IBM Communications Server for Windows

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2005
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Material - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Table of Contents
1 About this release
new in this release, fix history, compatibility
2 Installation information
hardware and software requirements, installation
3 Uninstall information
4 Web site information
5 Release information
features and capabilities, configuration considerations, iSeries OLE DB information, adapter installation, SNA API client, remote administration
6 Limitations
7 Notices and trademarks

1 About this release

CS/Windows provides SNA connectivity for Windows systems, allowing it to connect to IBM z/OS Communications Server and other SNA implementations that support LLC, SDLC, X.25, Channel, and Enterprise Extender connections.

IBM Communications Server for Windows Version is a CSD upgrade that includes FixPack 3 updates. It is a full install, and only FixPacks greater than FixPack 3 should be installed after this installation.

This document contains information supplementary to the online help and the publications. It describes such things as newly-added functions, hints, tips, restrictions, and corrections.

Thank you for choosing IBM Communications Server!

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1.1 New in this release

Communications Server for Windows, Version provides fixes to support Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, For details on other new functions since GA, see Features and capabilities. In addition, all APAR fixes since GA up to and including FixPack 3 are included.

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1.2 Product fix history

This refresh provides the CS/Windows 6.1.2 product (6.1 with CSD 2) and all fixes up to and including FixPack 3.

Check the web sites listed in section 4 for the latest information about this product.

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1.3 Product compatibility

Not Applicable

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2 Installation information

The CS/Windows v6.1.2.3 product is shipped as a CD-ROM and is available as a downloadable package.

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2.1 Hardware requirements

Communications Server for Windows, V6.1.2.3 runs on any Intel-based system supported by Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP Professional. A PC with an Intel Pentium processor at 100 MHz and a 64 MB of RAM is the minimum recommended server hardware. Depending on the network environment and Windows platform used (workstation vs. server), a faster processor and larger memory may be necessary.

Disk space of 25 MB is required on a startup drive for temporary use and 125 MB on any HDD for permanent use.

SNA API clients run on any hardware required by Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003.

Remote Administration clients run on any hardware required by Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003.

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2.2 Software requirements

Communications Server for Windows requires one of the following operating systems:


SNA API clients require either:

Windows platforms that are out of service (such as Windows NT) are not supported with Communications Server Version 6.1.2 and later.

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2.3 Installation

Subsection Table of Contents
2.3.1 Installing
2.3.2 Installation considerations
2.3.3 Post-install cleanup
2.3.4 Product maintenance

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2.3.1 Installing
Installation instructions are in the Quick Beginnings book at

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2.3.2 Installation considerations

Close other applications
Because Communications Server interacts with several products that might be installed on your system and requires a reboot, you must close other applications before you install Communications Server.

CD Autorun
This functionality can be run on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003.

Web administration
If you plan to use Web Administration, install your Web server before installing Communications Server. This will allow the Communications Server installation program to automatically configure the Web server. Refer to the Quick Beginnings document for more information about Web Administration.

Avoid using national language characters in the product installation path when you install Communications Server. On some Web servers, these characters can prevent Web Administration from locating product files.

Automated IBM LLC2 protocol support installation
If you install Communications Server on a Windows machine whose default language is not one of the languages provided on the Communications Server CD, the automated IBM LLC2 Protocol support installation will fail. Refer to the inllc50.hlp file in the Communications Server product directory for instructions on manually installing the support. Use Windows Explorer to locate the help file, then double-click the file name.

Communications Server and Microsoft SNA Server
Communications Server and Microsoft SNA Server cannot be installed on the same primary partition. Many of the common services that overlap between the products are not cross-product compatible.

Required administrative user rights
A Communications Server administrative user should have the Load and unload device drivers advanced user right, as specified in the Windows User Manager. See the Policies > User Rights menu,with Show Advanced User Rights checked. You can explicitly add this right for each user. You can also add this user right to the IBMCSADMIN user group.

Domain controller installation
When installing Communications Server on a primary or backup domain controller, you should enable the Log on locally user right for the IBMCSADMIN and IBMCSAPI local user groups.

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2.3.3 Post-install cleanup

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2.3.4 Product maintenance

This Communication Server is a refresh of the 6.1.2 GA code and includes all FixPack 3 updates. It is a full install, and only FixPacks greater than FixPack 3 should be installed after this installation.

IBM provides corrective maintenance by providing:

APAR, FixPack and CSD availability


Communications Server ships individual APAR fixes to resolve product defects. An APAR fix against a specific component will supersede previous APARs in that component. APAR fixes also require that the latest FixPack be installed.

APAR FixPack

An APAR FixPack includes all product APARs provided since the previous product level general availability date. The latest FixPack supersedes previous FixPacks and includes all APAR maintenance included in previous FixPacks.

Each FixPack includes an installation batch file to rename production modules and copy or install new updates. The FixPack includes only APAR maintenance and is not a full product installation. You must have the previous general availability product level installed.


A CSD is a product refresh with all cumulative APAR FixPacks. It is a full install only.

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3 Uninstall information

Removing previous versions of Communications Server

Communications Server APAR JR21456 provides a cleanup package that removes prior level Communication Server code and registry information. To ensure a complete uninstallation of the product, you can download the cleanup package (JR21546) from

Uninstallation instructions are in the Quick Beginnings book at

If Personal Communications is installed on the same machine as Communications Server, you must uninstall Personal Communications before uninstalling Communications Server.

If Personal Communications cannot be successfully uninstalled, go to the following Communication Server support page and search the Hints and Tips for additional information:

All applications using Communications Server should be terminated before you attempt to uninstall the product. Attempting to uninstall Communications Server while an application (such as APING or Personal Communications) is running will cause the uninstall to hang until the application is terminated.

Removing previous versions of Communications Server for Web Admin

The uninstall program for Web Administration uses Windows Scripting Host (cscript.exe) to automate the removal of the virtual directories from your Web Server. If Windows Scripting Host is not installed on your computer or cannot be located by the uninstall program, some virtual directories will not be removed.

After you uninstall a previous version of Communications Server, verify that the following virtual directories have been removed from your Web Server configuration. This must be done before you can install Version 6.1.2.


Removing previous versions of Communications Server for Client Access

You should run regsvr32.exe against cwbzzodb.dll and cwbzzidx.dll. See Repair after installing or uninstalling Client Access for more information.

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4 Web site information

Product information
For the latest information about the IBM Communications Server family of products, visit the Communications Server Web site at This Web site provides information and links to headline information, specification sheets, frequently asked questions, education, and much more.

Product support
For the latest support information, visit the Communications Server Support Web site at This Web site provides information and links to code fixes, tips, newsgroups, maintenance, and much more.

Technical notes
Search the hints and tips in the IBM Support database at

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5 Release information

Section Table of Contents
5.1 Features and capabilities
5.2 Configuration considerations
5.3 iSeries OLE DB information
5.4 Adapter installation
5.5 SNA API Client
5.6 Remote administration

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5.1 Features and capabilities

Subsection Table of Contents
5.1.1 Active Directory support
5.1.2 Trace Facility updates
5.1.3 Command-line trace enhancements
5.1.4 SNAFORMAT command enhancements
5.1.5 TN3270 Server Disable Reverse DNS Lookup
5.1.6 TN3270 Server extensions for RFC2355
5.1.7 Connection Networks and IP Hostname support
5.1.8 EEDLC IPv6 support
5.1.9 Local LU - Windows Terminal Server client user ID configuration
5.1.10 Add Exception Handler routine for CSIT.EXE to capture traps
5.1.11 Fist available LAN adapter
5.1.12 SNA function addition of LU 6.2 session level timeout
5.1.13 TERMSELF support
5.1.14 Fine-tuning HPR timers
5.1.15 GVRN (Global Virtual Routing Node) option for Connection Network
5.1.16 Non-Limited Resource option for Connection Networks
5.1.17 OEM adapters
5.1.18 Express Logon
5.1.19 Effective Capacity
5.1.20 Personal Communications
5.1.21 Host On-Demand
5.1.22 Support for Windows Terminal Server
5.1.23 Utilities
5.1.24 Tivoli Plus module
5.1.25 Tivoli Ready enablement
5.1.26 CSNTPD

5.1.1 Active Directory support
Communications Server publishes its TN3270 and TN5250 services to the Windows Active Directory. This support was made available in a previous CSD. This reduces the amount of manual configuration that you need to perform.

With this function, a client application can search for and find Communications Server TN3270 and TN5250 services on the Windows server. Active Directory will return the Windows server's IP address and port number to the application, allowing the client to connect to the server. This works for applications using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) V3 APIs or Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) APIs on a Windows client.

