Visit our Home Pages on the Internet: Communications Server for Windows NT +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ ³ ³ DATE: 01/14/1999 ³ ³ ³ ³ DESCRIPTION: ³ ³ ³ ³ README FILE FOR IBM Communications Server for Windows NT v6.0.x ³ ³ ³ ³ APAR: JR14241 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This ³ ³ package can be distributed to any one who has a license for ³ ³ this product. ³ ³ ³ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 6.0.x. PROBLEMS FIXED: APAR Number Description JR14241 Have info bundler not grab registry data. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: JR14241.EXE is a self-extracting file containing the shipped executables. The PARTS LIST is as follows: SHIPPED (fn ft) REPLACES CSNTPD.exe \IBMCS\CSNTPD.exe CSPDCRD.exe \IBMCS\CSPDCRD.exe JR14241.txt (this readme file) INSTFIX.bat (install batch file) where "\IBMCS" is the directory where Communications Server for Windows NT is installed. Installing the fix on the system: 1) Be SURE you have downloaded the JR14241.exe file in BINARY format. 2) Create a temporary directory, copy JR14241.exe into the temporary directory, and run the file to uncompress it. 3) To install the fix and also cause the Information Bundler to not generate the REGISTRY.DAT copy of your registry, run INSTFIX.BAT passing the directory where Communications Server is installed as a parameter. For example: instfix.bat c:\ibmcs This will turn off a parameter in the registry, so that in the future when the Information Bundler runs, no registry data will be collected. To re-collect registry data, simply run CSPDCRD.exe with option "-y". For example : cspdcrd.exe -y CONTACT FOR SUPPORT: If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 6.0.x Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.