******************************************************************* * IBM Content Manager * * Version 7.1 * * Tivoli Ready Readme * * cmv7_readme.txt * * © Copyright IBM Corporation 2000 * ******************************************************************* ======================= Tivoli Ready Enablement ======================= With the purchase of an IBM software product that carries the Tivoli Ready logo, you have the ability to manage your IBM software products through the Tivoli Management Enterprise (TME) products. The TME allows you to automatically discover, monitor, manage, and inventory one or more Tivoli Ready applications. ================== How to Get Started ================== IBM software products that are Tivoli Ready can be managed through either the Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC), and/or through Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager (GEM). Supported TME configurations include managing IBM applications that are installed on TME managed nodes and endpoints in a distributed environment. =================================================================== Tivoli Ready Support for IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms 7.1 =================================================================== This Tivoli Ready instrumentation, when configured, provides you with the ability to: 1) Graphically view the health of Content Manager Library and Object servers through Tivoli Global Enterprise Manager 2.3 or Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) 3.6 (or higher) consoles. 2) Perform operational tasks on components: - Start Content Manager Library and Object servers - Stop Content Manager Library and Object servers - Start Content Manager Library and Object servers as services (for Windows version) - Stop Content Manager Library and Object servers as services (for Windows version) 3) Inventory Content Manager servers using Tivoli Inventory version 3.6 or higher ======================================= Tivoli Enterprise Software Requirements ======================================= Following is a list of the minimum Tivoli software required for the Tivoli Ready instrumentation: Tivoli Framework 3.6 or higher Tivoli Distributed Monitoring 3.6 or higher Tivoli Software Distribution 3.6 or higher Tivoli TEC 3.6 or higher Tivoli GEM Server 2.3 Tivoli GEM Console 2.3 Tivoli GEM Instrumentation Service 2.3 Tivoli GEM Event Enablement 2.3 =============================================================== Location of the Tivoli Ready Instrumentation for Multiplatforms =============================================================== Tivoli Ready Instrumentation for multiplatforms can be downloaded from the following url: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/content_manager/tools/v7.1/tivoli It contains the following: cmv7_readme.txt (this file) ContentManager7.tar (has installation files for AIX & NT) ContentManager7.amp (for AIX & NT) Note: Please use any well-known UNTAR utility except for Winzip to UNTAR the ContentManager7.tar file. The installation and usage of these files is described below. ================================================ How to Install and Configure the Instrumentation ================================================ 1) Your Tivoli administrator needs to ensure that the Content Manager Library and Object servers you want to manage through Tivoli have the correct version of the Framework installed (IBM Content Manager v7.1 servers supports LCF 3.6.1). Also, the GEM Instrumentation Service profile(s) must be already distributed to the Content Manager server endpoints. 2) To enable Library and/or Object servers for Tivoli Global Enterprise Management (GEM) version 2.3 your Tivoli administrator needs to import the AMP file into the GEM Server. This can be done by starting the GEM Console and selecting File -> Load AMP... From the AMP File Selection dialog window, navigate to the directory which the ContentManager7.amp file is downloaded into. For more information, refer to the documentation included with the Tivoli GEM 2.3 software. 3) Your Tivoli administrator needs to use the Tivoli Desktop to install the Content Manager v7.1 image into the TMR Server. The administrator must extract this TAR image(including subdirectories) to a directory in order for the image to be installable. Then the install can be done by starting the Desktop and selecting: Desktop -> Install -> Product Once the Install Product dialog window is active, navigate to the directory which the ContentManager7.tar image has been extracted to. Continue with the installation. For more details on Tivoli Desktop installations, refer to the documentation included with the Tivoli Framework. 4) Your Tivoli administrator needs to distribute the Tivoli profiles associated with the Content Manager v7.1 Tivoli image to the Library and/or Object server endpoints. 