********************************************************************************************** Content Manager V6.1 CSD2 ( for AIX October 19th, 2001 This is a formal Corrective Service Delivery that will bring all systems at the syslevels described in the Installation Requirements to (syslevel Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This CSD is for AIX. In order to install this CSD, you must have one of these following product base level releases installed: a) Content Manager for AIX V6.1.0.0 (syslevel b) Content Manager for AIX V6.1.1.x (syslevel 6.1.1.x) To determine your current syslevel on an AIX machine: - Enter the command: lslpp -L frn.* ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Download the cm6120.tar.gz file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. You will need at least 40MB of free space in your temporary directory. 2. To unpack the GZIP compression, enter: gzip -d cm6120.tar.gz If you don't have GZIP, you can obtain this freeware tool from: http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/aixpdslib.html 3. Unpack the cm6120.tar file into your temporary subdirectory using the AIX tar utility. For example: tar -xvf cm6120.tar 4. Log in as root. 5. Start the Installation wizard by entering ./frnxupdate.sh 6. After the installation has completed, you must rebind the databases of your library server and object server. You can rebind the server databases as follows: Library Server: logon as your library server admin id (lsadmin by default) Issue the command: frnbind.lib Object Server: logon as your object server admin id (osadmin by default) Issue the command: frnbind.obj -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tivoli Support -------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM's initiative for "Tivoli Ready" enablement across its software product portfolio provides a consistent level of management function for: - Automatically discovering applications and displaying instances on TME 10 management consoles - Regularly monitoring and displaying the "health" of applications across the business enterprise - Managing inventory of installed software applications through TME 10 Inventory For additional information and requirements see the Tivoli Ready web site at: http://www.tivoli.com/support/tme10gem/tivoli-ready For Content Manager, Version 6.1, the Tivoli Ready instrumentation has been incorporated into the product installation. A readme file, readme.html, describing the Tivoli Ready instrumentation is provided on the following web page: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/tivoli-ready/contentmgr/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running Content Manager System Administration with Enterprise Information Portal version 7.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to run Content Manager System Administration with Enterprise Information Portal version 7.1, you must copy the frneip71.exe file from the frnroot directory on the EIP 7.1 install CD into the directory where CM6.1 is installed (default is frnroot) and execute it. If EIP 7.1 is not installed on the same machine as CM System Administration, then you must also change the CM System Administration shortcut on the start menu, as described below. You may copy the CM System Administration shortcut and modify the copy, so that you have two versions and so may easily run CM SA to talk to either EIP 6.1 or EIP 7.1. If you wish to have icons on the start menu for both versions, first copy the shortcut as follows: Right click on the start menu icon. Click on 'Open All Users'. Double click on 'Programs'. Double click on 'IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms'. Right click on System Admin Client. Click 'Copy'. Click on the window. Click on 'Paste Shortcut'. To change the shortcut perform the following steps: Right click on the shortcut you wish to change. Click on 'Open All Users'. Double click on 'Programs'. Double click on 'IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms'. Right click on System Admin Client. Click 'Properties'. Click the 'Shortcut' tab. To use CM Admin with EIP 7.1, add '71' after 'frnnsacl.exe' in the target. That is, the new target will look like: frnnsacl.exe 71 sa.client.SajcAdmin....... To use CM Admin with EIP 6.1, there should be no number after frnnsacl.exe. That is the shortcut looks like: frnnsacl.exe sa.client.SajcAdmin..... Click OK. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions (New APARs in CSD2) -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43267 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: The signal handler loaded when the ToolKit C API's are invoked is not passing control to the Java Virtual Machine's signal handler for all of the required signal values. The defined operations for the C signal handler is not the same as the Java signal handler. For the SIGPIPE signal, the C handler is defined to terminate the process. This is not the desired response when running in the Java code. The C handler does write to the FRNDIAG.log file that the signal was received, but there are no other indications of what happened to the process. FIX DESCRIPTION: Remove the signal handler for these signals in CM native code. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43790 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Ip2QueryContentClass api within Folder Manager Toolkit can cause intermittent memory access violations. The access violation can cause an application to abort. FIX DESCRIPTION: Comment out two lines of code trying to get attribute ID for the unimplemented szFileExtension field. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions (APARs included in fixpack -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42518 COMPONENT: LS PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a client (A) checks out item xyz. When client (B) open's a TOC that includes item xyz client (B) view of the item does not show that the item is checked out by another user. The Library server data base table SBTCHECKEDOUT does have the row included that shows the item xyz is checked out. However the folder manager trace showed that the attribute data returned for the item had a null value set for the checked out value. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the checkout query. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42529 COMPONENT: 5648D0411 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add Tivoli Ready support to AIX Object Server FIX DESCRIPTION: Tivoli Ready support added to the AIX Object Server ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42531 COMPONENT: 5648D0421 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add Tivoli Ready support for AIX Library Server FIX DESCRIPTION: Tivoli Ready support added to our Library Server on AIX ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR43017 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 00061,H39,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: I have an AIX machine running as a VI 2.4.1 Library Server. When I try to fax out from a VI client the Library server hangs and so does the client. However the FaxRouter version 3 fax server seems fine. The error code I receive from the fax attempt is 8293. In the VI documentation you find this for the error code: FRN8293A A timeout occurred, or the semaphore was not successful in waiting for the fax-out process. Explanation: The system tried to make the caller of Ip2SendFax() wait on a semaphore while the fax-out process was retrieving the object and converting it to TIFF. However, the wait mechanism was not successful because a timeout or problem occurred while the system was waiting on the semaphore. Component: Folder Manager #Define: OIM_SEM_FAIL_OR_TIMEOUT Source: Ip2SendFax() Action: Shut down and restart the system. Try the operation again. If the problem continues, contact your IBM service representative. 1. In Frndiag.log for each faxout attempt I see: 2000-03-24- Instance:FRN Node:000 PID:42400(frnxlldr) Appid:none LIBRARY SERVER LL Probe:1 <2000-03-24 09:53:14.44 Type: ERRLOG File: frnplldr.c Line: 3721 RC: 12003 MsgCode: 7275> FRN7275A: The system cannot create a semaphore. 2000-03-24- Instance:FRN Node:000 PID:42400(frnxlldr) Appid:none LIBRARY SERVER LL Probe:1 <2000-03-24 09:53:14.62 Type: ERRLOG File: frnplldr.c Line: 2739 RC: 14002 MsgCode: 7474> FRN7474A: An internal system problem occurred. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the code that was resetting the semaphore flag incorrectly. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41654 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 28276,077,72499999 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the remote lbos is not operational at the time of request for a migration of an object(s), the object(s) will not be migrated at the next migration cycle unless the sending (local) lbos is stopped and restarted. The first time the migration fails, an error is received indicating that the migration failed because the remote lbos could not be found. This is correct. At the next migration cycle, however, the objects (with an actiondate less than the current date) are not acted upon. There are no messages reported to indicate that a problem occurred. In order to force the remote migration to start, the user must stop the sending object server and restart it. The next migration cycle will then migrate the objects to the remote object server. Customer's production environment consists of an aix vi v2.4.1 lbos to three remote os/2 vi v2.4.1 lbos's. They have also duplicated the problem using a local os/2 lbos to a remote aix or os/2 lbos. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem was caused be the original migrator design, when the migrator can not connect to the remote object server, it set up a flag to indicate that the remote object server is not available. Once set, any remote migration will not take place. The flag will be reset only when the migration cycle expired, for example, the migrator detects it is at next migration day or the object server is recycled. The fix will reset the flag every time the migrator wakes up for more migration task during a migration cycle. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42164 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the IP2GetNextWorkbasketItem is used with fOpen set to true and the usAccessLevel set to 2 (read write) the Library server performs the checkout operation for the client by inserting a row in the SBTCHECKEDOUT table. This operation is done with a coded value of 100 hours without reguard to the system specified limit in the SBTCNTL table. FIX DESCRIPTION: If the hard-coded 100 hours value is with the range use it otherwise use the values specified in the SBTCNTL Table. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42940 / AIX COMPONENT: LS / 56480821 PMR NUMBER: 56095,019,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the client application re-indexed an index to a different index class, the client application fails to RE-INDEX, hangs for 5 minutes and then posts a rc=6057 (timeout). FIX DESCRIPTION: CSD1 for CM 6.1 introduced new functions to properly handle transaction logic between the clients and servers. As a result, one particular transaction between the library and object server didn't properly end the transaction and the client ended up is an 5 minute hang. When the logic was fixed in the Library Server, the operation completed as expected and the client applications successfully RE-INDEXED. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions (APARs included in fixpack -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR40698 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 94489 SYSTEM INFORMATION: APAR DESCRIPTION: Problem with object server. Document isn't available after a time and return c ode 2041 is logged in frndiag.log. Also problem with performance because Object Server sessions with ADSM are blocked. FIX DESCRIPTION: Cleaned up ADSM API session management within Object Server ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41543 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: Various VI library server error msgs return only the first 15 characters of the itemid. Per MS, there is an error in how we format some string values. An example of such an error msg is: " FRN7295A: Item Z6VKDX7UVU47SJP is checked out " FIX DESCRIPTION: Increased the sting buffer size from 15 to 44. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41875 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When running some Java client programs (in AIX) using Java OO API to connect to Content Manager, if users turn on just-in-time (JIT) compiler, sometimes the program gets trapped by signal SIGTRAP and users see something like: Trace/BPT trap(coredump) If users turn off JIT compiler, then the program runs Ok. FIX DESCRIPTION: JIT compiler signal handler for SIGTRAP was overridden by the native method in Java OO API. Change has been made to not override the handler of JIT compiler. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42654-AIX COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: After installing CM CSD1 the following error was identified- when trying to retrieve a media part from video charger: DKXDOAccessError (Number: 368) Text: DGL0368A: Error while retrieving a part, API:SimLibOpenObject [FRN=6056, ExtRC=9929] The errors related to the media retrieve issue are after the "Accepting requests" message. The error occurs for both new media ingested into the system and for media objects that existed before applying CSD1. FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected Code logic error. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CSD1 ( APAR Fixes with Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41239 COMPONENT: 5648A0852 PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: Migrate or destage to adsm appears to hang or stop after running for a time. Recycling server seems to allow more objects to migrate or destage. FIX DESCRIPTION: Adsm sessions are now initiated and terminated for each unit of work. Any unexpected adsm return code is now surfaced to the frndiag.log. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR40033 COMPONENT: Object Server - AIX PMR NUMBER: 53145,005,0000 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN4214W - An error occurred in loading the file. This happens on some objects that are trying to be retrieved. Once the error is reported, the object can never be retrieved again. The problem may be due to a duplicate filename being generated FIX DESCRIPTION: Put an error code check on ADSM api dsmBeginQuery call. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR40907 COMPONENT : OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: N/A APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO parametric query option is used we are using the wrong Folder Manager option for SimLibSearch as well as using SimLibGetItemSnapshot which return attributes. These are not needed when CONTENT=NO is specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: Use the correct option for SimLibSearch and use SimLibGetItemInfo when CONTENT=NO is specified. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41948 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the DKDatastore DL::checkOut() C++ API to check out an item that is already checked out to a different user we get the following error: Ip2CheckOutItem[FRN=0,ExtRc=0] file DKDatastoreCRUDLL.cpp, line:2635 The error is expected, but the FRN and ExtRc code should not be zero. The api should return FRN2650 return code. FRN2650A: The specified item is currently checked out to another user. FIX DESCRIPTION: Set and return the FRN error code in the exception. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41980 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 18003 APAR DESCRIPTION: A memory leak was detected in TS. Exception when quering 2 indexes. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed memory leak. No exception when quering 2 indexes. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42056 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 04961, 04693 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user calls SimLibOpenObject of media object during DDO call getSize() that trigger the FM API call. FIX DESCRIPTION: Comment out the call for the getSize() of media object. The returned size info. is the size of media control file, not the real size of the media object. ------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR42325 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the library server database is enabled for unicode, if an attempt is made to list the users from sysadmin, sysadmin hangs. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed how the logged on user query results are returned. _________________________________________________________________________ TRADEMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ IBM Enterprise Information Portal for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D03) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999. IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D04) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation