CMVC FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: VERSION CONTROL AND DATABASE SYNCHRONIZATION ISSUES Document Number TR 29.2297 Lee Perlov, Angel Rivera CMVC/TeamConnection Development IBM Software Solutions Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Copyright (C) 1997 IBM Corp. All rights reserved. ii CMVC FAQ: version control ABSTRACT This technical report documents the interaction between the ver- sioning system (such as SCCS) and the relational database used by CMVC for archiving files in the library system. Also, it pro- vides answers to frequently asked questions from CMVC family administrators and general users. ITIRC KEYWORDS o CMVC o version control o fixing problems o database and SCCS synchronization ABSTRACT iii iv CMVC FAQ: version control ABOUT THE AUTHORS LEE PERLOV Mr. Perlov is a Staff Software Engineer in the TeamConnection/CMVC development group. He started working for IBM in 1985 in Gaithersburg, Md, working in the Federal Systems Division on various projects for the United States intelligence community. He then moved to RTP to work on library development and support. Mr. Perlov received a B.S.Acc degree in Accounting from the Uni- versity of Florida in 1983. He also completed two years of grad- uate work in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Florida. ANGEL RIVERA Mr. Rivera is an Advisory Software Engineer and team lead for the development of CMVC 2.3. He joined IBM in 1989 and since then has worked in the development and support of library systems. Mr. Rivera has an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from The Univer- sity of Texas at Austin, and B.S. in Electronic Systems Engi- neering from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. ABOUT THE AUTHORS v vi CMVC FAQ: version control CONTENTS ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III ITIRC KEYWORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii ABOUT THE AUTHORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Lee Perlov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Angel Rivera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX 1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 About this and previous technical reports . . . . . . 1 1.2 About CMVC and TeamConnection . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4 WARNING! Read this section before attempting to fix an SCCS problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE VERSION CONTROL OF CMVC 5 2.1 Comparison of functionality between SCCS and PVCS in CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Comparison of benefits between SCCS and PVCS in CMVC 7 2.3 What is the event sequence in version control when checking out a file? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4 What is the event sequence in version control when checking in a file? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5 What are the internal file names used by CMVC? . . . 10 2.6 What are the different file types in CMVC? . . . . . 12 3.0 SCCS AND CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1 How CMVC uses SCCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.2 Examples of using all the SCCS keywords with CMVC . 16 3.3 Files that are stored entirely in SCCS archive files 17 3.4 Files that are only partially stored in SCCS archive files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.5 How is the CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD variable used? . . 19 3.6 What are the SCCS commands and how are they used? . 20 4.0 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BY END USERS . . . . . . . 23 4.1 How to reclaim space by deleting SCCS archive files 23 4.1.1 Process to remove records of files from the database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.1.2 Process to delete unreferenced SCCS archive files 24 4.2 Are there preventive measures to avoid synchronization problems? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.2.1 Finding SCCS and database lock problems early . . 27 4.2.2 Finding corrupted SCCS archive files early . . . 28 4.3 Can I control the version numbers for files? . . . . 29 4.4 What are the Archive and Restore limitations for versioning? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.5 Why is there a line length limit for text files? . . 31 Contents vii 4.6 How to find out the file name in the vc tree (Reverse vcPath) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.0 ERROR RECOVERY: GENERAL PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.1 Why do SCCS/database synchronization problems occur in CMVC? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.2 General system problems that impact the versioning in CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5.3 Preparing to make a fix to a versioning problem . . 37 5.4 Procedure to diagnose a versioning problem in CMVC . 38 5.5 Hints on debugging version control problems . . . . 40 6.0 ERROR RECOVERY: SPECIFIC SCENARIOS . . . . . . . . . . 41 6.1 SCCS archive has a file lock, but the database does not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 6.2 Unable to checkout a locked file with force option . 41 6.3 The database has a lock record, but the SCCS archive does not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 6.4 One version of a file is not in CMVC . . . . . . . . 43 6.5 One version of a file is missing from an SCCS archive 43 6.5.1 Missing from type text and special files . . . . 43 6.6 Corruption of SCCS archive file . . . . . . . . . . 45 6.7 SCCS archive is damaged beyond repair . . . . . . . 45 6.7.1 If something of the SCCS archive can be recovered 46 6.7.2 If the entire archive is corrupted . . . . . . . 46 6.8 SCCS gives a warning message when the sfile is more than 1 year old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.9 Differences in a file between checked in version and the extracted one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.10 Message: binary delta unsuccessful, it has reached the threshold limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.11 Getting a strange error when extracting an invalid version number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6.12 How to deal with the error 0010-781 . . . . . . . . 49 6.13 How to recover when the error 0010-783 is displayed 50 6.14 VC files out of sync with DB when database was restored from old copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 APPENDIX A. BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A.1 How to get electronic copies of manuals and techical reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A.1.1 IBM Intranet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A.1.2 Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 APPENDIX B. COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS . . . 61 viii CMVC FAQ: version control FIGURES 1. Sample usage of SCCS keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2. Check Versions table for sourceId not in the Files table 25 3. Check Files table for sourceId not in Versions table . 25 4. Check Files and Versions table for a specific sourceId 26 5. Korn shell sample to find bad SCCS file locks . . . . 28 6. SCCS archives of all files of the name PATH/FILE . . . 38 7. Files common to an SCCS archives . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Figures ix x CMVC FAQ: version control 1.0 INTRODUCTION This technical report documents the interaction between the ver- sioning system (such as SCCS) and the relational database used by CMVC for archiving files in the library system. Also, it pro- vides answers to frequently asked questions from CMVC family administrators and general users. This technical report is organized as follows: 1. Background on the version control architecture of CMVC 2. How SCCS and CMVC interact 3. Frequently asked questions from end users 4. Error recovery: general procedures 5. Error recovery: specific scenarios 1.1 ABOUT THIS AND PREVIOUS TECHNICAL REPORTS This document, as well as other recently released technical reports related to CMVC, contains some information that was pre- viously available in other "unofficial" documents. We have endeavored to better organize the information and improve its readability so that you will find it more useful. This technical report supersedes the technical report TR 29.2131 CMVC: FIXING DATABASE AND SCCS SYNCHRONIZATION PROBLEMS and it replaces the CMVC readme file /USR/LPP/CMVC/DOC/README.FIX.DB.SCCS.SYNC.PROBLEMS. Please use the new technical report when possible, as we have made many improvements and will be removing the older documents from our shipped media and ftp sites. 1.2 ABOUT CMVC AND TEAMCONNECTION TeamConnection is the successor product to CMVC. It has greatly expanded capabilities and is built upon an object model. While this and related technical reports discuss CMVC issues, we will periodically refer to new solutions provided in TeamConnection. Where a CMVC technical report covers a topic that might be of importance to TeamConnection users and if the TeamConnection doc- umentation does not already cover the topic, a TeamConnection technical report is or will be available. Introduction 1 1.3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many of the questions and answers that are compiled in this tech- nical report were obtained from the CMVC forum in the IBMPC con- ferencing disk, and from the CMVC6000 forum in the IBMUNIX conferencing disk. We want to thank the main participants in these electronic forums for their support! Also, we want to thank Dodde Stark for editing this technical report. 1.4 WARNING! READ THIS SECTION BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO FIX AN SCCS PROBLEM Since directly modifying ANY data within CMVC can be risky, here is a list of warnings and caveats: 1. If you rename, delete or move files in the vc directory structure, you will be doing this at your own risk. Problems with CMVC resulting from such changes do not constitute "defects in the product". IBM has a services organization that can provide fee-based services to help you in such cases. 2. Before attemtping to follow any of the recovery procedures described in this technical report, it is recommended that you stop the CMVC daemons and do a complete backup of both the database and the file system. In case there are prob- lems, it is important to have a means of recovery. CMVC pro- vides a sample backup utility, "backupCMVC", in the samples directory. 3. Save copies of all files before making changes. 4. Do not edit any SCCS archive files directly. They are binary. 5. Do not modify any data in the database. 6. Verify that syslog is running. If it is not running, see the technical report "CMVC fre- quently asked questions: hints and tips on using databases and OEM platforms", section "Where are the error messages from the CMVC daemon and databases?". You can also see Chapter 14 "Ongoing Maintenance" in CMVC ____ Server Administration and Installation, Version 2 Release 3 ___________________________________________________________ to set up syslog. 