******************************************************************************** Content Manager Client for Windows v7.1.0 Fix Pack 20 January 27, 2004 This is an interim fixpack between Formal Corrective Service Deliverables (CSDs). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions 4. Documentation APAR Fixes with Descriptions ******************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This fix pack is for Windows. In order to install this fix pack, you must be at this minimum product base level: a) Content Manager Client for Windows V7.1.0 (syslevel 07010000) You can determine your syslevel by: - Clicking on the START button and select RUN - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click on "Content Manager Client for Windows" - Click on "7.1". On the right side of the screen, the syslevel is recorded under "Fixpak applied" ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. Download the CMWC710.20.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 3. CMWC710.20.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering CMWC710.20.EXE. You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 10MB of free space. 4. Follow the GUI install panels. ********************************************* 3. APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 710.20 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51748 APAR Description: Certain annotations appear misplaced on print-outs, especially when the original documents were rotated prior to printing. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix for this issue is basically to suppress rotated printing of documents by adding the following entry in frnwview.ini file: [PRINT] ALTERNATE_ROTATED_PRINTING=1 The above entry will enable the Viewer to ignore the documents' rotation option for printing. As a workaround, Customers are recommended to print in landscape, when the original documents are rotated by 90 or 270 degrees. Note that the feasibility of automatically defaulting to landscape printing when a 90 or 270 degree rotation is specified is currently being researched. Special Instructions: none ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52512 APAR Description: When the worklist is open, all version search can sometimes cause client to crash if the user select to display all window in consistent position. When user select to do a "Refresh TOC Count", before it finishes, do "Refresh TOC Count" again, some of the worklist's TOC Count will never be shown. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem causing the client to crash is fixed. TOC Count will be displayed correctly when user select to do "Refresh TOC Count"before the previous "Refresh TOC Count" command finishes. Special Instructions: none ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52519 APAR Description: The client cannot print to a printer that has a name more than 32 characters. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed now. Special Instructions: none ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52542 APAR Description: Number of selections does not get updated with the key inputs. Using the key input to select multiple items does not update the status message. Status message does not show the correct number of selected items. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed now. Special Instructions: none ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52745 APAR Description: The client closes the client document window when it fails to open the document. This causes that the user won't be able to reindex or ... the document. The user has specific situation that opening document fails but they want to be able to reindex it. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client document window stays open even though opening document fails. The user will be able to reindex or ... the document. Special Instructions: none ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52810 APAR Description: If the user exports a document and then opens the document, the client changes the work directory to the directory that was used for exporting. The client deletes the exported files when the document closes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. The client does not change the work directory and it does not delete the exported files. Special Instructions: none ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52832 APAR Description: When opening a document through linking, the client opens a window with an icon in it and launches the external application to open the document. In case of Acrobat reader and Outlook, if the external application is already running, the window with icon opens and automatically closes. Then user won't be able to reindex the document. The client should not close the window with the icon before the external application closes. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem happens because Acrobat Reader and Outlook send false messages to the client. They send the false message only if the application (Acrobat reader or Outlook) is already running before the client opens the document of that type through linking. The false message informs the client that the external application -- that was linked -- closed. So the client closes the blank window with the icon in it. The problem is now fixed with some timeout. Since the false message happens within a very short time after the document opens, the client ignores the false message. It is important to know that in these specific cases, the functionality of automatically closing the blank window when the external application closes, won't be available. Special Instructions: none ************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 710.19 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51510 APAR Description: Use of environment variables to specify the trace file does not expand correctly, causing Viewer to not initialize. Fix Description: The tracing module in the Viewer was fixed to expand environment variables correctly. Also, if the specified trace file is unavailable for writing traces, continue running Viewer without tracing enabled. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51574 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain documents, when printed to the AFP Fax support for AS/400 printer, result in blank pages. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem was fixed in the printing module within IBMBR.ENG. This new fix will be effective by adding or modifying the following entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file: [PRINT] New MODCA Print=2 Valid values for the above INI file entry are as follows: 0: Do the default printing - works for most printers 1: Try using this value if documents are printed blank through the client. This option seems to work for certain printers like the HP Deskjet ones. 2: This option seems to work for certain AFP Printers like "AFP Fax Support for AS/400", IBM AFP Printer (240 X 240 Resolution), etc. Note: CM Client program has to be restarted after this entry is modified. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51577 APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the ole program to open a document fails if the document belongs to a subset index class and the user has the privilege for the subset index class but no privilege for the parent index class. The document is found through the search and there is only one document found as the result of the search. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed now. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR51639 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client's viewer was unable to handle Arabic PTOCA text if the codepage of the text was 864 (OS/2 Arabic) or 420 (EBCDIC Arabic). FIX DESCRIPTION: Full Arabic codepage support has been added. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51683 APAR DESCRIPTION : Client hangs when closing tiled windows with the 'Close All' option. This happens when the number of open windows is more than almost 8. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client does not hang anymore. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51684 APAR Description: Thumbnails are not displayed correctly in their bounding boxes. Fix Description: Thumbnails are shown in the correct size. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52113 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE : Client ole api Documents::OpenDocument(...) does not throw an exception when the api fails. The ole program tries to capture the exception if something goes wrong when opening the document. FIX DESCRIPTION: If Documents::OpenDocument(...) fails and the document can not open, client throws an exception. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR52256 APAR Description: The client allows a user to create a new folder in an index class it does not have proper authority to. Fix Description: The client's privilege checking has been improved to prevent users from creating folders if they don't have the authority to. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR52266 APAR Description: Changing printers or setting printer document properties (e.g., paper orientation, margins, etc. ) for print may cause print failure. When attempting to print, nothing seems to happen, and any further attempts to print result in an error message, followed by an application error: "FRN6855A: A problem occurred in spooling the print request. Spooled pages might not be printed." This behavior has been reported when using an HP 4000 printer. Fix Description: Changing printers or setting printer document properties allow printing of the document. To ensure that these print problems are resolved, the following entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file in the Windows directory will set the document properties for the printer in a different manner: [PRINT] NEW_DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES = 1 ************************************ ************************************ Fixpack 710.18 ************************************ There was no Fixpack 18 for the CM 7.1 Client for Windows ************************************ ************************************ Fixpack 710.17 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR50985 APAR description: When Endpage of printing is larger than the total page, FRN6855 will be displayed. Fix description: When Endpage of printing is larger than the total number of pages, all pages from start page to the last page will be printed, no error will be displayed. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50821 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a folder is explored, its icon on the left-hand tree view does not initially have focus and, as a result, the actions associated with the folder are not enabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: The icon in the tree view now has focus when a folder is explored. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51173 APAR Description: The Client for Windows does not terminate when the last OLE client quits and releases its Application object. Fix Description: The Client for Windows will now terminate in this situation. Note that this will only happen if the client is not visible. If it is visible, it will remain open and can be closed by the user. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51393 APAR DESCRIPTION: Consider a user who does not have the privs for an index class but has enough privs for a subset of the index class. When the user searches on the subset index class, and there is only one item found through the search, client returns an "Insufficient privs" error message. Since the user has enough privs for the subset index class, the search should succeed and the client should open the item. FIX DESCRIPTION: The search now succeeds if the user has enough privileges for the subset of the index class. ************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR51110 APAR DESCRIPTION: If there is a deadlock when an item is being re-indexed, the client returns an error to the OLE application. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Client now retries the re-indexing five times before giving up and returning an error to the calling application. ************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 710.16 ************************************ ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50631 APAR Description: Printed annotations might get clipped if certain page sizes are different. Fix Description: The printing module in the Viewer was fixed to adjust the annotation print sizing so that annotations do not get clipped when printed. Added a new value to frnwview.ini, under [PRINT], called NEW_OVERLAY_PRINT. This value should be set to 1. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50676 APAR DESCRIPTION: If indexing information for a open item is changed during the processing of the UserAction user exit, the client does not reflect this updated information. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now queries the snapshot information for items after the UserAction or UserOption user exits are called so that current information can be maintained and displayed. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50715 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the index dialog opens automatically at the time of opening the document, the focus is not on the index dialog. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. If the index dialog opens automatically, it has the focus. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50731 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the client preferences are set to automatically display the notelog, the notelog will be displayed whether or not the user has privileges to do so. FIX DESCRIPTION: The privileges are now checked before automatically opening the notelog. A similar check is also now being performed before automatically opening the index dialog. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50732 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client calls the Alternate Search User Exit when searching for a folder into which to auto-folder a document. This exit should not be called in this case. FIX DESCRIPTION: The user exit is no longer called during auto-foldering. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50765 APAR DESCRIPTION : If the ole program opens the client and later closes it, the size and position of the client window are not remembered the next time the client starts. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problem is fixed. The client remembers the size and position of the window. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50840 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE : Delete the document fails if the document is open and it is checked out. When attempting to Delete the document, the client pops up the message "the document is checked out by another user", but the document is checked out by the same user. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. The document can be deleted and no message shows up by the client. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50841 APAR DESCRIPTION: A decimal key field does not show the value between 0 and -1 correctly. Opening the Index dialog shows the wrong value for the decimal key field between 0 and -1. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed and the value of decimal key field is shown correctly for all different values. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50853 APAR DESCRIPTION: Autofoldering does not remove the document from the original folder. FIX DESCRIPTION: Autofoldering now removes the document from the original folder. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50863 APAR description: When routing an item to an overloaded workbasket, and OverloadTriggerUserExit is called to complete the routing, error massage FRN6521 is displayed although the item has been successfully routed by the User Exit. Fix description: Error message will no longer be displayed if the item has been routed successfully by the User Exit. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50870 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE methods are getting automation errors at different times and places, usually after a Dr. Watson error: Search <-2147417851>Automation error TOCCount <-2147417851>Automation error Ole method Documnet::Close sometimes causes the client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. The client ole api works fine and Document::Close(...) method does not cause any crash. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50895 APAR description: After other windows moved over Client thumbnail window, thumbnails are not getting repainted correctly. Fix description: Thumbnails are now getting repainted correctly. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50941 APAR DESCRIPTION: There is a memory leaks when folders are opened and closed. Over time, this can use up all heap memory and then the client will not function until it is shut down and restarted. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer has this memory leak. ************************************************* **************** Fixpack 710.15 **************** ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49851 pmr31588 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The following problems have been found in alternative viewer: 1 - Sometimes opening a document using ole linking/embedding causes crashing. 2 - Open a document (AFP or PDF) using Embedding. The document opens and suddenly disappears. 3 - Open a document using Linking. The document opens but shows up behind the client. 4 - Open a document through linking. Do not modify the document. The client asks "Do you want to save the document" while the document has not been modified. 5 - Open a document and then close it. The file is still under FRNROOT\Work directory. The client does not remove the document. (This always happens when we open the document in read-only mode). 6 - Open a document by ole linking or launching. Modify the document. Sometimes client does not ask to save the changes. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problems have been fixed. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49906 pmr31761 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Closing an AFP or PDF document which is opened through alternative viewer causes a 6905 error. The error pops up by the client. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. The 6905 error should only show up when the document is going to be saved and saving the document fails. If the document is not going to be saved, this error is meaningless. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49978 pmr65782,227 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The Table of Contents in the client does not indicate on which column the display is being sorted, or the direction of the sort. Additionally, when the TOC loses focus, there is no way to tell which rows were selected. FIX DESCRIPTION: A sort indicator, similar to what is shown in Explorer, is now displayed in the column header as appropriate. Also, the rows of the TOC now retain their selection indication when the window loses focus. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50046 pmr35273 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Using Alternative Viewer to open multi-documents (select a few documents and open them), opens only the last selected document. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problem is fixed. Alternative Viewer opens all the selected documents. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50055 pmr01087 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE : Documents ole api, OpenDocument(...), should be able to open the document in non-browse mode even though the user does not have the privilege to modify the existing parts. The user might want to add new parts, update index and ... Opening the document in browse mode prevents the user from doing the mentioned actions. FIX DESCRIPTION: OLE : Documents ole api - OpenDcoument(...) - has changed so that the user can open the document in non-browse mode even though the user does not have the privilege to modify the existing parts. User can add new parts, update index, etc. if the related privileges are granted. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50136 pmr19175 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Open a document through OLE API OpenDocument(...). If the document is already checked out by another user, the client asks if the user wants to open it in browse mode. If the user says "no", the client should cancel the operation. But instead, the client pops up an exception error. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the user cancels the operation by selecting "no", the client does not generate any error. The client does not open the document. The OLE API OpenDocument(...) returns a NULL pointer, since the client did not open the document. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50370 PMR47636,370 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Client doesn't print properly when one of the printer failed to return correct DEVMODE information. FIX DESCRIPTION: When one printer fails to return correct DEVMODE information, client can still print to other printers. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50559 PMR49127,004 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is checked out by a user, and if another user opens the document, and answers "Yes" to browse the document, the document doesn't get focus until the user clicks on it. FIX DESCRIPTION: The opened document gets focus even if the dialog for browsing comes up first. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50565 PMR00255,H39,649 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: If a folder is opened from a System-Assigned Workbasket and the user double-clicks or selects "Explore" on a folder within this folder, nothing will happen. This is because exploring a sub- folder would close the top-level folder and this is not allowed when the top-level folder is the item currently open from the System-Assigned Workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: The "Explore" menu is removed from or disabled in the menus and double-clicking now performs an "Open" (in a new window), rather than an "Explore", which was not allowed. Also, sub-folders are no longer shown in the left-hand, tree view pane since they cannot be explored. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50570 PMR00244,H39,649 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When a folder is opened, the focus is not always on the folder icon in the left-hand pane. This causes problems with custom code that depends on this icon having focus in order to open the notelog automatically. FIX DESCRIPTION: The focus is now always on the folder icon in the left-hand pane when a folder is opened. Additionally, to obviate the need for custom code to automatically open the notelog of a folder, a new option has been added to the vic.ini file to control when notelogs are automatically opened if "Automatically display note log" is checked in the Preferences dialog. This new option is "AutoOpenNotelogOption" and the default value is "Documents". This value causes the client to work as before: the Preferences checkbox only affects opening of notelogs for document windows. Changing this value to "Folders" or "Both" causes the notelog to get automatically opened only for folders instead, or for both documents and folders, respectively. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50604 PMR43326,036 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When IP2_DISABLE_FOLDER_FUNCTIONS is set, user should not be allowed to drop on a folder from any source. Additionally, when IP2_DISABLE_WORKBASKET_REMOVAL is set, user should not be allowed to drop on to a workbasket from another workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client will check IP2_DISABLE_FOLDER_FUNCTIONS and IP2_DISABLE_WORKBASKET_REMOVAL when doing drag and drop. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50605 PMR00256,H39,649 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When a notelog is first created for a folder and the folder is then closed and re-opened, an empty notelog is shown. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer loses track of the existence of initial notes for a folder. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49913 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Image Services APAR DESCRIPTION: Printed images might get clipped if certain smaller margin values are specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: The printing module in the Viewer was fixed to adjust the margins so that images do not get clipped when printed. ************************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR50095 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Image Services APAR DESCRIPTION: CM Client / Viewer may fail to print documents to a network printer, whose name is longer than 31 characters. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is due to the limitation of a standard Windows data structure (DEVMODE). A work-around has been implemented for this problem within the Viewer. If the printer name is long, and if the Viewer is unable to open the printer, then a search will be invoked to look through all the printers installed on the machine. The name that matches the first 32-characters of the selected printer will be chosen. Limitation: this fix may not work correctly if there are multiple network printers installed with identical first "32" characters. ************************************ Fixpack 710.14 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49620 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The client displays the following warning message when the user tries to open the notelog but there are no saved notes and the user cannot create a new notelog (either because s/he lacks permissions or because the item is open in Browse mode): "The system cannot open the note." This can be confusing because it can be perceived as an error message. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now opens an empty, read-only notelog window in this case. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48082 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Users were not informed if the viewer was unable to save changes to annotations. FIX DESCRIPTION: An error message is now displayed if annotations cannot be saved. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49639 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION : Use the search dialog to find a document. If only one document is found and the user does not have the privilege to open the document, the client crashes. FIX DESCRIPTION : The problem is fixed and the client pops up the dialog and informs the user that there is not enough privilege for the operation. Client does not crash anymore. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49677 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: After a new install of client, print caused client to crash. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client will no longer crash. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49524 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the "Continue" option to move an item in the workflow takes a long time. "Continue" moves an item from one workbasket to another and at this time client refreshes the contents of the workbasket. Client asks the server for the up-to-date info and if the workbasket includes a lot of items, this process causes a big delay. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is no reason to go back to the server to get the up-to-date items. When an item is moved from the workbasket, client simply removes the item from the cache and refreshes the view. So the problem is fixed and there is no longer a delay. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49607 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE : Item.AddPart fails even though the user has the privilege to add new base part to the document. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed so that a user with add part privilege can add new base part to the document. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48326 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Continue action on an item in a system-assigned workbasket fails to open the next item in the workbasket after routing the first item. FIX DESCRIPTION : Continue action on an item in a system-assigned workbasket opens the next item in the workbasket after routing the first item. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49859 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the OLE interfaces, there is no way to determine what workbasket, if any, a given Item is in. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new "Workbasket" Property has been added to the "Item" object. DOCUMENTATION CHANGE: The following text should be added to the "Properties" section under the "Item Object": Workbasket The Workbasket property returns the Workbasket object that contains this item. If the item is not valid or not in a workbasket, this value will be NULL. Data Type: VT_DISPATCH (Item) ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49874 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE method CDocts::Close() should close all the open windows. Currently, it does not close all the open windows. FIX DESCRIPTION: OLE method CDocts::Close() now closes all the open windows. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49720 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Printing MODCA documents to certain printers may result in blank pages being printed. Under certain circumstances, the printing process may be very slow. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new printing module has been added into the IBMBR.ENG to solve these issues. As these problems occur only on certain printers, the following entry in the FRNWVIEW.INI file in the Windows directory will enable MODCA documents to be printed correctly: [PRINT] New MODCA Print=1 Note: This entry need not be set or can be set to "0" if the documents can be printed correctly. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49346 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the OLE interface to print, documents may be printed in the wrong order and errors while printing may cause the client to hang. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new "PrintStatus" Property has been added to the "Item" object. OLE programs can use this property to check print status in order to handle errors or print in the correct order. DOCUMENTATION CHANGE: The following text should be added to the "Properties" section under the "Item Object": PrintStatus The PrintStatus property returns the print status of the item. A value of 0 means "not printing", 1 means "printing" and any other value is an error code. Data Type: VT_I4 ************************************ Fixpack 710.13 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49610 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The client was not able to handle negative numbers in the format "-12.345". Only numbers like "(12.345)" were being recognized. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client has been changed to recognize and display negative numbers in the format specified in the Windows Regional Options. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49552 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: If the user attempts to explore a folder that is locked by another user, the client lets the user choose whether or not to open it anyway, in browse mode. If the user chooses not to, an empty window is being displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now leaves the previous table of contents open if the user chooses not to browse a read-only folder. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49551 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The workbasket tree view does not always refresh folders correctly. Sometimes when folders are added to or removed from a workbasket, the left-hand tree view does not correctly update the "+" and "-" signs used for tree-view navigation. FIX DESCRIPTION: The tree view is now updated properly. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49544 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client is not checking privileges granted via the ACL when user tries to do drag and drop, add to folder or add to new folder. Fix description: Client is checking the ACL privileges as it should. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49530 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Under APAR IR47982, to fix a problem with clients in Terminal Server environments, the client was changed to use an "FRNWORK" directory under the HOMEPATH. The HOMEPATH environment variable should always point to a valid directory but this is not always the case. When HOMEPATH was not valid and usable, the client was unable to store files in a working directory. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now used the following logic to determine a location for its working directory: 1) If the FRNCACHE environment variable is defined and refers to a directory that either exists or can be created, this directory is used; else 2) If the HOMEPATH environment variable is defined and is not "\" and a "FRNWORK" directory exists or can be created under the HOMEPATH, then this directory is used; else 3) If the FRNROOT environment variable is defined and a "WORK" directory exists or can be created under the FRNROOT, then this directory is used; else 4) A "WORK" directory under the current working directory is created, if necessary, and used. ****************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49502 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The German Import dialog doesn't list .TIF or .EPS files. FIX DESCRIPTION: The German resource file has been modified to properly recognize .TIF and .EPS files. ****************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49249 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Image Services APAR DESCRIPTION: If the user minimizes the document and then restores it to normal, the client's display is frozen until the user clicks outside the document. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client's display is no longer disabled in this situation. ******************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR49024 COMPONENT: 5648D0451 / CS/CAPI TOOLKIT APAR DESCRIPTION: During transaction processing to load new objects into Content Manager, locks are obtained and held on the SBTCHECKEDOUT table. If the transaction runs for a long time deadlocks can occur between the load program and normal retrieve processing. Since the load is done with a transaction, the locks on SBTCHECKEDOUT are not necessary for the load program. FIX DESCRIPTION: If we are in a transaction, then we don't need to do check out while doing updates. This includes APIs like: SimLibOpenItemAttr, SimLibCloseAttr, SimLibCatalogObject, SimLibCreateObject, SimLibStoreObject, and SimLibOpenObject. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48688 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Client and viewer sometimes crash after OLE program terminates. FIX DESCRIPTION: Problem has been solved so the client and viewer terminate properly. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47869 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Image Services APAR DESCRIPTION: When printing a document, the document with certain annotations such as sticky notes, the annotations did not retain their proper positions. Depending on the font size used, they may in some cases overlap the document content . FIX DESCRIPTION: Annotations now appear in the same location on a page they were initially created. As an additional enhancement, to ensure that the document content is readable if a Sticky Note Annotation overlaps the content, the following entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file in the Windows directory will make the Sticky Notes Annotations transparent while viewing and printing: [View Options] Transparent Sticky Notes = 1 ********************************** ************************************ Fixpack 710.12 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR49021 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Client crashes with many error messages of "thumbnails cannot be added" and "thumbnails are NULL". The problem is that the client asks the viewer to add the thumbnails before the document has been added by the viewer. FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem has been fixed. **************************** APAR NUMBER: IR49007 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: If an item is added to a workbasket and the workbasket priority value is empty, the value previously set in the dialog is used. This causes a problem since the empty value means do not change the priority of the items. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix is provided so that when the priority value is empty, the default value of the priority for each item is used. **************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48974 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Invalid error msg when printing from TOC FIX DESCRIPTION: The error messages no longer occur. ***************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48909 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The vic.log and vic.err files do not contain timestamps. Also, the logging of the timestamp for the executable file was not always accurate. FIX DESCRIPTION: These log files now contain timestamps for all lines. Also, the logging of the build timestamp of the executable file has been improved to always be accurate and to have DLL info, where relevant. **************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48878 COMPONENT: 56489D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The characters in the on-line help for the Client application do not display properly in Simplified Chinese. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fonts for the on-line help have been changed so that they show the Chinese characters. **************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48875 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: During scanning if a user gets a paper jam, the retry button does not function properly. FIX DESCRIPTION: The retry button now allows the scanning to be attempted again. **************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47211 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Client Viewer The client can be configured to use specific margins while printing documents. On some printers (like Intercope Fax), specifying these margins will cause the documents to be printed with wider margins than those specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Viewer module that handles printing was fixed to calculate the appropriate rectangular regions based on margins, onto which documents need to be printed. ***************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47095 COMPONENT 5648D0432 / COMMON SERVICES APAR DESCRIPTION: In CM7.1, if the network configuration has been changed to invalidate the FRNOLINT.TBL, for example the hostname of a server is changed, then the network table generation utility will error with a "No servers read ERROR(9019): Network Table file syntax invalid, missing or misspelled". The erroneous FRNOLINT.TBL cannot be edited with the network table generation utility. FIX DESCRIPTION: Ensure that an invalid hostname can be read in, and altered via the net table utility. ************************************ Fixpack 710.11 ************************************ APAR NUMBER IR48908 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Using OLE to start the client, when a user closes the window, the client hangs. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer hangs. ************************************* APAR NUMBER IR48676 COMPONENT: 5648D0431 / COMMON SERVICES APAR DESCRIPTION: After installation of CM 7.1.0 Fixpack 9, various errors/traps and/or Access Violations can occur if FRNTRACELEV is not set to '0'. The problem shows itself during application initialization or the first time store or retrieve object is performed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed use of uninitialized variable pointers fo