IBM Communications Server for Windows
Version 6.1.2 FixPack 5 (JR29522)

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2008
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Material - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Table of Contents

1 About this update

2 National Language Support (NLS)

3 Server update information

4 Client update information

5 Uninstall information

6 Web site and support information

7 Notices and trademarks

1 About this update

Section Table of Contents
1.1 New in this fixpack
1.2 Product fix history
1.3 Files included

IBM Communications Server for Windows provides SNA connectivity for Windows systems, allowing it to connect to IBM z/OS Communications Server and other SNA implementations that support LLC, SDLC, X.25, Channel, and Enterprise Extender connections.

CS/Windows Version 6.1.2 FixPack 5 is an upgrade that includes previous FixPack updates. It is not a full install, and requires that V6.1.2 is installed at GA level or with FixPack 1, FixPack 2 or FixPack 3 (refresh level) or Fixpack4 installed. Only fixpacks greater than FixPack 5 should be installed after this installation.

The refresh of CS/Windows provides a complete install package with FixPack 3 integrated. This is not that package. For more information, see the CS/Windows support document "Communications Server for Windows, Version 6.1.2 -- Latest Fix Pack"

This document contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications. It describes such things as newly-added functions, hints, tips, restrictions, and corrections.

Thank you for choosing Communications Server!

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1.1 New in this fixpack

For details on other new functions, see the "New function" subsections of the Server and Client update information sections. In addition, all APAR fixes since GA up to and including FixPack 5 are included.

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1.2 Product fix history

This update provides fixes to the CS/Windows 6.1.2 product and includes all fixes up to and including FixPack 5.

Check the web sites listed in section 6 for the latest information about this product.


1.      This fixpack will be a pre-requisite of all future CS/Windows 6.1.2 APARs.

2.      This fixpack should only be applied to CS/Windows 6.1.2 at GA level or with FixPack 1, FixPack 2 or FixPack 3 or FixPack 4. Only fixpacks greater than FixPack 5 should be installed after this installation.

3.      The CS/Windows product refresh released in 4th quarter 2005 replaces the 6.1.2 GA product on new install media. The CS/Windows refresh includes FixPack 3 and is equivalent to installing CS/Windows 6.1.2 GA and then applying FixPack 4.

4.      This fixpack applies only to CS/Windows 6.1.2. It must not be applied to CS/Windows 6.1.3.

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1.3 Files included

This package includes the following files:


Self extracting binary that includes all FixPack 5 files: READMEFP5.HTM, NLSPACK5.EXE, SERVER5.EXE, APIPACK3.EXE


Documentation of content, fixes, new functions, and install instructions for all packages.


Self extracting executable that contains FixPack 5 language files to be installed on the CS/Windows 6.1.2 Server machine. The English version of this module is installed as part of the server install by default. If CS/Windows 6.1.2 was installed using a non-English language, you must install the appropriate version of this NLS module after the server installation.


Self extracting executable that contains FixPack 5 files to be installed on the CS/Windows 6.1.2 Server machine.


Self extracting executable that contains FixPack 3 files to be installed on CS 6.1.2 API Client machine.

NOTE: There is no change in the client after Fixpack3 release. If you are already at Fixpack 3 or the CS/Windows refresh level of the client then no update is required.

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2 National Language Support (NLS)

Section Table of Contents
2.1 Files included
2.2 Install instructions

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2.1 Files included - NLS

NLSPACK5.EXE: Includes the NLS package update for all CS/Windows 612 languages. While uncompressed will create sub-directories for each of the supported languages listed below.

CHS : Simplified Chinese

CHT : Traditional Chinese

DEU : German

ESP : Spanish

FRA : French

ITA : Italian

JPN : Japanese

KOR : Korean

PTB : Brazilian Portuguese


Note: where xxx will reflect the CS/Windows supported language.

PCSNOPS.EXE: FIXPACK5 update for Node Ops.

PCSTRCRES.DLL: FIXPACK5 update to Trace facility.

CSTRCMRI.DLL: FIXPACK5 update to command line trace.

NTCMPxxx.BAT: FIXPACK5 update to infobundler.

PCCFGxxx.dll: FIXPACK5 update for Configuration Gui.

NLS_INSTFIX.BAT: Batch file to install NLSPACK5 package updates.

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2.2 Install instructions - NLS

The NLS update can be integrated into and installed as part of the server update or can be installed separately after the server update by running nls_instfix.bat.

2.2.1 Integrated with server update
2.2.2 Separate, after server update

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2.2.1 Integrated with server update

Instructions to update the server package with the NLS updates:

1.      Replace the pcsnops.exe and pcstrcres.dll in the server update package with those included from the appropriate sub-directory of this package.  **See section 2.1 for more files.**

2.      Copy the file PCCFG.XXX.DLL from the NLS package directory to the server package directory. Note, this file will not exist in the server package because it is unique for each language.

3.      Update the server INSTFIX.BAT file with an appropriate rename and copy statement for the PCCCFGXXX.DLL module. (where XXX reflects the language). See existing rename and copy statements in INSTFIX.BAT for format.

Perform the installation of the server package update. See section 3 for instructions.

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2.2.2 Separate, after server update

Install instructions:

1.      Install the server updates first, following the instructions in section 3.

2.      Stop the CS/Windows node and all applications that use CS/Windows.

3.      Copy NLSPACK5.EXE to a temporary directory.

4.      Uncompress and extract the files from the package using the command:


The package will expand and create a sub-directory for the NLS updates for each supported CS/Windows language.

5.      Choose the appropriate NLS update based on the CS/Windows language that is installed, and go to that sub-directory.

6.      Review the comments in the NLS_INSTFIX.BAT file for specific usage instructions. For example:

o    NLS_INSTFIX (no parameters; environment variables will be used)

o    NLS_INSTFIX > nlsfp5.txt 2>&1 (silent install)

o    NLS_INSTFIX c:\ibmcs (specify the directory)

o    NLS_INSTFIX c:\ibmcs > nlsfp5.txt 2>&1 (silent install, specify directory)

7.      Reboot and start the CS/Windows node.

NOTE: NLS_INSTFIX.BAT checks if a PCOMM version less than 5.7 CSD3 is installed and if true, does not update the Trace Facility. CS/Windows 6.1.2 would use the Trace Facility installed by PCOMM. If you have installed PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 (or later), PCOMM 5.8 or PCOMM 5.9 on CS/Windows 6.1.2, PCOMM will not install its Trace Facility. In this case, NLS_INSTFIX will update the CS/Windows 6.1.2 Trace Facility.

If versions of PCOMM prior to 5.7 CSD3 are installed, you will not have any of the CS/Windows 6.1.2 Trace Facility updates or enhancements.

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3 Server update information

Section Table of Contents
3.1 APARs included
3.2 Files updated
3.3 New function
3.4 Install instructions

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3.1 APARs included

New APARs included in FixPack 5 since FixPack 4

















New APARs included in FixPack 4 since FixPack 3 (or csnt6.1.2.3 refresh install)

JR23011 TRAP in TN3270WN.EXE when using EXPLICIT LUs instead of a POOL


JR23168 Services set to MANUAL fail to start at boot when running csstart -a.


JR23367 Windows Performance Monitor not show CS/Windows OBJECTS after CS installation

JR23522 CRASH in LLC2 when cycling NODE or rebooting.

JR23674 TRAP IN TNSERVER module TN3270wn.exe processing RUI_TERM.


JR24119 CRASH IN APPNBASE during boot up time.


JR24759 INFO BUNDLER fails to create CSPDDATA.EXE after installing fixpack3.

JR24771 IBM SNA CLIENT Services fails to start after installing Fixpack3.


JR25010 BLUESCREEN IN APPNAPI while processing the RUI verb after RUI_TERM response being processed.






JR25156 TN3270 server trap causing cycle of the node to recover.


APARs included in FixPack 3 since FixPack 2


JR21008CRASH IN APPN.SYS HANDLING EEDLC link deactivation.


JR21104 NF to Information Bundler to run Silent/Quiet.


JR21180 Disable Active Directory for TNSERVER.

JR21204 VTAM ABEND0A9 RCFF13 ISTRPCRS due to CS/Windows HPR.


JR21250 Add CONNECTION KEEP ALIVE for implicit EEDLC links.


JR21261 CRASH IN TN3270WN.EXE during cleanup up.


JR21316 EEDLC SOURCE PORTS now use 12000-120004.

JR21437 BLUESCREEN using IBM4758 Hardware Encryption card.

JR21518 TNserver LU HANG processing SHUTD/SHUTC.

JR21543 APAR TO DOCUMENT CS/Windows 6.1.1 Fixpack4.

JR21544 AFTER APPLYING JR20053 TN3270 CLIENT can't reconnect.

JR21546 A PACKAGE TO HELP CLEANUP CS/Windows files from bad install.

JR21604 RMCSNT does not remove new 612 device drivers.

JR21848 LUA API changed to handle bind differently.


JR21942 Link fails to activate after host IPL.


JR22419 NODE CONFIG displays wrong adapter/sap.

APARS included from FixPack 2

JR20370 Support added for SSE BITS in APPN locates.

JR20377 BLUESCREEN in EEDLC reporting link failure.

JR20407 CS/Windows 6.1.2 FIXPACK1.

JR20453 BLUESCREEN in EEDLC in link recovery.

JR20454 Hang in Node Configuration Utility.

JR20352 TRACE format incorrect.

JR20241 Access violation in client CCS.DLL.

JR20491 Trace GUI main menus blank in CS/Windows NLS versions.

JR20436 CPIC appl. hangs running dependent LU62.

JR20487 BLUESCREEN in APPN.SYS processing locates.

JR20566 HPR Performance Enhancements.

JR20830 Trap when selecting SNA counters in MS Perfmon utility.

JR21726 Sense code 20010000/20110000 when segmenting data running PU concentrator or TN3270E Gateway

JR21848 RUI (LUA API) changes in processing incoming BIND

APARS included from FixPack 1

JR19449 Resolves 4 problems on the APICLIENT.

JR19492 Cumulative Service APAR for CS/6.1.2.


JR19595 TRAP in WINSLI32.DLL using SLI API on server

JR19828 TN3270 SERVER connection error TNS0010E.



JR20053 TN3270 Server HANG after network outage.

JR19694 CSTRACE AUTO fails if CS installed on other than C:drive.

JR19779 NODEOPS allows starting of node when already running.

JR19784 SLI_BID gets posted with incorrect data length (0).

JR19787 TN3270 SERVER LU HUNG and fails to reconnect.

JR19788 APICLIENT problem with SLI-BIND or SLI-STSN extensions.

JR19912 SNA HANG when CPs up on link other than pref. NN Srv. lnk.

JR19921 SNA LINKs fail to retry to recover link.

JR20032 SNA CP-CP sessions fail to switch to prefered NNS.

JR20159 EEDLC LIVENESS TIMER default changed to ENABLED.

JR20275 Updates to STOP NODE AND LOCATE processing.

JR20329 TN3270 SERVER sessions fail to reconnect to same LU.

JR19572 APICLIENT HANGs running PCOM 3270 LUA using cut/paste.

JR20147 Update CSTRACE to add WRITE-T0-DISK and msgid option.

JR20175 Severe Performance problems running HPR over EEDLC.

JR20436 CPIC app.HANG running dependent LU62 sessions.

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3.2 Files updated - server

The server update of this fixpack will replace existing files with those in this lists.

The server update of this fixpack will replace existing files with those in this lists.

Directory of C:\IBMCS or %SNAROOT% (Communications Server installation directory)

06/18/2008  12:32 AM            32,768 adaptinst.exe
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            45,056 adminapi.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            32,768 adminpre.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM           401,408 adminserver.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            69,632 adminstrings.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            77,824 adRAPIClient.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            40,960 adRAPIStubs.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            53,248 adRapiUtil.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            69,632 aftp.exe
06/18/2008  12:35 AM           151,552 aftpapi.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM           147,456 aftpserv.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM           102,400 anameapi.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM            32,768 anutil.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            20,480 anybsd.dll
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            24,576 ANYINIT.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            20,480 anyloadr.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM           110,641 anymsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            20,480 anyqryss.dll
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            20,480 anytrace.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            32,768 anytrc.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            20,480 anytrfmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            28,672 anyws2in.dll
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            32,768 anyws32.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            20,480 anywsipc.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM           434,176 apitrc32.dll
06/18/2008  12:36 AM            32,768 cpicmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            20,480 cs_waitnt.exe
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            36,864 cscm.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            32,768 csdisplay.exe
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            32,768 csevtmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            49,152 csformat.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            32,768 cslba.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            20,480 cslic.exe
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            32,768 csmls.dll
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            45,056 csmmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:44 AM           188,416 csnia.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            24,576 csnlg.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM           139,264 CSNTPD.exe
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            28,672 csqel.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            20,480 csquery.exe
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            73,728 cssec.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            40,960 cssma.dll
06/18/2008  12:44 AM            24,576 csstart.exe
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            24,576 csstop.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            40,960 cstlm.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            20,480 csutlc.dll
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            24,576 csutls.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            24,576 csxlib.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            20,480 defsecur.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            32,768 discovrd.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM           118,784 dlctrc32.dll
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            32,768 emutocfg.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            57,344 fmtcapi.dll
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            24,576 fmtmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            49,152 FMTNODE.DLL
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            24,576 FMTNOPS.dll
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            24,576 getsense.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            57,344 hotstby.dll
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            69,632 ibmsa.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            98,304 ibmslp.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            20,480 ipc.dll
06/18/2008  12:44 AM           114,688 ippmm.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            40,960 ldlc.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            24,576 ldlcenu.dll
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            24,576 limgmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            69,632 limgmtd.dll
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            32,768 lspmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            32,768 MILLUTIL.DLL
06/18/2008  12:29 AM           159,744 mptncmm.dll
06/18/2008  12:42 AM           155,648 msgbrwsr.exe
06/18/2008  12:36 AM            28,672 MSGIO.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            28,672 Msgmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:36 AM            16,384 NI_MSG.DLL
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            98,304 NODEINIT.DLL
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            28,672 nopsmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:34 AM             9,663 ntcmpd.bat
06/18/2008  12:39 AM           494,592 ocdconvt.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM            79,328 ocdnts50.dat
06/18/2008  12:29 AM           286,720 pccfgenu.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            73,728 pclvwenu.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            36,864 pcmfcenu.dll
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            24,576 PCS_AGNT.EXE
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            16,384 PCS_STAB.DLL
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            94,208 Pcscapi.dll
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            32,768 pcscca.exe
06/18/2008  12:44 AM         1,519,616 pcscfg.exe
06/18/2008  12:41 AM           151,552 pcsmfcx.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM           434,176 pcsnops.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            36,864 pdlcsmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM             8,803 PDLCSMSG.HLP
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            32,768 pdlnafmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            32,768 pdlncfgf.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM            69,632 pdlncfmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            10,752 pdlndfmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:33 AM            24,576 pdlneadu.dll
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            32,768 pdlneptf.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            45,056 pdlnmfmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM            28,672 pdlnshaf.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            24,576 pdlnslef.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            24,576 pdlnsv2f.dll
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            28,672 pdlnsx2f.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            11,264 pdlwofmt.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            45,056 rasbut.exe
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            20,480 rcmdfmtr.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            40,960 rcmdsa.exe
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            24,576 rmcsnt.exe
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            53,248 Servcsnt.exe
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            32,768 slimsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            24,576 slpapi.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM            20,480 slpform.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM           684,110 snaformat.exe
06/18/2008  12:40 AM           110,592 snapmm.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM           118,784 snasm.dll
06/18/2008  12:30 AM           270,336 socketsm.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            73,728 SPELLING.DLL
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            20,480 sxmap.exe
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            32,768 tn3270d.dll
06/18/2008  12:39 AM           229,376 tn3270wn.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            20,480 tn32bind.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            53,248 tn5250d.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM           172,032 tn5250wn.exe
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            49,152 tniptkt.dll
06/18/2008  12:43 AM           110,642 tnsmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            20,480 tpstart.exe
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            32,768 TRNSDT.DLL
06/18/2008  12:37 AM           147,456 uninst.dll
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            20,480 vacgcon.exe
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            61,440 vacgfenu.dll
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            81,920 vacgverf.dll
06/18/2008  12:39 AM           110,592 vacgwin.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            49,152 winaping.exe

Directory of %systemroot%\system32

06/18/2008  12:43 AM            24,576 appcmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:33 AM            20,480 cmnapi32.dll
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            20,480 cs_plusutil.exe
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            40,960 cslicmon.exe
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            20,480 csloadfx.dll
06/18/2008  12:33 AM            20,480 csloadmon.exe
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            20,480 cssessmon.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            20,480 csstatmon.exe
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            20,480 cstdumon.exe
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            28,672 csvmsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            24,576 fmt_util.dll
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            20,480 ibmcsprf.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            40,960 Message.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            36,864 nstrc.dll
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            36,864 pcs_perf.dll
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            24,576 pcsw32x.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            24,576 ruimsg.dll
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            65,536 wappc32.dll
06/18/2008  12:40 AM           135,168 wcpic32.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            24,576 winAPPC.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            24,576 wincpic.dll
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            24,576 winCSV.dll
06/18/2008  12:38 AM            65,536 wincsv32.dll
06/18/2008  12:44 AM            32,768 winms32.dll
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            36,864 winnof32.dll
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            24,576 winrui.dll
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            36,864 winrui32.dll
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            24,576 winsli.dll
06/18/2008  12:36 AM            77,824 winsli32.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            28,672 wpdapi32.dll

Directory of %systemroot%\system32\drivers

06/18/2008  12:28 AM            37,244 anydlc.sys
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            11,400 anysosdd.sys
06/18/2008  12:36 AM           342,932 anysosgw.sys
06/18/2008  12:35 AM         1,607,836 appn.sys
06/18/2008  12:29 AM           124,607 appnapi.sys
06/18/2008  12:43 AM           400,352 appnbase.sys
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            32,768 appnnode.exe
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            20,480 csit.exe
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            45,056 csrcmds.exe
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            36,864 cstrcser.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            20,480 ibmcs.exe
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            16,384 ibmsa.exe
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            28,672 ldlcserv.exe
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            40,960 ldlcserv6.exe
06/18/2008  12:44 AM           102,716 llc2.sys
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            77,536 pdlnacom.sys
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            15,856 pdlnadci.sys
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            39,920 pdlnafac.sys
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            92,464 pdlnampa.sys
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            41,888 pdlnampc.sys
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            39,472 pdlnaoem.sys
06/18/2008  12:43 AM            19,456 pdlnatcm.sys
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            17,920 pdlnatdl.sys
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            62,976 pdlnatnm.sys
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            65,024 pdlnatsn.sys
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            72,368 pdlnawac.sys
06/18/2008  12:34 AM             6,768 pdlncbas.sys
06/18/2008  12:39 AM           160,384 pdlncfwk.sys
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            12,288 pdlnctdl.sys
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            12,800 pdlndint.sys
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            65,024 pdlndldl.sys
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            72,704 pdlndldl6.sys
06/18/2008  12:35 AM            71,168 pdlndlpb.sys
06/18/2008  12:37 AM            82,592 pdlndmpc.sys
06/18/2008  12:36 AM            18,944 pdlndoem.sys
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            53,248 pdlndqll.sys
06/18/2008  12:30 AM            67,072 pdlndsdl.sys
06/18/2008  12:36 AM            51,712 pdlndtdl.sys
06/18/2008  12:43 AM             8,592 pdlnebas.sys
06/18/2008  12:34 AM            50,480 pdlnecfg.sys
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            67,760 pdlnemap.sys
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            12,768 pdlnemsg.sys
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            19,968 pdlnepkt.sys
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            59,520 pdlnshay.sys
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            22,608 pdlnslea.sys
06/18/2008  12:29 AM            54,416 pdlnsv25.sys
06/18/2008  12:41 AM            58,880 pdlnsx25.sys
06/18/2008  12:28 AM            38,944 qeldrvr.sys
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            53,248 rapiserver.exe

Directory of DRIVE_LETTER:\Program Files\IBM\Trace Facility where DRIVE_LETTER is the installation drive of CS/WIN or of PCOMM if PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 or above is installed.

06/18/2008  12:42 AM             1,456 appnf.bat
06/18/2008  12:42 AM            11,109 appnt.bat
06/18/2008  12:32 AM            36,864 cstrace.exe
06/18/2008  12:40 AM            32,768 cstrccom.dll
06/18/2008  12:39 AM            28,672 fmteng.dll
06/18/2008  12:31 AM            28,672 pcsfmtpi.dll
06/18/2008  12:36 AM           118,784 trcgui.exe

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3.3 New function - server

New function added in FixPack 5

SLI_CLOSE verb Synchronous support


With this feature, administrators can force the SLI_CLOSE verb to return synchronously. This is useful when migrating existing applications from other SNA stacks where the verb returns synchronously.

To enable this feature, do the following:

  1. Open the SNA node configuration file (.acg) using the SNA Node Configuration Verification utility.
  2. Add or change the Node definition to include the parameter SLI_CLOSE_SYNC_SUPPORT=1. Configuration files created with the current version of CS/Windows should already contain the keyword.
  3. Verify the configuration file. See the following example:


Added a capability to end the conversation without ending the transaction program, when the remote partner has the direction. Now, customer can issue the CANCEL_CONVERSATION APPC verb to cancel the conversation, which internally issue cmcanc to end the conversation.




EEDLC enhancements


Added option for “Donot use Host Name” on an IPV6 Enterprise Extender DLC link.  This means that the resolved address will be used at the local node rather than going to the name server on each link activation.

NOTE: In case of IPv6 connection network, only the host name is sent to the remote with A5 Control vector.

CPIC Communications Server Compatibility


Previously, long running CPI-C applications written for Communications Server for Windows had to issue the TP_End (XCENDT) call to release resources held by CPI-C for an active TP instance. When processing End_TP, Communications Server issues the APPC TP_ENDED verb for the specified TP instance. Upon completion of the TP_ENDED verb, Communications Server releases the control blocks associated with that TP instance.

This extended call is not supported by Communications Server for Linux or Communications Server for AIX. CPI-C in Communications Server for Windows has been changed to automatically issue the APPC TP_ENDED verb when the last conversation is deallocated. With this change, the TP_End call is still allowed but no longer required. Old Communications Server for Windows applications using TP_End will not be affected, while new programs written without TP_End will also end properly. This allows increased portability of CPI-C program code between IBM's Communications servers for Windows, AIX, and Linux.

Increase EEDLC receive buffers for performance


The default number of receive buffers for EEDLC is increased from 32 in version 6.1.2 to 256 in version 6.1.2 FP5. This change improves performance on high speed links (such as gigabit ethernet), and on links with a very high number of simultaneous conversations. Increasing the number from the default of 256 ( or 0 default in registry) up to a maximum of 1024 may further improve EEDLC performance.  If the value of the receive buffer size is below or above the minimum and maximum limit then the value will be set to minimum or maximum based on the registry value.

This value is defined in the Windows registry key "NumberRcvBuffers" (type DWORD) under "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\pdlndldl\Parameters". Valid values are in the range 128 through 1024. To change the value, type "regedit" from a command line, and then find "NumberRcvBuffers" and "modify" to set the new value between 128 and 1024. A reboot is required for a change in this value to take effect.

Before editing the registry, see Microsoft article for instructions and warnings.

Information Bundler enhancements


The information obtained and logged by Dr. Watson is the information needed by technical support personnel to diagnose an application failure. A text file (Drwtsn32.log) is created whenever an error is detected and the default debug as DrWtsn32 is configured. A crash dump file of that application also be created, which will help the support team to figure out the cause of the problem.

With this enhancement, now the information bundler will collect the Dr Watson log "drwtsn32.log" by default. If you want to ship the application dump file also with the information bundler, please use the "csntpd.exe -d" option.

Note: As most of the time we don't need the user.dmp and is huge, So we have a option -d to collect the user.dmp if required.

Increase size of pcwmsg.mlg log


The message log has four important parameters namely Default, increment/decrement, Minimum and maximum Size. Because of the amount of network traffic and the size of the hard disk available in today's server, the size of these has been increased from previous release as given in the table below.

                       Previous(in KB)        Current (in KB)
                       ---------------        ----------------
  Default                      64                     2048
  Minimum                      4                      32
  Maximum                      2048                   8192

In the previous releases, the size of message log can be any value in size of 1kB between 4KB to 2048KB. However, in the current value of message log is restricted to one of the predefined values from 32KB, 64KB, 128KB, 256KB, 512KB, 1024KB, 2048KB, 4096KB, 8192KB.

If the value of the receive buffer size is below or above the minimum and maximum limit then the value will be set to minimum or maximum based on the registry value.

This value is defined in the Windows registry key "NumberRcvBuffers" (type DWORD) under "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\pdlndldl\Parameters". Valid values are in the range 128 through 1024. To change the value, type "regedit" from a command line, and then find "NumberRcvBuffers" and "modify" to set the new value between 128 and 1024. A reboot is required for a change in this value to take effect.


New function added in FixPack 4

Additional RTP_Tuning parameters


Previously, RTP_TUNING had the following two parameters:

PATH_SWITCH_ATTEMPTS - Number of path switch attempts to set on new RTP connections. Specify a value in the range 1-255. If you specify 0(zero), Communications Server for Windows uses the default value of 6.

SHORT_REQ - Limits the number of times a Status Request is sent before Communications Server for Windows determines that an RTP connection is disconnected and starts Path Switch processing. Specify a value in the range 1-255. If you specify 0(zero), Communications Server for Windows uses the default value of 6.


Now there are additionally the four path switch times and maximums set for the refifo timer and the short request timer.

Path switch time is the length of time in seconds for which Communications Server for Windows attempts to path switch a disconnected RTP connection. This parameter is specified as four separate time limits for each of the valid transmission priorities in order: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and NETWORK. Each these must be in the range 1-65535. The value you specify for each transmission priority must not exceed the value for any lower transmission priority. If you specify 0(zero) for any of these values, Communications Server for Windows uses the corresponding default value as follows:

LOW_PATH_SWITCH_TIME    = 480 seconds (8 minutes) 
MEDIUM_PATH_SWITCH_TIME = 240 seconds (4 minutes) 
HIGH_PATH_SWITCH_TIME   = 120 seconds (2 minutes) 
NETWORK_PATH_SWITCH_TIME = 60 seconds (1 minute) 

NOTE: The path switch times must be ordered so that LOW > MEDIUM > HIGH > NETWORK.

The RTP_TUNING path switch timers (ALL 4) must be greater that the link timeout for the links being used. For example, EEDLC links are tested every "Inactivity timer" and is retried for "Connect retry count" before an error is detected. These parameters are configured under the IBM EEDLC for Ipv4 or IPv6 panel and EEDLC Device. The default values are inactivity timer = 10 seconds and connect retry count = 3. This means that a link failure could take (3 + 1) x 10 = 40 seconds. Prior to detecting the link failure, the path switch attempts will use the failing link and therefore be unsuccessful. When the path switch attempts fail, the sessions being routed over the HPR pipe will be terminated.

MAX_REFIFO_TIME - The RTP protocol uses a timer called the Re-FIFO Timer. The value of this timer is calculated as part of the protocol, but this parameter specifies a maximum value in milliseconds beyond which the timer cannot increase. In some situations, setting this maximum value can improve performance. Setting a value of 0 (zero) means that the timer is not limited and can take any value calculated by the protocol. The default value for this parameter is 4000 milliseconds with a minimum value of 250 milliseconds. If a value specified is 1 - 249 milliseconds, 250 milliseconds is used.

Previous to this change, there was no limit on the refifo time, but now a limit is set by default. To return to previous behavior, you may set a limit of 0 (zero) as described.

MAX_SHORT_REQ_TIME - The RTP protocol uses a timer called the Short Request Timer. The value of this timer is calculated as part of the protocol, but this parameter specifies a maximum value in milliseconds beyond which the timer cannot increase. In some situations, setting this maximum value can improve performance. Setting a value of 0 (zero) means that the timer is not limited and can take any value calculated by the protocol. The default value for this parameter is 8000 milliseconds with a minimum value of 500 milliseconds. If the value specified is 1-499 milliseconds then a value of 500 milliseconds is used.

Previous to this change, there was no limit on the short request time or the refifo time, but now a limit is set by default. To return to previous behavior, you may set a limit of 0 (zero) as described.


Example of RTP_TUNING changing the default path switch times in .acg file.

     PATH_SWITCH_ATTEMPTS=6                RANGE = 0,255      default = 6
     SHORT_REQ=0                           RANGE = 0,255      default = 6
     LOW_PATH_SWITCH_TIME=240              RANGE = 1,65535    default = 480 seconds
     MEDIUM_PATH_SWITCH_TIME=120           RANGE = 1,65535    default = 240 seconds
     HIGH_PATH_SWITCH_TIME=100             RANGE = 1,65535    default = 120 seconds
     NETWORK_PATH_SWITCH_TIME=60           RANGE = 1,65535    default =  60 seconds
     MAX_SHORT_REQ_TIME=8000               RANGE = 0,24000    default = 8000 milliseconds 
     MAX_REFIFO_TIME=4000                  RANGE = 0,12000    default = 4000 milliseconds


Display RTP_TUNING was also added to csdisplay rtn in the form:

Low Path Switch Time       480
Medium Path Switch Time    240
High Path Switch Time      120
Network Path Switch Time   60
Path Switch Attempts       6
Short Request Retry Limit  6
Maximum Short Request Time 8000
Maximum Refifo Time        4000

This csdisplay rtn is also captured as part of the information bundler.

EEDLC IPV6 address support


Now, EEDLC links can be configured with IPv6 address during the link definition. If the IPv6 address is not in valid format, then the host resolution will fail during the link start up a and related error message will be logged in the pcwmsg.mlg file. CSDISPLAY and NODEOPS will now display the IPv6 address on active or defined links.

Existing IPv6 EEDLC link definitions has to be reconfigured after applying the fixpack4, if any were created at fixpack 2 level. A fixpack 2 level IPv6 port will act like EEDLC IPv4 port since the port name is now IBMEE006 for IPv6 links rather than IBMEEDLC.

EEDLC IPV4 and IPv6 will now match incoming links to defined links.


Previously, incoming EEDLC links were always implicit links and did not match to defined links. Now they match the defined link name and use the characteristics of the defined link. This match is also true for connection network links from the node or to the node.



csdisplay L6C will display LU 6.2 conversation information in the form:

   Conversation ID     207749121
   Local TP name      CPIC_DEFAULT_TPNAME
   Partner TP name    APINGD
   TP ID              0100AE0C00000000
   Session ID         F15F6CEB62D01E89
   Bytes Sent         5471588
   Bytes Received     5421616
   Conversation state Send
   LU Name            JMCSNT1E
   Duplex Type        Half Duplex

This csdisplay l6c is also captured as part of the information bundler.

Support of restricting maximum pacing window size:


Communication Server for OS/2 provided both fixed pacing and two way fixed pacing. CS/Windows does not provide fixed pacing. However, with this new parameter, there is a limit on the maximum pacing window. The requirement for fixed pacing is to limit the maximum size of the pacing windows and this can be accomplished by setting the MAX_RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW in the .ACG file as part of MODE definition. For example, the "FIXEDPAC" mode can be defined like below:


The pacing window starts at 2 (RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW) and has 5 as the maximum value (MAX_RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW). Note that the send pacing window is adaptive without a specified limit unless the remote node has the mode set with MAX_RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW. The MAX_RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW parameter can be set by editing the .acg configuration file.

NOTE: The MAX_RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW parameter can be set by the NOF call. The variable used to define this parameter is max_receive_pacing_win as part of the define MODE verb.

New function added in FixPack 3

General enhancements


An option is provided to NOT publish TN3270 services to the LDAP Active Directory. By setting the "TN3270AdvToADS" keyword under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Communications Server\current\Version\Config with a DWORD value of "0", the TN3270 advertisements will be disabled.

Steps to disable publishing:

  1. Stop the existing running node throuh pcsnops.exe (SNA Node Ops).
  2. Start->Run->Regedit
  3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Communications Server\CurrentVersion\Config
  4. Right click on the right pane (the pane opposite to key browsing).
  5. Add a new DWORD key with name TN3270AdvtToADS if it does not exist, and set it to the value to "0".
  6. Restart the node.



A new configuration parameter has been added to allow a port to be configured to allow only a specific number of implicit inbound links for LAN connections.

The parameter "IMPLICIT_LS_LIMIT" has been added under PORT_LAN_SPECIFIC_DATA. The allowed range of values is between 0 and 65535. A value of 65535 indicates that no implicit links are allowed. The default value is 0 meaning "no limit".

This parameter affects only implicit links, links that are dynamically created to accept an inbound connection where the local SAP, remote SAP, and remote MAC address do not match any explicitly defined links. . To limit the total number of inbound links, use the existing PORT parameter INB_LINK_ACT_LIM=0, which is documented in the CS/Windows Configuration File Reference.

SNAFORMAT enhancements


Option (-h) has been added to SNAFORMAT to disable HPR formating in the summary trace.

By removing the HPR flows you can follow the API flows easier.. You would disble the HPR flows by entering:

snaformat -h nstrc.tlg

Information Bundler enhancements


Option -q (Quiet mode) to suppress popups has been added to csntpd.exe.

This option will allow you to remotely capture an information bundler (cspddata.exe) and allevitate the requirement to "press any key to continue" and the popup window indicating the registry has been copied.

Option -s Suppress registry collection. This option suppresses the registry collection and hence output information bundler will not collect registry.dat nor csntreg.dat.

Note: The default infobundler behavior will be to show popups and collect registry information when ran with no options.

EEDLC IPV4 and IPV6 enhancements


EEDLC can now be configured to run IPv4 (IBMEEDLC) and IPv6 (IBMEE006), each protocol using a different DLC: IBMEEDLC for IPV4 and IBMEE006 for IPV6. The outgoing links must be defined on the correct DLC type. IPv6 is supported only on the Windows 2003 (SP1) or XP (SP2) and above Operating Systems.

Existing EEDLC definitions from FixPack 2 and earlier, which used a parameter to specify whether the DLC was IPV4 or IPV6, will all be treated as IPV4 definitions because that parameter is no longer used. Links using IPV6 must be reconfigured to the new IBMEE006 DLC.



This capability allows the host to perform an EE connectivity test by specifying local and remote IP addresses and display the output in summary format. The host can test connectivity to the partner node across all five Enterprise Extender ports (12000 to 12004).  The EEDIAG must be initiated from a z/OS v1r8 or later.  CS/Win can be the target of an EEDIAG, but it cannot initiate an EEDIAG and therefore, you cannot do EEDIAG between two CS/Win boxes.  The initiating side must be z/OS.  Details are contained on


IBMCSADMIN capabilities


A user who is a member of the IBMCSADMIN group can manage the SNA resources and does not require Administrator authority. With previous releases of Communications Server, only Administrator authority allowed management of SNA resources.

A user who is not part of either Administrator or IBMCSADMIN groups will not be allowed to control SNA resources, such as starting and stopping the node, running command line traces, etc.

New function added in FixPack 2

General enhancements


Support for TCP/IP Version 6 has been added in this fixpack. The function is currently supported only on WINDOWS 2003 or XP.

To configure CS/WindowsIN to run with IPV6 you must select IPV6 in the DLC profile provided that IPv6 is installed in the Operating system.

You can configure and run either IPV4 or IPV6 but not both. You can configure only ONE EEDLC dlc per ACG file. You can have separate ACG files to run IPv4 or IPV6. The default is IPV4.

New function added in FixPack 1

General enhancements


SNA Function addition of LU 6.2 session level timeout based on LU, partner LU or mode

LU62_timeout as documented in JR16867 (included in CSNT6.1.2 GA) to terminate the lu62 session on completion of the lu62 conversation. The feature was included in CS/2 and now is configurable only in the CSNT ASCII configuration file. The setting is global on all lu62 sessions with the exception of the IBM Service TPs such as the CPSVCMGR session. The lu62_timeout_value is in seconds.


New in this APAR JR20407, three new options have been added for LU62_TIMEOUT_RESOURCE_TYPE:


With these new types there is also a new parameter LU62_TIMEOUT_RESOURCE_NAME which specifies the LOCAL_LU name, PARTNER_LU name, or MODE name. The LU62_TIMEOUT is used only for sessions with the specified LOCAL_LU, PARTNER_LU or MODE name. NOTE: LU62_TIMEOUT is configurable only in the ACSII configuration file (.acg).


EEDLC enhancements


NEW FUNCTION support of option to not use Host Name on Connection Networks: Host name support for Enterprise Extender DLC connection networks is supported in GA code.

However, if there is not a firewall in the network that requires host name resolution to an IP address separately on each end, then the host name would not have to be sent on the LOCATEs and resolved on the receiver. This is the way that EEDLC connection networks operate in CSNT6.1.1.

There is now a checkbox under the EEDLC device configuration labeled "Do not Use IPV4 Host Name". The default is not checked. If it is checked, then the connection network A5 control vectors do not include the host name (making shorter LOCATEs) and the remote just uses the IP address that is sent.

If host name resolution fails on an EEDLC link and an IP address is present, then attempt to connect using the IP address.


EEDLC link liveness timer is now always on. The range that the liveness timer can be set to was increased from 59 seconds to 255 seconds on either the EEDLC device or on the connection definition. The default remains at 10 seconds.


Changed the default effective capacity of EEDLC and LLC2 links from 133 (16 Mb) to 160 (157 Mb) to improve HPR ramp up performance (throughput is improved).

Command line trace enhancements


Note: If versions of PCOMM prior to 5.7 CSD3 are installed, you will not have any of the CS/Windows 612 Trace facility enhancements.


Trace to multiple trace files is supported from the command line (cstrace). The file size and the number of files can be specified. Note that the /w and /n functions are new functions and help is not available for non-English versions.

to copy to multiple nstrcxxx files add /w yyy (where yyy is Kb file size) to the start statement cstrace start

cstrace start /r /w 4000 /n 5

resets traces and writes to nstrc001,nstrc002,nstrc003,nstrc004,nstrc005 each about 4000 KB. When the files are full, tracing continues by cycling through the files.

Note that /w cannot be used with /b and /s.


New function is added to stop trace from the command line based on message ID. Note that the /m function is a new function and help is not available for non-English versions.

To stop on message id, run

cstrace start /m PCS4661I

where PCS4661I (the messageid) is issued to the message log.

To disable traces on message ID, run

cstrace stop /m PCS4661I

Tracing then continues until you run

cstrace stop


Autostart trace option was incorrectly documented as /f instead of /e. To enable the autostart option use the following command:

cstrace auto /e 1 /l [file name]

To disable the autostart option use the following command:

cstrace auto /e 0

To turn on/off APPC API and EEDLC tracing, the format of the trace option file should be:

/f 3 /c 7 /o 1
/f 4 /c 22 /o 1 2 8


APPNT.BAT has been updated describing new functions. APPNT.bat is a batch file to start traces from the command line. The default API option is to truncate the data at 128 bytes. IPSTRACE is on by default. Increased the trace buffer size.


CSTRACE SHUTDOWN is added to APPNF to reset trace flags. APPNF.bat is a batch file to stop and format traces.


SNAFORMAT creates summary and detail files on traces with SDLC, EEDLC DLCs (in addition to existing LLC2 capability) and SLI, RUI, CPIC and APPC apis by formatting the nstrc.tlg to nstrc.sum and nstrc.det.

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3.4 Install instructions - server

Installing the fixpack on the system:

1.      Download JR29522.EXE in Binary format into a temporary directory.

2.      Run JR29522.exe to uncompress the package which will include SERVER5.EXE and APIPACK3.EXE.

To expand SERVER package run SERVER5.EXE which will generate a Server sub-dir including all server package files. There will also be registrychange.exe, servicestest.exe, killpcs_agnt.exe and instfix.bat in current directory but only required for the package installation.

1.      If you have SNA API Client Services (Split-stack API Client/Server), copy APIPACK3.EXE in the client workstation and see section 4 for install instructions.

2.      NLSPACK5.exe contains non-English language updates. Customers running non-English versions of CS/Windows need to install english package also. English package is installed by default as part of INSTFIX.BAT and does not require separate installation of the same. See section 2 for install instructions.

3.      New function updates have been included with this fixpack package. See section 3.3 for more details on the new updates.

1.      There is a problem with CS/Windows 6.1.2 GA installation where the Trace Facility does not get installed correctly when CS/Windows 6.1.2 is installed on a drive other than the boot drive. This should be corrected prior to installing the server fixpack.

The Trace Facility is installed on the user-designated drive, but the registry is incorrectly updated to reflect the BOOT drive for the new trace service CSTRCSER.EXE. To correct this, modify the registry to reflect the correct drive and path location for the service CSTRCSER.EXE.

Use regedit to update value for the IMAGEPATH key under \HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\CSTRCSER\ to the correct CSTRCSER.EXE path location.

2.      INSTFIX.BAT checks if a PCOMM version less than 5.7 CSD3 is installed and if true, does not update the Trace Facility. CS/Windows 6.1.2 would use the Trace Facility installed by PCOMM. If you have installed PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 (or later), PCOMM 5.8 or PCOMM 5.9 on CS/Windows 6.1.2, PCOMM will not install its Trace Facility. In this case, INSTFIX will update the CS/Windows 6.1.2 Trace Facility.

If the current versions of PCOMM is prior to 5.7 CSD3 then you will not have any of the CS/Windows 6.1.2 Trace Facility updates or enhancements.

There is a problem with some versions of PCOMM prior to 5.7 CSD3 where using ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS to remove PCOMM removes the Service APPNNODE from the REGISTRY. CS will NOT run successfully without this registry entry. While this problem has been resolved in later PCOMM versions you can do the following to address the problem.

The recommended procedure in this situation is as follows:

1.      Remove PCOMM using ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS

2.      Remove CS/Windows 612

3.      Re-install CS/Windows 612

4.      Install PCOMM 5.9, PCOMM 5.8 or PCOMM 5.7 CSD3 or later.

5.      Apply CS/Windows 612 Fixpack5 maintenance upgrade

4.      Stop Communications Server for Windows (including your node, Node Operations, Node Configuration, Log Viewer, and any other CS/Windows components you have started). Note that there may still be CS/Windows-related services running on the machine after stopping these applications, but this is normal and should not affect the installation of this fix pack package.

1.      Stop ALL Window applications on this box since a reboot will be required after running INSTFIX.BAT maintenance installation.

2.      Refer the INSTFIX.BAT for details on various installation options.

INSTFIX.BAT can be run with the following options to preserve output to a log file, such as for silent install including errors in the log.



NOTE 2: INSTFIX will rename the current or target files being replaced to &file.pre6125, then copy the updated files.

If for some reason you rerun INSTFIX.BAT, you will receive errors during each rename because the &file.pre6124 file will already exist.The original copy of the file will be preserved in &file.pre6125 and available as a backup for restore purposes.

If for some reason you need to restore or backout this fixpack, you would have to manually rename the updated file names and restore the original files.

NOTE 3: INSTFIX.BAT issues VER to determine operating system version.

For Windows 2000, 2003 or XP user, INSTFIX.BAT will copy
LLC2W2K.sys as LLC2.SYS

For Windows NT user, INSTFIX.BAT will copy
LLC2NT.sys as LLC2.SYS

NOTE 4: The default value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Communications Server\CurrentVersion\VersionNumber will be changed to 6125.

5.      After running INSTFIX.BAT, confirm ALL component parts listed in section 3.2 reflect new dates. If they do NOT, then you must manually copy them after you REBOOT but prior to starting any IBMCS Services. ALL files must reflect updated dates or IBMCS will not function properly.

6.      With Fixpack3 and above, the user who is not part of Administrator or IBMCSADMIN group will not be able manage the SNA resources like, Stoping/Starting the node/link etc. So, you have to run the batch file and follow the steps (A) & (B) mentioned below.

NOTE: If you are running Communications Server on Windows 2000 Server, then only the user who is a member of Administrator group can manage the SNA resources as well you can ignore the below mentioned steps.

If only the Administrator manages the SNA resources in this server, then you can ignore the following steps (A) and (B).

A.    Run the batch "AccessControlSettings.bat"

B.     If you are running Windows XP or 2003 and above do the following: (For Windows NT and 2000, skip this step.)

1.      Run regedit to start the registry editor (start->run then type regedit).

2.      Navigate to HKLM\Software\IBM\Communications Server

3.      Right-click on Communications Server and select Permissions.

4.      Click the "Add" button.

5.      Click the "Advanced" button.

6.      Click the "Find Now" button.

7.      Select "IBMCSADMIN" from the resulting list and click the "OK" button.

8.      Click the "OK" button.

9.      Select "IBMCSADMIN" from the list.

10.  Check the appropriate box to allow "Full Control".

11.  Click the "OK" button.

12.  Navigate to HKLM\Software\IBM\OEM_CONFIG and repeat the steps from "3" to "11".

13.  Exit the registry editor.

7.      Shutdown and Restart the machine.

8.      You can now start IBMCS Node Operations and configure the new available functions.

[Return to top of section] [Return to top of document] [Table of Contents]

4 Client update information

Section Table of Contents
4.1 APARs included
4.2 New function
4.3 Install instructions

[Return to top] [Table of Contents]

4.1 APARs included

New APARs included in FixPack 5 since FixPack 4


The API Client is the same as shipped with FixPack 3.


New APARs included in FixPack 4 since FixPack 3


The API Client is the same as shipped with FixPack 3.


APARs included from previous fixpacks


PCOMM 3270 LUA hangs running on SNA API CLIENT.


APAR addresses following problems:

  • Incoming attach intermittently fails.
  • Multiple user trace problems.
  • Client password authentication problems using current userid.
  • Erraneous return code corrected for RUI_INIT verb.


SLI BIND or STSN extensions routines not called.


Trap in CCS.DLL When SNA API Client processes UNBIND from Host and SLI_CLOSE from application at the same time.

[Return to top of section] [Return to top of document] [Table of Contents]

4.2 New function - client

New function added in FixPack 5


New function added in FixPack 4


New function added in FixPack 3

General enhancements


A new environment variable to specify LU alias has been added to SNA API Client. This environment variable can be used when migrating an application to WTS environment. Many client applications use a hardcoded Local LU alias. When migrating to a WTS environment, this hardcoded Local LU alias needs to be mapped to different LU alias for each user i.e. Local LU alias x for user1 and y for user2. This can be done by configuring the environment variable "LUALIAS<TPsLUALIAS>". Follow the steps below for configuring multiple LU aliases in a WTS environment:

set LUALIAS<LocalLUAlias> = UserLUAlias

LocalLUAlias is the LU alias configured in the configuration file (in CPIC side info)
UserLUAlias is the LU alias required to be used for a particular user.

Note: This environment variable has to configured under user environment variables.

New function added in FixPack 2

Problem determination enhancements


A new feature to create two message log files (MsgLog.dat) has been included. This is to reduce the size of each Message log file. Infobundler will collect both the Message Log files.


In FixPack 2, a new feature that would collect debug information in multiple trace files (i.e, multiple pcatrace.dat) has been included. Infobundler will collect all the debug trace files. The following notes document how to use this feature.

There are three batch files included with this new feature. These batch files update the registry with entries required for this feature.

The batch files to be used for enabling or disabling this feature are:

  • Append.bat - If all the trace files (pcatrace.dat) are to be kept, use this batch file. As a trace file reaches its maximum size, a new trace file is created. The old trace files are kept even if the application is closed and restarted.
  • Replace.bat - If all the old trace files are to be deleted every time an application is restarted, use this batch file. Every time an application is closed and restarted and the trace GUI (tracedg.exe) is also closed and restarted, all the old trace files (pcatrace.dat)are deleted.
  • Delete.bat - This needs to be used after the product (SNA API Client) is uninstalled to delete the above registry entries.

If the option needs to be changed from append to replace or vice-versa, close all the applications, close the trace GUI (tracedg.exe), and run the relevant batch file.

Run Delete.bat after product (SNA API Client) uninstall. If Delete.bat is not run after product uninstall, some registry keys related to the product will remain in the system.

New function added in FixPack 1

Problem determination enhancements


Additional DEBUG Trace options:
Additional tracing has been added to capture more diagnostic information to diagnose problems. Now, when selecting ALL API trace option, additional diagnostic trace information is written to a new file called pcatrace.dat which is created in the client installation directory.


Infobundler is provided with this version to capture key client files required for problem diagnoses. It should be run and output sent whenever pursuing a problem with IBM.

To run the infobundler, go to the SNA API Client installation directory (Eg: C:\CSNTAPI) from command line. Run INFOB.exe from command line. i.e, go to command prompt.


It will go through a series of 13 steps and finally collect the information (11 documents mentioned below) in will be located in the directory where the traces exist.

For any problem reported, run the infobundler and send the file to IBM Support.

The summary of features of the Infobundler for SNA API Client is as follows:

  1. Bundle MsgLog.dat (error message log file)
  2. Bundle pcatrace.dat (debug trace data file)
  3. Bundle CSNTAPI.TRC (unformatted trace data file)
  4. Bundle CSNTAPI.FMT (formatted trace data file)
  5. Bundle APIERROR.LOG (api error log file)
  6. Bundle Eventlogs
  7. Bundle Dr.Watson Log
  8. Bundle CSNTAPI.INI
  9. Bundle all the Registry Keys. Note that the user environment variables and system environment variables are part of the Registry settings.The user environment variables will correspond to the user running the Infobundler.
  10. Bundle CSNTAPI directory listing
  11. Bundle Windows\system32 directory listing. This will be helpful in determining if the application is using the WINRUI32.DLL, WINAPPC32.DLL etc. from SNA API Client installation or Microsoft HIS installation. We have observed that if these APIs are used from Microsoft HIS installation or the IBM Remote API Client (from CS/AIX or CS Linux), the application does not work.

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4.3 Install instructions - client

Installing the fix on the system:

1.      Be SURE you have downloaded the 6.1.2 FixPack 5 APAR package in BINARY format. APAR JR29522 documents and includes the server and client package. It includes both readme and new function text files for both server and client packages.

There is no change in client after Fixpack3 release. So, if you are already at fixpack3 or csnt6.1.2.3 refresh level of the client then no update is required.

2.      Create a temporary directory, copy the APIPACK3.EXE into the temporary directory, and run the file to uncompress it.

3.      Stop ALL running SNA API client applications on this machine. Check the Task Manager and stop any running API CLIENT exe's such as ATTMSG.EXE and LU62MGR.EXE.

4.      CLINSTFIX.BAT is an installation batch file similar to INSTFIX.BAT for the server. CLINSTFIX.BAT will backup the files to a folder called CSNTAPI-Pre612fixpack3, then install/copy the updated the DLL's and EXE's to the supplied installation folder. View the comments included in CLINSTFIX.BAT usage instructions.

Some examples follow:

o    CLINSTFIX c:\CSNTAPI BACKUP (backs up the directory)

o    CLINSTFIX c:\CSNTAPI NOBACKUP (does not backup the directory)



5.      After running CLINSTFIX, shutdown and restart the machine to complete the installation.

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5 Uninstall information

Uninstallation of a fixpack is not supported. To revert to a previous level, uninstall the product completely, then install the GA level or CS/Windows refresh level, then install the desired fixpack level.

Uninstallation instructions are in the Quick Beginnings book at

To ensure a complete uninstallation of the product, download the cleanup package (JR21546) from

If Personal Communications is installed on the same machine as Communications Server, you must uninstall Personal Communications before uninstalling Communications Server.

All applications using Communications Server should be terminated before you attempt to uninstall the product. Attempting to uninstall Communications Server while an application (such as APING or Personal Communications) is running will cause the uninstall to hang until the application is terminated.

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6 Web site and support information

Product information

For the latest information about the IBM Communications Server family of products, visit the Communications Server Web site at This Web site provides information and links to headline information, specification sheets, frequently asked questions, education, and much more.

Product support

For the latest support information, visit the Communications Server Support Web site at This Web site provides information and links to code fixes, tips, newsgroups, maintenance, and much more.

Technical notes

Search the technotes in the IBM Support database at

Technical support

For technical assistance or questions, call the IBM support center for your country. For example, in the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV.

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7 Notices and trademarks

AnyNet, IBM, iSeries, OS/400, S/390, WebSphere, z/OS, System z and zSeries are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Tivoli, Tivoli Ready, Tivoli Management Environment, and TME are trademarks of Tivoli Systems Incorporated in the United States, other countries, or both.

Lotus and Domino are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java, the Java logo, and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

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