2 CMVC FAQ: version control Then, restart the daemons and recreate the problem to see if there are associated error messages in your syslog file. 7. If you are uncertain, please contact IBM Support before using these procedures. Introduction 3 4 CMVC FAQ: version control 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE VERSION CONTROL OF CMVC 2.1 COMPARISON OF FUNCTIONALITY BETWEEN SCCS AND PVCS IN CMVC QUESTION: What are the differences in functionality between SCCS and PVCS as used by CMVC? ANSWER: NOTE: CMVC supports PVCS only on AIX 3.2. The CMVC server will store text and binary files regardless of the version control mechanism (SCCS or PVCS): o SCCS highlights - Only text files can be delta versioned. - Text deltas are forward-versioned. In other words, for each new version only the changes are stored. The result is that it takes longer to retrieve the newest version of a file as more deltas are applied. - Binary files are not supported by SCCS. CMVC implements a backward-versioned mechanism for binary files, where the newest version of the file is stored whole (unchanged), and all previous versions are deltas from the newest. As a result, the newest version is retrieved faster and each older version takes incre- mentally longer. For more details on the CMVC binary file support when using SCCS, see 3.4, "Files that are only partially stored in SCCS archive files" on page 17. - Keyword expansion is supported for text files. SCCS has a unique set of keywords. - File compression is not supported. o PVCS highlights - Text and binary files are delta versioned. - Deltas are reverse-versioned. - Keyword expansion is supported on text files. PVCS has a unique set of keywords. - File compression is a configurable option. Background information on the version control of CMVC 5 o Version numbering scheme SCCS and PVCS use different version numbering conventions when branches occur in the development of a file: - SCCS SCCS branches files as follows (Release.Level.Branch.Sequence): 1.1 1.2 1.3 -- | -- | | | 1.4 The CMVC server only uses Release 1 of SCCS. The maximum SCCS identifier (SID) is 1.999.999.999. - PVCS PVCS branches files as follows: 1.1 1.2 1.3 -- | -- | | -- | | | | | | 1.4 The maximum PVCS version number can have 256 characters. The CMVC server has imposed a length restriction of 48 characters (12 levels of branching). When the maximum SID length for the files stored in PVCS is reached, the file cannot be checked out. To continue using the file, extract the version you want and create the file by a new name or delete and destroy the original file within the current release, and then reuse the same name when you create the file again. 6 CMVC FAQ: version control 2.2 COMPARISON OF BENEFITS BETWEEN SCCS AND PVCS IN CMVC QUESTION: What are the benefits of using SCCS or PVCS in CMVC? ANSWER: o PVCS is supported as an alternate source code control mech- anism on AIX 3.2. Since it is not used frequently, there will be no discussions of specific PVCS commands in this technical report. There are equivalent PVCS commands for all CMVC commands. See PVCS Version Manager Reference Guide for details. ____________________________________ o Benefits of PVCS: - A file can begin by containing text data and then become binary without problems. o Benefits of SCCS: - You do not have to pay support fees for using SCCS. - There is no separate setup required for SCCS, as it is part of most Unix operating systems. - SCCS is used by most of our customers, and is therefore better tested and maintained. o Changes in CMVC 2.3 that make PVCS unnecessary: - SCCS does not support binary data. In prior versions of CMVC, binary files were stored uncompressed, using a whole copy for each version. Since this was inefficient, CMVC now performs reverse delta versioning of each binary file. CMVC now handles the Ctrl-Z character that is typically appended to the end of text OS/2 and Windows files. As a result, a text file will be formatted properly for OS/2, Windows and Unix. o Conversion from PVCS to SCCS and vice versa: - CMVC 2.3 uses the numbering scheme of either SCCS or PVCS, but since they differ it is not easy to convert from using one system to another. - The version numbers are isolated to the versions table. - CMVC comes with a sample/binaryMerge.c tool that allows a family administrator to convert CMVC binary delta files Background information on the version control of CMVC 7 back into full source files without using CMVC commands. This would be necessary when transferring files from SCCS to PVCS. IBM provides fee-based services to assist migrating PVCS data to CMVC using SCCS. 2.3 WHAT IS THE EVENT SEQUENCE IN VERSION CONTROL WHEN CHECKING OUT A FILE? QUESTION: What is the event sequence in version control when checking out a file? ANSWER: o Client Side 1. Compute the local and server path names. Based on the input parameters supplied by the user, the client determines the name of the local file and the name of the file that the CMVC has in its development environ- ment. 2. Prepare to receive the file from the server. If the file is not destined to stdout, then the client determines the directory location where the user wants the file deposited and reserves a temporary file name in that directory. 3. Issue a request to the server to check out a specific file in a specific release. 4. Receive the file from the server (for example, set the file mode to 640). o Server Side 1. Prepare a temporary file (in /tmp of the server) for the network file transfer. This is where the contents of the version control file will be placed. The server assumes that there will be enough space in the /tmp directory. 2. Perform various checks before getting the file from the version control system. 3. Get the file from the version control system. 8 CMVC FAQ: version control An SCCS or PVCS command is issued to get the file for editing (that is, the version control system will reserve a version number for any subsequent checkin action). If SCCS is the underlying version control system, then a p.XX file is created (the XX is the same as in the s.XX file) in the same directory of the VC tree. This is how SCCS indicates that there is a lock on the file. 4. Make an entry in the FilesOut database table. This is how the CMVC server controls who has what file checked out. 5. Delete the file from /tmp after the client has received it. This is done through the client-server protocol hand- shaking. The server knows when the client has completed the transfer of the file. 2.4 WHAT IS THE EVENT SEQUENCE IN VERSION CONTROL WHEN CHECKING IN A FILE? QUESTION: What is the event sequence in version control when checking in a file? ANSWER: o Client Side 1. Compute the local and server path names. Based on the input parameters supplied by the user, the client determines the name of the local file and the name of the file that the CMVC has in its development environ- ment. 2. Issue a request to the server to check in a specific file for a specific release. 3. Change the file permissions to read-only after the server has received a copy of the file. o Server Side 1. Prepare a temporary file (in /tmp of the server) for the network file transfer. For example, /tmp/cmvcErEFoAwAAA/ErEFoAwAAB. Background information on the version control of CMVC 9 Notice that the name of the file and the name of the directory are only slightly different. 2. Perform various checks before getting the file from the version control system. 3. Make an entry in the Versions table for the new version of the file that is being checked in to the version control system. 4. Check the file into the version control system. a. The /tmp/cmvcErEFoAwAAA/ErEFoAwAAB file is renamed to the name that the version control system expects (such as /tmp/cmvcErEFoAwAAA/08) b. A copy of the original SCCS file from the vc direc- tory is obtained and copied into this same directory; the file is named /tmp/cmvcErEFoAwAAA/08.recovery. This will be used if it is necessary to recover from version control problems otherwise it will be erased after the checkin is successful. c. The amount of space required to store the new delta is estimated by adding 10% to the original size of the file in the vc tree and to the size of the file being checked in. There needs to be this much space in /tmp and in the version control tree. If the space is available, the checkin request is issued to the version control system. d. If SCCS is the underlying version control system, then a p.XX file is removed (the XX is the same as in the s.XX file). This is how SCCS indicates that there is no longer a lock on the file. 5. Remove all temporary files on the server. 6. Remove the entry in the FilesOut database table. 2.5 WHAT ARE THE INTERNAL FILE NAMES USED BY CMVC? QUESTION: In the CMVC family account there is a "vc" directory with lots of files that have different names than those specified by the users. What are these internal file names used by CMVC? ANSWER: User's files are stored in PVCS or SCCS archives within the "vc" directory structure. These archives are given an internally gen- 10 CMVC FAQ: version control erated path and name when a new archive is created. This name is stored in a short-hand form in the sourceID field of the Files and Versions tables. The family administrator can find the location of a specific CMVC file in the vc directory structure by using the vcPath tool. The vcPath tool expands the sourceId into a path and archive filename. In most cases the users are unaware that their files are given a sourceId and there is no need for them to know this information. The CMVC server handles the file name translation transparently. The sourceId is based on a six digit number generated from an internal counter, stored as a record in the Sequence table. o This was done because storing all of the files in a single directory would be an inefficient use of the file system since files in a directory are searched sequentially. o Therefore a directory hierarchy is imposed on the version control files. o For a file with a surrogate name of 012345, the directory location would be $HOME/VC/0/1/2/3 and the name of the file in this directory would be S.45 o The surrogate name is stored in the sourceId column of a file record in the Files database table. o There is a maximum of 100 files per vc directory. o There is a maximum of 1 million files per CMVC family. o The first file to be created is $HOME/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 o The last file to be created is $HOME/vc/9/9/9/9/s.99 Binary files in an CMVC - SCCS environment can be identified by their directory names. For example: $HOME/vc/0/0/0/1/b.08 is the directory that contains the versions of a binary file. o Within this directory there is an s.binary file and various files that represent the versions of the binary file that the CMVC server knows about (such as, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). o The s.binary file is an empty SCCS file that is used to store the delta information about the binary file. This enables the CMVC server to provide the same level of branching support for binary files as is available for text files o The 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 files are the versions of the binary file. Background information on the version control of CMVC 11 2.6 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT FILE TYPES IN CMVC? QUESTION: What are the different file types in CMVC? ANSWER: There are 