To locate services within the Active Directory, specify these arguments in the filter argument of ldap_search as part of the directory search call API:


The search call provides the TN server's IP address and port number to the serviceBindingInformation parameter.

With Communication Server, an option is provided to not publish TN3270 services to the LDAP Active Directory. By setting the "TN3270AdvtToADS" keyword under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Communications Server\CurrentVersion\Config with a DWORD value "0", the TN3270 advertisements will be disabled.

Steps to disable publishing:

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5.1.2 Trace Facility updates
The trace facility is designed to trace activity at the application level and at the device driver level in a multi-user environment, such as Windows Terminal Server (WTS). Trace entries from the application level are easy to associate with a WTS session ID, but trace entries from a device driver do not occur in any particular WTS session (just as they do not occur in any particular process or thread). Device driver code executes in "ring 0", which is the lowest level of execution, outside of the normal context of execution.

In the WTS environment, application-level tracing works the same way as before. Each user can start the trace facility, and only captures the application level trace entries from his applications. One user is not able to capture another user's application trace entries.

The trace facility is changed so that the user in WTS session id 0 can access the trace options for the device driver tracing, and receives the device driver trace entries. All users in WTS sessions other than session ID 0 cannot access the trace options for the device driver and will not receive any device driver trace entries.

Windows typically assigns WTS session id 0 to the first user of the WTS Server machine. Remote desktops are not assigned WTS session id 0. The format of the trace configuration file is updated to identify device driver trace options. The main trace facility window indicates whether the user can or cannot trace the device driver activity from this WTS session.

Command-line tracing has been updated to allow users other than in WTS session ID 0 to do the kernel-level tracing. Users can issue kernel level tracing options such as APPN and APPC, and Connectivity through the CSTRACE command.

The Options > Preferences menu allows you to change default trace parameters, such as those listed below. Click Reset to revert all settings.

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5.1.3 Command-line trace enhancements
To run traces in the Windows Terminal Server environment, you should use the command-line tracing utility.

The following options have been added. The commands and parameters are not case-sensitive.

To turn on APPC API and LAN tracing, the format of the trace options file should be as follows:

/f 3 /c 7 /o 1
/f 4 /c 33 /o 2

To set other command-line trace options, refer to the Quick Beginnings book, Appendix D, at

For syntax help, issue the commands cstrace help or cstrace (without additional parameters). Refer to the Quick Beginnings document for additional CSTRACE parameter information.

APPNT.bat is a sample command-line starting file with a description of options. APPNF.bat is a sample command-line batch file to get and format traces.

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5.1.4 SNAFORMAT command enhancements
SNAFORMAT formats .TLG files for SNA, APPN, HPR, LLC2, SDLC, and EEDLC data. It does not affect other traces, so you can look at all traces in the same file, with link level flows formatted.

You can add flags to the SNAFORMAT command, in order to create a summary and detail file. The syntax is as follows:

SNAFORMAT filename +|-s +|-d +|-h


The default flag settings are +s +d +h.

Type the SNAFORMAT command without any parameters to show supported options.

The following procedure details the proper usage of the SNAFORMAT utility.

  1. Start Trace Utility from the Communications Server Node Operations group or from a command line.
  2. Select Connectivity and LAN (LLC2) and/or EEDLC component names. Select the desired trace options.
  3. Select other trace options as needed.
  4. Start the traces.
  5. After the event occurs, stop the traces, then save and format the traces. This creates the NSTRC.TLG (default file name) file. The trace file is also generated when running a trace from the command-line interface.
  6. From a command line, issue the following command


    By default, summary and detail files are produced. The NSTRC.SUM file shows a summary of data flow events. The NSTRC.DET file gives detailed trace information, as well as all data in the original .TLG file.

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5.1.5 TN3270 Server Disable Reverse DNS Lookup
Disable Reverse DNS Lookup alleviates a possible 5 to 10 second delay when establishing TN3270 sessions. You can now code the DISABLE_IP_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION parameter in the ASCII configuration (.ACG) file, which prevents the call to the DNS. This eliminates the 5 to 10 second delay.

The following example shows how to code the new parameter in the ACG file. The possible values are 0=False (address resolution is enabled) and 1=True (address resolution is disabled).


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5.1.6 TN3270 Server extensions for RFC2355
The TN3270E Server supports the Contention Resolution Function as described in the Internet-Draft document draft-ietf-tn3270e-extensions-04.txt.

