide. Administrator's Guide (SC34-4551): Helps TeamConnection administrators install, set up, and administer the TeamConnection servers. Commands Reference (SC34-4501): Describes the TeamConnection commands, their syntax, and the authority required to issue each command. This book also provides examples of how to use the various commands. Quick Commands Reference (GC34-4500): Lists the TeamConnection commands along with their syntax. This publication is available in hardcopy only. Toolbuilder's Development Guide (SC34-4553): Explains how to create and extend tools for accessing objects in the TeamConnection database. It contains guidance and reference information. This softcopy publication is only available as part of the Tool Builder's Development Kit, a separately orderable TeamConnection feature. Information Model Reference (SC34-4554): Details the extended TeamConnection information model. This publication is available in softcopy only. Staying on Track with TeamConnection Processes (SC34-4558): A poster which graphically shows the processes in TeamConnection and how the product navigates through them based on the processes you have active. This poster is available in hardcopy only. Service and Technical Support ----------------------------- We are ready to help you with your TeamConnection questions. You can contact us through one of the following: For those countries where IBM* TalkLink, CompuServe, and Internet forums are available, you can electronically access TeamConnection technical information, exchange messages with other TeamConnection users, and receive information regarding the availability of fixes. - IBM TalkLink Use the TEAMC CFORUM For information about TalkLink registration and access questions, call: United States: 1-800-547-1283 Canada 1-800-465-7999 extension 228 - CompuServe From any ! prompt, type GO SOFSOL, then select TeamConnection. For information about CompuServe registration and access questions, call 1-800-848-8199 and ask for representative 239. - Internet Go to the IBM/TeamConnection homepage: http://www.ibm.com/software/ag/teamcon If you need to contact the IBM Support Center for assistance, you should be at your workstation and have the following information available: - Registration number Your registration number can be found in the Customer Service and Support Guide that you received with the TeamConnection product. - TeamConnection version number To find the version number, from the Help pull-down menu on a TeamConnection window, select Product Information. - What kind of hardware you are using - What happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred - The message number and exact wording of any messages that were displayed. Installing TeamConnection Version 2.0, Current FixPak ----------------------------------------------------- NOTICE TO ALL PRODUCT INSTALLERS, ALL ENVIRONMENTS: When you apply a TeamConnection product update, you MUST copy the schema.adb file in the TEAMC\BIN directory to each of your TeamConnection family directories. For example: copy D:\TEAMC\BIN\schema.adb G:\TEAMC\familyname\schema.adb If you have performed a workarea import to an existing family, you should set the TC_FIXUP_IMPORT environment variable before starting your family with current release applied. Intel: set TC_FIXUP_IMPORT=1 Unix: export TC_FIXUP_IMPORT=1 ***** Please remember to re-initialize ObjectStore after installing this fixpak! ***** ** STANDARD INSTALLATION FOR OS/2 ** 1. Download the fixpak image from the IBM service disk. 2. Unzip the file c:/fixpakX.zip where "c:" is the drive to which you have downloaded the fixpak "X" is the current fixpak number 3. From the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the fixpak, type the following at the OS/2 command prompt: install 4. Press Enter. 5. Follow the on-screen prompts. ** STANDARD INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS ** 1. Download the fixpak from the IBM service disk. 2. Unzip the file c:/fixpakX.zip where "c:" is the drive to which you have downloaded the fixpak "X" is the current fixpak number 3. From the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the fixpak, type the following at the Windows command prompt: setup 4. Press Enter. 5. Follow the on-screen prompts. *********************************************************** * NOTE: * The installation requires that you have double * the space required for the product (80mg). When the fixpak * is installed, InstallShield will replace the existing * product files, but will believe it needs enough free * space to install the entire product. When installation * is complete, the product WILL only use the minimum amount * required (40mg). *********************************************************** Important prerequisite for running "univwin" in Windows NT ---------------------------------------------------------- In order to run the univwin tool, which is written in REXX, to verify the installation and configuration of the TeamConnection family, the following prerequisite is needed: Product: Personal REXX for Windows Company: Quercus Systems P.O. Box 2157 Saratoga, CA 95070 Phone: (408)-867-REXX Important Installation Information About TeamConnection for UNIX ---------------------------------------------------------------- After you install the TeamConnection code in its directory structure (represented by $TC_HOME), please keep in mind the following guidelines: * If you are installing over an existing version of TeamConnection (v208 or earlier), be sure to first remove teamcgui and teamcgui.x11r5 from $TC_HOME/bin. * Generally, do not remove directories, files or symbolic links from $TC_HOME. Exception: To uninstall the product, you need to remove $TC_HOME. * Do not change the file permissions nor the ownership of the directories and/or files in $TC_HOME. * Use $TC_HOME only to store the TeamConnection code: - Do not use $TC_HOME as the home directory for users. - Do not use $TC_HOME as the home directory for TeamConnection families. Furthermore, if this is your first installation of TeamConnection it is recommended to accept the defaults in this installation script. ** STANDARD INSTALLATION FOR UNIX ** The following provides important installation information for the current fixpak for TeamConnection. 1. Full details on the installation instructions can be found on the service disk in Boulder in a file named readme.install.unix.fixpak.txt. We strongly recommend you read this file before continuing with the installation. *** Important warnings before installing the code *** * If you install the TeamConnection Family Server or Build Agent, you need to have plenty of space available in the directory /tmp/ostore which is used by ObjectStore. In many shops the size of /tmp is small and therefore it will be necessary to link /tmp/ostore to another file system that has plenty of disk space available. See below for the details on the disk space that is needed for /tmp/ostore. * You must have, at a minimum, the following disk space available in the following directories: /usr or /opt 320 MB for the executables of TeamConnection /usr/local 110 MB for the executables of ObjectStore /usr/lib/nls 70 MB for the message catalogs and documentation /tmp/ostore 10 MB + 8 MB for each ObjectStore server daemon * You need to install and run the TeamConnection servers and the ObjectStore server code in a local file system. Do not install or run them in a distributed file system such as on a mounted NFS (Network File System) or AFS (Andrew File System), because the TeamConnection and ObjectStore servers are applications that are local to one specific host and cannot be shared in a networked environment. You need to install the TeamConnection family account on a local file system. Even though you could install the TeamConnection family account in a mounted NFS system, it is not recommended because you will see a performance degradation due to the NFS network overhead and you will need to install the ObjectStore server on the host that is exporting the NFS system. The TeamConnection client can be shared in a networked environment, and therefore, it is okay to install the client in an NFS or AFS file system. * The following HP-UX 10 Patches are needed to avoid problems with the TeamConnection GUI: PHSS_9809, PHSS_9810 * IMPORTANT NOTE if you are using /etc/netsvc.conf on AIX: If you are using /etc/netsvc.conf and if you have defined: hosts=bind_r,nis_r,local_r then you must have the /usr/lib/lib*_r.a files present from the bos.adt file set. If these files are not present, then the reentrant forms will not work, and ObjectStore programs such as ossvrping will not work and will cause a core dump. IBM APARs IX61115 and IX55587 (located in RETAIN) address the ossvrping core dump problem. This problem is a bos problem and it is fixed in; the /usr/lib/lib*_r.a files are delivered with the bos file set. This problem should be looked at as an exposure if any of the entries within the /etc/netsvc.conf file have a suffix "_r", which will indicate that they reference the reentrant forms. *** Brief installation instructions from tar files *** 1. Logon as root. 2. Ensure that all the downloaded files are uncompressed. 3. Untar (decompose) the following file in order to obtain the installation shell script and the readme files: tar -xvf required.tar 4. Ensure that the file permissions of the installation shell script are correct: chmod 755 tcinst.ksh 5. Invoke the installation shell script and specify that you are using tar files: ./tcinst.ksh tar 6. Follow the instructions from the installation shell script. *** Post-installation instructions *** After the installation is completed, follow the configuration instructions described in: $TC_HOME/install/readme. where: $TC_HOME is the directory where TeamConnection was installed is 'aix' or 'hp'. ** From a Local Area Network Server or NFS Mount (for OS/2 only) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- You can install the TeamConnection client onto your workstation from a file server if a response file specifying your family name exists on the family server. If you are not sure, talk to your family administrator. To install TeamConnection from a LAN or NFS, follow these steps: 1. Log on to your file server. 2. Change to the file server directory where TeamConnection is installed. By default this directory is named x:\teamc\client, where x is the drive. 3. Type the following and press Enter: install /a:u /l1:x:\dir\error.log /l2:x:\dir\history.log /r:x:\resp.dat /x NOTES: 1. You can only use the unattended installation process to update to the current product version if you used this process to perform your original product installation. If you wish to re-install the product using this process (replacing the "u" for update with "i" for install), you need to completely uninstall your current version of the product first. 2. The directory ("dir") must already exist before specifying where to create the error.log and history.log. 3. If the "\" is omitted from the response file name ("resp.dat"), the file will not be found. 4. "/x" indicates an unattended install. The TeamConnection client code is installed in the directory specified in the response file. ** From a Local Area Network Server (for Windows only) ** --------------------------------------------------- To install the Windows clients from a local area network server, you need to first install the windows client ONLY on a machine which you will distribute from. When you install the client only, a directory will be created with the product code which you can then distribute across the network. If you install the client on the same machine as the TeamConnection server, a separate subdirectory for the client will not be created. ** TOOL BUILDER'S DEVELOPMENT KIT (TBDK) ** BEFORE INSTALLING TBDK: If you are installing the Tool Builder's Development Kit, you must first install the TeamConnection client code contained in this fixpak. The Toolbuilder's Development Kit is a separately priced feature for TeamConnection. See the TBDK README.TXT file for TBDK installation instructions and product information. New Features in the Current Fixpak for TeamConnection ----------------------------------------------------- * New Build Server Environment (Beta) A new build configuration, which uses uses a single build server component to build applications, is available in the current release. Documentation for this beta feature will be available in future releases. Fixes in the Current Fixpak for TeamConnection ------------------------------------------------------- * ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge - VisualAge Generator build integration functions have been enabled in the current release. See the softcopy publications for instructions on activating this interoperability. - Previously documented export limitations have been removed. * Recursive Build Dependencies In the current release it is possible to create circular build dependencies. For example, file1.h can include file2.h, which can include file1.h. These dependencies can be either manual or parser-discovered. * Explicit Prerequisite Checking Prerequisite checking for part actions works consistently in the current release. Prereq checking now creates explicit prereqs to keep track of prereqs. When a prereq check is done, some old messages concerning particular files that prereq others may be reported. This information may or may not be correct. In addition, ACCURATE information concerning explicit prereqs WILL be reported. These messages will be in the form: "x prereqs y by the prereq command". Known Problems in TeamConnection Version 2.0, Current FixPak ------------------------------------------------------------ * NOTICE TO ALL PRODUCT INSTALLERS, ALL ENVIRONMENTS: When you apply a TeamConnection product update, you MUST copy the schema.adb file in the TEAMC\BIN directory to each of your TeamConnection family directories. For example: copy D:\TEAMC\BIN\schema.adb G:\TEAMC\familyname\schema.adb If you have performed a workarea import to an existing family, you should set the TC_FIXUP_IMPORT environment variable before starting your family with current release applied. Intel: set TC_FIXUP_IMPORT=1 Unix: export TC_FIXUP_IMPORT=1 * Windows 3.1 Client Installation The path information added by TeamConnection at the BEGINNING of the PATH statement can cause the path to be truncated, due to line length limitations. A possible workaround for the problem is to add the following line to your config.sys: SHELL=C:\windows\command.com /P /E:10000 * HP-UX Support HP-UX operating systems above 10.01 are NOT supported in the current release. * Autostarting ObjectStore On some levels of OS/2 WARP V4, the ObjectStore autostart server checkbox is not persistent across invocations of the ObjectStore Setup GUI. * OS/2 Path Statement Limitation In an OS/2 environment, TeamConnection may not start if its entries in config.sys are placed after the 254th character in a path statement. This can be corrected by moving the TeamConnection entries to a position within the first 255 characters. * Authentication Resynchronization If a client logs into the Team Connection server and the server is recycled, sometimes the client and the server cannot resynchronize the authentication. All client actions are rejected by the server. To solve the problem, terminate all of the client programs, including any teamc commands, the GUI, and the login manager. After the clients have been terminated, restart the client programs and log back into the server. You may need to do this twice, because when a client has logged onto the server and attempts to log in again, the server automatically logs the client out; the client may not synchronize with the server correctly. Whenever the client logs into the server, a login manager is started automatically on the client. This login manager runs in the background. To terminate this manager, issue the following command: teamc tclogin -KILL_TCLOGINMGR * Files in the tmp Directory (UNIX) TeamConnection UNIX servers create files in the tmp directory of the form /tmp/TCSem_. UNIX servers also create a file called /tmp/TCSharedMem.. These files are entries for resources shared among the TeamConnection servers. When the stopteamc command is issued, these files are automatically cleaned up after the servers are terminated. If you do not use stopteamc, these files will remain until you remove them. Do NOT remove these files while the Team Connection servers are running; the results will be unpredictable and may jeopardize your data. If you are absolutely sure that NO families are running, these files can be removed. * Web Client Limitations - Microsoft Internet Explorer Limitations 1) File dialogs may be intermittently corrupted. 2) When using the browser with a Windows/NT HTML server, some filter reports may fail with the following message: The attempt to load 'http://host:port/report/xxxView' failed. (where xxxView denotes the filter dialog) 3) When using a version of Microsoft Internet Explorer prior to Version 4.0, Refresh link only works the first time it is selected on a report output table. - Miscellaneous issues 1) The DefectOpen dialog allows creation of a defect without entering data in the remarks field. This is a required field and should be specified when opening a defect. 2) The PartBuild dialog does not issue any build status messages visible to the user during a build. Use the PartViewMsg dialog to view build messages. 3) Access list checking is not being done correctly in all cases. For example, a user whose user ID does not appear in a component's access list may be able to view all TeamConnection objects for that component. 4) On the ReleaseModify dialog, the newName field is not valid. This is not a field that can be modified. * Microsoft Source Code Control Feature Due to certain architectural features of the Microsoft Source Code Control API, the TeamConnection integration with PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, and Visual C++ may exhibit differences in interface behavior. The following a listing of SCC feature limitations, on a by-language basis when appropriate. General Limitations: - If you modify a part path name under SCC feature control within TeamConnection, the part's path name does not change name under SCC. Therefore, SCC operations on the newly renamed part are not reflected in TeamConnection. - TeamConnection settings dialog box may display twice when adding a project to SCC. Clicking OK each time successfully adds the project to SCC. - If you check out a part through TeamConnection (rather than through SCC), you may not be able to check in the same part through SCC. The limitation is that you cannot checkout the part to another destination field. This field must remain blank when checking out through TeamConnection, or SCC will not be able to find it. - After removing a part from SCC, you may not be able add (re-register) it back into SCC, even though it is possible to recreate the part in TeamConnection. - Advanced Check-in with breaking links does not work unless you specify the other (common) workareas that contain the part. It is advisable to use the TeamConnection GUI for this action. PowerBuilder Limitations: - SCC cannot be initialized for Windows 95. - The registration report (from the Source menu) displays one line of part information at a time in message boxes. If you select OK on the initial message box, which contains the first line of the part information report, another message box pops up with the second line of part information. Once again, you need to click OK. This continues until the report is finished. Visual Basic Limitations: - When a part is checked out and that same part is extracted, the part that is checked out becomes read only. Checking the part in and out again have no affect. - There is no online help available. - SCC cannot be initialized for Windows 95 or Windows NT Version 4.0. Visual C++ Limitations: - If you check out a part through TeamConnection (rather than through SCC), you cannot check in the same part through SCC. - SCC cannot be initialized for Windows 95. - If you are adding files to SCC and select the Select all option, all of the field text in the dialog is selected, but the check boxes associated with text are not checked. Then, if you select ADD, you will receive an error message indicating that nothing is selected. However, if you select one of the check boxes, the other check boxes are also selected. * Java TCMerge for UNIX Limitations - The Reconcile Collision Record dialog in the TeamConnection GUI supplies "TCMERGE" as the default merge command. There are two workarounds for this behavior: 1) Overtype TCMERGE with JAVA TCMERGE. 2) Write a shell script called TCMERGE that sets up the java environment and invokes the JAVA TCMERGE as the default merge command. - There are several functional limitations that are the result of current Java restrictions. These include, but are not limited to, the following: - Scrolling in a Composition window causes the window to flicker to a degree that it may be unreadable. Fast scrolling has a tendency to cause Java TCMerge to hang. - If you attempt to use a new file for comparison in an existing Composition window, Java TCMerge will hang. * All TeamConnection messages that have been created or updated for the current fixpak will be provided in English only, even for language-enabled product versions. * Displaying Families in Windows NT Currently in Windows NT it is not possible to open families in the TCAdmin GUI when you select Details from the View menu. This problem will be addressed in a future release. * Windows NT 4.0 Installation Fails to Create Folders Before installing the current fixpak for Windows NT 4.0, determine whether your target system has IBM Anti-Virus 2.5.2 or higher 2.5.x level installed. If it does, your TeamConnection installation may complete without errors, but fail to create folders. An interaction between the SHELL entry and InstallShield prevents folders from being created during installation. This behavior occurs with ANY software installed on a Windows NT 4.0 system using InstallShield. IBM Anti-Virus 3.x fixes the problem by changing its append to SHELL. SOLUTIONS: To resolve this problem, perform ONLY ONE of the following corrective actions: 1. Upgrade to Anti-Virus 3.x, and then install TeamConnection. 2. Remove IBM Anti-Virus, install TeamConnection, and then re-install IBM Anti-Virus. 3. a. VERY CAREFULLY edit the SHELL registry entry located in: HKey_Local Machine/Software/MicroSoft/Windows NT/current version/winlogon b. You should see: SHELL REG_SZ: explorer.exe,xxxxxx Record the portion of the string that reads ',xxxxx' (including comma and data), and then delete it from the entry, so that only 'explorer.exe' remains. c. Install TeamConnection. d. Edit the 'HKey_Local Machine/Software/MicroSoft/Windows NT /current version/winlogon' SHELL entry again, and restore the ',xxxxx' portion of the string. * Windows NT 4.0 with ServicePak 3 TeamConnection reports authority errors and failed DLL loads when running Windows NT 4.0 with ServicePak 3 installed. Object Store reports 'authorization failed' and/or 'cannot load xxx.dll.' This has been reported ONLY on the export version of Windows NT 4.0 service pak 3; if you are running the US/Canada version using 128bit encryption, you should not experience the problem. Until ObjectStore resolves the issue, all other customers are advised to apply Windows NT service pack 3 FOR THE CLIENT ONLY. * Windows NT Installation When installing the TeamConnection (server) on any version of WinNT, the default target path (.\Program Files\IBM\TeamConnection) causes an ObjectStore setup failure. To correct this problem, override the default target path with a path that does NOT include any BLANKS, as "Program Files" does. * TC_USER Replaced for AIX, HP-UX, Windows NT, and Windows 95 Users After installing the current fixpak for TeamConnection Version 2.0, AIX, HP-UX, Windows NT, and Windows 95 users will find that their former TC_USER value is replaced by their operating system login ID. If you want to (or have to) use a TeamConnection user ID other than your system login, it will be necessary to add a host list for the default (system) user ID BEFORE INSTALLING THIS FIXPAK. This enables you to access the appropriate user ID through TC_BECOME. NOTE: Windows 95 users will not experience this behavior if they do not use a Windows 95 login. * We strongly recommend that you do not use the uninstall option on the ObjectStore Setup dialog. If you need to uninstall the product, please use the TeamConnection uninstall facility. * The release of ObjectStore shipped with TeamConnection Version 2.0 will only run with VisualAge C++ Version 3.0 with Fixpak 3 or lower. More recent CSD levels of VisualAge C++ (higher than Version 3.0, Fixpak 3) are not supported. * In Windows 95, if you are in the settings page and select Test Connection to Server, you should get a second dialog that provides information about the connection. If you try to close this window using the 'X' in the upper right corner, the product will display a general exception violation. Please use the system menu or the OK push button to close this dialog. * If you use the release -extract or driver -extract commands, your client and server must both be at either the Version 2.0.3 (Fixpak 3) or lower level or at any level higher than the Version 2.0.3 (Fixpak 3) level. These commands will not operate correctly if either client or server is at the Fixpak 3 level or lower and the other is at the Fixpak 4 level or higher * UNIX GUI - There is no mnemonic or accelerator key support except on the menu options, due to a Motif limitation. - Currently UNIX GUI icons are so large that they decrease the number of viewable lines in a window, even in a Details view, due to Motif limitations. We expect to address this problem in a future release. - The HP-UX online help panels are not currently working. * Migration from CMVC - When migrating very large parts (over 13MB), the file may not be created. To workaround this, you need to record the file name when the migration error occurs, and migrate that one file using the 'where' clause on migrate fileview. * Documentation - On page 67 of the Administrator's Guide, it states to use the command 'univwin' to verify that TeamConnection was installed properly. The correct command to use is 'rexx univwin.cmd', which is currently documented in the softcopy publications. However, the builders provided with TeamConnection and used by univwin now call Microsoft's compiler and linker, not VisualAge C++, as stated in the current publications. - Chapter 8, "Starting and Stopping the Servers", has the following error under 'Starting build agents' on page 84: To start an OS/2 or Windows NT build agent, do one of the following: - On the OS/2 Desktop, double-click on the TeamConnection Build Agent icon. On the pop-up window, type the socket port and press Enter. The bullet should read as follows: - On the OS/2 Desktop, double-click on the TeamConnection Build Agent icon. On the pop-up window, type the name of a file that describes the build agent you wish to start. The teamagnt.fil in the TeamConnection bin subdirectory is an example of this type of startup file for a build agent. See "Startup file for build agents" on page 75 for more information about creating this file. - Because it is now possible to specify a driver member using a work area version, users can add work areas in the 'fix' state to drivers. This involves adding the latest frozen version of a work area to the driver, rather than the workarea itself. You can add the same work area to the driver several times, refreshing the driver with new work area changes for each subsequent driverMember -create. This capability is not documented in the TeamConnection online documentation or product help. Additional Information as of January 1998 ----------------------------------------- * Disabling the Web Client To disable the Web client, set the following environment variable: TC_WWWDISABLED * Help for UNIX Clients The current release provides help for all UNIX platforms using your standard web browser. To use this function, you must specify the command you use to invoke your web browser. To invoke a browser, go to the TeamConnection Settings notebook. Select the Setup Tab to display the setup page and enter the command you currently use to invoke your browser in the Browser Command field. For example, if you invoke your browser by typing 'Netscape', type 'Netscape' in this field. NOTE: The following environment variable must be set to enable html help for UNIX clients: TC_WWWPATH=$TC_HOME/www * Security for UNIX Clients PASSWORD_OR_HOST and PASSWORD_ONLY modes of authentication for UNIX clients are supported in the current release. To enable users to execute as many commands as possible without authenticating before each command, they must log into the family server under one of the following conditions: - The server is running in PASSWORD_ONLY mode. - The server is running in PASSWORD_OR_HOST mode, and the user is attempting to access the server from a host that is not defined in a host list for that user. When the user logs in, the server generates a token for that user, and each TeamConnection command authenticates itself to the server by passing that token to the server. When the user logs out, the server discards the token and will no longer accept it. In order to "remember" the token across invocations of the client commands, the client machine automatically starts a login manager to perform the login operation and to remember the token. When the user issues a TeamConnection command, the command requests the token from the login manager and then forwards the token to the server. When the user logs out of the family server, the login manager exits normally. On single user operating systems, only 1 login manager will ever be running, but on Unix, by default, one login manager will run for each user logged into a family. This has the potential to strain resources. To avoid this situation, the superuser can start a global login manager that will act as the login manager for every user. The global login manager must be started by root. To start the global login manager, execute the following: # teamc tclogin -START_TCLOGINMGR To kill the global login manager, execute the following: # teamc tclogin -KILL_TCLOGINMGR NOTE: Only the superuser can start and stop the global login manager. * Sample COBOL Parser The current release includes sample COBOL parser code written in C. This parser code is provided so that users can modify the source code for the platform of their choice. The samples directory includes the following COBOL parser source files: fhbcpp.c fhbcpp.h func.c * The current fixpak includes a part -refresh function, which is used to link parts (to create common or shared parts) from one work area to another. Note: Part -refresh MAY NOT work under release processes that include the driver subprocess. * Performance Tips: All environments - when loading or migrating a large amount of data, ensure the user has superuser access. This will prevent time being spent on checking access each time a command is run. OS/2 and Windows: When running a large number of commands from a .bat or .cmd file, start the client and minimize