5 different types of files in CMVC. The type of a file can be explicitly set during "File -create", but the contents of the file can require CMVC to change that type. o The following 2 types are the only ones that the user can set explicitly: - text This is the default; however, the file is scanned for sequence of characters that SCCS cannot handle; if these sequences are found, then the type is changed to "binary" to avoid problems with SCCS. - binary When BINARY is selected, CMVC uses the binary algorithms explained in 3.4, "Files that are only partially stored in SCCS archive files" on page 17. The contents of binary files are never altered by CMVC. As a result, there is no expansion of SCCS keywords. o The following 3 types are automatically given by CMVC when certain conditions are present in text files and the file cannot be stored unmodified in SCCS: - long A text file that has at least 1 line with a row of more than 512 characters. - special A text file from OS/2, DOS, Windows that ends with a Ctrl-Z character. - longSpecial A text file from OS/2, DOS, Windows that ends with a Ctrl-Z character and has at least 1 line with a row that has more than 512 characters. o For example, if a text file contains a character at the end, the file type will be stored as SPECIAL instead of TEXT. Since is a binary character that SCCS cannot store, the is removed before the file is stored in 12 CMVC FAQ: version control the SCCS archive. When the file is checked out or extracted, the is appended to the file. NOTE: Once a file is created as type text or special, it cannot be converted to binary (that is, to binary, long or longSp) or vice versa. For example, an error occurs when a user attempts to check in a file containing binary charac- ters, such as characters with a value greater than X'7F'. o The information about the attribute 'type' is stored in the FileView view in the CMVC database (See CMVC User Reference, Chapter 6 for more information). For example, the following SQL "where" clause can be used in the Report command to find out which files in a release are of binary type (the command should fit in one line; here it is broken into 2 lines for readability): Report -view FileView -where "releaseName = 'yourRelease' and \ type = 'binary'" Background information on the version control of CMVC 13 14 CMVC FAQ: version control 3.0 SCCS AND CMVC 3.1 HOW CMVC USES SCCS QUESTION: How CMVC uses SCCS ANSWER: The contents of the files controlled by CMVC are stored in the vc directory of the family account. Each file is pointed to by one or more records in the Files and Versions tables. There is one record in the Files table for each release that points to the file. There is one record in the Ver- sions table for each version of the file contained in the SCCS archive. When releases are linked, each record in the Files table will point to the same record in the Versions table. The FileView database view identifies the current and committed versions of each file in each release. This is done by joining the Files and Versions tables. The directory structure of the vc tree contains four levels of directories, vc/0/0/0/0 through vc/9/9/9/9, each containing up to 99 files, 01 through 99. The number becomes part of the name of the SCCS archive file (for example s.45). A total of 1,000,000 files may be stored by CMVC. The directory and file location of each SCCS archive file in the vc tree is stored in the SOURCEID field. The directory numbers are concatenated with the NN from s.NN, b.NN. Here is an example: $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.45 would be stored as "sourceId=12345" There are restrictions on the data contained within files stored in SCCS. As a result, files are stored in the vc tree based on the TYPE field in the File table. The following sections describe the possible values for the type field and the how they are stored in the vc tree: SCCS and CMVC 15 3.2 EXAMPLES OF USING ALL THE SCCS KEYWORDS WITH CMVC QUESTION: Examples of using all the SCCS keywords with CMVC ANSWER: The following is an example using SCCS keywords. This is the formatted output of a real file stored in CMVC that shows all the SCCS keywords handled by CMVC. SCCS and PVCS keywords are docu- mented in Chapter 9 of the "CMVC User's Reference manual". KEYWORD EXAMPLE OF EXPANSION %W% PATH NAME, COMPONENT, CMVC RELEASE: sccs.keywords, test-play, test-play %A% SHORTHAND FOR "WHAT" STRINGS. THE COMBINATION OF Z,Y,M,I,Z: @(#) 30 1.3@(#) %Z% THE 4-CHARACTER STRING @(#) FOR WHAT: @(#) %Y% SCCS MODULE TYPE FLAG: %M% SCCS MODULE NAME: 30 %I% COMPLETE VERSION NUMBER (SID): 1.3 %Z% THE 4-CHARACTER STRING @(#) FOR WHAT: @(#) %I% COMPLETE VERSION NUMBER (SID). THE COMBINATION OF R,L,B,S: 1.3 %R% SCCS RELEASE (NOT CMVC RELEASE): 1 %L% SCCS LEVEL (NOT CMVC LEVEL): 3 %B% SCCS BRANCH: 0 %S% SCCS SEQUENCE: 0 %D% DATE OF THE EXTRACTION (YY/MM/DD): 96/02/09 %H% DATE OF THE EXTRACTION (MM/DD/YY): 2/9/96 %T% TIME OF THE EXTRACTION (HH:MM:SS): 15:33:15 %E% DATE OF THE NEWEST DELTA (YY/MM/DD): 96/02/09 %G% DATE OF THE NEWEST DELTA (MM/DD/YY): 2/9/96 %U% TIME OF THE NEWEST DELTA (HH:MM:SS): 15:32:56 %F% THE SCCS FILE NAME: /home/cmvctest/vc/0/0/0/3/s.30 %P% THE FULL PATH NAME OF SCCS FILE: /home/cmvctest/vc/0/0/0/3/s.30 %C% THE CURRENT LINE NUMBER: 36 Figure 1. Sample usage of SCCS keywords 16 CMVC FAQ: version control 3.3 FILES THAT ARE STORED ENTIRELY IN SCCS ARCHIVE FILES QUESTION: What are the files that are stored entirely in SCCS archive files? ANSWER: Files of type TEXT and SPECIAL are stored entirely in SCCS archive files. SCCS archives have 2 file components each: S.NN The history file, containing text and version history. This includes timestamps and other information related to changes in the file. The file contents are stored efficiently using a forward delta algorithm. P.NN The lock file. It exists when a lock is in place on a version of the file. A lock file contains the cur- rently locked version number and the next version number (after the file is checked in). For example, the file s.45 is type TEXT. All versions of the file are stored in s.45. When a file is locked by a release, the file p.45 is created and a record is added indicating which version of the file is locked. If the current version of the release locking the file is 1.2, then the next version number will be 1.3 (unless 1.3 already exists and a branch is forced; creating Continuing the example, if multiple releases lock different ver- sions of file s.45, there will be multiple entries in p.45. If the files are currently linked in the two or more releases, then there will be only one entry in p.45. Each entry in p.45 will have a unique combination of current and next version numbers. 3.4 FILES THAT ARE ONLY PARTIALLY STORED IN SCCS ARCHIVE FILES QUESTION: What are the files that are partially stored in SCCS archive files? ANSWER: File of type BINARY, LONG and LONGSP are stored in a combination of: SCCS and CMVC 17 o SCCS archive files. o Separate files containing full copies of binary files or reverse deltas of the difference between binary files. Binary files contain data that cannot be stored in SCCS. Since binary files tend to be large, whenever possible CMVC uses a reverse delta algorithm to create a delta file instead of storing a full source copy (that is, the entire file unmodified). CMVC also uses the CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD variable to determine when to stop trying to create a delta file and store the full source copy. For more details on CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD, see 3.5, "How is the CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD variable used?" on page 19. Binary archives have their own directory, b.NN, containing the following file components: S.BINARY This SCCS archive file contains only the change history for the file. The contents of each version of the file are stored in separate files. N.N The full source copy of the file, usually the most recent version checked in. There could be more, depending on the on the value of the CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD environment variable. The name of the file identifies the version number (that is, the version number in s.binary). N.ND A delta file. When merged with a full source copy, it creates the previous version of the file (for example, when 1.2d is merged with 1.3, the resulting file is version 1.2). P.BINARY When a file is locked in SCCS, a p.binary file is created. The behavior for p.binary is the same as p.NN for type text files. For example, if the binary file b.46 is created and later on is updated twice, then there will be three versions of the file. The s.binary file will know about versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. However, the actual file contents will be in three files in the directory b.46: 1.2d, 1.3d and 1.3. o File 1.3 is a full source copy of the most current version of the file. o If a user extracts version 1.2, then version 1.3 will be merged with 1.3d to create 1.2. o If the user extracts version 1.1, then file 1.3 will be merged with 1.3d, then the resulting 1.2 will be merged with 1.2d to create 1.1. CMVC cancels the binary delta and stores the file as full source under the following conditions: 18 CMVC FAQ: version control o The resulting delta file is more than one-half size of the full source file being checked in. o If CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD is set, and the delta file becomes larger than the value of CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD. o If CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD is set to 0, then no binary delta is attempted and all versions are stored as full source. In the example above, if CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD had been set to 0, then the directory would contain: s.binary, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. NOTES: 1. The contents of the Files and Versions tables are documented in "Chapter 7, CMVC Tables for Queries" and "Chapter 6, CMVC Views" in CMVC User Reference, Version 2 Release 2. ________________________________________ 2. For details on the content of a delta file and how they are merged to create new full source files, see the sample program binaryMerge.c, in the samples directory. 3.5 HOW IS THE CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD VARIABLE USED? QUESTION: How is the CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD variable used? ANSWER: The CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD variable should be set in the family account when you want to improve performance at the expense of space consumed in your family account. Many customers do not want to create binary deltas, instead, they want to store the complete binary file each time they do a file change. To do this, these customers can set the following envi- ronment variable: "export CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD=0". CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD affects the processing of any files of type BINARY, LONG or LONGSP (type is a column in the Files and FileView tables). The environment variable CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD is used as follows: o When the threshold is reached, the following process is invoked: 1. The difference tool stops processing. SCCS and CMVC 19 2. A full copy of the previous version of the file is saved, instead of a difference file containing only the changes necessary to reconstruct the previous version from the new version. 3. A message is sent to the system log file (for example, /usr/spool/syslog on AIX) providing notification that the THRESHOLD was reached. o The default value is 15,000 when CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD is not explicitly set. In other words, if the size of the differ- ence file becomes greater than 15,000 bytes, then the threshold processing is invoked. o If the size of the difference file exceeds 75% of the size of the previous version of the file, then the threshold proc- essing is invoked. o If CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD is set and the size of the differ- ence file becomes greater than CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD, then the threshold processing is invoked. o If CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD=0 (is set to 0), difference proc- essing is skipped and the full copy of the previous version is left in place. CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD processes "File -checkin" much faster than when a difference file is created, but uses more disk space in the family account. Also, subsequent "File -checkout", "File -extract", "Release -extract" and "Level -extract" commands run more quickly. 3.6 WHAT ARE THE SCCS COMMANDS AND HOW ARE THEY USED? QUESTION: What are the SCCS commands and how are they used? ANSWER: The following is a summary of the SCCS commands used by CMVC. For the complete descriptions of these commands, consult your operating system documentation. ADMIN -I To create an SCCS archive. CMVC uses this command to create SCCS archives, that is, s.NN or s.binary files. You can use this command to create an archive when there is a problem with the first version of a file or the entire archive is corrupted. 20 CMVC FAQ: version control ADMIN -H To see if the checksum of an SCCS archive is bad. CMVC does not use this command. You can use this command when an error message indicates possibly corrupted SCCS archive. ADMIN -Z To recompute the checksum of an archive. CMVC does not use this command. You can use this command when trying to solve a corruption problem with an SCCS archive. DELTA To check file changes directly into an SCCS archive. CMVC uses this command to check in new versions of a file. This command also removes the SCCS lock file. You can use this command when the database knows of a new version of a file, but that version is not checked into the SCCS archive. GET To extract a specific version of a file into the current directory. CMVC uses this command during "File -extract", "Release -extract" and "Level -extract". You can use this command when comparing contents of a version of a file with a version extracted using CMVC. GET -E To check out a version of a file from an SCCS archive directly into the current working directory. CMVC uses this command to create an SCCS lock when you check out a file. You can use this comand when a lock is present in the database, but not in the SCCS archive. PRS To display the change history of an SCCS archive. CMVC uses this command to verify the change history before any updates to a file. You can use this command to compare the file's change history as stored in the database with that of the SCCS archive. NOTE: Branches in the change history (for example, indicate that multiple releases point to the file (that is, they are common) and that links have been broken. RMDEL To remove a version from an SCCS archive. CMVC uses this command during a "File -undo". You can use this command when a version of a file is not known to the database, but is already checked into the SCCS archive. UNGET To remove a lock from an SCCS archive. CMVC uses this command during a "File -unlock". You can use this command to remove the SCCS lock when the database does not know a file is locked. In other words, remove p.NN or p.binary when there is no record in the database FilesOut table. SCCS and CMVC 21 22 CMVC FAQ: version control 4.0 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BY END USERS 4.1 HOW TO RECLAIM SPACE BY DELETING SCCS ARCHIVE FILES QUESTION: How to reclaim space by deleting SCCS archive files ANSWER: CMVC families can become very large, mostly from the many ver- sions of each file stored in the vc tree. It is often desirable to reclaim some of this space from the vc tree. Here are two methods: 1. Use the CMVC File -destroy command or the cmvcarchive command to remove records from the CMVC database; however, the SCCS archive files are not removed by these commands. See 4.1.1, "Process to remove records of files from the data- base" for details. 2. Remove the SCCS archive files that are no longer referenced by database records. See 4.1.2, "Process to delete unreferenced SCCS archive files" on page 24 for details. 4.1.1 Process to remove records of files from the database ___________________________________________________________ QUESTION: Process to remove records about files from the database. ANSWER: The CMVC "File -destroy" and/or the "cmvcarchive" command remove records from the CMVC database. The process in 4.1.2, "Process to delete unreferenced SCCS archive files" on page 24 will allow you to identify and delete SCCS archives after using "cmvcarchive" and "File -destroy". o "cmvcarchive" provides an option to delete SCCS archives and the database records for levels of a release, or releases. As a result, cmvcarchive can be used to just save space, or Frequently asked questions by end users 23 to split a family into several families. However, running cmvcarchive can be very time consuming, so levels and releases that are no longer used are often left in a family. See 4.4, "What are the Archive and Restore limitations for versioning?" on page 30 for more details. Normally, the cmvcarchive command is used to delete a group of closely related releases. This results in deleting all records in the database for the specified releases, as well as all files in the vc tree that are not referenced by other releases. In cases where other releases contain common files in an SCCS archive, the vc tree is pruned so that all versions that are unique to the releases being archived are removed. o Files can be removed from the family using the "File -destroy" command. While "File -destroy" removes database records that point to SCCS archive files, "File -destroy" typically does NOT delete SCCS archive files. So, over time unreferenced SCCS archives may accumulate in a family. You can run the following commands after a "File -destroy" in order determine if it is now safe to delete the file from the vc tree: 1. "select id from Versions where sourceId=$X" 2. "select id from Files where sourceId=$X" 3. If neither query returns records, you may delete the archive file. NOTE: Always perform a family backup prior to deleting any archive files. 4.1.2 Process to delete unreferenced SCCS archive files ________________________________________________________ QUESTION: Process to delete unreferenced SCCS archive files. ANSWER: This is our recommendation for a process to identify and delete SCCS archive files after insuring that they are not referenced by the CMVC database. 1. You need to do this from the CMVC family account, although it is possible to run the queries from a user account. 24 CMVC FAQ: version control 2. Integrity checking is necessary because the tables are NOT fully normalized for the sourceId field which is located in both the Files and the Versions tables. a. The directory and file location of each archive file in the vc tree is stored in the SOURCEID field of the Files table and FileView view. The directory numbers are con- catenated with the NN from s.NN, b.NN. Here is an example: "$HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.45" would be stored as "sourceId=12345" b. Since different releases may point to different versions of an SCCS archive, the value of the VERSIONSID (version number used by the archive) may differ. c. The following is an integrity check for the Versions table: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Select from Versions v | | where v.sourceId not in | | (select f.sourceId from Files f) | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 2. Check Versions table for sourceId not in the Files table d. The following is an integrity check for the Files table: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Select from Files f | | where f.sourceId not in | | (select unique v.sourceId from Versions v) | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 3. Check Files table for sourceId not in Versions table Frequently asked questions by end users 25 3. The following will check for a SOURCEID (assuming we passed the integrity checks): +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | #!/usr/bin/ksh | | # $1 = name of family | | # $2 = path of a file in vc tree | | # (for example, 1/2/3/4/s.56) | | # | | cd ${HOME}/vc | | | | # Verify that file exists | | if µµ !-d ${2} -a !-f $2 ºº | | then | | print -u2 "Error file $2 is not in vc tree" | | exit 1 | | fi | | | | # Convert Path to file into a sourceId | | SourceId=`$2 | tr -d "/s."` | | | | # NOTE: Where the ` symbol is the accent grave, | | # in the upper left corner in the English keyboard. | | | | # Connect to family and search for any | | # occurrences of sourceID | | db2 connect to $2 | | db2 "select,, v.SID | | from Files f, Releases r, Path p, Versions v | | where ( or | | and and and | | and | | f.sourceId=${SourceId}" > tmpfile | | | | # Find DB2/6000 count of records returned | | let x=`grep 'record(s) selected' tmpfile | \ | | awk '{ print $1 }'` | | if (( $x == 0 )) | | then | | # Delete file if not referenced in database | | # (either file or directory) | | rm -rf $2 | | end | | | | # Disconnect from family | | db2 connect reset | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 4. Check Files and Versions table for a specific sourceId 4. Since versions are sequential, it is possible to find the last file in the vc tree, then loop from 1 through that 26 CMVC FAQ: version control number (for example, 12345) using the above query to find files to delete. It is also possible to use "order by sourceId" on a query and take the last entry (or do both). 4.2 ARE THERE PREVENTIVE MEASURES TO AVOID SYNCHRONIZATION PROBLEMS? QUESTION: Are there preventive measures to avoid synchronization problems? ANSWER: You can periodically check for some problems that can occur with SCCS. The following procedures are most beneficial when run before a backup: o See 4.2.1, "Finding SCCS and database lock problems early." o See 4.2.2, "Finding corrupted SCCS archive files early" on page 28. 4.2.1 Finding SCCS and database lock problems early ____________________________________________________ QUESTION: Finding SCCS and database lock problems early. ANSWER: An indication that SCCS has a lock on a file, but the database does not, is that there are multiple entries in a p.NN file for the same current version. Here is a shell script to locate such problems: Frequently asked questions by end users 27 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | #!/usr/bin/ksh | | # Find all lock files and check for multiple | | # locks against the same current version | | # of the file (an error) | | find $HOME/vc -name p.* -exec wc -l {} \; > tmpfile | | let count=0 | | while read count path | | do | | # Only check lock files with multiple entries | | if (( $count > 1 )) | | then | | # Check for multiple locks on the same | | # current release | | x=`cut -d' ' -f1 $path | uniq -d` | | if µµ $x != "" ºº | | then | | print "Error found in file $path, \ | | multiple locks on version $x" | | fi | | fi | | done < tmpfile | | rm tmpfile | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 5. Korn shell sample to find bad SCCS file locks. Find all lock files and check for multiple locks against the same current version of the file (an error). 4.2.2 Finding corrupted SCCS archive files early _________________________________________________ QUESTION: Finding corrupted SCCS archive files early. ANSWER: It is best if you can find all damaged SCCS archives before they are backed up and become something you must rely on. This means trying to find and correct the problem before incremental backups and before a system failure occurs. Below are two simple com- mands that can be run prior to issuing a backup: find $HOME/vc -name "s.*" -exec admin -h {} \; The above command will only report errors. To see the progress of the command use: 28 CMVC FAQ: version control find $HOME/vc -name "s.*" -print -exec admin -h {} \; 4.3 CAN I CONTROL THE VERSION NUMBERS FOR FILES? QUESTION: We have one release "release-a" and the file versions are of the form 1.1, 1.2. etc. Then we linked the release to "release-b" and break the link. Now the file versions in this release are of the form, The developers do not like to see, version numbers in release-b, they want to have 1.1, 1.2 version numbers. Is it possible to control the explicit sequencing for the version numbers of the files? ANSWER: The short answer is NO; CMVC controls the version numbering. Your programmers should only be concerned with the Release, Level and Track that they are working on. If they need historical data use: File -view -long The numbers themselves are essentially meaningless! Further, the only way to see why the version numbers changed as they did is to look at the Release and Track change histories. That said, the better your programmer's understand what to expect, the more comfortable they will be with these numbers. Here is an example to show how releases and file changes impact the version numbers for SCCS: o When you create a file in CMVC in release-a, the version id from SCCS is 1.1; this is also known as SID, which is used in the tables and views shown in Chapters 6 and 7 of the CMVC Users Manual. o If you then link a file into release-b, then the version id (SID) of the file in release-b becomes 1.1 too. So far so good. o However, if you checkout the file and break the link, then the release that was used when the link was broken, is the release that will keep the version id of 1.x. The other release will use 1.1.1.x. Thus, the sequence of the checkout/check-in/break-link is important. Let's see a real example: Frequently asked questions by end users 29 RELEASES rel-a and rel-b TRACK 2 tracks are open for each release FILE test.txt 1. File is created with rel-a (SID 1.1). 2. File is linked to rel-b (SID 1.1 for both releases). 3. File is checked-out. 4. File is checked-in using rel-a as the primary release and the link is broken. File in rel-a will have SID 1.2, and file in rel-b still has SID 1.1 5. File in rel-b is checked-out and checked-in, and now its SID is At this stage we have: file in rel-a: SID 1.2 file in rel-b: SID TEAMCONNECTION NOTE: TeamConnection uses a numbering scheme that is based exclusively on the versioned objects within the family, for example, Release, Driver, WorkArea and Part. While there are several new concepts to learn as well as name changes for objects (that is, Level becomes Driver, Track becomes WorkArea, and File becomes Part), the versioning scheme is now consistent with the change history. 4.4 WHAT ARE THE ARCHIVE AND RESTORE LIMITATIONS FOR VERSIONING? QUESTION: What are the Archive and Restore limitations for versioning? ANSWER: Below are limitations of the cmvcarchive command beyond what is documented in CMVC Server Administration and Installation, ____________________________________________ Version 2 Release 3: ___________________ 1. There is a limitation to the "delete objects" option of cmvcarchive: o SCCS archive files can only be deleted when ALL levels/releases that reference the archive file are included in the list provided to cmvcarchive when prompted. o SCCS archive files are deleted in their entirety. There- fore, the archive file can only be deleted when all ref- erences to the file are deleted (that is, all levels/releases must be deleted). 30 CMVC FAQ: version control 2. When archiving multiple releases or levels the releases/levels should be specified in order from most to least recently completed. 3. When typing a long list of releases/levels into cmvcarchive, it is possible to become input inhibited due to the limita- tion of 1024 characters per line in the command shell. To overcome this limitation, type your responses to the cmvcarchive commands into a file and run cmvcarchive as follows: cmvcarchive < response.file A sample response file might look like: 2 - perform an archive 2 - archive releases release1 release2 - releases to be archived 2 - delete the release after archive 2 - confirm delete 1 - archive to directory in local file system /home/fam/archive - specify the archive directory NOTE: Do not include comments in your response file, they are shown here only to add clarity to the example. 4. Selecting the delete option can often DOUBLE the amount of required processing time. If it becomes necessary to terminate a cmvcarchive process after it has begun deleting objects, it must be restored from a backup. If this should occur, the user is warned to restore from backup. 4.5 WHY IS THERE A LINE LENGTH LIMIT FOR TEXT FILES? QUESTION: I cannot create or check in a text file that has more than 510 bytes per line without the file being converted to "binary". The warning message blames SCCS, is this right? ANSWER: SCCS is the limiting factor. SCCS is old, with many limitations, but is also available on all Unix operating systems and familiar to most system administrators. As such, it was selected as the default versioning mechanism for CMVC. Here are the SCCS limitations that CMVC must live with: Frequently asked questions by end users 31 o SCCS imposes a line length limit of 510 (not 512) for text files. o SCCS only stores text files. o Binary files are stored in the native file system. Based on the above limitations from SCCS, you can understand better the behavior that you see from CMVC: o File creation When you create a file within CMVC you have the option to tell the CMVC server whether the file is binary or not. If you supply the -binary flag on a file create command, the CMVC server will store the file in the native file system. If you do not specify the -binary flag, the CMVC server ini- tially considers the file as 'text'. However, due to the SCCS line length limitation, and the fact that users could have forgotten to supply the -binary flag, the CMVC server verifies the contents of the file. If it finds a binary signature on the file or a line length exceeding 510 characters, the CMVC server will switch the file type to binary and store it in the native file system. Note that only the type of the file is switched. The con- tents of the file are not modified. o File check-in The server only decides upon creation time where it will store the file. If subsequent checkins break the rules of SCCS, there is no provision in the current design to switch the files to the native file system. Therefore, if the maximum size of a line in a text file is now exceeded, then the CMVC server will report an error (because it cannot change the type of a file from text to binary). Some workarounds to cope with the problem are: 1. Ensure that text file does not exceed 510 bytes per row. 2. If option 1 cannot be done, then it is necessary to delete the file, and recreate it as binary. TEAMCONNECTION NOTE: TeamConnection has developed its own mech- anism for storing file data in the database, along with all of the rest of the state data necessary to perform version control and configuration management. As a result, TeamConnection does not have any such limitations for text files. You can even change a file from "text" to "binary" and back without difficulty or penalty. 32 CMVC FAQ: version control 4.6 HOW TO FIND OUT THE FILE NAME IN THE VC TREE (REVERSE VCPATH) QUESTION: A file cannot be extracted because a message says that the file was damaged. The message included the rather cryptic name of the file in the vc directory structure of the CMVC family. How do you find out the real name of a file under CMVC control, given the cryptic name of the file in the vc tree? ANSWER: 1. If you have the full pathName of the s.file in the CMVC server repository (the vc directory structure), such as $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.45, then you obtain the sourceID by con- catenating all the integers that appear in the vc subdirecto- ries and the file name, from left to right: s.file name: $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.45 | | | | || concatenating the integers: 0+1+2+3+ 45 | | | | || |++ | | || || | | || ||+++ | || ||| | || |||++++ || |||| || ||||++++++++ |||||| CMVC sourceID: 012345 2. Once you have the sourceId, you can issue the following query to obtain the fileName: Report -view FileView -where "sourceId=12345" This query may give multiple entries where the fileName is always the same but the releaseName and SID (Version ID) differ. Frequently asked questions by end users 33 34 CMVC FAQ: version control 5.0 ERROR RECOVERY: GENERAL PROCEDURES 5.1 WHY DO SCCS/DATABASE SYNCHRONIZATION PROBLEMS OCCUR IN CMVC? QUESTION: Why do SCCS/database synchronization problems occur in CMVC? ANSWER: In CMVC, the database and SCCS can become out-of-sync when a CMVC command performs a file operation (for example, "File -checkin") and the SCCS action completes successfully, but there is a problem with the database and the data is not committed (database transaction rollback). In other words, the database does not get updated, but the SCCS system does. When this occurs, the user generally receives a generic error message, then has trouble with subsequent CMVC com- mands that operate on the same file. Here are some scenarios that have caused out-of-sync errors within CMVC: o The family account runs out of available processes after com- pleting the SCCS transaction, but before the entire command is complete. o The user enters to terminate a "File -checkin" after the SCCS transaction is complete, but before the entire command is complete. o The database experiences an error (for example, filling up the transaction log file) during a File command, but after the SCCS portion is complete. The database portion is rolled back. o There is a collision between transactions accessing the same data record in a table and the database transaction rolls back. A typical error that involves an SCCS/database out-of-sync problem will look like this: Error recovery: general procedures 35 0010-511 An error occurred when the CMVC server software tried to get file /u/flowmark/vc/0/0/0/2/s.70. Contact the family administrator for assistance. 0010-025 An error occurred when the CMVC server software tried to extract files from the version control file repository. 0010-436 The extraction of release fm_test cannot be completed. In the above example, the error identifies a specific file in the vc directory of the flowmark family as having a problem during a "Release -extract". The fact that a directory in the vc tree was identified in the error message is a sufficient indication that there is a synchronization problem between SCCS and the database used by CMVC. 5.2 GENERAL SYSTEM PROBLEMS THAT IMPACT THE VERSIONING IN CMVC QUESTION: What are the general system problems that impact the versioning function in CMVC? ANSWER: Before checking for a specific database/SCCS problem (see 5.4, "Procedure to diagnose a versioning problem in CMVC" on page 38), there are some general system constraints to check: 1. Make sure there is sufficient space in /tmp. If there are large binary files in the family, make sure that there is at least three times the size of the largest file available in /tmp. 2. If you are using a database that accumulates a transaction log, make sure the file system containing your database is not full. Also, some databases set explicit limits on the size of a log. 3. If the problem occurred during a "Release -extract" or "Level -extract", try to extract the file that caused the failure. See 4.1, "How to reclaim space by deleting SCCS archive files" on page 23 for instructions on using the information in the error message; for example, identify the file associ- ated with "/u/flowmark/vc/0/0/0/2/s.70" in the release you were extracting. 4. For "Release -extract" or "Level -extract", if you have a history of network problems, try using the "nomount" option on "Release -extract" or "Level -extract" to see if the file will extract to the server machine without NFS involved. 36 CMVC FAQ: version control 5. Check the contents of syslog. In AIX, also run the errpt command. Locate any potentially related errors. 5.3 PREPARING TO MAKE A FIX TO A VERSIONING PROBLEM QUESTION: Preparing to make a fix to a versioning problem ANSWER: Before making a change to an SCCS archive, keep the following in mind: o Whenever possible, it is better to restore from a backup than to work with a corrupted SCCS archive or binary delta file. o You are looking for the minimum necessary change in order to get the SCCS archive to contain the same version information as the database. o Copy each file you intend to modify (for example, s.NN and p.NN) to another directory before trying. This will allow you to restore these backup files in case of mistake. o In cases where there are branches in the SCCS archive history (for example,, you will need to specify the revision you are working to update. Examples in 6.0, "Error recovery: specific scenarios" on page 41 all use "-rDESIRED_VERSION" to identify the version of the file to be updated. If it is not necessary (that is, if there are no branches), you may omit it. o Use the SCCS "prs" command after your changes to make sure that the SCCS archive has been updated properly. o After you have verified your changes, clean up your temporary files. o Make sure a backup is done soon after you have successfully eliminated your problems. Error recovery: general procedures 37 5.4 PROCEDURE TO DIAGNOSE A VERSIONING PROBLEM IN CMVC QUESTION: What is the procedure to diagnose a versioning problem in CMVC? ANSWER: Once you have eliminated a system problem (see 5.2, "General system problems that impact the versioning in CMVC" on page 36), you will need the following information to correct your problem: 1. Stop the family and the database. There might be hung transactions waiting for a chance to rollback. Also consider rebooting. In some cases, this clears up the problem. 2. Restart the database and family, then verify that the problem still exists. 3. Find out where the SCCS archive file is in the vc tree using the "vcPath" tool which is documented in CMVC Server Adminis- ____________________ tration and Installation, Version 2 Release 3 . _____________________________________________ The vcPath query is: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | select sourceId, type from FileView | | where pathName = 'PATH/FILE' and \ | | releaseName = 'RELEASE' | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 6. SCCS archives of all files of the name PATH/FILE. A database query that will return the location of all SCCS archives for files with a specific PATH/FILE name in all releases. 4. What is the file type: text, special, binary, long, longSp? 5. It is possible for an SCCS archive to be referenced by files in multiple releases; further, the path/file may be different in another release. Files in different releases that point to the same SCCS archive are referred to as COMMON. Determine which file/release combinations point to this SCCS archive or 38 CMVC FAQ: version control directory in the vc tree. In the example, you could substi- tute "sourceId=12345" for VCFILE in order to search for all releases that have a file pointing to the SCCS archive vc/0/1/2/3/s.45. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | select pathName, releaseName, sourceId, type \ | | from FileView where sourceId=VCFILE | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 7. Files common to an SCCS archives. A database query that will locate the file in each release that refer- ences a specific SCCS archive. 6. Compare the lock status of the SCCS archive to the database. You can use the command line or GUI. There is no need to use database queries. To view the contents of the p.NN file, use "cat p.NN" This will show the contents of the p.NN file to see what versions of the SCCS archive are locked. If there is no p.NN file, the SCCS archive does not have any locks. This also applies to p.binary. Use the CMVC Report or File commands to determine if the database has a lock on the file. 7. Determine if the SCCS archive file can be read: The SCCS command to check for a corrupt archive is: "admin -h s.NN" For a binary file the command is: "admin -h s.binary" Some CMVC users periodically check all SCCS archive files to insure that no corruption has occurred. See 4.2.2, "Finding corrupted SCCS archive files early" on page 28 for the proce- dure. 8. Check the history of the file: "prs s.NN" or "prs s.binary" "prs" returns the complete list of versions of a file for all releases that point to it. Newest versions of the file are listed first. "Report -view FileView" or "File -view" will display all of the versions of a file represented in the database. Compare the history information from the SCCS archive and database to locate discrepancies. Error recovery: general procedures 39 5.5 HINTS ON DEBUGGING VERSION CONTROL PROBLEMS QUESTION: Hints on debugging version control problems ANSWER: If you are experiencing a problem when creating, checking in or checking out files from the CMVC server and you can not seem to solve the problem, try the native SCCS or PVCS commands to narrow down the problem. o Using SCCS version control commands. - Logon to the family's account. - Create a test file (such as test.c) - Give the file to SCCS: admin -itest.c s.test.c - Try to checkout the file: get -e s.test.c - Try to checkin the file: delta s.test.c o Using PVCS version control commands: - Logon to the PVCS account - Create a test file (such as test.c) - Give the file to PVCS: vcs -i test.c - Try to checkin the file: put -r1.1 test.c - Try to checkout the file: get -l -r1.1 test.c - Try to checkin the file again: put -r1.2 test.c 40 CMVC FAQ: version control 6.0 ERROR RECOVERY: SPECIFIC SCENARIOS The following are typical scenarios where you would use SCCS com- mands to correct the problem of the database and SCCS being out of sync. Before you attempt to fix a versioning problem mentioned in this section, please see 5.0, "Error recovery: general procedures" on page 35 for the general procedures to follow. 6.1 SCCS ARCHIVE HAS A FILE LOCK, BUT THE DATABASE DOES NOT QUESTION: SCCS archive has a file lock, but the database does not ANSWER: When the SCCS archive has a corresponding p.NN file, but a CMVC database has no lock record in the FilesOut table, use the fol- lowing to remove the lock from the SCCS archive: unget -rDESIRED_VERSION s.NN NOTES: 1. This will delete the p.NN or p.binary file if there is only 1 line in the file. 2. It is possible for a file to be locked by multiple releases, in which case the line containing information on the version locked in the affected release will be deleted. 6.2 UNABLE TO CHECKOUT A LOCKED FILE WITH FORCE OPTION QUESTION: A user already has checked out a file that is common between 3 releases: New Path Name Release Current Committed Locked by ------------- ------- ------- --------- --------- admin/admincmd.doc dmb_10 1.4 1.4 xyz admin/admincmd.doc dmb_12 1.4 1.4 admin/admincmd.doc dmb_31 1.4 1.4 The file is common to all three releases and locked in the first release. The user is trying to check-out the file from the third Error recovery: specific scenarios 41 release by using the 'force' option and gets the following message: 0010-682 An error occurred in SCCS when the CMVC server software tried to check out file admin/admincmd.doc. The version control failed to create a lock for this file within the version control file tree. ANSWER: It is recommended to perform the following actions: 1. Identify the location of the lock for that file, in this case it is a p.binary. 2. Make a backup copy of the p.binary, just in case. 3. Use the SCCS command: unget -r1.4.1.1 s.binary 4. Use File -unlock -release dmb_10 5. Verify that p.binary is gone and that no locks show for the file. 6. Verify everything is correct by checking the file out again. 6.3 THE DATABASE HAS A LOCK RECORD, BUT THE SCCS ARCHIVE DOES NOT QUESTION: The database has a lock record, but the SCCS archive does not. ANSWER: If the CMVC database has a lock record in the FilesOut table, but there is no corresponding p.NN file for the SCCS archive, then use the following to create one: get -e -rDESIRED_VERSION s.NN NOTES: 1. If CMVC shows a branch in the path, it may be necessary to use the "-b" option to force a branch. 2. The file will be checked out as NN in the current working directory. 42 CMVC FAQ: version control 6.4 ONE VERSION OF A FILE IS NOT IN CMVC QUESTION: One version of a file is not in CMVC ANSWER: If a version of a file is in an SCCS archive, but there is no record in the Versions table in CMVC, use the following to remove the version from the SCCS archive: rmdel -r VERSION_TO_BE_REMOVED s.NN NOTES: 1. It is possible for a file in multiple releases to point to the same version of a file (that is, "File -link" has been used). 2. Verify that deleting a version will not delete a file pointed to by another release. See 4.1, "How to reclaim space by deleting SCCS archive files" on page 23 for details. 