Communications Server TN3270 Server implements the Contention Resolution Function. This function addresses problems with Keyboard Restore, Implied Keyboard Restore, Bid, and Signal. The implementation improves the performance of TN3270E clients and enhances functionality of applications that utilize such clients.

This feature includes the updates necessary to support and implement the RFC2355 Contention Resolution extension. Clients (such as IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand 7.02 or later) that support this RFC negotiate functionality during connection setup.

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5.1.7 Connection Networks and IP Hostname support
Communications Server for Windows provides the Connection Networks interface for IBMEEDLC and LLC2 in the APPN Options menu. Connection Networks also has the new option INHERIT_PORT_LIMITED_RESOURCE, for inheriting port definitions, in order to configure a non-limited resource in connection network environments. (See section 5.1.16 for details.)

IP Hostname support is provided for Enterprise Extender. This includes sending the IP Hostname on LOCATE and also supporting Connection Networks when IP Hostname is used.

To avoid unnecessary DNS lookups in an IPv4 environment, the EEDLC device definition has an option to not use the hostname. This function is for performance improvement for connection network use where the default is to pass both the IP address and the host name on Locate control vectors.

If all nodes are within the same firewall, the hostname will resolve to the same IP address on all nodes, and therefore the IP address can be directly used. However, if the nodes have a firewall between them, then hostname must be used so that the IP address is correctly resolved on each side. This is especially true if a router or firewall between the nodes is performing a redirection, proxy, or address translation function, so addressing by hostname must be used instead of the IP address.

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5.1.8 EEDLC IPv6 Support
EEDLC can be configured to run either IPv4 (IBMEEDLC) or IPv6 (IBMEE006), or to define a DLC to run each protocol. The outgoing links must be defined on the correct DLC type. IPv6 is supported only on the Windows 2003 or XP (SP1 and above) operating systems.

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5.1.9 Local LU - Windows Terminal Server client user ID configuration
Enter a user ID for this Local LU. When a Transaction Program (TP) is started on a Local LU that has a user ID (this entry field) defined, the SNA Node attempts to give the TP access to that user's desktop. If the user is currently logged on, the TP is run with that user's authority. If the user is not logged on, the TP is not started.

This user ID field can also be the value System. In that case, the TP is run with SYSTEM authority and the only workstation that can be accessed is the system console.

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5.1.10 Add Exception Handler routine for CSIT.EXE to capture traps
Trap information is copied into the csntexcp.log file, in the C:\IBMCS install directory.

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5.1.11 First available LAN adapter
This feature is available when defining a LAN Device through a SNA node configuration panel.

Communications Server for Windows provides an enhanced configuration panel for adapter support. This includes a configuration wizard that shows you if the adapters installed on the workstation are enabled or disabled. Only adapters bound to the LLC2 protocol are displayed in the list.

If you select Use first available LAN adapter, Communications Server uses the first enabled LAN adapter, sorted by adapter number.

The following is a typical configuration:

Adapter 0 (disabled)
Adapter 1 (enabled) Token Ring
Adapter 2 (enabled) Ethernet

In this case, Adapter 1 is used because Adapter 0 is disabled.

If your configuration is dependent on a specific adapter (for example, Adapter 2), do not enable the Use first available LAN adapter option. This is because the operating system might reassign the adapter numbers when you add an adapter, and your preferred adapter might not be the first available adapter. In this situation, select the preferred adapter from the list.

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5.1.12 SNA function addition of LU 6.2 session level timeout
The LU62_TIMEOUT option allows you to terminate the LU 6.2 session on completion of the conversation. The LU62_TIMEOUT_VALUE specifies the time (in seconds) after which the session will be terminated if not used by a new conversation.

The following example shows the .ACG file entry.


The feature is configurable only in the ACG configuration file. The setting is global on all LU 6.2 sessions with the exception of the IBM Service TPs such as the CPSVCMGR session and CP-CP CPSVCMG sessions.

New in APAR JR20407 (included in, three new options have been added for LU62_TIMEOUT_RESOURCE_TYPE:


With these new types there is also a new parameter LU62_TIMEOUT_RESOURCE_NAME which specifies the LOCAL_LU name, PARTNER_LU name, or MODE name. The LU62_TIMEOUT is used only for sessions with the specified LU, PARTNER_LU or MODE name. Again, CPSVCMG and CPSVRMGR sessions are not deactivated by this timeout.

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5.1.13 TERMSELF support
The SEND_TERM_SELF function is available to have Communications Server use TERMSELF in place of UNBIND (as documented in JR16810). Set the SEND_TERM_SELF parameter to 1 in the .ACG file. Then, instead of an UNBIND, a TERMSELF cleans up the LU-LU session. This cleans up the host job, alleviating problems with users getting reconnected to previously logged-on systems.

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5.1.14 Fine-tuning HPR timers
The following example shows a possible setting in the .ACG file:


The path switch timeout values are as follows:

You can change the PATH_SWITCH_ATTEMPTS parameter value to get a desired interval between path switch attempts. This affects the delay between retries. The equation is the path switch timeout divided by the number of switch attempts set with this parameter.

Regardless of the parameter value, the minimum allowed delay is 5 seconds.

The SHORT_REQ setting specifies the number of times to send a Status Request before deciding that an RTP connection is disconnected and starting Path Switch processing.

The timer value range is 0 to 255 (seconds). The default value is 6. If 0 is specified, then the default of 6 is used.

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5.1.15 GVRN (Global Virtual Routing Node) option for Connection Network
This function allows a Connection Network to be used across different networks. You can set the following value in the NODE stanza of the .ACG file. The value 1 enables the feature.


This can also be enabled through the Node Configuration GUI tool. Define the Node then under the Advanced options, find the Enable GVRN Support check box.

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5.1.16 Non-Limited Resource option for Connection Networks
This function allows the Connection Network links to remain active, allowing activated sessions over the links to remain active. This reduces the Network Node requirements and reduces the time to complete a transaction.

To set a connection network to be a non-limited resource, you must add the following value to the CONNECTION_NETWORK stanza in the .ACG file.


In addition, set the value IMPLICIT_LIMITED_RESOURCE=NO in the PORT stanza for the port specified for the connection network.

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5.1.17 OEM adapters
Adapter support is provided by the adapter vendor. Communications Server for Windows provides convenience by shipping some OEM drivers with the product in ..\drivers subdirectory of the installation CD. The following adapters have been tested:

For the latest drivers, please contact the adapter supplier. For adapters not listed above, contact the adapter supplier to determine whether the adapter is supported for Communications Server for Windows. The adapter vendor must provide the proper protocol stack drivers to run with Communications Server for Windows version 6.1.2.

LAN adapters supported by Microsoft may also work with Communications Server for Windows. Similarly, IP LAN and WAN adapters supported by Microsoft are also supported for Enterprise Extender.

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5.1.18 Express Logon
The Express Logon function allows a user at a 3270 client (such as Host On-Demand) to log on to a host system without having to type the userid and password. This is accomplished in the following manner:

To enable Express Logon, select the checkbox on the ELF support configuration window located under the TN3270E Server definition hierarchy. The configuration window requires you to identify the DCAS that will be used. The DCAS can be identified by its IP address or by its host name and port number.

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5.1.19 Effective Capacity
The default value is changed from 133 (10 Mbps) to 160 (100 Mbps) in the EEDLC and lan port definitions. This change improves HPR recovery performance after line errors.

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5.1.20 Personal Communications
Personal Communications 5.0 (Lite) is out of service and no longer shipped with Communications Server for Windows For more information about Personal Communications, refer to the product Web site at

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5.1.21 Host On-Demand
An entry-level version of IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand Version 4.0 is out of support and is no longer shipped with Communications Server for Windows For more information about Host On-Demand, refer to the product Web site at

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5.1.22 Support for Windows Terminal Server
Communications Server for Windows supports Windows Terminal Server (WTS). Communications Server will install and run correctly when WTS service is enabled.

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5.1.23 Utilities
The AFTP, APING, and GETSENSE utilities are available in U.S. English only. These programs are provided on an as-is basis without warranty of any kind, including the merchantability and fitness of a particular purpose which are expressly disclaimed.

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5.1.24 Tivoli Plus module
Communications Server provides a Plus module for the Tivoli Management Environment (TME) that has been certified as Tivoli Ready by the Tivoli Partners Association. The Plus module integrates administration and management of Communications Server into TME.

The following Communications Server functions are supported (on an as-is basis) through previously released TMEs using the IBMCSNT Plus module. New versions of TME may not support these features.

A detailed description of the IBMCSNT Plus module and its functions is contained in the readme.htm file in the ..\tme directory of the Communications Server product CD.

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5.1.25 Tivoli Ready enablement
Communications Server for Windows provides support for Tivoli Ready Enablement, which has been certified by the IBM Tivoli Competency Center. Tivoli Ready Enablement provides you with the ability to do the following:

A detailed description of the Tivoli Ready Enablement support is contained in the readme.htm file in the .. \tme directory of the Communications Server product CD.

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5.1.26 CSNTPD
USAGE: csntpd [-s/-S] [ -q/-Q]

-Q/-q - Quiet mode to suppress popups.

This option will address the following

  1. Suppress the need for user interaction, when user is requested to "press any key to continue".
  2. Suppress popup window indicating that the registry has been copied.

-S/-s - Suppress registry collection . This option when used suppresses registry collection and hence output infobundler will not collect registry.dat and csntreg.dat.

Note : The default infobundler behavior will be to show popups and collect registry information when ran with no options.

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5.2 Configuration considerations

Subsection Table of Contents
5.2.1 Active Directory support
5.2.2 Screen resolution with SNA Node Configuration scenarios
5.2.3 SNA Node configuration scenarios
5.2.4 SNA enhancements
5.2.5 Defining how a node handles security information

5.2.1 Required Windows registry update
The Windows registry value for the TCP/IP parameter for packet multicast must be changed from its default value for SLP support. This parameter determines whether IP multicasts are sent using the Token Ring Multicast address (as described in RFC 1469) or using the subnet broadcast address.

The Windows default value of 1 configures the computer to use the RFC1469 Token Ring Multicast address for IP multicasts. Setting the value to 0 configures the computer to use the subnet broadcast address for IP multicasts.

Use the following procedure to enable SLP support on Windows:

  1. Invoke the registry editor (regedit.exe).
  2. Expand the registry list to show the following key:

  3. If the string value TrFunctionalMcastAddress does not exist, create it using the following procedure:
    1. Click Edit > New > DWORD Value.
    2. Type the name TrFunctionalMcastAddress.
    3. Double-click the TrFunctionalMcastAddress string value.
    4. Set the value to 0.

    If the string value TrFunctionalMcastAddress already exists, reset the value in the following manner:

    1. Double-click the TrFunctionalMcastAddress string value.
    2. Set the value to 0.

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5.2.2 Screen resolution with SNA Node Configuration scenarios
The scenario panels in SNA Node Configuration might not completely fit in a screen resolution of 640 x 480. Use an 800 x 600 screen resolution with these scenarios.

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5.2.3 SNA Node configuration scenarios
The dependent LU 6.2 sessions to a host scenario has been merged into the CPI-C, APPC, or 5250 emulation scenario. This provides more options for performing dependent LU 6.2 configuration. See the "Configuration" topic in the online Tutorial for more information on running CPI-C applications, APPC applications, or 5250 emulation to a host system.

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5.2.4 SNA enhancements
The following new SNA parameters are provided:

Refer to the SNA Node Configuration online help for more information on these parameters.

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5.2.5 Defining how a node handles security information
The TP_SECURITY_BEHAVIOR node definition parameter enables you to define how the node handles security information in the ATTACH, if the TP is not configured for security. The possible values are as follows:

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5.3 iSeries OLE DB information

Subsection Table of Contents
5.3.1 License information
5.3.2 Repair after installing or uninstalling Client Access
5.3.3 DCOM95 required on Windows 95
5.3.4 PowerBuilder sample problem
5.3.5 Header files for OLE DB and ADO development

5.3.1 License information
The MDAC 2.05 files (required by the iSeries OLE DB provider) are provided under license from Microsoft Corporation. A copy of the Microsoft End User License Agreement is included in the eulamdac2.doc file, in the ..\csnt directory on the Communications Server CD-ROM. The Microsoft agreement governs your use of this code, not the IBM Communications Server for Windows License Agreement,

MDAC 2.1 is available from the Microsoft Web site.

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5.3.2 Repair after installing or uninstalling Client Access
Installing an older version of Client Access over Communications Server or the SNA API client will make the OLE DB provider for Communications Server or the SNA API client inaccessible to your programs.