it. The product .dlls required to run the product will be loaded, saving time when each command is processed. OS/2: The default TCP/IP configuration is set to nameserver. In order to save time and not verify the TCP/IP host name for each TeamConnection command, set the SET_USE_HOSTS_FIRST=1 in your config.sys file, and create a hosts file for each of the clients. * Default Part Type In TeamConnection Version 1.x, the default part type is 'file'. In Version 2.0, the default part type has changed to 'TCPart'. If you have written any command files that use the -type attribute on a teamc part command, you must update these files to contain the new default. Specifically, you will need to change '-type file' to '-type TCPart'. The parenttype attribute on the Part command is also affected. * Installation The code page must be the same for both the server and client when you install the product. In addition, once you install the product with a certain code page, you cannot change the code page unless you uninstall and reinstall the product. * User Exits TeamConnection Version 2.0 uses a new technology for passing parameters for user exits. Please see the TeamConnection Administrator's Guide for more detailed information. * Default User Exit Profile The userExit file is copied to your family database directory from a file located in the language subdirectory of the nls\cfg directory path in the TeamConnection installation directory, for example, teamc\nls\cfg\enu. The version of the userExit file in this location contains comments that are not copied when the family is created using the TCAdmin GUI. * Migration from Version 1 to Version 2: You must use migration if moving from TeamConnection Version 1 to Version 2 due to internal database changes. You must also have a separate OS/2 machine to run the migration and have the TeamConnection Version 1.7 fixpak installed on the machine you are migrating from before you begin the migration. You cannot install both Version 1.7 AND Version 2.0 on the SAME MACHINE. We STRONGLY recommend that you migrate at a time in your release cycle when the code is stable (after you complete a release, etc). We also recommend that you only migrate the latest version of your files and keep your existing database operational, to be used as an archive to retrieve pre-version files as needed. * Migration for VisualAge DataAtlas Customers If you intend to use TeamConnection with VisualAge DataAtlas, please read the DataAtlas installation instructions first. * Documentation Refer to the Adobe Acrobat Reader versions of the documents for updates to the following items in the published documents for TeamConnection 2.0. Page numbers refer to the printed, bound documents. - The Administrator's Guide chapters to install TeamConnection on AIX (Chapter 3) and on HP-UX (Chapter 4) have been replaced. - Information on migrating to TeamConnection Version 2 has been updated and greatly expanded. - On page 74 of the Administrator's Guide, it states that there are two mail exit routine samples shipped with TeamConnection: mailexit.cmd and mailexit.exe. The mailexit.cmd file is for OS/2 only. To use the mailexit routine on NT, you must update the mailexit.c file. - On pages 170 thru 176 of the Administrator's Guide, the database utilities are described. The name of the utility is eight (8) characters or less in the publication. This is correct for OS/2. However, for Windows and Unix, the utility name may be longer than 8 characters. For example, in the publication, we describe a utility named 'osrestor'. When you run this command in Windows or Unix, you need to use the full name 'osrestore'. The Adobe Acrobat Reader versions of the Administrator's Guide include two new database utilities: oschangedbref and ossize * TeamConnection Authentication Feature Limitations: The only level of authentication available for Windows 3.1 clients is HOST_ONLY. The TeamConnection security (authentication) feature is now documented in the TeamConnection Administrator's Guide softcopy. Trademarks ---------- The following terms are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: AIX ENVY* ENVY/Manager* IBM OS/2 TeamConnection Tivoli Tivoli Software Distribution VisualAge ENVY and ENVY/Manager are registered trademarks of Object Technology International, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM Canada, Ltd. The following terms are trademarks of other companies: Adobe Adobe Systems Incorporated Acrobat Adobe Systems Incorporated HP-UX Hewlett-Packard Company Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Netscape Navigator Netscape Communications Corp. ObjectStore ObjectStore Design, Inc. PowerBuilder Powersoft Corp. VisualBasic Microsoft Visual C++ Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Your Satisfaction ----------------- Your satisfaction with IBM is important to us. If you are not totally satisfied with this product, please contact us through one of the Service and Technical support channels listed above. Tell us what is not meeting your expectations and why you are dissatisfied. Provide your name, your organization's name, and your telephone number so that we can contact you. We will work with you to resolve your concerns. ### end of file ###