Visit our Home Pages on the Internet: Communications Server for Windows NT +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATE: 07/24/98 DESCRIPTION: README FILE FOR IBM Communications Server for Windows NT v5.01 APAR: JR12112 This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This package can be distributed to any one who has a license for this product. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ PREREQUISITES : IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 5.01 PROBLEMS FIXED: APAR Number Description JR12112 1) Clients hung using typeahead feature. This was due to data from the client that the TN3270E Server had queued up waiting for direction being sent after the host sent query reply data. The host application was set up to not accept anything other than the response to the query reply data. TN3270E Server was changed to implement a 15 second timer to detect hung connections and send a SIGNAL RU if data is waiting to go inbound to the host. 2) Code changes were made to correct buffer lengths on TN3270E Server display. This is to prevent traps during display. JR11906 TN3270E Server will only discard LU-LU data received from the client if the session is not in LU-LU state. Before this change, clients can end up in a hang condition due to the fact that the server discarded client data. The server was discarding the data due to the fact that the client was presenting data to the server when the server was waiting for a response to prior data posted to the client. JR11798 SNA CLEAR RU was not being handled properly by the TN3270E Server. This results in clients getting disconnected (bounced back to the USSMSG010 screen) due to RUI_WRITE errors. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: JR12112.exe is a self-extracting file containing the shipped executables. The PARTS LIST is as follows: SHIPPED (fn ft) REPLACES tn3270d.dll tn3270d.dll tn3270wn.exe tn3270wn.exe Installing the fix on the system: 1) Be SURE you have downloaded the JR12112.exe file in BINARY format. 2) Create a Temp directory and copy JR12112.exe into the temporary directory and run the file to uncompress it. 3) Stop Communications Server for Windows NT (including your node, Node Operations, Node Configuration, Log Viewer, and any other CS/NT components you have started). Note that there may still be CS/NT-related services running on the machine after stopping these applications, but this is normal and will not affect the installation of this fix package. IMPORTANT! If this is an APAR fix, carefully compare the dates of the parts supplied with this APAR fix with the dates of the parts you are replacing. If ANY of the parts being replaced are more recent than the parts shipped with this APAR discontinue the installation of this fix and contact Customer Support for clarification. 4) Backup your existing versions of the parts listed in the above parts list. 5) Copy the new versions of the files from the temporary directory to the directory where CS/NT is installed. 6) Shutdown and Restart the CS/NT server machine. 7) Restart your CS/NT node. CONTACT FOR SUPPORT: If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 5.0 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.