To restore the registry information that allows the Communications Server or SNA API client to be the OLE DB provider, run regsvr32.exe against the files cwbzzodb.dll and cwbzzidx.dll. If you have uninstalled Client Access, reregister the following files using regsvr32.exe:

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5.3.3 DCOM95 required on Windows 95
On Windows 95, the MDAC 2.0 files that ship with the iSeries OLE DB provider component require that DCOM95 be installed prior to installing the SNA API client. Download DCOM for Windows 95 from the Microsoft Web site.

Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT are out of support, so the SNA API Client for those platforms is provided as is, with no support.

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5.3.4 PowerBuilder sample problem
The PowerBuilder sample does not work correctly with older versions of PowerBuilder because of a PowerBuilder problem with the use of variant arrays in ADO 2.0. Specifically, the Add, Update, and Find buttons do not work.

PowerBuilder has provided a fix in the PowerBuilder 6.5.1 maintenance release, and the sample works correctly with PowerBuilder 6.5.1.

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5.3.5 Header files for OLE DB and ADO development
If you are using Visual C++ to build your OLE DB or ADO application, you will need the OLE DB and ADO header files. These files are available from the Microsoft Web site.

The required iSeries OLE DB Provider header files (ad400.h and da400.h) are shipped with Communications Server. They are included in the ..\ibmcs\sdk\win32\h directory on the Communications Server product CD.

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5.4 Adapter installation

5.4.1 AnyNet Sockets over SNA gateway adapter installation
When using the Windows Add/Remove Hardware Wizard to install the gateway adapter, you might get a "Digital Signature Not Found" message, indicating that Microsoft has not digitally signed the software you want to install. Select Yes to specify that you want to continue the installation. Proceed with the installation according to the instructions in the Configuration help panel.

Note: After the step where you choose Add a new device from the list of devices and click Next, the Find New Hardware window is displayed. Choose No, I want to select the hardware from a list, then click Next before continuing with the next step in the procedure.

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5.5 SNA API Client

Subsection Table of Contents
5.5.1 Application does not restart
5.5.2 Multi-user support
5.5.3 Configuration on WTC
5.5.4 Tracing and Message logging notes for SNA API Client
5.5.5 LDAP Directory Server modifications

5.5.1 Application does not restart
If your application does not restart correctly after a SNA API Client connection to the server is lost, then the SNA API Client DLLs and executables may not have unloaded correctly from memory. In this case, the application might not restart even after the connection is reestablished.

If this occurs, you should manually terminate the SNA API Client executables. The command line utility resetapi.exe is installed with the Windows client APIs. This utility terminates the SNA API Client executables, without requiring a reboot of the client.

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5.5.2 Multi-user support
Beginning with Communications Server 6.1.2, systems running in Windows Terminal Server environment with SNA API client will support multiple users. The following is a scenario for using a WTC such as Remote Desktop with a connection to a WTS with Personal Communications with SNA API Client in a multi-user environment.

WTC > WTS with Personal Communications and SNA API Client > CS/Windows > z/OS

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5.5.3 Configuration on WTC
No special configuration is required on the WTC. Log on to WTS using the Remote Desktop client or any other WTC software. Use the configured Personal Communications session defined on the WTS.

Configuration on WTS is as follows:

  1. Configure SNA API client for LUA sessions. This configuration can be done for each user.
    1. Choose Local INI configuration.
    2. Configure global data such as User ID, Password, and so on. For additional details, refer to the Quick Beginnings document.
    3. Create an LUA definition which includes LUA session name, server IP address, and so on. For additional details, refer to the Quick Beginnings document.
    4. Save the configuration.
      • If you want to save this configuration for a particular user, create a directory in that user's name (for example, user1) and store the configuration file in the name of that user (for example, user1.ini). To complete the configuration, see item 3 below, "To configure a different .INI file for each user."
      • If you want the configuration to be same for all users, store the file in the default location under the default name. The configuration is same as before (that is, as it was before WTS support). The only change is the support of multiple user configuration.
  2. Configure Personal Communications to use SNA API client. The procedure is same as before, with or without WTS support.
    1. Choose the API client interface.
    2. Choose the LUA0,1,2,3 via WINRUI attachment.
    3. Click Link parameters and choose the name of the session configured in SNA API client.
    4. Maintain the default values for other settings.
  3. To configure a different .INI file for each user, do the following:
    1. Log on to the system as the user for which the .INI file needs to be configured.
    2. Go to the System Properties > Advanced panel and click Environment variables.
    3. Click User Variables > New.
    4. Type CSNTAPI for the variable value and enter the path of the .INI file.

      For example, if the user 1 configuration is located in the file C:\user1\user1.ini and the user 2 configuration is located in C:\user2\user2.ini, the configuration is as follows:

      • For user 1, type CSNTAPI for the variable value and C:\user1\user1.ini for the path
      • For user 2, type CSNTAPI for the variable value and C:\user2\user2.ini" for the path

There is no other change to the configuration procedure. The configuration of LUA sessions, transaction programs, and so on remain unchanged. The Personal Communications configuration does not need to be changed. The steps for configuring Personal Communications or any LU application remain the same.

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5.5.4 Tracing and Message logging notes for SNA API Client

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5.5.5 LDAP Directory Server modifications
SNA API client configuration information can be kept in an LDAP directory. The supported directory servers for this release are Netscape Directory Server Version 4.0, IBM Directory Server Version 3.1.1, and Lotus Domino Version 5.0.

Schema extensions are provided for Netscape Directory Server and must be added to the server configuration before configuring the SNA API clients. The other supported directory servers already contain the necessary schema definitions. Access control for entries and attributes must be controlled using the directory server's administration utility.

The SNA API LDAP configuration utility allows you to modify the extended entries. The user ID used with this utility must have access to write entries into the directory. You can use the directory administrator ID (which has these permissions) when executing the client configuration utility.

To add the schema extensions to the Netscape server, add the following lines to the slapd.conf file, which is located in the \config directory of the Netscape directory server.

include ibmcs-oc-ns.conf
include ibmcs-at-ns.conf

The exact path name of this directory is dependent on where the directory server is installed and the name of the directory server. See the following example:


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5.6 Remote administration

Subsection Table of Contents
5.6.1 Accessing the message log file
5.6.2 Administering different server versions

5.6.1 Accessing the message log file
You can review the message log file on a remote machine where Communications Server is installed. Map the drive where Communications Server is installed. Then open the Communications Server Log Viewer application and open the remote log file pcwmsg.mlg.

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5.6.2 Administering different server versions
Remote administration of Communications Server prior to Version 6.0 is not supported. The Discover function will not find the back-level remote servers in the network.

Remote configuration can only configure a Communications Server of the same version level. For example, Version 6.1.2 remote configuration can only configure a Version 6.1.2 Communications Server node.

Use Communications Server Web Administration to administer and configure multiple levels of Communications Server remotely.

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6 Limitations

Subsection Table of Contents
6.1 OS/400 shared folders not supported
6.2 SLP and different encryption levels
6.3 Problem opening documentation with Netscape Navigator

6.1 OS/400 shared folders not supported
Communications Server for Windows 6.1.2 does not support OS/400 shared folders, because Windows NT is out of service.

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6.2 SLP and different encryption levels
A client session that targets a High Security TN3270 port with an SLP query might be connected to an Authenticate Only TN3270 port, or vice versa, if both are configured on the same server.

Communications Server for Windows allows you to configure various levels of encryption (High, Medium, Authenticate Only) for a TN3270(E) or TN5250 port definition. These encryption levels are found in the Security panel of the Define TN3270 Port Definitions dialog.

Some TN3270 or TN5250 clients (such as Host On-Demand Version 5) do not make full use of the SSLv3 information that Communications Server advertises in an SLP packet. These clients connect to the first port with the SSL level, scope, pool, and load that they requested, without regard to the encryption level. The resulting connection might result in a session connecting to a port with a different encryption level than intended.

To avoid this situation, use only one encryption level (High, Medium, or Authenticate Only) for each machine or scope. Ports on a given server can be uniquely targeted by enabling and disabling Security and Client Authentication.

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6.3 Problem opening documentation with Netscape Navigator
If you have Netscape Navigator as your default system browser and have Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) enabled for file type HTM, you might get an error message saying the online documentation cannot be found. If you ignore the error, the files are displayed anyway

To prevent the error message from displaying, change the DDE application type from Netscape to NSShell for HTML file types in the Windows Folder Options dialog. Refer to the relevant Netscape tip at

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7 Notices and trademarks

AnyNet, IBM, iSeries, OS/400, S/390, WebSphere, z/OS, and zSeries are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Tivoli, Tivoli Ready, Tivoli Management Environment, and TME are trademarks of Tivoli Systems Incorporated in the United States, other countries, or both.

Lotus and Domino are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java, the Java logo, and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

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