USING CMVC FOR PRODUCTS WITH MULTIPLE NATIONAL LANGUAGE VERSIONS (NLVS) Document Number TR 29.2183 Sara Schwiesow, Jay Cagle, Angel Rivera IBM Software Solutions Applications Enabling Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Copyright (C) 1996 IBM All rights reserved. ii Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs ABSTRACT This technical report describes how two software products use Configuration Management and Version Control (CMVC) to manage their multiple National Language Versions (NLVs). It includes an introduction to CMVC and National Language Support (NLS) enablement, and describes how the ImagePlus Workstation Program/2 (IWPM/2) and VisualAge Generator products use CMVC. This technical report also provides recommendations and consider- ations for using CMVC, which are derived from experience with IWPM/2 and VisualAge Generator. In addition, this report describes OS/2 REXX tools that facilitate handling translatable files. It discusses the use of these tools in an end-to-end translation shipment scenario. This report also gives informa- tion on how to access the source code of the tools. ITIRC KEYWORDS o CMVC o National Language Version o NLV o NLS o multiple NLS versions ABSTRACT iii iv Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs ABOUT THE AUTHORS SARA L. SCHWIESOW Sara is a Senior Associate Programmer at IBM's Software Solutions Application Enabling (SWS AE) development lab in Research Tri- angle Park, North Carolina. She joined IBM in 1992 after receiving a B.A. in Computer Science and Music Performance from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Sara is a key member of the lab's Centralized NLS team. She has provided translation planning, tools support, and shipment ser- vices for twelve releases of six product families, and has exten- sive experience using CMVC with translation shipments. Sara can be reached via email at JAY E. CAGLE Jay is a Senior Associate Programmer in the VisualAge Generator product area of the IBM SWS AE development lab in Research Tri- angle Park, North Carolina. He joined IBM in 1991 after receiving an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Washington University. Jay is a programmer for the VisualAge Generator Developer product. He played a key role in designing and implementing the CMVC library structure for the VisualAge Generator area. He has been involved with the translation of several VisualAge Generator product releases, and he has written many tools to assist in translation processing and testing. Jay can be reached via email at ANGEL RIVERA Angel is a Staff Programmer in the IBM SWS AE development lab in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He joined IBM in 1989 after graduating with an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and a B.S. in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. Angel is the development team lead for the CMVC product. He is regarded as an expert in the development and support of library systems. ABOUT THE AUTHORS v Angel can be reached via email at vi Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs CONTENTS ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III ITIRC KEYWORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii ABOUT THE AUTHORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Sara L. Schwiesow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Jay E. Cagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Angel Rivera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX ----------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.0 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.0 SOME CMVC CONCEPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1 Overview of CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Components and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3.1 Naming Files in CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3.2 Linking Files between Several Releases . . . . . . 6 2.4 File Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5 Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.6 Code Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.7 Further Reading for CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.0 SOME NLS CONCEPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.1 Primary Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2 Separating PII from Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.3 IBM Language Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.4 Further Reading for NLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE USAGE OF CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.0 IWPM/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5.0 VISUALAGE GENERATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6.1 Store Translatable Primary Language Files Separately 23 6.2 Always Use Lower Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6.3 Use "8.3" File Names Across Platforms . . . . . . . 24 6.4 Reflect the Structure of Your Project in CMVC . . . 