IBM VisualAge for COBOL for OS/2, V1R1 Japanese Version Corrective Service PTF XR21918 APAR PJ24065 Installation Instructions and Summary of Change This file contains information that will be useful to you when installing this PTF. It is divided into the following categories: A. OVERVIEW OF AND SUMMARY OF FIX B. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS A. OVERVIEW OF AND SUMMARY OF FIX --------------------------------- PMR: 4535X,613,760 Japanese paper wasting VACOBOL. -------------------------------------------------- The original problem was reported in PMR 0048X,077,649. VA COBOL V1R1J when used to write lines to a printer, erroneously does a "new page" cariage control for each line. The problem was fixed in the VA COB 1.2 refresh. The Line-sequential-write routine iwzlwri.c failing causing unwanted page ejects. Line-sequential-write module fixed to prevent unwanted page ejects plus additional support added for writing line-sequential files to LPT port. These fixes already exist in VA COBOL for OS/2 FixPak#1 and VA COBOL for OS/2 Version 1.2. B. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Instructions for Installation of PTF XR21918 -------------------------------------------- PTF XR21918 is a complete replace for the existing file IWZRLIB.DLL. The method for applying XR21918 to your system is to copy IWZRLIB.DLL to the default dll directory, \IBMCOBOL\DLL. This will overlay existing file and update it to the fixed level of DLL.