This readme file provides information necessary to install and use the VisualAge COBOL Version 3.0.7 fixpak, which upgrades Version 3.0.2 or later to Version 3.0.7.
This fixpak also includes PTF IP22589 for the Foreign File System server. See IP22589.htm for information on applying the PTF.
You must have VisualAge COBOL Version 3.0.2 or later installed before you apply this fixpak. Detailed install instructions for Version 3.0.2 are included in INSTWIN.HTM and INST390.HTM on the Version 3.0.2 or Version 3.0.4 CD-ROM.
To install this fixpak, do the following steps:
This procedure is the same for basic and network installations. For example, if Version 3.0.2 was installed as a network installation on a network server, following this procedure will automatically install Version 3.0.7 as a network installation. Shared install clients do not need to make any updates.
See UPDATES.HTM for a list of changes and known limitations for Version 3.0.7.
For more information about VisualAge COBOL, refer to the IBM COBOL Web site.