24 Contents vii 6.5 Use CMVC Releases with Tracks and Levels . . . . . . 24 6.6 Follow Recommended Basic Extraction Process for Code Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.7 Use the Tools Discussed in this Technical Report . . 25 7.0 CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.1 Few Releases vs. Many Releases . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.1.1 Using Few Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.1.2 Using Many Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.2 Separated Primary Language vs. Integrated Primary Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.2.1 Treating the Primary Language as Separate . . . . 27 7.2.2 Treating the Primary Language like another National Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 APPENDIX A. DESCRIPTION OF TOOLS AND HOW TO GET THEM . . . 31 A.1 Description of Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 A.1.1 chkpii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 A.1.2 chglist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 A.1.3 nlsext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A.1.4 procdrop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A.2 Obtaining the Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A.2.1 Obtaining chkpii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A.2.2 Obtaining the Other Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 APPENDIX B. TRANSLATION SHIPMENT SCENARIO . . . . . . . . 37 B.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 B.1.1 Organizational Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 B.1.2 Making a Freeze Level of a Product . . . . . . . 37 B.1.3 Information About CMVC for this Scenario . . . . 38 B.1.4 Tools Used in this Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . 38 B.2 Sequence of Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 B.2.1 Development Freezes the PII . . . . . . . . . . . 38 B.2.2 Development Creates Output Lists . . . . . . . . 39 B.2.3 Centralized NLS Extracts Files for Shipment . . . 40 B.2.4 Centralized NLS Sends Translation Shipment to Translation Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 B.2.5 Centralized NLS Receives Translation Shipment from Translation Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 B.2.6 Centralized NLS Checks in Translated Source Files to CMVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 B.2.7 Development Builds the Translated Source Files . 42 APPENDIX C. GLOSSARY OF SELECTED ACRONYMS . . . . . . . . 43 APPENDIX D. COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS . . . 45 viii Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs FIGURES 1. Base Names and Path Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2. Languages, Release Names, and Size of Extracted Files for IWPM/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3. Languages, Release Names, and Size of Extracted Files for VisualAge Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figures ix x Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs OVERVIEW ________ Overview 1 2 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 1.0 PURPOSE This technical report provides recommendations, considerations, and tools to administrators and users of Configuration Management and Version Control (CMVC) who are using CMVC to manage their product's multiple National Language versions (NLVs). This report begins with an introduction of CMVC and NLS enablement in 2.0, "Some CMVC Concepts" on page 5 and 3.0, "Some NLS Concepts" on page 9. Then it describes how two products use CMVC: o IWPM/2 is a small product with fifteen NLVs that uses two releases in CMVC. See 4.0, "IWPM/2" on page 13. o VisualAge Generator is a large product with five NLVs that uses six releases in CMVC. See 5.0, "VisualAge Generator" on page 17. Based on experience with these products, this report provides recommendations and considerations on how to best use CMVC with any product having multiple NLVs. See 6.0, "Recommendations" on page 23 and 7.0, "Considerations" on page 27. For any product using CMVC, these chapters contain important information about manipulating the source files that are used in creating product NLVs. In the appendixes this report describes some OS/2 REXX tools that IWPM/2 and VisualAge Generator use to facilitate handling NLS related files (see Appendix A, "Description of Tools and How to Get Them" on page 31). Finally, the report details use of the tools in an end-to-end scenario (see Appendix B, "Translation Shipment Scenario" on page 37). 1.1 AUDIENCE The audience for this technical report is: o CMVC family administrators and CMVC project leaders. o Software developers who use CMVC to: - Track program code - Track translatable material, also called Program Inte- grated Information (PII) - Track the subsequent translated material Purpose 3 1.2 ASSUMPTIONS The following requirements must be met before applying the methods and tools described in this technical report: o Use of CMVC Version 2 for the software configuration and change control. It is assumed that the reader has some basic knowledge of CMVC. However, a brief description of the relevant CMVC con- cepts will be provided when appropriate. o Separation of the translatable material from the program code. See 3.0, "Some NLS Concepts" on page 9 for more information. 4 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 2.0 SOME CMVC CONCEPTS This section provides a brief introduction to CMVC and to some of the basic concepts in this technical report. 2.1 OVERVIEW OF CMVC Configuration Management Version Control (CMVC) allows software developers to better manage their software development process. Problem tracking and change control are integrated with config- uration management and version control; project communication is provided by a notification facility; and change history is recorded so that previous work can be recreated. 2.2 COMPONENTS AND RELEASES Because the primary purpose of CMVC is to track the changes to files, CMVC provides two different ways to group these files: o CMVC COMPONENTS are logical entities that group files according to category. For example, a product could have four components: BASE, INSTALL, MSG, and HELP. Each compo- nent has an owner; and a set of people can do certain CMVC tasks against the files in each component. o CMVC RELEASES are logical entities that group files according to how they are packaged for delivery. For example, a product could have two releases, REL10JPN and REL20JPN. Each release would include files that belong to one or more compo- nents. Release REL10JPN could have some files that are not included in REL20JPN and vice versa. 2.3 FILES 2.3.1 Naming Files in CMVC ___________________________ CMVC FILES have attributes of a base name and a path name. A path name can consist of a set of directory names and a base name, or just a base name. If a file name includes directory names, CMVC will create the necessary directory structure when the file is extracted from CMVC. The following table illustrates the concept of base names and path names. Some CMVC Concepts 5 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Figure 1. Base Names and Path Names | +--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+ | FILE NAME IN CMVC | BASE NAME OF FILE | PATH NAME OF FILE | +--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+ | client.dlg | client.dlg | client.dlg | +--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+ | src/server.msg | server.msg | src/server.msg | +--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+ Names for CMVC files are case-sensitive. The following examples show valid CMVC file names that each refer to a different file. The last file name illustrates a long name that is supported on the PC only by OS/2 HPFS directories. o file1.msg o FILE1.MSG o file1.MSG o File1.msg o src\readme.txt o SRC\readme.txt o src\README.txt o src\thisFileNameIs.Long 2.3.2 Linking Files between Several Releases _____________________________________________ CMVC provides a function that allows sharing files between releases. For example, FILE1.MSG can be shared between REL10JPN and REL20JPN. This function is called "linking". The files of a release are linked "vertically" to another release when one release is the "parent" and the other is the "child". For example, if you have finished with REL10JPN, you can create the next release, REL20JPN, and link all the files from the parent REL10JPN to the child REL20JPN. The files of a release are linked "horizontally" when both releases are "peers", as when a project has several releases for different products that are shipped at the same time. For example, if you have a release CLIENT10ENU for the client product, then you can create a peer release SERVER10ENU for the server product, and link the files you wish to share from one peer release to the other. 6 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 2.4 FILE CHANGES A CMVC release has two methods of tracking the file changes: 1. Version control without associating the file change to a defect or feature. The user does not specify a defect or feature when changing a file. The file changes are associated only with the release. 2. Version control by associating the file change to a CMVC DEFECT or a CMVC FEATURE. Every time a user changes a file in a given release, the user provides the name of the defect or feature by using a CMVC TRACK, which is the association between a given defect/feature and a given release. 2.5 LEVELS The builder of the application controlled by the CMVC release will usually want to use baselines of the code at certain points of time. A baseline is group of file changes that can be extracted together in a repeatable manner. A baseline is established by using a CMVC LEVEL, which is a col- lection of tracks that are committed at the same time. Most often, only the most recent level is extracted; but it is also useful to be able to extract an earlier level of a release. 