Visit our Home Pages on the Internet: Communications Server for Windows NT +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATE: 11/12/98 DESCRIPTION: README FILE FOR IBM Communications Server for Windows NT v 5.01 APAR: JR12583 This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This package can be distributed to any one who has a license for this product. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 5.01 PROBLEMS FIXED: APAR Number Description JR10979 Access violation in tn3270e.exe on CSNT 500. NT 4.0. JR11190 COMM659 ERRORS WITH PCOMM CONNECTING TO CS/NT VIA TN3270E. jr11511 lua verb rui_write resulted in an unexpected return code JR11509 SLI application hangs due to RUI posting events out of order JR11607 LANDP hangs with CSNT; RUI_INIT fails with STATE CHECK JR11652 Attach is rejected with sc 10086011 JR11980 Rui_read fails with no_data return code. JR12064 FDDI port won't initialize - NDIS error in log PCS1753E 36603 LLC layer disconnects JR12275 Abnormally terminating RUI app abends server. JR12291 TN3270WN.EXE TAKES 100% CPU UTILIZATION. 29457 PCS_SRVR caused an invalid page fault in Module APPN.DLL 31944 APPC thread storage (136) bytes are acquired but not released 29237 rc coding xcscsu with security=same 25155 Sense code information not compatible with MS SNA Server JR11405 HOST unbinds sessions SC 20010000 CSNT sends RU out of sequen 27954 Add capability to make LAPB initiator JR11569 winrui32 traps running entry level PCOMM with JR11509 applied JR11637 vacgcon.exe removes * from FQ_LU_NAME statement in .ACG. JR11706 Dr Watson/Access violation in TN3270WN.EXE using filters JR11798 RUIWrite error - pri 14 sec 20050000 when SNA Clear sent down JR11779 ACG FAILS TO SAVE BLOCKID IF VALUE IS BETWEEN 001 AND 00F JR11894 Default Lu6.2 needed for 5.x JR11918 limited to 128 incoming link stations 34978 security gap fix JR12126 CNOS not responded to before an abnormal termination JR12112 Hung tn3270 sessions. Data queued in CSNT and not sent to hos JR12192 FMH1 IS NOT BEING PASSED CORRECTLY TO THE CLIENT. 24050 Changing AppnNode service account makes desktop inaccessible 24159 PROG727 attempting to access Netview JR12215 2001 sense returned by csnt 31942 Cannot use Dependent LU as DEFAULT_LOCAL_LU even after IC1999 24015 VIEWING 600 TP NAMES VIA SNA NODE OPERATIONS CAUSED PCS6014E JR12365 CSNT 5.01 does not pass the keyboard restore bit to the emula 27936 PCOM/NT crashes on HPR route backout 29854 Restart Indication can get lost with fix for d27954 30187 CPI-C app fails on RECV_ALLOC_MULT w/ Bad TP-ID failure 25156 Too much data traced when tracing is set to truncate at 128 JR11170 Allow cpic to send AP_CANCEL on CMCANC verb JR11021 new subkey vs. value problem in 5.01 fix for defect 19398 JR11906 TN3270e session hang due to tn3270e server discarding data JR12049 NetView errors; same as PCOMM DEFECT 24715 39880 Create new external ATM header file JR12336 LLC2 not always installed during silent install of CSNT 25899 CSNT-Trap(ntoskrl) caused by pdlnafac.text+520c inact CS/2 24366 SMP System hangs using ISA Twinax Adapter on Windows NT 23577 Incomplete topologies shared among NNs -VTAM cause connect fa 24374 APPN Locate to CS/2 fails, PCS4472A w/sense 80140001 28402 HPR does not work across more than 2 subnets JR11548 Blue screen on CSNT if apinging Partner Lu two networks away 30648 Will not interoperate with Branch Network Node 30662 RUI user mode cleanup 32413 Blue screen with MPA to MPA switched connection 30408 TN3270WN.exe trap on node take down 30859 performance monitor abend when initializing chart parameters 32596 Abend in pdlndsdl!.text+101f after stopping sdlc mp node 36407 Starting/stopping node or connection causes blue screen 14415 PCS6923 issued repeatedly during node termination 28648 Allow csversion query primitive first JR11713 slow performance 30730 PCS4053E (0x080f6051) security problem aping 5.01 to 6.0 34549 Unexpected NOTIFY(disable) 23103 Fix AnyVCsAllocated() once and for all! 24151 Add support for PCI MPA adapter to 24310 OEM Interface changes (APARs IC16377 and JR11098) 25141 CA400-Win95 Missing PCMCIA PCCardxxx registry entires 25425 Search 2nd PCI bus 28616 Security info should ALWAYS be checked if it is on attach INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: The PARTS LIST is as follows: SHIPPED (fn ft) REPLACES csstart.exe x:\ibmcs\csstart.exe pcscfg.exe x:\ibmcs\pcscfg.exe pccfgenu.dll x:\ibmcs\pccfgenu.dll apitrc32.dll x:\ibmcs\apitrc32.dll ocdnts50.dat x:\ibmcs\ocdnts50.dat ocdconvt.dll x:\ibmcs\ocdconvt.dll dlctrc32.dll x:\ibmcs\dlctrc32.dll pcscapi.dll x:\ibmcs\pcscapi.dll tn3270d.dll x:\ibmcs\tn3270d.dll tn3270wn.exe x:\ibmcs\tn3270wn.exe pdlnafmt.dll x:\ibmcs\pdlnafmt.dll pdlnefmt.dll x:\ibmcs\pdlnefmt.dll pdlcsmsg.dll x:\ibmcs\pdlcsmsg.dll pdlcsmsg.hlp x:\ibmcs\pdlcsmsg.hlp csnttrc.cfg x:\ibmcs\csnttrc.cfg cscm.dll x:\ibmcs\cscm.dll csvreg.exe x:\ibmcs\csvreg.exe anutil.dll x:\ibmcs\anutil.dll anybsd.dll x:\ibmcs\anybsd.dll anyloadr.exe x:\ibmcs\anyloadr.exe anyqryss.dll x:\ibmcs\anyqryss.dll anytrace.dll x:\ibmcs\anytrace.dll anytrc.dll x:\ibmcs\anytrc.dll anytrfmt.dll x:\ibmcs\anytrfmt.dll anyws2in.dll x:\ibmcs\anyws2in.dll anyws2sp.wsp x:\ibmcs\anyws2sp.wsp anyws32.dll x:\ibmcs\anyws32.dll anywsipc.dll x:\ibmcs\anywsipc.dll ipc.dll x:\ibmcs\ipc.dll ippmm.dll x:\ibmcs\ippmm.dll mptncmm.dll x:\ibmcs\mptncmm.dll snapmm.dll x:\ibmcs\snapmm.dll snasm.dll x:\ibmcs\snasm.dll socketsm.dll x:\ibmcs\socketsm.dll sporder.dll x:\ibmcs\sporder.dll sxmap.exe x:\ibmcs\sxmap.exe appn.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\appn.sys appnapi.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\appnapi.sys appnbase.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\appnbase.sys llc2.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\llc2.sys appnnode.exe x:\winnt\system32\drivers\appnnode.exe pdlnatsn.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnatsn.sys pdlnatnm.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnatnm.sys pdlnatcm.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnatcm.sys pdlnepkt.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnepkt.sys pdlnatdl.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnatdl.sys pdlndsdl.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlndsdl.sys pdlnampa.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnampa.sys pdlncfwk.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlncfwk.sys pdlnsx25.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnsx25.sys pdlndqll.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlndqll.sys pdlnafac.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnafac.sys pdlnemap.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnemap.sys pdlnadci.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnadci.sys pdlnaoem.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnaoem.sys pdlnecfg.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlnecfg.sys pdlndlpb.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\pdlndlpb.sys anydlc.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\anydlc.sys anysosdd.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\anysosdd.sys anysosgw.sys x:\winnt\system32\drivers\anysosgw.sys wcpic32.dll x:\winnt\system32\wcpic32.dll wappc32.dll x:\winnt\system32\wappc32.dll winnof32.dll x:\winnt\system32\winnof32.dll winrui32.dll x:\winnt\system32\winrui32.dll ruimsg.dll x:\winnt\system32\ruimsg.dll winsli32.dll x:\winnt\system32\winsli32.dll ibmcsprf.dll x:\winnt\system32\ibmcsprf.dll winappc.h x:\ibmcs\sdk\win32\h\winappc.h winnof.h x:\ibmcs\sdk\win32\h\winnof.h uninst.dll x:\ibmcs\uninst.dll Services.exe x:\ibmcs\Services.exe insttemp.inf x:\ibmcs\insttemp.inf instfix.bat regini.exe dis_sec.ini JR12583.txt (this readme file) Installing the fix on the system: 1) Be SURE you have downloaded the jr12583.exe in BINARY format. 2) Create a temporary directory and copy jr12583.exe into the temporary directory and run the file to uncompress it. 3) Stop Communications Server for Windows NT (including your node, Node Operations, Node Configuration, Log Viewer, and any other CS/NT components you have started). Note that there may still be CS/NT-related services running on the machine after stopping these applications, but this is normal and will not affect the installation of this fix package. IMPORTANT! This is an APAR fix, so carefully compare the dates of the parts supplied with this APAR fix with the dates of the parts you are replacing. If ANY of the parts being replaced are more recent than the parts shipped with this APAR discontinue the installation of this fix and contact Customer Support for clarification. 4) Run the INSTFIX.BAT file specifying as parameters the path where CSNT is installed and the path where Windows NT is installed. For example, you might type: INSTFIX.BAT c:\ibmcs c:\winnt and then press Enter. This batch file will rename the CSNT files being replaced, copy in the new files, and update the server's registry to take advantage of the new files. The previous versions of the files will have ".prejr12583" appended to their filenames to make them unique. 5) Shutdown and Restart the CS/NT server machine. 6) Restart your CS/NT node. Below are special instructions for implementing the fixes for JR11918, JR12018, and JR11021 if you require these fixes in your environment. The procedure for JR11021 is recommended. The procedure for JR11918 is necessary to fully utilize the number of simultaneously available link stations. The procedure for JR12018 is only required for certain environments. If you are unsure, do not disable the additional security. To implement the fix for JR11021: 1) Copy CSVREG.EXE from the temporary directory to the directory where CS/NT is installed. Then run CSVREG.EXE from a Command Prompt. You will receive a message when it has completed. Note that this file only needs to be run once on the CS/NT server unless CS/NT 5.01 is reinstalled. Running CSVREG.EXE multiple times will not harm your CS/NT server. To implement the fix for JR11918: 1) Using the SNA Node Configuration, open your .acg file after applying the fix. 2) Save the file and exit SNA Node Configuration. 3) Modify the .acg file from a word-processor application such as edit. Find the following heading: PORT=( .... .... .... PORT_LAN_SPECIFIC_DATA=( .... .... INB_LINK_ACT_LIM=128 OUT_LINK_ACT_LIM=127 TOT_LINK_ACT_LIM=255 4) The inbound link activation limit has a range of 0-255. The outbound link activation limit has a range of 1-255. The total link activation limit has a range of 0-255. The inbound + outbound has to equal the total. 5) Modify the numbers on the 3 values, then save the .acg file. 6) Run the Configuration Verification utility against your new .acg file. 7) Shutdown and Restart the CS/NT server machine. 8) Restart your CS/NT node. To implement the fix for JR12018: Note: This procedure is only required for certain environments. If you are unsure, do not disable the additional security. Perform the following option in order to DISABLE the extra security: 1) Run regedt32 2) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Appn 3) Choose Add Value from the Edit menu 4) In the Value Name type the string LimitTpSecurity 5) Leave the DataType as REG_SZ, and click OK 6) In the String Editor, type the string YES and click OK. 7) Close regedt32. CONTACT FOR SUPPORT: If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 5.0 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.