6.5 ONE VERSION OF A FILE IS MISSING FROM AN SCCS ARCHIVE QUESTION: One version of a file is missing from an SCCS archive ANSWER: If a version of a file is in the Versions table of the CMVC data- base, but missing from the SCCS archive, the procedures below will add a file to SCCS. However, it is recommended that, when possible, you add them temporarily, use CMVC to undo the changes, then use CMVC to make updates to the database and SCCS together. 6.5.1 Missing from type text and special files _______________________________________________ 1. Check out the file: "get -e -rDESIRED_VERSION s.NN" The file will be checked out as NN in the current working directory. 2. Copy the version of the file you want checked in into the current working directory as NN; that is, replace the current NN file with your new version. Error recovery: specific scenarios 43 NOTE: In the case of a type SPECIAL file, you must remove the first. 3. Check in the new version: "delta -rDESIRED_VERSION s.NN" Missing from type binary, long and longSp files 1. Emulate a checkout in the SCCS archive: "get -e -rDESIRED_VERSION s.binary" Since binary files are not stored in the archive, this will create an empty file, binary, in the current working direc- tory. 2. Copy the version of the file you want checked in into the current working directory as the name of the version (for example, for version 1.6 of a file, copy the file in as 1.6). NOTES: a. For a type LONGSP file, you must remove the first. b. If the previous version of the file is a delta file (for example, 1.5d) the new file must exactly match the version that was lost. Otherwise, it will be impossible for CMVC to merge the current version (for example, 1.6) with the delta file (for example, 1.5d). 3. Set the timestamp on file: "touch binary" This is merely a precaution to insure a unique timestamp. 4. Update the change history of the SCCS archive: "delta -rDESIRED_VERSION s.binary" 5. If you have delta files that cannot be reconstructed using CMVC, but you have copies of the different versions of the files outside of CMVC, then you can copy those files into the vc tree to replace the delta files. For example, if file 1.3 is lost and all that remains is 1.3d and 1.2d, you cannot recreate versions 1.2 or 1.1. If these files exist outside of CMVC, then delete 1.2d and 1.3d and copy the files in as 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. CMVC will be able to use the full source copies without any problems. 44 CMVC FAQ: version control 6.6 CORRUPTION OF SCCS ARCHIVE FILE QUESTION: Corruption of SCCS archive file ANSWER: When a CMVC File operation fails with an error messages such as, "Archive corrupted": o Use "admin -h" to see if the checksum is bad. The checksum is used to determine if a bad modification has been made to an SCCS archive. o If the checksum is bad, use "errpt" on AIX to see if there have been any hardware or software errors. "errpt -a" pro- vides more details. - Compare the timestamp from "errpt" with the timestamp of the archive file to locate the appropriate messages. - Determine if it is necessary to replace your current hard disk. o Use "admin -z" to recompute the checksum. Sometimes the only problem is the checksum. o If the checksum recomputes successfully, use CMVC to verify that all of the versions of the file can be extracted and appear to be correct. 6.7 SCCS ARCHIVE IS DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR QUESTION: SCCS archive is damaged beyond repair ANSWER: When the procedure in 6.6, "Corruption of SCCS archive file" cannot correct the problem with the SCCS archive, it is necessary to create a new archive. Error recovery: specific scenarios 45 6.7.1 If something of the SCCS archive can be recovered ________________________________________________________ 1. Extract each version of the file that is still usable: "get -rDESIRED_VERSION s.NN" 2. Rename each version from NN to something you can easily remember. 3. Create a new archive using the procedure in 6.7.2, "If the entire archive is corrupted." 6.7.2 If the entire archive is corrupted _________________________________________ If nothing can be extracted, then it is generally best to do the following 1. Use "File -delete" to delete the record of the file in the database. 2. Use "File -destroy" to dispose of the file from the version control file system 3. Use "File -create" to recreate the history with files not in CMVC. In order to destroy a file you need an archive with a history that matches the database. This is how to create a new archive with the history you need: 1. Rename the bad archive: "mv s.NN" 2. Create a new SCCS archive: "admin -i s.NN" The admin command will check NN as the first version of the file (that is, 1.1). 3. If you have copies of your old source or the archive is used by releases that you cannot update, then follow directions in 6.5, "One version of a file is missing from an SCCS archive" on page 43 for details on copying each version into the directory of the SCCS archive and checking the files into the archive as the correct version. If you are missing a few versions, you might be forced to put another version in more than one place to replace the missing versions. 4. If it is OK to destroy and create a new file of the same name (our recommended process), then reconstruct the SCCS archive with empty files. Once CMVC and SCCS are in sync, destroy the archive and use CMVC to create new files in each release. For each version, you will: GET -E S.NN To check out a version of the file, NN. 46 CMVC FAQ: version control GET -E -B S.NN To check out a version of the file and force a branch. TOUCH NN To update the timestamp of the empty file. DELTA S.NN To check in the file PRS S.NN To check the results of your changes. NOTE: Periodically running "admin -h" in conjunction with backups should prevent this from occurring. See 4.2.2, "Finding corrupted SCCS archive files early" on page 28 for details. 6.8 SCCS GIVES A WARNING MESSAGE WHEN THE SFILE IS MORE THAN 1 YEAR OLD QUESTION: SCCS gives a warning message when the sfile is more than a year old. SCCS has "checked the file out" by updating its lock file but CMVC misinterprets the message and thinks it failed. ANSWER: The workaround is to do the following: 1. Get rid of the lock file (such as the "p.43" lock file). 2. Edit the sfile "s.43" and change the 2-digit year on the latest delta line such as "D 1.6 94/11/09", to make the date less that one year old. 3. Run the command "admin -z s.43" to recalculates the checksum of the file. 6.9 DIFFERENCES IN A FILE BETWEEN CHECKED IN VERSION AND THE EXTRACTED ONE QUESTION: In the following situations, we have seen differences between the version of a file that was checked in and the version that is immediately extracted: o If the file contains a text line without CR/LF (carriage return + line feed), then CMVC is adding a CR/LF to this line. o If the file contains an empty line without CR/LF, then CMVC removes the line. ANSWER: Error recovery: specific scenarios 47 It sounds as if your customer needs to set the CRLF to 'on' in the options settings window. It is important to know that carriage returns are not needed on the UNIX server and when you check the files in and out you are constantly removing and adding the carriage return back onto the file. The default of 'on' is the best option because then the system does it for you. Also if you want a blank line in the file you need to end it with a carriage return or the system does not recognize it. 6.10 MESSAGE: BINARY DELTA UNSUCCESSFUL, IT HAS REACHED THE THRESHOLD LIMIT QUESTION: I tried to check in a binary file into CMVC and after around 20 minutes I got this message on the console: Binary delta unsuccessful, it has reached the threshold limit. The complete binary file has been stored to the version control repository. What does it mean? Is the file OK? ANSWER: Since CMVC (or later) we have fixed a problem with the treatment of the threshold for binary files. There is an environment variable in the CMVC server (CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD, documented in the CMVC Server manual, Version 2, page 39) that can be used to save time when creating new versions of files by limiting the size of a difference file used when computing a delta for binary files. For more details see 3.4, "Files that are only partially stored in SCCS archive files" on page 17. For example, if the mentioned variable is set to 15,000 bytes (export CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD=15000) this means that CMVC will try to create a binary delta if it finds less than 15,000 bytes of differences, however if it finds 15,001, then CMVC will stop the attempt and will display the information message that you saw and store the entire binary file instead of a delta file. For more details see 3.5, "How is the CMVC_BINARY_THRESHOLD vari- able used?" on page 19. 48 CMVC FAQ: version control 6.11 GETTING A STRANGE ERROR WHEN EXTRACTING AN INVALID VERSION NUMBER QUESTION: The latest version of a file is 1.3. When trying to extract version 1.4 (which does not exist yet) a strange error message is shown. All valid versions can be extracted successfully without any errors, though. get: The specified SID is not valid Use the sact command to check the p-file for valid SID numbers. Could you explain this error message? ANSWER: Let's see the following scenarios using a committed file and an uncommitted file, when a non existent version is specified to be extracted: 1. Scenario 1: A committed file has versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. o Extraction of 1.3: good, as expected. o Extraction of 1.0 or 1.4 (non-existent): get: The specified SID is not valid Use the sact command to check the p-file for valid SID numbers. 0010-511 0010-044 2. Scenario 2: An uncommitted file has versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. Same behavior for all the cases as in Scenario 1. 6.12 HOW TO DEAL WITH THE ERROR 0010-781 QUESTION: I got the following error message when trying to checkin a file: 0010-781 The CMVC server has determined there is inadequate file space to receive a file of size XXXX bytes. ANSWER: Error recovery: specific scenarios 49 A file is temporarily stored in /tmp on the CMVC server before it is checked into the CMVC server. The /tmp directory on the server must be large enough to hold 2 times the size of the SCCS archive (s.XX) file for a SCCS or PVCS delta file. If this file is binary (that is, non-ascii characters, long lines or you selected binary), make sure you have 3 times the size of the file in /tmp on the server. Remember that more than one user can simultaneously check in files and /tmp must be large enough to hold all these files. 6.13 HOW TO RECOVER WHEN THE ERROR 0010-783 IS DISPLAYED QUESTION: I got the following error message when I tried to check in the file "acode/file1" in release "alpha1": 0010-783 A version control error may have caused a file to become corrupt. Should the version control file /u/tutfam1/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 need to be restored, a recovery file has been saved on the CMVC server with the file name /tmp/error.cmvcEkSFoAwAAA/01.recovery . Please save this message and notify your family administrator. 