2.6 CODE EXTRACTION There are two ways to extract files from CMVC: o Using "File -extract", which will extract one file at a time by using the TCP/IP socket interface. o Using "Release -extract" or "Level -extract", which will extract many files at a time, either by using the Network File System (NFS) or by extracting into a local file system. For extracting a large number of files, extracting releases or levels is better than extracting files. The reason is you can avoid the overhead that is associated with the processing of an individual "File -extract". The default method for extracting releases and levels is NFS. However, NFS inherently has some security exposures. Due to the unreliability of NFS in OS/2 and Windows, it might be necessary to extract code without using NFS. Some CMVC Concepts 7 CMVC provides an alternative to NFS for extracting releases and levels. In this scenario, files are extracted into a local file system (local with respect to the CMVC server). For more infor- mation, see the entries about NOMOUNT in the file /usr/lpp/cmvc/doc/README.pubs in the CMVC administrator's UNIX installation. 2.7 FURTHER READING FOR CMVC For more information on how to use CMVC, consult the following manuals and publications: GC09-1630-00 CMVC MARKETING BROCHURE ____________ _______________________ GC09-1853-00 CMVC: A Customer's Perspective ____________ ______________________________ SC09-1596-01 IBM CMVC Client Installation and Configuration ____________ ______________________________________________ SC09-1597-01 IBM CMVC User's Reference ____________ _________________________ SC09-1631-02 CMVC Server Administration and Installation ____________ ___________________________________________ SC09-1633-00 IBM CMVC Concepts ____________ _________________ SC09-1635-01 IBM CMVC Commands Reference ____________ ___________________________ GG24-4178-00 Did you say CMVC? ____________ _________________ If you have questions on operational issues with NLS and CMVC, consult technical report 29.2169 "How to use CMVC with National Language Support (NLS) and Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS)". If you have installed CMVC, a copy of this technical report can be found in /usr/lpp/cmvc/doc/README.nls_dbcs. 8 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 3.0 SOME NLS CONCEPTS 3.1 PRIMARY LANGUAGE In this technical report, the term PRIMARY LANGUAGE refers to the language used by the developers. In the examples and scenario (see "Example Usage of CMVC" on page 11 and Appendix B, "Trans- lation Shipment Scenario" on page 37), the primary language is U.S. English; but the methods described in this report are appli- cable to products developed in any primary language. It is also possible that the primary language is not the native language of some or all of the developers. 3.2 SEPARATING PII FROM SOURCE CODE One of the fundamental concepts for the national language enablement of code is separating the translatable material, or PII, from the program code. Translatable material includes mes- sages, helps, window elements, and prompts. In this report, the term PRIMARY LANGUAGE FILE refers to the separated PII. By separating the translatable material from the program code, the process of localizing the final application for another national language is greatly simplified. Only the files that contain the translatable information are provided to the transla- tors, so there is no chance of corrupting the program code during translation. Furthermore, there is no need to recompile the whole code set for each national language. 3.3 IBM LANGUAGE CODES This technical report uses the three-letter IBM language codes to identify different national languages. For example, "ENU" denotes U.S. English, and "JPN" denotes Japanese. 3.4 FURTHER READING FOR NLS For more information on NLS enablement, consult the following manual: SE09-8001-02 National Language Design Guide Volume 1 ____________ _______________________________________ For more information on the IBM language codes, consult the "Lan- guage codes" chapter in the following manual: SE09-8002-02 National Language Design Guide Volume 2 ____________ _______________________________________ Some NLS Concepts 9 This manual also provides many other guidelines for implementing NLS. 10 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs EXAMPLE USAGE OF CMVC _____________________ This section contains examples of how CMVC is used in two pro- ducts that have multiple NLVs. The description of each product is a snapshot of the point when this technical report was written. It is possible that some of the characteristics mentioned here have changed since then. Example Usage of CMVC 11 12 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 4.0 IWPM/2 IWPM/2 is a part of the ImagePlus family of products. It is the client front-end for the VisualInfo scanner server software. PII SEPARATION: All PII is separated from the program code into translatable primary language files. NUMBER OF NON-TRANSLATABLE FILES: 354 NUMBER OF TRANSLATABLE PRIMARY LANGUAGE FILES: 27 NUMBER OF CMVC RELEASES PER RELEASED PRODUCT VERSION: 2 NUMBER OF LANGUAGES INCLUDING PRIMARY: 15 PATH NAMES: bin evn2/bld/src