********************************************************************************************** Content Manager V6.1 CSD1 ( for AIX March 14th, 2000 This is a formal Corrective Service Delivery that will bring all systems at the syslevels described in the Installation Requirements to (syslevel Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This CSD is for AIX. In order to install this CSD, you must have one of these following product base level releases installed: a) Content Manager for AIX V6.1.0.0 (syslevel 9245) ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Download the CM611.tar.gz file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. You will need at least ???MB of free space in your temporary directory. 2. To unpack the GZIP compression, enter: gzip -d CM611.tar.gz If you don't have GZIP, you can obtain this freeware tool from: http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/aixpdslib.html 3. Unpack the CM611.tar file into your temporary subdirectory using the AIX tar utility. For example: tar -xvf CM611.tar 4. Log in as root. 5. Start the Installation wizard by entering ./frnxupdate.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tivoli Support -------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM's initiative for "Tivoli Ready" enablement across its software product portfolio provides a consistent level of management function for: - Automatically discovering applications and displaying instances on TME 10 management consoles - Regularly monitoring and displaying the "health" of applications across the business enterprise - Managing inventory of installed software applications through TME 10 Inventory For additional information and requirements see the Tivoli Ready web site at: http://www.tivoli.com/support/tme10gem/tivoli-ready For Content Manager, Version 6.1, the Tivoli Ready instrumentation has been incorporated into the product installation. A readme file, readme.html, describing the Tivoli Ready instrumentation is provided on the following web page: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/tivoli-ready/contentmgr/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR41239 COMPONENT: 5648A0852 PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: Migrate or destage to adsm appears to hang or stop after running for a time. Recycling server seems to allow more objects to migrate or destage. FIX DESCRIPTION: Adsm sessions are now initiated and terminated for each unit of work. Any unexpected adsm return code is now surfaced to the frndiag.log. APAR NUMBER: IR40033 COMPONENT: Object Server - AIX PMR NUMBER: 53145,005,0000 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN4214W - An error occurred in loading the file. This happens on some objects that are trying to be retrieved. Once the error is reported, the object can never be retrieved again. The problem may be due to a duplicate filename being generated FIX DESCRIPTION: Put an error code check on ADSM api dsmBeginQuery call. APAR NUMBER: IR40907 COMPONENT : OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: N/A APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO parametric query option is used we are using the wrong Folder Manager option for SimLibSearch as well as using SimLibGetItemSnapshot which return attributes. These are not needed when CONTENT=NO is specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: Use the correct option for SimLibSearch and use SimLibGetItemInfo when CONTENT=NO is specified. APAR NUMBER: IR41948 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the DKDatastore DL::checkOut() C++ API to check out an item that is already checked out to a different user we get the following error: Ip2CheckOutItem[FRN=0,ExtRc=0] file DKDatastoreCRUDLL.cpp, line:2635 The error is expected, but the FRN and ExtRc code should not be zero. The api should return FRN2650 return code. FRN2650A: The specified item is currently checked out to another user. FIX DESCRIPTION: Set and return the FRN error code in the exception. APAR NUMBER: IR41980 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 18003 APAR DESCRIPTION: A memory leak was detected in TS. Exception when quering 2 indexes. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed memory leak. No exception when quering 2 indexes. APAR NUMBER: IR42056 COMPONENT: OO API & C++ PMR NUMBER: 04961, 04693 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user calls SimLibOpenObject of media object during DDO call getSize() that trigger the FM API call. FIX DESCRIPTION: Comment out the call for the getSize() of media object. The returned size info. is the size of media control file, not the real size of the media object. APAR NUMBER: IR42325 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the library server database is enabled for unicode, if an attempt is made to list the users from sysadmin, sysadmin hangs. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed how the logged on user query results are returned. *_________________________________________________________________________ TRADEMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ IBM Enterprise Information Portal for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D03) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999. IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D04) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation