Please visit the IBM CS/WIN support page for product Hints/Tips, APAR downloads, redbooks and other product information at Information about IBM Communications Servers can be found at +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * DATE: October 15, 2004 * * * * DESCRIPTION: Trace Gui main menu is blank for languages other than * * CS/WIN 612 English. * * * * Users Affected: Customers running CS Version 6.1.2 for languages * * other than English are required to install this * * package. * * * * APAR: JR20491 * * * * PRE-REQUISITES : IBM Communications Server Version 6.1.2 for * * Windows NT and 2000 * * * * This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This * * package can be distributed to any one who has a license for * * this product. * * * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ NOTE: If you are running CS/WIN 6.1.2 English Version, this APAR is not necessary, because this problem does not affect the English version of the product. If you are running one of the other language supported versions of CS/WIN 6.1.2, then you need to install this update. Files included in this Package: JR20491.EXE: README.TXT : Text file describing package. PCTRCRES.DLL : A separate file has been supplied for each language and is located under the appropriate language directory. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Stop the Trace Facility if it is active. Stop traces and close the Trace Facility. 2. Copy and uncompress JR20491.EXE into a temporary directory by running "JR20491.EXE /d" which will generate a directory for each supported language. NOTE: The /d parameter MUST be specfied to expand all language directories and files. 3. Rename the original file, and based on CS 6.1.2 language version copy the appropriate new file to the trace directory. For example: CD \Program Files\IBM\Trace Facility\(LANG) REN pctrcres.dll preJR20491.pctrcres.dll copy \TEMP\(LANG)\pctrcres.dll . 4. Start the Trace Facility and verify that the Main Menu is available. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For technical assistance or questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1800-IBM-SERV IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: IBM Communications Server V6.1.2 for Windows NT and 2000 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.