include lib make obj res src src/enu, src/jpn, src/nor, etc. LOCATION OF PRIMARY LANGUAGE FILES: All primary language files have a path of SRC/ENU. This path contains only primary language files. CASE: Names of files, components, and releases are all in lower case. LANGUAGE SOURCE FILE NAMES: Language source files have the same base name across all languages; however, they have dif- ferent path names for each language. For example, an English file could be named SRC/ENU/FILE1.MSG; this file translated into Japanese would be named SRC/JPN/FILE1.MSG. BUILT FILE NAMES: Built files have the same base name across all languages; however, they have different path names for each language. Built files are stored in CMVC. LINKS: Files are linked vertically from one released product version to the next, for example, from IWPM21ENU to IWPM211ENU. IWPM/2 13 EXTRACT AND BUILD METHOD: All languages and the program code are extracted at the same time. Only committed levels are extracted for builds. 14 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs COMPONENTS: +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ | iwpm (parent) | | | | | base | | | | | conf | | | | | install | | | | | nlviwpm | | | | +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ RELEASE INFORMATION: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Figure 2 (Page 1 of 2). Languages, Release Names, and Size of | | Extracted Files for IWPM/2 | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | LANGUAGE | RELEASE | SIZE OF | | | NAME | EXTRACTED | | | | FILES | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | English & Program Code | iwpm21enu | 13 068 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Arabic | iwpm21nlv | 850 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Brazilian Portuguese | iwpm21nlv | 724 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Danish | iwpm21nlv | 710 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Dutch | iwpm21nlv | 735 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | French | iwpm21nlv | 909 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Finnish | iwpm21nlv | 898 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | German | iwpm21nlv | 932 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Hebrew | iwpm21nlv | 950 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Italian | iwpm21nlv | 932 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Japanese | iwpm21nlv | 917 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ IWPM/2 15 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Figure 2 (Page 2 of 2). Languages, Release Names, and Size of | | Extracted Files for IWPM/2 | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | LANGUAGE | RELEASE | SIZE OF | | | NAME | EXTRACTED | | | | FILES | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Korean | iwpm21nlv | 894 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Norwegian | iwpm21nlv | 892 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Spanish | iwpm21nlv | 923 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Swedish | iwpm21nlv | 873 KB | | | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Total extracted product source and | | 25 207 KB | | executables | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ 16 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 5.0 VISUALAGE GENERATOR VisualAge Generator is a comprehensive fourth generation language environment for building applications for client/server models, as well as for traditional stand-alone applications. The appli- cations created in the development environment are targeted for multiple runtime platforms. VisualAge Generator is a family of separately orderable products. The information given below is for the Developer product. For the complete family, the total number of non-translatable files is much larger. The total number of translatable files is only slightly larger; most of the translation is within the Developer product. PII SEPARATION: All PII is separated from the program code into translatable primary language files. NUMBER OF NON-TRANSLATABLE FILES: 1,700 NUMBER OF TRANSLATABLE PRIMARY LANGUAGE FILES: 3,200 NUMBER OF CMVC RELEASES PER RELEASED PRODUCT VERSION: 6 NUMBER OF LANGUAGES INCLUDING PRIMARY: 5 PATH NAMES: Files have only a base name; they do not have a path name. LOCATION OF PRIMARY LANGUAGE FILES: All primary language files are located in a separate release, DEV.20E. This release contains only primary language files. CASE: Names of files, components, and releases are all in lower case. LANGUAGE SOURCE FILE NAMES: Language source files have the same base name and path name across all languages; however, they are stored in separate releases. For example, an English file could be named FILE1.MSG in the DEV.20E release; this file translated into Japanese would be named FILE1.MSG in the DEV.20J release. BUILT FILE NAMES: Built file names contain a single letter lan- guage identifier. Built files are not stored in CMVC. LINKS: Files are linked vertically from one released product version to the next, for example, from DEV.20E to DEV.21E. Files are also linked horizontally in order to share files between products in the same released product version, for example, from DEV.20E to GEN.20E. VisualAge Generator 17 EXTRACT AND BUILD METHOD: Each language is extracted separately. The non-translatable files are also extracted sepa- rately. Only committed levels are extracted for builds. Once extracted, the NLV builds are invoked separately, but can be executed concurrently. 