* Please visit the IBM CS/NT support page for product Hints/Tips, * APAR downloads, redbooks and other product information at* * http://www-306.ibm.com/software/network/commserver/windows/support/ * * Information about IBM Communications Servers can be found at * * http://www-306.ibm.com/software/network/commserver/ * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * DATE: 05/25/2005 * * APAR: JR21546 * * DESCRIPTION: Cleanup package for IBM Communication Server V6.1.1 for * Windows/NT for migration to IBM Communications Server * V6.1.2 for Windows * * * This package contains the files required for cleanup package to * clean up the IBM Communications Server product and allow the successful * installation of IBM Communications Server V6.1.2 for Windows. * *+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * Package includes the following files: * * JR21546.EXE: Self extracting binary that includes servicestest.exe, * rmcsnt.exe, drivers.dat, Services.dat, system32.dat, IBMCS.dat, * adaptinst.exe, reg.exe,EraseCSBackup.bat, cleanup.bat, CleanupCSEnv.exe, * killpcs_agnt.exe, truninst.exe and README.TXT * * servicestest.exe: To query/delete the IBM Communications Server services * * rmcsnt.exe : To clean up the IBM Communications Server registries * * drivers.dat : Text file constains list of IBM Communications Server drivers * * Services.dat : Text file constains list of IBM Communications Server services * * system32.dat : Text file constains list of IBM Communications Server system files * * IBMCS.dat : Text file constains list of IBM Communications Server files * * adaptinst.exe : To uninstall IBM LLC2 protocol * * reg.exe : For querying and deleting the registry entries of IBM Communications Server * * EraseCSBackup.bat: To remove the IBM Communications Server files after the system reboot * * cleanup.bat : Batch file to do the cleanup * * CleanupCSEnv.exe: For cleaning up the IBM Communications Server Environment variables * * killpcs_agnt.exe: Kills pcs_agnt.exe and rapiserver.exe if these processes are running * * truninst.exe : Uninstall the trace facility and remove the environment variable * *+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * PACKAGE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: * * 1. Download JR21546.EXE in Binary format into a temporary directory. * * 2. Run JR21546.EXE to uncompress the package * * 3. Stop Communications Server for Windows (including your node, * Node Operations, Node Configuration, Log Viewer, and any other * CS/NT components you have started). * * 4. Run Start>Programs>IBM Communications Server>Uninstall Communications Server. * * 5. Reboot. * * 6. Now run Cleanup.bat file, * for EXAMPLE: * C:\TEMP\CLEANUP (No parameters; Environment variables SNAROOT will be used, if available. * If the environment variable SNAROOT is not available then help will be displayed) * * CLEANUP C:\IBMCS > JR21546.TXT 2>&1 (Specify the directories, where IBM Communications Server installed * if the SNAROOT env is not available. * Note the redirecting of output in this example.) * * NOTE: CLEANUP will try to delete CS/Win files. If a file is in use, the respective file will be renamed to * &file.preJR21546, * * While doing the cleanup, you may see "Access Denied" or "Unable to delete service XXX" or "Service XXX not found" * or "File XXX not found" and "Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value". * Please ignore the above messages. * * 7. After running CLEANUP.BAT, please check the Console messages. * Reboot the machine, if you see the following message: * * "Please RESTART the machine, before installing Communication Server" * * 8. You can now, start the installation of IBM Communications Server V6.1.2 * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CONTACT FOR SUPPORT: * * If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER * for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-IBM-SERV * * Ecurep instructions for customers to upload doc: * * See http://itcenter.mainz.de.ibm.com/prod/customer.html for most up to date info. * * FTP to ftp://ftp.emea.ibm.com * You will then be prompted for a UserID (anonymous) and Password (E-mail Address) * cd to /toibm/ * Use ls to check the available directories * Use cd zzzzz to enter one directory -- the OS platform you are using. * For example cd windows. * Binary mode is recommended "bin" * Type put xxxxx.bbb.ccc.yyy.yyy to upload the data. * where xxxxx is the PMR number * bbb is the Branch Office (if known) * ccc is the IBM Country Code (e.g. Germany 724) * yyy.yyy is a short description for the filetype, e.g. tar.Z, restore.Z, terse * * Customers must use the appropriate naming convention for the data to be routed correctly. * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: * * IBM Communications Server V6.1.2 for Windows * * Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. * All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation * related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is * subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract * with IBM Corp. * * * LIMIT OF LIABILITY: * * License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient * holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms * and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the * prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics. * ************************************************************************