5) Download the most recent Tivoli Inventory Signature file for IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms v7.1 from ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/content_manager/tools/v7.1/tivoli and load it into the Tivoli Inventory product. For NT or Windows 2000, it is frnncmtr.sys and for AIX it is frnxcmtr.sys. Note the fourth character in the name, n for NT/Windows 2000 and x for AIX. 6) On AIX, the inventory signature file frnxcmtr.sys, which is located on the directory "tivready" under the Content Manager v7.1 installation directory, must be modified to have execution permission by executing the following command: chmod 755 frnxcmtr.sys ============ Hints & Tips ============ 1)You MUST highlight a desired server for an action by clicking on it. It is not enough to simply move the cursor pointer over it. You must click on it to select it, then right click to get the task menu. 2)To have results appear on GEM immediately, you may want to issue a probe manually rather then wait for an automatic one (default interval is 1 hour). you do this by issuing the following command in a Tivoli environment : wrunprb -z * * * - Where is the hostname of the Tivoli endpoint machine where your Content Manager server(s) reside. You will want to issue this command 2 or 3 times. Also, due to timing issues, the results you see on GEM may sometimes not be acccurate until the probe has been run more then once. 3)When using start/stop for an instance, be sure to give enough time for the server to fully stop or start. The time will vary depending on your system. For example, a heavily used Object Server, on a slow system and managing large filesystems, will require some time to fully stop. 4)Due to some timing issues, it is possible to have an invalid CPU usage reported. This can be cleared by bringing down the server that is issuing the error, running a probe (see 2 above), bringing that server back up and running a probe again. 5)For the NT Library & Object Servers, it is necessary to have 2 files configured in order for the Support/Discovery connection tasks to operate properly: portfile.txt - NT Library Server portfile_os - NT Object Server - For each respective server, it is necessary to place these files in the %SystemDrive% root directory (ie. C:, D: - depending on system configuration). You can check to see your settings by issuing the following from the command line: echo %SystemDrive% - To configure the files, you must have the following information in this format: * Inside the portfile.txt: , ie. CM Library Server (JOEBLOW),23453 * Inside the portfile_os: ie. 23453 - the instance name of the library server you want a connection to - the TCPIP address of the library server you want your object server to make connection to - a port number you want object servers to connect on - Using the values in the above examples, a library server, with the instance discovery name of "CM Library Server (JOEBLOW)" and IP Address wants to have object servers connecting to it on port 23453. The object server simply needs to specify the ip address and port number of the library server it wants to connect to. 6)For the AIX Library or Object Servers, it is necessary to have a file configured in order for the Support/Discovery connection tasks to operate properly: libraryserver.id - AIX Library Server objectserver.id - AIX Object Server - For each respective server, it is necessary to place these files in the $FRNSHARED directory which is /var/frn by default. - These are flat ASCII text files containing 3 or 4 fields which are delimited by one or more blanks. The libraryserver.id file contains the following 3 fields. where - the AIX userid which is the library server's user id - the name of this server. It is also the name of this server's database. - the number of configured child processes. The default number of child processes is 5. If you are not certain how many child processes you have configured, then set this to a zero (0) initially. It will be updated to the correct value the first time this server is probed by Tivoli. The objectserver.id file has the same three fields plus an additional one which is the name of the library server which owns this object server. - As an example, let's assume you have both a library server and an object server installed on an AIX system. Let's assume for the library server that the user id is "lsadmin" the database name is "LIBSRVRX" and you have the default number of child processes (5). Then the $FRNNSHARED/libraryserver.id file would contain : lsadmin LIBSRVRX 5 If the object server's userid is "osadmin" and its database is "OBJSRVRX", and you are not sure how many child processes are configured, then you would create a $FRNSHARED/objectserver.id file like this: osadmin OBJSRVRX 0 LIBSRVRX =================== Support Information =================== For more information on obtaining support and/or product-specific updates for the Tivoli Ready Instrumentation for IBM Content Manager refer to the following web sites: http://www.tivoli.com/teamtivoli/ http://www.ibm.com/software/data/cm ===================================================================