18 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs COMPONENTS: +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ | cmd.doc | | dev.rcd | intro.doc | | cmn.doc | dev.lby | dev.samp | libgde.doc | | cmnlicense.doc| dev.lgc | dev.sql | license.doc | | cmnplan.doc | dev.lib | dev.stg | migapps.doc | | dev | dev.lst | dev.svc | msg.doc | | | | dev.tbl | plan.doc | | | dev.mce | dev.utl | refsum.doc | | dev.cmn | dev.misc | develop.doc | run400.doc | | dev.csp | dev.msg | devinstall.doc| runmvs.doc | | dev.dl1 | dev.parse | esf.doc | runos2aix.doc | | dev.dte | dev.prc | guigde.doc | runvse.doc | | dev.esf | dev.prj | file.lst | trans.doc | | dev.glb | dev.psb | install | tut | +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+ RELEASE INFORMATION: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Figure 3. Languages, Release Names, and Size of Extracted | | Files for VisualAge Generator | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | LANGUAGE | RELEASE | SIZE OF | | | NAME | EXTRACTED | | | | FILES | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Program Code | dev.20 | 40 MB | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Brazilian Portuguese | dev.20p | 11 MB | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | English | dev.20e | 10 MB | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Japanese | dev.20j | 22 MB | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Korean | dev.20k | 21 MB | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Simplified Chinese | dev.20c | 15 MB | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ | Total extracted product source and | | 119 MB | | executables | | | +--------------------------------------+------------+-----------+ VisualAge Generator 19 20 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS __________________________________ Recommendations and Considerations 21 22 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following are recommendations for all products, independent of size or complexity. 6.1 STORE TRANSLATABLE PRIMARY LANGUAGE FILES SEPARATELY Store all primary language files in a separate place, and store only the primary language files in that place. You can achieve this separation by any of the following: o Storing the primary language files in a separate component o Storing the primary language files in a separate release o Using a different path name for the primary language files than the path names used for the program code files 6.2 ALWAYS USE LOWER CASE Use only lower case for all objects in CMVC, such as file names, component names, release names, and defect names. In this way you greatly simplify file manipulation and avoid confusion. File names in CMVC are case-sensitive. The UNIX users of CMVC are familiar with this convention; however, because file names in OS/2 and Windows are not case-sensitive, the users of these plat- forms need to take this convention into account. See section 2.3.1, "Naming Files in CMVC" on page 5 for more details. The following problems occur when users on OS/2 or Windows CMVC clients use mixed-case file names: o DEVELOPERS CANNOT FIND FILES OR OVERLOOK FILES IN SORTED FILE LISTS. When displaying files, the case-sensitive CMVC sort engine gives a different sort order than does the case-insensitive OS/2 or Windows sort engine (e.g., with the DIR command). o DEVELOPERS CANNOT FIND FILES OR OVERLOOK FILES WHEN SEARCHING FOR FILES. CMVC searches only for the specified case, whereas OS/2 and Windows search for either upper or lower case. o DEVELOPERS OVERWRITE FILES UPON EXTRACTION. Recommendations 23 CMVC treats file names with the same characters and different capitalizations as different files, whereas OS/2 and Windows do not. 6.3 USE "8.3" FILE NAMES ACROSS PLATFORMS If you are developing for multiple environments, such as AIX, OS/2, and Windows, use no more than eight characters for the file name and no more than three characters for the file extension. The FAT file systems of DOS can only handle file names that follow the 8.3 naming convention. If you use a long file name in AIX, CMVC cannot extract it to a FAT file system on OS/2 or Windows. 6.4 REFLECT THE STRUCTURE OF YOUR PROJECT IN CMVC Match the CMVC releases and components to the structure of your product. In this way you can change or add product function with minimal rework in CMVC. For example, all IWPM/2 version 2.1 product function is developed in the IWPM21ENU release. If a function name changed or a func- tion needed to be added, only a modification of a component name or a creation of a new component would need to be performed. 