IBM Communications Server for Windows
Version 6.1.3 FixPack 1 (JR33675)

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2009
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Material - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Table of Contents
1 About this update
2 National Language Support (NLS)
3 Server update information
4 Client update information
5 Uninstall information
6 Web site and support information
7 Notices and trademarks

1 About this update

Section Table of Contents
1.1 New in this fixpack
1.2 Product fix history
1.3 Files included

IBM Communications Server for Windows provides SNA connectivity for Windows systems, allowing it to connect to IBM z/OS Communications Server and other SNA implementations that support LLC, SDLC, X.25, Channel, and Enterprise Extender connections.

CS/WIN Version 6.1.3 FixPack 1 is an upgrade that includes FixPack 1 updates. Is is not a full install, and requires that V 6.1.3 is installed at GA level. Only fixpacks greater than FixPack 1 should be installed after this installation.

This document contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications. It describes such things as newly-added functions, hints, tips, restrictions, and corrections.

Thank you for choosing Communications Server!

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1.1 New in this fixpack

For details on new functions, see the "New function" subsections of the Server and Client update information sections. In addition, all APAR fixes since GA up to and including FixPack 1 are included.

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1.2 Product fix history

This update provides fixes to the CS/WIN 6.1.3 product (6.1.3 with CSD 1): all fixes up to and including FixPack 1.

Check the web sites listed in section 6 for the latest information about this product.


  1. This fixpack will be a pre-requisite of all future CS/WIN 6.1.3 APARs.
  2. This fixpack should only be applied to CS/WIN 6.1.3 at GA level .Only fixpacks greater than FixPack 1 should be installed after this installation.

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1.3 Files included

This package includes the following files:

JR33675.EXE Self extracting binary that includes all FixPack 1 files: README.HTM, NLSPACK1.EXE, SERVER1.EXE, APIPACK1.EXE
README.HTM Documentation of content, fixes, new functions, and install instructions for all packages.
NLSPACK1.EXE Self extracting executable that contains FixPack 1 language files to be installed on the CS/WIN 6.1.3 Server machine. The English version of this module is installed as part of the server install by default. If CS/WIN 6.1.3 was installed using a non-English language, you must install the appropriate version of this NLS module after the server installation.
SERVER1.EXE Self extracting executable that contains FixPack 1 files to be installed on the CS 6.1.3 Server machine.
APIPACK1.EXE Self extracting executable that contains FixPack 1 files to be installed on CS 6.1.3 API Client machine.

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2 National Language Support (NLS)

Section Table of Contents
2.1 Files included
2.2 Install instructions

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2.1 Files included - NLS

NLSPACK1.EXE: Includes the NLS package update for all CS/WIN 613 languages. While uncompressed will create sub-directories for each of the supported languages listed below.

CHS : Simplified Chinese
CHT : Traditional Chinese
DEU : German
ESP : Spanish
FRA : French
ITA : Italian
JPN : Japanese
KOR : Korean
PTB : Brazilian Portuguese

pccfgXXX.dll: FIXPACK1 update for Configuration Gui.

Note: where xxx will reflect the cs/win supported language.
PCSNOPS.EXE: FIXPACK1 update for Node Ops.
PCSTRCRES.DLL: FIXPACK1 update to Trace update.
NLS_INSTFIX.BAT: Batch file to install NLSPACK1 package updates.

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2.2 Install instructions - NLS

The NLS update can be integrated into and installed as part of the server update or can be installed separately after the server update by running nls_instfix.bat.

2.2.1 Integrated with server update
2.2.2 Separate, after server update

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2.2.1 Integrated with server update

Instructions to update the server package with the NLS updates:

  1. Replace the pcsnops.exe and pcstrcres.dll in the server update package with those included from the appropriate sub-directory of this package.
  2. Copy the file PCCFGXXX.DLL from the NLS package directory to the server package directory. Note, this file will not exist in the server package because it is unique for each language.
  3. Update the server INSTFIX.BAT file with an appropriate rename and copy statement for the PCCCFGXXX.DLL module. (where XXX reflects the language). See existing rename and copy statements in INSTFIX.BAT for format.

Perform the installation of the server package update. See section 3 for instructions.

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2.2.2 Separate, after server update

Install instructions:

  1. Install the server updates first, following the instructions in section 3.
  2. Stop the CS/WIN node and all applications that use CS/WIN.
  3. Copy NLSPACK1.EXE to a temporary directory.
  4. Uncompress and extract the files from the package using the command:


    The package will expand and create a sub-directory for the NLS updates for each supported CS/WIN language.

  5. Choose the appropriate NLS update based on the CS/WIN language that is installed, and go to that sub-directory.
  6. Review the comments in the NLS_INSTFIX.BAT file for specific usage instructions. For example:
    • NLS_INSTFIX (no parameters; environment variables will be used)
    • NLS_INSTFIX > nlsfp1.txt 2>&1 (silent install)
    • NLS_INSTFIX "C:\Program Files\IBM\Communications Server" (specify the directory)
    • NLS_INSTFIX "C:\Program Files\IBM\Communications Server" > nlsfp1.txt 2>&1 (silent install, specify directory)
  7. Reboot and start the CS/WIN node.

NOTE: NLS_INSTFIX.BAT checks if a PCOMM version less than 5.7 CSD3 is installed and if true, does not update the Trace Facility. CS/WIN 6.1.3 would use the Trace Facility installed by PCOMM. If you have installed PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 or PCOMM 5.8 on CS/WIN 6.1.3, PCOMM will not install its Trace Facility. In this case, NLS_INSTFIX will update the CS/WIN 6.1.3 Trace Facility.

If versions of PCOMM prior to 5.7 CSD3 are installed, you will not have any of the CS/WIN 6.1.3 Trace Facility updates or enhancements.

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3 Server update information
Section Table of Contents
3.1 APARs included
3.2 Files updated
3.3 New function
3.4 Install instructions

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3.1 APARs included

APARS included from FixPack 1

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3.2 Files updated - server

The server update of this fixpack will replace existing files with those in these lists.

Directory of "C:\Program Files\IBM\Communications Server" (Communications Server installation directory)

08/24/2009  07:08 PM            45,056 adminapi.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            32,768 adminpre.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           385,024 adminserver.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            69,632 adminstrings.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            77,824 adRAPIClient.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            40,960 adRAPIStubs.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            53,248 adRapiUtil.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            73,728 aftp.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           151,552 aftpapi.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            28,672 aftpd.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           147,456 aftpserv.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           102,400 anameapi.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            36,864 anutil.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 anyloadr.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 anytrace.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 anytrc.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 anytrfmt.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            32,768 anyws2in.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            36,864 anyws32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 anywsipc.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           434,176 apitrc32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           167,936 app.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            40,960 cscm.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            53,248 csformat.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           192,512 csnia.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           139,264 CSNTPD.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            45,056 cstlm.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            57,344 fmtcapi.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 getsense.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            73,728 ibmsa.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            98,304 ibmslp.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 ipc.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           118,784 ippmm.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            45,056 ldlc.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            32,768 MILLUTIL.DLL
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           163,840 mptncmm.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           155,648 msgbrwsr.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            28,672 MSGIO.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            94,208 NODEINIT.DLL
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           286,720 pccfgenu.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            94,208 Pcscapi.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            32,768 pcscca.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM         1,298,432 pcscfg.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           151,552 pcsmfcx.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           442,368 pcsnops.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 PCS_AGNT.EXE
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            45,056 rasbut.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           684,145 snaformat.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           114,688 snapmm.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           122,880 snasm.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           102,400 snmpxa.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            73,728 SPELLING.DLL
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            24,576 sxmap.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            36,864 tn3270d.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           233,472 tn3270wn.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            20,480 vacgcon.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            81,920 vacgverf.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           110,592 vacgwin.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            65,536 wappc32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           135,168 wcpic32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            49,152 winaping.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            65,536 wincsv32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            32,768 winms32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            36,864 winnof32.dll
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            36,864 winrui32.dll

Directory of %systemroot%\system32

08/24/2009  07:08 PM            36,864 nstrc.dll

Directory of %systemroot%\system32\drivers

08/24/2009  07:08 PM            38,512 anydlc.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM         1,620,799 appn.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           125,090 appnapi.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           400,227 appnbase.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            32,768 appnnode.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            49,152 csrcmds.exe
08/24/2009  07:12 PM            28,672 ldlcserv.exe
08/24/2009  07:12 PM            40,960 ldlcserv6.exe
08/24/2009  07:08 PM           103,263 llc2.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            65,024 pdlndldl.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            72,704 pdlndldl6.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            67,584 pdlndsdl.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            40,608 qeldrvr.sys
08/24/2009  07:08 PM            53,248 rapiserver.exe

Directory of "INSTALLATION DIR"\Trace Facility where "INSTALLATION DIR" is the installation folder of CS/WIN.

08/24/2009  07:08 PM           122,880 trcgui.exe

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3.3 New function - server

New function added in FixPack 1
Transaction Program Synchronization enhancement
1. Previous version of Communication Server for Windows supports only three (Any, None & Confirm ) synchronization level. Added two more synchronization (SYNCPT Negotiable and SYNCPT Required ) to the transaction program definition. # SYNCPT Negotiable The transaction program supports a synchronization level of None, Confirm, or Sync-point. # SYNCPT Required The transaction program supports a synchronization level of Sync-point. The required synchronization level can be selected, when defining the Transaction Program from the basic panel of Node configuration application.

Snaformat enhance to format the Control Vector (X'82')
1. The snaformat tools is been updated to format the CV'82' Subarea characteristics subfields, the formated trace will be presented in the .det file.

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3.4 Install instructions - server

Installing the fixpack on the system:
  1. Download JR33675.EXE in Binary format into a temporary directory.

  2. Run JR33675.EXE to uncompress the package which will include SERVER1.EXE, NLSPACK1.exe, README.HTM and APIPACK1.EXE.

    To expand SERVER package run SERVER1.EXE which will generate a Server sub-dir including all server package files. There will also be registrychange.exe, servicestest.exe, killpcs_agnt.exe and instfix.bat in current directory but only required for the package installation.

    1. If you have SNA API Client Services (Split-stack API Client/Server), copy APIPACK1.EXE in the client workstation and see section 4 for install instructions.
    2. NLSPACK1.exe contains non-English language updates. Customers running non-English versions of CS/WIN need to also install NLSPACK package. English package is installed by default as part of INSTFIX.BAT and does not require separate installation of NLSPACK1.exe. See section 2 for install instructions.

  3. New function updates have been included with this fixpack package. See section 3.3 for more details on the new updates.
    1. There is a problem with CS/WIN 6.1.3 GA installation where the Trace Facility does not get installed correctly when CS/WIN 6.1.3 is installed on a drive other than the boot drive. This should be corrected prior to installing the server fixpack.

      The Trace Facility is installed on the user-designated drive, but the registry is incorrectly updated to reflect the BOOT drive for the new trace service CSTRCSER.EXE. To correct this, modify the registry to reflect the correct drive for the service CSTRCSER.EXE.

      Use regedit to update value for the IMAGEPATH key under \HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\CSTRCSER\ to the correct CSTRCSER.EXE path location.

    2. INSTFIX.BAT checks if a PCOMM version less than 5.7 CSD3 is installed and if true, does not update the Trace Facility. CS/WIN 6.1.3 would use the Trace Facility installed by PCOMM. If you have installed PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 or PCOMM 5.8 on CS/WIN 6.1.3, PCOMM will not install its Trace Facility. In this case, INSTFIX will update the CS/WIN 6.1.3 Trace Facility.

      If versions of PCOMM prior to 5.7 CSD3 are installed, you will not have any of the CS/WIN 6.1.3 Trace Facility updates or enhancements.

      There is a problem with some versions of PCOMM prior to 5.7 CSD3 where using ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS to remove PCOMM removes the Service APPNNODE from the REGISTRY. CS will NOT run successfully without this registry entry. While this problem has been resolved in later PCOMM versions you can do the following to address the problem.

      The recommended procedure in this situation is as follows:

      1. Remove PCOMM using ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS
      2. Remove CS/WIN 613
      3. Re-install CS/WIN 613
      4. Install PCOMM 5.8 (or PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 or later)
      5. Apply CS/WIN 613 Fixpack1 maintenance upgrade

  4. Stop Communications Server for Windows (including your node, Node Operations, Node Configuration, Log Viewer, and any other CS/WIN components you have started). Note that there may still be CS/WIN-related services running on the machine after stopping these applications, but this is normal and should not affect the installation of this fix pack package.
    1. Stop ALL Window applications on this box since a reboot will be required after running INSTFIX.BAT maintenance installation.
    2. Refer the INSTFIX.BAT for details on various installation options.

    INSTFIX.BAT can be run with the following options to preserve output to a log file, such as for silent install including errors in the log.


    NOTE 1: INSTFIX.BAT issues
    "NET STOP APPNNODE" to stop APPNNODE Services.
    "NET STOP LDLCSERV" to stop LDLCSERV Services.
    "CSTRACE STOP" and "CSTRACE SHUTDOWN" to stop CSTRCSER trace Service.

    NOTE 2: INSTFIX will rename the current or target files being replaced to &file.pre6131, then copy the updated files.

    If for some reason you rerun INSTFIX.BAT, you will receive errors during each rename because the &file.pre6131 file will already exist.The original copy of the file will be preserved in &file.pre6131 and available as a backup for restore purposes.

    If for some reason you need to restore or backout this fixpack, you would have to manually rename the updated file names and restore the original files.

    NOTE 3: INSTFIX.BAT issues VER to determine 2000 version.

    For Windows 2000 user, INSTFIX.BAT will copy
    LLC2W2K.sys as LLC2.SYS

    NOTE 4: After all the files are copied, INSTFIX.BAT automatically issues
    "SERVICESTEST -c LDLCSERV" command to initialize LDLCSERV service.
    "NET START LDLCSERV" to start LDLCSERV service.

    NOTE 5: The default value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Communications Server\CurrentVersion\VersionNumber will be changed to 6131.

  5. After running INSTFIX.BAT, confirm ALL component parts listed in section 3.2 reflect new dates. If they do NOT, then you must manually copy them after you REBOOT but prior to starting any IBMCS Services. ALL files must reflect updated dates or IBMCS will not function properly.

  6. If you want restricting the user (NON-Administrator) from controlling SNA resources like Stoping/Starting the node/link etc., you have to run the batch file below and follow the step (B) mentioned below.

    1. Run the batch "AccessControlSettings.bat"
    2. If you are running Windows XP or 2003 and above do the following: (For Windows NT and 2000, skip this step.)
      1. Run regedit to start the registry editor (start->run then type regedit).
      2. Navigate to HKLM\Software\IBM\Communications Server
      3. Right-click on Communications Server and select Permissions.
      4. Click the "Add" button.
      5. Click the "Advanced" button.
      6. Click the "Find Now" button.
      7. Select "IBMCSADMIN" from the resulting list and click the "OK" button.
      8. Click the "OK" button.
      9. Select "IBMCSADMIN" from the list.
      10. Check the appropriate box to allow "Full Control".
      11. Click the "OK" button.
      12. Navigate to HKLM\Software\IBM\OEM_CONFIG and repeat the steps from "C" to "K".
      13. Exit the registry editor.

  7. Shutdown and Restart WINDOWS to reboot the machine.

  8. You can now start IBMCS Node Operations and configure the new available functions.

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4 Client update information
Section Table of Contents
4.1 APARs included
4.2 New function
4.3 Install instructions
4.4 Files updated

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4.1 APARs included

New APARs included in FixPack 1 since CSNT613 GA

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4.2 New function - client

New function added in FixPack 1
APPC Cancel Conversation support
1. The CANCEL_CONVERSATION verb is a control verb that will cancel a connection between a local LU and partner LU using a specific transaction program (tp_id) and a conversation (conv_id). The definition of the VCB structure for the CANCEL_CONVERSATION verb is as follows:
    typedef struct cancel_conversation
    unsigned short opcode;     /* verb operation code     */
    unsigned char opext;       /* verb extension code     */
    unsigned char format;      /* format                  */
    unsigned short primary_rc; /* primary return code     */
    unsigned long secondary_rc;/* secondary return code   */
    unsigned char tp_id[8];    /* TP identifier           */
    unsigned long conv_id;     /* conversation identifier */
Please refer the Client/Server programming guide for usage of this verb.
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4.3 Install instructions - client

Installing the fix on the system:
  1. Be SURE you have downloaded the 6.1.3 FixPack 1 APAR package in BINARY format. APAR JR33675 documents and includes the server and client package. It includes both readme and new function text files for both server and client packages.
  2. Create a temporary directory, copy the 6.1.3 APIPACK1.EXE into the temporary directory, and run the file to uncompress it.
  3. Stop ALL running SNA API client applications on this machine. Check the Task Manager and stop any running API CLIENT exe's such as ATTMSG.EXE and LU62MGR.EXE.
  4. CLINSTFIX.BAT is an installation batch file similar to INSTFIX.BAT for the server. CLINSTFIX.BAT will backup the files to a folder called CSNTAPI-Pre613fixpack1, then install/copy the updated the DLL's and EXE's to the supplied installation folder. View the comments included in CLINSTFIX.BAT usage instructions.

    Some examples follow:

    • CLINSTFIX c:\CSNTAPI BACKUP (backs up the directory)
    • CLINSTFIX c:\CSNTAPI NOBACKUP (does not backup the directory)
    • CLINSTFIX c:\CSNTAPI (default is NOBACKUP)
    • CLINSTFIX c:\CSNTAPI BACKUP > CLINSTFIX.LOG 2>&1 (log to file)
  5. After running CLINSTFIX, shutdown and restart the machine to complete the installation.

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4.4 Files updated - client

The client update of this fixpack will replace existing files with those in these lists.

Directory of "C:\Program Files\IBM\CS SNA API Client" (SNA API Client installation directory)

08/24/2009  06:56 PM            45,056 AMISC.DLL
08/24/2009  06:56 PM            49,152 ASPRT.DLL
08/24/2009  06:56 PM           126,976 CCM.DLL
08/24/2009  06:56 PM            77,824 CCS.DLL
08/24/2009  06:56 PM           131,072 CSCCFG.EXE
08/24/2009  06:57 PM            98,304 ibmslp.dll
08/24/2009  06:57 PM            61,440 MGRLVL.DLL
08/24/2009  06:57 PM            36,864 nstrc.dll
08/24/2009  06:57 PM            40,960 RESETAPI.EXE
08/24/2009  06:58 PM            32,768 SETCO.EXE
08/24/2009  06:58 PM           102,400 SSET.DLL
08/24/2009  06:58 PM            57,344 TESTLU62.EXE
08/24/2009  06:58 PM            65,536 TRACEDG.EXE
08/24/2009  06:59 PM            32,768 TRNSDT.DLL
08/24/2009  06:59 PM            32,768 WAPPC32.DLL

Directory of "C:\Program Files\IBM\CS SNA API Client\Private"

08/24/2009  06:55 PM             5,890 aftp.ini
08/24/2009  06:55 PM                78 CSNTAPI.INI

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5 Uninstall information
Uninstallation of a fixpack is not supported. To revert to a previous level, uninstall the product completely, then install the GA level, then install the desired fixpack level.

Uninstallation instructions are in the Quick Beginnings book at

To ensure a complete uninstallation of the product, download the cleanup package (JR33675) from

If Personal Communications is installed on the same machine as Communications Server, you must uninstall Personal Communications before uninstalling Communications Server.

All applications using Communications Server should be terminated before you attempt to uninstall the product. Attempting to uninstall Communications Server while an application (such as APING or Personal Communications) is running will cause the uninstall to hang until the application is terminated.

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6 Web site and support information

Product information
For the latest information about the IBM Communications Server family of products, visit the Communications Server Web site at This Web site provides information and links to headline information, specification sheets, frequently asked questions, education, and much more.

Product support
For the latest support information, visit the Communications Server Support Web site at This Web site provides information and links to code fixes, tips, newsgroups, maintenance, and much more.

Technical notes
Search the hints and tips in the IBM Support database at

Technical support
For technical assistance or questions, call the IBM support center for your country. For example, in the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV.

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7 Notices and trademarks

AnyNet, IBM, iSeries, OS/400, S/390, WebSphere, z/OS, and zSeries are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Tivoli, Tivoli Ready, Tivoli Management Environment, and TME are trademarks of Tivoli Systems Incorporated in the United States, other countries, or both.

Lotus and Domino are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java, the Java logo, and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

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