IBM VisualAge COBOL Version 3.0.1 Refresh (V3.0.1) E-Fix 1 9/30/2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This E-fix is the latest set of fixes for the IBM VisualAge COBOL Version 3.0.1 Refresh (Hereafter referred to as V3.0.1) You must install V3.0.1 before applying these fixes. To order the complete Version 3.0.1 Refresh, please contact your local IBM representative. 1 . This E-fix package contains the following files: ---------------------------------------------------- readefix1.txt - this file - the latest update to the workstation part of IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1 (You must install IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1 on the workstation prior to applying this update) ibm.hfbn100.ip22114 - the host PTF IP22114 (also included on the IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1 CD) IP22114.htm - instructions for installing the above PTF (also included on the IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1 CD) 2. Installation of the workstation update (Windows NT and Windows 2000) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To install the zip file: - double-click - Select Extract - extract files - Select Extract to Disk and enter the location where IBM VisualAge COBOL is installed, i.e. C:\Program Files\IBM\VACOBOL or C:\IBMCOBW Make sure that in the Extract preferences the "Create directory" (or "Use folder names") option is checked. - Click Extract. 3. Fixes included in the workstation update (Windows NT and Windows 2000) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defect 20883: Problem: While working with a VisualAge COBOL project, an editor error message EVF9303E may appear Description: If a project is closed (by clicking the 'X' in the upper right hand corner of the project window), is subsequently re-opened and a series of monitored actions are run, the following message may appear: Editor - EVF9303E - Error REXXSAA error -48 (d:\Program Files\IBM\VACOBOL\MACROS\iwzwquit.lx)- REXX may fail Fix: This problem has been fixed Defect 20936 Problem: Some sample projects cannot be built. Description: During the build of some of the sample projects the following error may appear: NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'c:\winnt\profiles\administrator\application' (or 'c:\documents' on a Windows 2000 machine) Fix: This problem has been fixed Defect 20963 Problem: HWDLL.DLL is missing from VACOBOL\SDK\BIN. Fix: This DLL is now included. 4. PTF IP22114 (ibm.hfbn100.ip22114) -------------- This PTF synchronizes the IBM Foreign File System on the OS/390 with IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1. It is the same PTF that is shipped on the IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1 CD. It is included on this website for a convenient download to the host via ftp. If you have not already installed the IBM Foreign File System base product (also available on the IBM VisualAge COBOL V3.0.1 CD), you will need to do so before applying this PTF.