********************************************************************************************** Content Manager V6.1 CSD2 ( for Windows October 19th, 2001 This is a formal Corrective Service Delivery that will bring all systems at the syslevels described in the Installation Requirements to (syslevel 06010200.green.CSD2). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This CSD is for Windows 95/98/NT. In order to install this CSD, you must be at the minimum product base level: a) Content Manager for Windows V6.1.0.0 (syslevel 060100.green.0001) b) Content Manager for Windows V6.1.0.x (syslevel 0601000x.green.fixpackx) a) Content Manager for Windows V6.1.1.0 (syslevel 06010100.green.CSD1) b) Content Manager for Windows V6.1.1.x (syslevel 0601010x.green.CSD1.fixpackx) To determine your current syslevel on a Windows machine: - Click on the START button and select RUN. - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click the product (example: DL, VI, EIP, CM, ...) - Double click on version - On the right side of the screen, the following information is displayed: Version/Release, Modification and Fixpack applied. ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. On the CSD FTP site, CD into the desired language subdirectory (for example: CD ENU to find the English CSD). Be aware that each National language has its own CSD package. Because all the language CSDs have the same name, be sure you go to the correct language subdirectory. 3. Download the CM6120.WIN.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 4. CM6120.WIN.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering CM6120.WIN. You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 15MB of free space. 5. After extracting the ZIP file, CD into the language directory and run setup.exe which will take you through GUI install panels. 6. After the installation has completed, you must rebind the databases of your library server and object server. You can rebind the server databases as follows: Library Server: Start->Programs->IBM Content Manager for Multiplaforms->Utilities-> Library Server Database Bind Object Server: Start->Programs->IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms->Utilities-> Object Server Database Bind -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tivoli Support -------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM's initiative for "Tivoli Ready" enablement across its software product portfolio provides a consistent level of management function for: - Automatically discovering applications and displaying instances on TME 10 management consoles - Regularly monitoring and displaying the "health" of applications across the business enterprise - Managing inventory of installed software applications through TME 10 Inventory For additional information and requirements see the Tivoli Ready web site at: http://www.tivoli.com/support/tme10gem/tivoli-ready For Content Manager, Version 6.1, the Tivoli Ready instrumentation has been incorporated into the product installation. A readme file, readme.html, describing the Tivoli Ready instrumentation is provided on the following web page: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/tivoli-ready/contentmgr/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running Content Manager System Administration with Enterprise Information Portal version 7.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to run Content Manager System Administration with Enterprise Information Portal version 7.1, you must copy the frneip71.exe file from the frnroot directory on the EIP 7.1 install CD into the directory where CM6.1 is installed (default is frnroot) and execute it. If EIP 7.1 is not installed on the same machine as CM System Administration, then you must also change the CM System Administration shortcut on the start menu, as described below. You may copy the CM System Administration shortcut and modify the copy, so that you have two versions and so may easily run CM SA to talk to either EIP 6.1 or EIP 7.1. If you wish to have icons on the start menu for both versions, first copy the shortcut as follows: Right click on the start menu icon. Click on 'Open All Users'. Double click on 'Programs'. Double click on 'IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms'. Right click on System Admin Client. Click 'Copy'. Click on the window. Click on 'Paste Shortcut'. To change the shortcut perform the following steps: Right click on the shortcut you wish to change. Click on 'Open All Users'. Double click on 'Programs'. Double click on 'IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms'. Right click on System Admin Client. Click 'Properties'. Click the 'Shortcut' tab. To use CM Admin with EIP 7.1, add '71' after 'frnnsacl.exe' in the target. That is, the new target will look like: frnnsacl.exe 71 sa.client.SajcAdmin....... To use CM Admin with EIP 6.1, there should be no number after frnnsacl.exe. That is the shortcut looks like: frnnsacl.exe sa.client.SajcAdmin..... Click OK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This following workaround only applies to users who have Oracle 8 on NT and are applying this CSD. If you know you will not be creating any new index classes, you do not need to apply this workaround. In order to allow Index Class creations to work following applying this CSD, you need to make the following workaround to your system. You need to make a copy of your existing SQLLIB80.LIB renaming this second one to SQLLIB18.LIB. To find this library, issue the following command : set lib Then look for the full path name to your Oracle library. It should look something like : d:\orant\ora80\lib\msvc Change to that diretory and you should find the SQLLIB80.LIB file. Then issue the following command : copy SQLLIB80.LIB SQLLIB18.LIB You can check it with : dir sql* You should see both files, the only difference should be in the last two characters in the name. The original will be 80 and the other will be 18. There should be no other differences. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions (New APARs in CSD2) -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42834 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 23249,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: When media manager is enabled, receive soft errors on the object server; FRN9886A: Not enough memory is available in function DMCreateDriveStatusTable for call realloc. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified mtomise.c . There is no need for Media Device Manager initialization. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41625 COMPONENT: Client PMR NUMBER: 35123,021 APAR DESCRIPTION: The default behavior for printing images was to print at normal/100% size, rather than fit to page. While this default was useful in some situations, it forced the right-most and bottom-most areas of the image to be clipped off for others. FIX DESCRIPTION: By default, documents will now print out "fit to page". To satisfy the need for some images to be printed at normal/100% size, a new "Fit to page" checkbox has been added to the Print dialog. This option is on by default but can be turned off as necessary. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41879 COMPONENT: Library Services PMR NUMBER: 09770,011 APAR DESCRIPTION: Multiple instances of applications fail to retrieve objects. Interference between applications (i.e. one logs off, the other stops working). The viewer is unable to load the Pixel Translations engine on NT TSE machines. FIX DESCRIPTION: Update the Settings->Control Panel->System->Environment System variables to add FRNSINGLEPROCESSCLIENT = 1 FRNCOMP = CLIENT An updated Pixel Translation engine, in conjunction with some PixTran files being moved, allows the PixTran engine to be loaded by the viewer. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43293 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: SimLibQueryPartExtSrch checks the number of columns in the FRN$SEARCH table against a fixed value. If the number of columns changes, this API will fail, and all Text Search and QBIC Search API's will fail. FIX DESCRIPTION: Get rid of the check for number of colums after the query since the number of columns in FRN$SEARCH table may increase from release to release. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43319 COMPONENT: JAVA System Admin PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the new version of EIP is installed over CM6.1, QBIC functions cannot be performed in SysAdmin. FIX DESCRIPTION: SysAdmin is changed to recognize the new cmbxx.jar files. If you wish to run Content Manager System Administration with Enterprise Information Portal version 7.1 and plan to use the Image Search Server, and EIP 7.1 is not installed on the same machine as CM System Administration, then you must change the CM System Administration shortcut on the start menu. You may also copy the CM System Administration shortcut and modify the copy, so that you have two versions and so may easily run CM SA to talk to both EIP 6.1 and EIP 7.1. If you wish to have icons on the start menu for both versions, first copy the shortcut as follows: Right click on the start menu icon. Click on 'Open All Users'. Double click on 'Programs'. Double click on 'IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms'. Right click on System Admin Client. Click 'Copy'. Click on the window. Click on 'Paste Shortcut'. To change the shortcut perform the following steps: Right click on the shortcut you wish to change. Click on 'Open All Users'. Double click on 'Programs'. Double click on 'IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms'. Right click on System Admin Client. Click 'Properties'. Click the 'Shortcut' tab. Add '71' after 'frnnsacl.exe' in the target. That is, the new target will look like: frnnsacl.exe 71 sa.client.SajcAdmin....... Click OK. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43320 COMPONENT: Common Services PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: After installing the new version of EIP, the text search panels can no longer be accessed from SysAdmin. Install needs to remove the imlfm.dll file from frnroot\dll. FIX DESCRIPTION: The imlfm.dll file is deleted from frnroot\dll. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43420 COMPONENT: Client PMR NUMBER: 05705 APAR DESCRIPTION: Basic Search and Index dialogs did not properly show Japanese characters. FIX DESCRIPTION: Japanese characters now show correctly. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43456 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 75492 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the DKBlobDL::Update() or the DKBlobDL::Update(filename) method to update the contents of a part which has been text miner indexed, the text miner queue is not updated to reflect this change. FIX DESCRIPTION: The redesigned multiStream codes (C++) do not check for TS search index during update() and do not set the WAKEUPSRV option from datastore. The fix is to check the search index during update() and assign the WAKEUPSRV option (passed from datastore) during initialization of search extension object. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43575 COMPONENT: JAVA SysAdmin PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: System Administration online help does not display for Arabic locale. FIX DESCRIPTION: Code changed to detect if on Arabic machine and, if so, reset locale before calling help browser. Apparently the third-party code used to display help cannot handle this locale. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43791 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Ip2QueryContentClass api within Folder Manager Toolkit can cause intermittent memory access violations. The access violation can cause an application to abort. FIX DESCRIPTION: Comment out two lines of code trying to get attribute ID for the unimplemented szFileExtension field. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions (APARs included in fixpack -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42063 COMPONENT: Client for Windows PMR NUMBER: 46924 APAR DESCRIPTION: Occasionally, not all pages/parts of a large document were opened. FIX DESCRIPTION: The complete document is now opened. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42301 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 (Client Application) PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Text in Notelogs and Sticky notes is not converted into the server's code page but is left in the Windows code page(12xx). FIX DESCRIPTION: Proper code page conversion is now performed. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42492 / Windows COMPONENT: TK / 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: 48615,122,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The retrieval of the TOC data for a large workbasket (6000) with a larger installation (12,000,000 Items) was taking longer to retrieve the data then the client time-out. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Change the SimLibGetTOC API to allow users to specify maximum number of entries returned and sort order. 2. Call LibDynQuery with the user specified maximum # of entries returned and sort order and send the query to Library Server. For example, if a workbasket has 12000 items, but if the user only want to see the first 200 items, then DB2 will only prepare 200 entries back instead of the default maximum of 10000 back. Also the sort order can be optimized by user specifying SIM_SORT_PRIORITY_ENTEREDWB to SimLibGetTOC() API instead of using the default sorting by itemID's. Thus the response time is dramatically reduced for this API. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42530 COMPONENT: 5648D0412 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add Tivoli Ready support to NT Object Server FIX DESCRIPTION: Tivoli Ready support added to NT Object Server ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42532 COMPONENT: 5648D0422 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add Tivoli Ready support for Library Server on NT FIX DESCRIPTION: Tivoli Ready support added to NT Library Server ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42535 COMPONENT: dltoolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error in SimLibQueryPartExtSrch İFRN=6288, ExtRC=8635¨ file: plobdl.cpp, line: 4211 when we call the DKBlobDL::isCategoryOf( DK_INDEXED_OBJECT ) for a part which is in the staging area and in the process of being de-staged. This is not a hard failure. No information is logged to either the client or server frndiag log files. When the part was loaded it was not set to be indexed. FIX DESCRIPTION: n/a ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42717 COMPONENT: 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Ip2GetObjectFileName should report the file name of the retrieved object to the user and then close the file, but it doesn't close the file after this API call. In addition, this APAR fixes FrnSysOpen() failure in Daemon during object sotre. FIX DESCRIPTION: Don't assume pObjAcc->hElement is NULL means synchronous retrieval. Actually, this API is changed so that as long as user retrieves the object to file, regardless if the retrieval is synchronous or asynchronous, we always close the file using fclose(), and set pObjAcc->bUserHasFile to TRUE. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions (APARs included in fixpack -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR40019 COMPONENT: Viewer PMR NUMBER: 97651,060 APAR DESCRIPTION: Annotations on documents viewed with the "Bedrock" engine (e.g. MODCA documents) showed up in the wrong locations. FIX DESCRIPTION: The annotations now appear correctly. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41451 COMPONENT: Sys Admin PMR NUMBER: 11273,020,678 APAR DESCRIPTION: Sysadmin allows invalid maximum password duration. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed maximum for the password duration field. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: Changed maximum for the password duration field to 32767. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41489 COMPONENT: SysAdmin PMR NUMBER: 32885,122,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Cannot create index classes when no collections on object server FIX DESCRIPTION: Handle null pointer from api ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41655 COMPONENT: dltoolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: VisualInfo 2.4 NT standard client gets FRN6529A The system cannot remove the item or items from a workbasket. Folder Manager trace shows RC=6288, ulExtRC=8681 on the Ip2RemoveWorkbasketItem when running with the environment variable SET FRNFMEVENTS=0 (used to suppress event records being written at the library server). When this variable is not set or set to 1, the error does not occur. FIX DESCRIPTION: In FM_RemoveWorkbasketItem, reduce the internal response block number, usQueryOrder, by one if FRNFMEVENTS is set to 0 (since LibRecordEvent is not called). When we process the response block returned from Daemon, we then use the right order number to process the response for WIP status. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41845 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Tested the startTransaction(), del() then rollback() of an XDO part on Green driver. And the part is deleted. FIX DESCRIPTION: Object Server maintains log a log of transactions and honors the commit or rollback from the Library Server. RESTRICTION: Multiple manipulations of a single object within a transaction may return errors due to the object being locked in an uncertain state. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41930 COMPONENT: dltoolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error in SimLibQueryPartExtSrch İFRN=6288, ExtRC=8635¨ file: plobdl.cpp, line: 4211, when we call the DKBlobDL::isCategoryOf( DK_INDEXED_OBJECT ) for a part which is in the staging area and in the process of being de-staged. This is not a hard failure. No information is logged to either the client or server frndiag log files. When the part was loaded it was not set to be indexed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Increased timeout value in LibGetResponse from 5 seconds to 5 minutes to match the default timeout value for other Folder Manager API's. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42029 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 28276,077,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the remote lbos is not operational at the time of request for a migration of an object(s), the object(s) will not be migrated at the next migration cycle unless the sending (local) lbos is stopped and restarted. The first time the migration fails, an error is received indicating that the migration failed because the remote lbos could not be found. This is correct. At the next migration cycle, however, the objects (with an actiondate less than the current date) are not acted upon. There are no messages reported to indicate that a problem occurred. In order to force the remote migration to start, the user must stop the sending object server and restart it. The next migration cycle will then migrate the objects to the remote object server. Customer's production environment consists of an aix vi v2.4.1 lbos to three remote os/2 vi v2.4.1 lbos's. They have also duplicated the problem using a local os/2 lbos to a remote aix or os/2 lbos. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem was caused by the original migrator design, when the migrator can not connect to the remote object server, it set up a flag to indicate that the remote object server is not available. Once set, any remote migration will not take place. The flag will be reset only when the migration cycle expired, for example, the migrator detects it is at next migration day or the object server is recycled. The fix will reset the flag every time the migrator wakes up for more migration task during a migration cycle. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42285 COMPONENT: dltoolkit PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: SimLibListClasses does not return the index class when a user who is authorized to one of the views of an index class but is not authorized to the index class itself. FIX DESCRIPTION: In fiplogn2.c obtained the index classes by processing the index view list not directly from the index class list returned by the query. Also updated related functions fipcache, and fipquery. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42271 COMPONENT: C++ OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 23243 APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory leak found if an invalid index class was entered in a combined query. FIX DESCRIPTION: Cleaned up unused space ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42392 COMPONENT: OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 35147,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The following memory leak occurs when using the C++ API to load a multistream file. Detected memory leaks! Dumping objects -> strcore.cpp(118) : {2058} normal block at 0x02A7DDC0, 21 bytes long. Data: < FRN$> 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 46 52 4E 24 strcore.cpp(118) : {2051} normal block at 0x02A7DF80, 21 bytes long. Data: < FRN$> 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 46 52 4E 24 strcore.cpp(118) : {2036} normal block at 0x02A7DED0, 51 bytes long. Data: < & & D:\T> 01 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 44 3A 5C 54 strcore.cpp(118) : {2035} normal block at 0x02A7DF30, 25 bytes long. Data: < AFP_> 01 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 41 46 50 5F strcore.cpp(118) : {2026} normal block at 0x02A7C050, 50 bytes long. Data: < % % D:\T> 01 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 44 3A 5C 54 strcore.cpp(118) : {2025} normal block at 0x02A7DFD0, 24 bytes long. Data: < AFP_> 01 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 41 46 50 5F {2016} normal block at 0x02A7C0B0, 52 bytes long. Data: < Bl Bl > 02 00 00 00 B4 42 6C 02 DC DF A7 02 B4 42 6C 02 Object dump complete. The method used is the 'add(filename)' of a DKBlobDL. FIX DESCRIPTION: Cleaned up all temporary storages. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42304 COMPONENT: 5648D0300 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Incorrect result from listPrivilege method in Java code On CM, Userid OWINGSVW was setup using a privilege set OWINGSVW with privileges that won't allow editing of annotations or attributes. I then traced down into the OOAPI's until I got to line 297 in PAccessControlImpDL.java: listPrivilegeNative(temp, listObj, _conStruct); The value of temp = "OWINGSVW" The value returned in listObj._privilege_name = "MAXPRIVS". Expected the value returned to be OWINGSVW. Since MAXPRIVS is returned, other privilege tests that follow always return DK_CM_PRIV_YES. FIX DESCRIPTION: The offset of the pointer was corrected in the JNI C code in the Java version. The listPrivilege method returns a correct privilege set name associated with the user ID. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42002 COMPONENT: Client Application (Viewer) PMR NUMBER: 29406,500 APAR DESCRIPTION: Some TIFF documents that used to be viewable are no longer viewable using the latest DLLs. FIX DESCRIPTION: An updated Pixel Translations DLL is provided that makes these TIFF files viewable again. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42286 COMPONENT: Viewer (Client Application) PMR NUMBER: 41121,668,668 APAR DESCRIPTION: It was not possible to type Czech characters in sticky notes on Czech systems. FIX DESCRIPTION: The default character set for sticky notes, text annotations and stamp annotations is now correct for all Eastern European and Russian clients. Additionally, it is now possible to specify a minimum note font size for sticky notes. By default note text will continue to scale with the underlying document but a minimum font size of 8, 10 or 12 can now be specified so that the text will never become unreadably small. To do this, add the following line under the "[View Options]" stanza in the "frnwview.ini" file: MinimumNoteFontSize=8 Values of "10" or "12" are also acceptable -- all other values will be ignored. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42281 COMPONENT: Viewer (Client Application) PMR NUMBER: 80625 APAR DESCRIPTION: Image quality is poor for some MO:DCA documents using the IBM "Bedrock" engine. FIX DESCRIPTION: Improved image quality for some scaling factors. Note that PixTran engine will continue to display some documents more clearly because it has a "scale to grey" capability that the Bedrock engine lacks. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42280 COMPONENT: Viewer (Client Application) PMR NUMBER: 33017,090,618 APAR DESCRIPTION: Attempting to view a MO:DCA/AFP document with an empty page causes the viewer and client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: AFP documents with empty pages are now handled correctly. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41216 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 30555 APAR DESCRIPTION: Starting in VI v2.3.1.1, all parts were automatically added to the Object Server and Collection associated with the document's Index Class. This meant that newly imported objects did not go to the user's default Index Class, as desired. FIX DESCRIPTION: With the Enhancement provided in this APAR fix, a programmer can now specify that the Library Server should choose the Object Server and Collection for a new part according to its rules (usually the User's default Object Server and Collection). Item.AddPart now has an optional 3rd argument. The definition is now: long AddPart(VT_BSTR Path, VT_BSTR CClass, VT_VARIANT SMSOption) If SMSOption is set to TRUE (non-zero) or omitted, the Index Class's default Object Server and collection will be used (original behavior). If SMSOption is set to FALSE (0), the Library Server will choose the Object Server and Collection, based on the configuration (usually the defaults for the user). ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41247 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 64115,180 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the user changes the key field layout in the Index Dialog and then selects a new Index Class, the client crashes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41282 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 63200 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a Windows 95/98 client application is brought down while the scan dialog is open, the scanner cannot be used again until after the machine is re-booted. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer causes the scanner to hang if the client is shut down during scanning. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41307 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 19254,057,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: If an item in a very large workbasket is re-indexed by one user while a second user is attempting to open that workbasket, the client is unable to open the workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client can now sucessfully open the workbasket. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41312 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 31440,090,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: The SMS information for parts was being changed when items' key fields were changed even if the index class was not. FIX DESCRIPTION: SMS info is now only updated if the index class changes. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41320 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 80373,180,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Only 19 Advanced Searches could be defined and used. Additional ones did not function. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client has been changed to allow up to 99 Advanced Searches to be defined and used. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41370 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 81505 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client would trap if the user attempted to Index a Search Results folder into an Index Class that had a SaveRecord User Exit defined. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now handles this condition correctly. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41380 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 79794,499 APAR DESCRIPTION: Intermittently, the client would crash when re-indexing documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41396 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 28205 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the SaveRecord user exit returns 0 but passes back a non-NULL error buffer, the client should display all the error messages in the error buffer. (Note that this is not the same as the original problem description for this APAR, which specified that error messages should be displayed if the user exit returned a non-0 return code. A non-0 return code is interpreted as an error in the function of the user exit and a generic error message is displayed. This is as specified in the documentation.) FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now displays all appropriate error messages if the exit returns 0 and error messages are provided. It displays a generic error message if the exit returns a non-0 value. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41399 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 80361 APAR DESCRIPTION: When indexing an item, if the user selects a class that does not allow re-indexing, the user should still be able to select another class in the dialog since the item has not been saved in this restrictive class. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Index dialog now allows the Index Class to be changed as appropriate. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41430 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 26353 APAR DESCRIPTION: The AlternateSearch user exit was not being called for Advanced searches. FIX DESCRIPTION: The AlternateSearch user exit defined for the "NOINDEX" index class, if any, will now be called for all Advanced searches. Additionally, this user exit will be called for any search over "All Index Classes". ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41477 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 18207,344 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer is not able to change from the default printer selection. Once he starts the client with a default printer, he will always print to that printer even though the display shows the newly selected printer. This problem may only occur with some printers. FIX DESCRIPTION: Switching printers is now possible in all situations. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41511 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 70928,057,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: Suspended items that were not in workbaskets were not shown as suspended and could not be re-activated. FIX DESCRIPTION: The correct Suspend status is now shown for items, whether or not they're in a workbasket. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41625 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 35123,021,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: Starting with FP5 for v2.3.1 and FP4 for v2.4.1, printing was changed so that documents were printed at normal/100% size, rather than fit to page, as they had been previously. While this change (for APAR IR40696) was useful in some situations, it forced the right-most and bottom-most areas of the image to be clipped off for others. FIX DESCRIPTION: The above-mentioned change to printing is now undone and, by default, documents print out fit to page once again. However, to satisfy the need for some images to be printed at normal/100% size, a new "Fit to page" checkbox has been added to the Print dialog. This option is on by default but can be turned off as necessary. This new option will only be added to the English and German versions of the Print dialog initially but can be made available for other languages on request. For all other customers, images will always print fit to page, as they had before. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41661 COMPONENT: Client Applications PMR NUMBER: 94819,019 APAR DESCRIPTION: Driven via its OLE interface, the client occasionally traps when closing one document as another is opened. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41683 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00001,DJ1,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: If there is a problem saving annotations to a document, the user is not notified. FIX DESCRIPTION: An error message is now displayed if annotations cannot be saved. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41075 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00949 APAR DESCRIPTION: It was not possible to print the contents of a Search Results folder. FIX DESCRIPTION: Printing is now possible. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41865 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 31026,019,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: VisualInfo index class is defined as 'manual workflow' when naming a specific workflow. When re-index an item into this index class, it starts in the workflow immediately, i.e. it moves to the first workbasket in the workflow. This should not happen. FIX DESCRIPTION: Items indexed to Index Classes with Manual Workflow defined will not be automatically started in a workflow. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41981 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: If, for some reason, there is a problem printing some part of a document, the user is not notified. FIX DESCRIPTION: The user is now notified of problems that occur during printing. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42063 COMPONENT: Client PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: FIX DESCRIPTION: If a user tries to export (in Common Interchange Format) a folder that contains an infinite loop (e.g. Folder A contains Folder B which contains Folder C which contains Folder A), the client hangs. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42092 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00422 & 93641 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client does not automatically issue a "stage" request when the user attempts to open an object that is on an unmounted volume. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Client now calls SimLibStageObject whenever the Folder Manager returns a 6265 error code (which indicates that the object is on an unmounted volume). APAR PREREQUISITES: PQ21717 (MVS Object Server) ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41849 COMPONENT: 5648A08B2 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Created a new privilege set by selecting "detailed copy" from an existing privilege set and then "de-select" some privileges. The SystemAdmin will accept the request and the window will be closed after it is finished. But If the new privilege set is displayed, the "de-selected" privileges still included in the privilege set. If SystemAdmin is used to de-select some privilege for the users (for example"Access control at the Item level"), the library server will perform privilege checking for each row which results in a query request and will send less data to client. FIX DESCRIPTION: Select and de-select privilege from the copied privilege set to save as a new priv set. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42655-Win COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: After installing CM CSD1 the following error was identified- when trying to retrieve a media part from video charger: DKXDOAccessError (Number: 368) Text: DGL0368A: Error while retrieving a part, API:SimLibOpenObject [FRN=6056, ExtRC=9929] The errors related to the media retrieve issue are after the "Accepting requests" message. The error occurs for both new media ingested into the system and for media objects that existed before applying CSD1. FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected Code logic error. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CSD1 ( APAR Fixes with Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41546 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 83045 APAR DESCRIPTION: Migrate or destage to adsm appears to hang or stop after running for a time. Recycling server seems to allow more objects to migrate or destage. FIX DESCRIPTION: Migrator or destager seems to stop functioning. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41547 COMPONENT: Object Server - Win PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN4214W - An error occurred in loading the file. This happens on some objects that are trying to be retrieved. Once the error is reported, the object can never be retrieved again. FIX DESCRIPTION: An error check has been added on ADSM api dsmBeginQuery call. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41004 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: N/A APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO parametric query option is used . We are using the wrong Folder Manager option for SimLibSearch as well as usingSimLibGetItemSnapshot which returns attributes. These are not needed when CONTENT=NO is specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: Using the correct option for SimLibSearch and use SimLibGetItemInfo when CONTENT=NO is specified. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41802 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: CheckOut exception does not return the correct FRN error code, it always returns 0. FIX DESCRIPTION: Return the correct FRN error code. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41949 COMPONENT: API ToolKit PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,00 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the customer wants to execute string query and an invalid index class is entered, an exception will be thrown, but it will cause memory leak. FIX DESCRIPTION: Before throwing exception, memory clean up is done. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41968 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 18003 APAR DESCRIPTION: A memory leak was detected in TS. Exception when quering 2 indexes. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed memory leak. No exception when quering 2 indexes. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42047 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 90721 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add search indexed part, sometimes the added part did not get into the TSE queue. FIX DESCRIPTION: The flag to call the TSE userexit contains garbage data, to fix always set the flag with the option data from ds to avoid the garbage data. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42048 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 04961/04693 APAR DESCRIPTION: When retrieve the item that contains the media object in process or failed to store, the DDO retrieve return the SimLibOpenObject failed at the media object. FIX DESCRIPTION: Due to the FM API 's restriction of getting object size of media object. The only way to obtain correct size is through the open object of media object. During DDO retrieve the getSize() was called and that triggered the openmedia object, since the open object only gets the size of media control file, not the media object itself. There is no means to open media object. Commenting out the code to open object fixes this problem. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41845 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Object changes that occurred prior to Rollback end transaction were not honored. Transactions had to be physically restored via backup. FIX DESCRIPTION: Problem corrected in CM 6.1.0. Transactions will be rolled back automatically in CM version 6.1.0 Fixpack 1. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42326 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the library server database is enabled for unicode, if an attempt is made to list the users from sysadmin, sysadmin hangs. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed how the logged on user query results are returned. _________________________________________________________________________ TRADEMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ IBM Enterprise Information Portal for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D03) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999. IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D04) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation