APAR PQ45046 for COBOL for OS/390 & VM V2R2 This download provides the fix for APAR PQ45046, which supplies the OS/390 host parts associated with the VisualAge for COBOL product Remote Edit/Compile/Debug component for COBOL for OS/390 & VM V2R2. APAR PQ21350 added these parts to COBOL for OS/390 & VM V2R1, but V2R2 was shipped without them. Therefore, if you want to take advantage of REMOTE EDIT/COMPILE/DEBUG using VisualAge COBOL Version 2.2.2 or 3.0.1 or later along with COBOL for OS/390 & VM V2R2 you will need to download this ZIP file and upload these parts to your host compiler datasets. View the README file for important information about installing and configuring this efix. Download the .ZIP file and then UNZIP it. A PQ45046 directory will be created with 2 subdirectories, SIGYCLST and SIGYSAMP. The SIGYSAMP parts: IGYFINF, IGYFSAVE, IGYFTPAD and IGYFWAIT should be uploaded in BINARY to the compiler dataset SIGYSAMP (commonly named IGY.V2R2M0.SIGYSAMP). All of the other parts, from the SIGYCLST directory, should be uploaded in BINARY to the compiler dataset SIGYCLST. Some of these parts require additional processing after being applied such as assembling and link editing. The following additional processing should be performed: 1 - Use the IBM High Level Assembler (or an equivalent product) to assemble the following three members located in the SIGYSAMP data set: IGYFINF IGYFSAVE IGYFWAIT 2 - Separately link edit each of the resulting three object modules using the following: For IGYFINF: AMODE(24) RMODE(24) Not reusable Not reentrant Entry point and load module name IGYFINF For IGYFSAVE: AMODE(31) RMODE(24) Not reusable Not reentrant Entry point and load module name IGYFSAVE For IGYFWAIT: AMODE(24) RMODE(24) Not reusable Not reentrant Entry point and load module name IGYFWAIT You can choose to have the resulting load modules placed in the compiler SIGYCOMP data set. All three load modules must be placed in the same load library data set. 3 - Update the SIGYCLST member named IGYFLIBS to reflect the name of the load library containing the resulting three load modules.