0010-045 An error occurred when the CMVC Server/6000 tried to check in file acode/file1 to the version control file repository. How do I recover the file? ANSWER: Generally, we recommend that you follow the procedures already listed in this chapter for adjusting SCCS in order to get the database and SCCS synchronized. However, for completeness we are providing an example where the database is updated to restore synchronization. WARNING: : We do not encourage updating the database directory. You have to understand that some family administrators have a great deal of database administration skills and can follow these procedures without difficulty. Even if you are a database skilled administrator, we remind you that if you alter the data- base, it is at your own risk! Problems with CMVC resulting from such changes do not constitute "defects in the product". IBM has a services organization that can provide fee-based services to help you in such cases. Pay attention to the following informa- tion provided in the error message: 50 CMVC FAQ: version control o /u/tutfam1/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 This means the sourceId=000001 o /tmp/error.cmvcEkSFoAwAAA/01.recovery This means the original /u/tutfam1/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 is saved in the above file. o acode/file1 This is the file name from the user's point of view. The following sequence should correct most synchronization prob- lems where the CMVC database tables indicate that a file is checked out (a filesOut database table record exists for the "fileId" and the "versionId" of the file) but the version control system does not reflect that in the file's status. 1. Invoke the database command: DATABASE STARTING SQL INTERFACE FOR DB2 "db2 connect to familyName" ORACLE "sqlplus familyName/$ORACLE_PASS" INFORMIX "isql familyName -q" then choose option 'New' 2. Do the following (using Oracle syntax): SELECT id FROM path WHERE name='acode/file1'; nuPathId=22 SELECT id FROM releases WHERE name='alpha1'; releaseId=19 SELECT id FROM files WHERE nuPathId=22 and releaseId=19; fileId=24 SELECT * FROM filesOut WHERE fileId=24; 1 row retrieved DELETE FROM filesOut WHERE fileId=24; 1 row deleted The file is no longer checked out. 3. Or do the following: Error recovery: specific scenarios 51 SELECT id FROM files WHERE sourceId=000001; fileId=24 SELECT * FROM filesOut WHERE fileId=24; 1 row retrieved DELETE FROM filesOut WHERE fileId=24; 1 row deleted The file is no longer checked out. 4. Exit from sqlplus or isql. 5. If you use SCCS, then do the following: o Copy /tmp/error.cmvcEkSFoAwAAA/01.recovery into $HOME/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 6. If you use PVCS, then do the following: o su - root o Copy /tmp/error.cmvcEkSFoAwAAA/01.recovery into $HOME/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 o chown pvcs $HOME/vc/0/0/0/0/s.01 o CTRL-D The file should now be repaired. 6.14 VC FILES OUT OF SYNC WITH DB WHEN DATABASE WAS RESTORED FROM OLD COPY QUESTION: A customer restored the CMVC database from an older copy than current SCCS files, and so, any files which are out of sync have a later version of SCCS SID than the SID indicated in the data- base. All files which are out of sync are text files (NOT binary files). ANSWER: 1. Determine all the sourceId's of the files which you suspect are out of sync. The following will illustrate by example how to determine the sourceId: SCCS file pathName: $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 CMVC sourceId: 012354 2. Do the following queries in Oracle sqlplus: 52 CMVC FAQ: version control $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus familyName/$ORACLE_PASS SQL> spool /tmp/ SQL> select id, type, nuVersionSID, nuPathName, releaseName SQL> from FileView SQL> where sourceId in (??, ??, ??); (from #1 above) SQL> spool off SQL> spool /tmp/ SQL> select fileId, fileNuPath, newSID from FilesOutView where SQL> fileId in (select id from Files where sourceId in (??, ??, ??); SQL> spool off 3. Questions: o Are there binary files (check the "type" field)? If the type field is "binary" or "long", then this is equivalent to being a binary file. o Are any of the files associated with more than one release? o Are any of the releases "affected" in tracking mode? 4. Sanity checks: o Perform Release -extract of all "unaffected" releases. If this works, you are OK. If SCCS errors occur, than there may be other files which are out of sync than what you suspected. o Perform Level -extract of all "unaffected" releases. If this works, you are OK. If SCCS errors occur, then there may be other files which are out of sync. 5. Draw a chart of all suspected files which are out of sync with the following headings: Database Database Database SCCS SCCS Status newSID nuVersionSID Status SID ----------------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ---- locked/not locked 1.3 1.2 p.file / no p.file 1.3 Database Status of "locked" means that there is an entry for the file in the FilesOutView view. SCCS status of p.file implies that the file is locked in SCCS. The different scenarios are as follows: Error recovery: specific scenarios 53 Database Database Database SCCS SCCS Status newSID nuVersionSID Status SID ----------------- -------- ------------ ------------------ ---- A) locked 1.3 1.2 p.file 1.4 B) not locked n/a 1.2 p.file 1.4 C) locked 1.3 1.2 no p.file 1.4 D) not locked n/a 1.2 no p.file 1.4 6. Perform the following steps to manually synchronize the VC files and the Oracle Database info and restore the latest SCCS file. Note you may lose some of the history of the SCCS changes if there is more than one delta between the Database SID and the SCCS SID. a. Check each s.file with SCCS prs command to determine current SCCS SID: prs $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 b. Extract the current version of the SCCS and move it to another location in your workstation: (NOTE: 1.4 is the last SCCS SID from prs output) get $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 -r 1.4 mv 54 /tmp/restore/54 c. Remove the SCCS p.file since the wrong SID is being reserved. This is done for scenarios A and B only. (NOTE: 1.5 is the reserved SID in the p.54 file) unget -n -s 1.5 $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 d. Undo SCCS deltas until the SCCS SID matches the Database SID by repeatedly issuing rmdel commands: rmdel -r 1.4 $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 rmdel -r 1.3 $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 ... and so on ... e. At this point, the SCCS SIDs should be in sync with the Database SID. Check each s.file with SCCS prs command to ensure that the SCCS SID matches the Database SID: prs $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 f. Create an SCCS p.file for the correct reserved SID. This is done for scenarios A and C only. get -e $HOME/vc/0/1/2/3/s.54 -r 1.2 54 CMVC FAQ: version control g. Perform CMVC File -lock commands on files. Do this only for scenarios B and D and must be performed from a CMVC client: File -lock pathName -release releaseName h. Perform CMVC File -checkin commands to checkin the version which you extracted in 6b on page 54 (such as, /tmp/restore/54). It should be renamed to the correct CMVC pathName. If the release has a tracking mode, then you will need to specify a track to check in the file. mv /tmp/restore/54 /tmp/restore/CMVCpathName File -checkin pathName -release releaseName \ -relative /tmp/restore [-defect XXXX] Error recovery: specific scenarios 55 56 CMVC FAQ: version control APPENDIX A. BIBLIOGRAPHY For more information on how to use CMVC, you can consult the fol- lowing manuals and publications: SC09-1596-01 IBM CMVC Client Installation and Configuration SC09-1597-01 IBM CMVC User's Reference SC09-1631-02 IBM CMVC Server Administration and Installation SC09-1633-00 IBM CMVC Concepts SC09-1635-01 IBM CMVC Commands Reference The following Redbooks offer practical advice on CMVC: GG24-4178-00 Did you say CMVC? GG24-4345 CMVC: Customer's Perspective The following technical reports describe in detail useful hints on using CMVC: 29.2130 Diagnosing and solving Release -extract problems with CMVC 29.2169 How to use CMVC with National Language Support (NLS) and Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS) 29.2180 How to do routine tasks in the OEM Platforms for CMVC 29.2183 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple National Language Versions (NLVs) 29.2232 How to do migration tasks with CMVC 29.2244 How to build and package the CMVC client for Windows 3.1 29.2245 How to build and package the CMVC client for OS/2 29.2253 Comparison between CMVC 2.3 and TeamConnection 2 29.2254 Migrating from CMVC 2.3 to TeamConnection 2 29.2268 CMVC frequently asked questions: license management with NetLS/iFOR 29.2269 How to build and package the CMVC Server/Client for UNIX A.1 HOW TO GET ELECTRONIC COPIES OF MANUALS AND TECHICAL REPORTS Many of the manuals and technical reports mentioned in this docu- ment can be downloaded as follows: o From the IBM intranet (only for IBM employees). o From the Internet (open to everyone). A.1.1 IBM Intranet ___________________ Appendix A. Bibliography 57 A.1.1.1 Web Home Page You can access the CMVC Service/Development Home Page at: From the index at the top of the page, select: o Technical Reports and related tools o Copies of ALL the archived versions for the forums CMVC and CMVC6000 o Documentation in PostScript files o Documentation in ASCII text files A.1.1.2 FTP You can download the code from our internal FTP site, by doing: 1. ftp 2. login as 'anonymous' and for password give your email address. 3. cd pub/cmvc/doc 4. binary 5. get fileName 6. quit A.1.2 Internet _______________ A.1.2.1 Web Home Page Not available. 58 CMVC FAQ: version control A.1.2.2 FTP You can download the code from our external FTP site, by doing: 1. ftp 2. login as 'anonymous' and for password give your email address. 3. cd ps/products/cmvc/doc 4. binary 5. get fileName 6. quit Appendix A. Bibliography 59 60 CMVC FAQ: version control APPENDIX B. COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS The following terms used in this technical report, are trademarks or service marks of the indicated companies: +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | TRADEMARK, | COMPANY | | REGISTERED | | | TRADEMARK OR | | | SERVICE MARK | | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | IBM | IBM Corporation | | AIX | | | OS/2 | | | PC-DOS | | | CMVC | | | DB2/6000, DB2 | | | TeamConnection | | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | PostScript | Adobe Systems Incorporated | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Informix | Informix Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | PVCS | InterSolv, Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Microsoft | Microsoft Corporation | | Windows | | | MS-DOS | | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Oracle | Oracle Corp. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | NFS | Sun Microsystems Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | UNIX | X/Open Co., Ltd. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ END OF DOCUMENT Appendix B. Copyrights, Trademarks and Service marks 61