6.5 USE CMVC RELEASES WITH TRACKS AND LEVELS For non-prototype development, use releases configured with the track subprocess. In this way, every file change can be identi- fied by a defect or feature. See 2.4, "File Changes" on page 7. Also use releases configured with the level subprocess to provide baselines of the code. See 2.5, "Levels" on page 7. Furthermore, have only one uncommitted level active per release, where all the latest changes of the files are incorporated. If you have multiple uncommitted levels active at any given time, you might have problems with file dependencies when you try to commit a level. For example, you might have a level called 960805 that you want to commit. If you have more than one uncommitted level, you might have another active level called 960729. You could have file changes in level 960805 that have a dependency on file changes in level 960729. Thus, you could not commit level 960805 before the pending changes in level 960729 are also committed. 24 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 6.6 FOLLOW RECOMMENDED BASIC EXTRACTION PROCESS FOR CODE BUILDING There are several approaches for extracting the code to be built (compiled and linked). The following basic extraction process provides a consistent baseline for the builds: 1. Ensure that the target directory is suitable (for example, there are no files with pending changes to be checked in) and that it has the proper permissions. 2. Do a full "Level -extract" of the most recent committed level. This is identical to using "Release -extract" with committed versions. 3. Do a delta "Level -extract" of the uncommitted level. This will extract only the changes that have been placed on tracks that are level members of the uncommitted level. All other new file changes that are not in the level will not be extracted (however, they would be extracted if you used "Release -extract" with current versions). 6.7 USE THE TOOLS DISCUSSED IN THIS TECHNICAL REPORT If you are using the CMVC OS/2 client, use the OS/2 tools which are discussed in Appendix A, "Description of Tools and How to Get Them" on page 31. Appendix B, "Translation Shipment Scenario" on page 37, shows how you might use these tools to facilitate han- dling your translatable files. Recommendations 25 26 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs 7.0 CONSIDERATIONS The following are issues that all products need to address. What approach you use will depend on the size and complexity of your product. 7.1 FEW RELEASES VS. MANY RELEASES 7.1.1 Using Few Releases _________________________ If you use few releases, you will have low overhead for track and level manipulation. For example, only one track is needed to check in translated files for all languages to the IWPM21NLV release. Consequently, only one level is needed to commit all languages other than the primary language. With few releases, however, you will need to extract all lan- guages stored in the same release at the same time. If your product is large, the space needed for all languages may prohibit this approach. 7.1.2 Using Many Releases __________________________ If you use many releases, you can efficiently extract only the language or languages you want. With many releases, however, you will have high overhead in main- taining levels and tracks for each release. If your product has many languages, the overhead needed to manipulate tracks and levels may prohibit having a release for each language. 7.2 SEPARATED PRIMARY LANGUAGE VS. INTEGRATED PRIMARY LANGUAGE 7.2.1 Treating the Primary Language as Separate ________________________________________________ If you treat the primary language as separate from the translated languages, you can add languages with minimal library manipu- lation. For example, languages are uniquely identified in the setup of IWPM/2 by a path name of SRC/XXX, where XXX is the IBM three-letter language identifier. If a new language is added to the set of translations, its translated files are simply checked in with a path name of SRC/XXX. Considerations 27 When you treat the primary language as separate from the trans- lated languages, however, you do lose a useful parallelism between an NLV and its library structure. In the setup of IWPM/2, there is an awkward one-to-many relationship between a release associated with a language and the language files stored in a release. For example, the release IWPM21NLV contains all languages except the primary language, which is contained in the release IWPM21ENU. For example, suppose there is an English file named SRC/ENU/README.TXT in the release IWPM21ENU. It is trans- lated to Japanese, and the Japanese file is named SRC/JPN/README.TXT in the release IWPM21NLV. A Brazilian Portuguese version of the file is also in release IWPM21NLV, but it is named SRC/PTB/README.TXT. You also foster a mindset of "Work on the primary language first, then go back and do NLS". This mindset is detrimental when a product is trying to properly enable a product for NLS from the beginning. 7.2.2 Treating the Primary Language like another National __________________________________________________________ Language ________ If you treat the primary language version as just another NLV, you create a clean one-to-one relationship between the NLV and the location of the NLV. For example, in the setup of VisualAge Generator, each NLV is handled in its own release, including the primary language NLV. In this case, the English file is named SERVER.MSG in the release DEV.20E. It is translated to Japanese, and the Japanese file is named SERVER.MSG in the release DEV.20J. The Brazilian Portuguese version of the file is named SERVER.MSG in the release DEV.20P. You also help reach one of IBM's strategic goals, which is to have developers intuitively thinking globally. When you treat the primary language version as just another NLV, however, you do ignore the fact that development really does go on in the program code and just one language. You might lose some amount of time and space in treating the primary language version as just another NLV. 28 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs APPENDIXES __________ Appendixes 29 30 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs APPENDIX A. DESCRIPTION OF TOOLS AND HOW TO GET THEM A.1 DESCRIPTION OF TOOLS A.1.1 chkpii _____________ The CHKPII tool verifies that translated OS/2 and Windows PII files are in the correct format before you use them in the product build process. The tool validates the translated PII files against the primary language PII files. The CHKPII tool can also validate primary language PII files alone. The tool will find lines longer than 255 characters, will check whether all IPF tags have ending tags, and will check tags against known IPF tags. It will also check the formatting of files with double-quoted string structure. The CHKPII tool can validate BookMaster-tagged files as well. For those tags that are the same as IPF, normal checking will be done. However, the BookMaster-only tags will cause CHKPII to flag them as errors. It is still helpful to use this tool against BookMaster-tagged files, but the error reports will be somewhat larger. Because the CHKPII tool is corporate and widely available, its syntax and example usage is not discussed in this report. For more information, consult the documentation and help that comes with CHKPII. For information on getting CHKPII, see A.2, "Obtaining the Tools" on page 33. A.1.2 chglist ______________ The CHGLIST tool is used to produce a list of files that have changed over a given period. The user may provide file name and component specifications, as well as starting and ending levels. The output of CHGLIST is a list of files that changed, including the path name of the file; the final version number of the file as of the specified committed level; the component of the file; and the type of change made. For example, here is one line in an output list that CHGLIST created: src/enu/epfisinc.pkg 1.3 install delta This tool is run against the release of the primary language to produce a list of files to be sent to the translation centers. The list is used as input to the NLSEXT and PROCDROP tools. Appendix A. Description of Tools and How to Get Them 31 Syntax of tool: chglist {all|delta} -release µ-startlevel º µ-endlevel º µ-path º µ-comp º > all lists all source files of the primary language that have changed, even if the only activity in this release is a link. delta lists only files with more activity than a link in this release. -release primary language CMVC release to process. -startlevel limits the output to files that were changed after was committed. Changes in are not included. -endlevel limits the output to files that were changed before was committed. This includes changes made within . -path limits the output to files that have the specified paths. -comp limits the output to files that belong in the specified components. name of the output file to contain the list of source files of the primary language that have changed. A.1.3 nlsext _____________ The NLSEXT tool reads the file list produced by CHGLIST and extracts the changed files from CMVC so they may be shipped to the translation centers. Syntax of tool: nlsext -file µ-dir º -file name of the file that contains the list of source files of the primary language that have changed. -dir name of the target directory for the extracted files. 32 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs A.1.4 procdrop _______________ The PROCDROP tool is used to process the files returned from the translation centers. This shipment of files is referred to as an NLS "drop". This tool reads the list of changed files in the primary language produced by the CHGLIST tool, and checks in the returned trans- lated files to the corresponding NLV release. If a file was new in the primary language release, the file is created in the NLV release. The PROCDROP tool also duplicates in the NLV release any links the primary language version of the file has. Syntax of tool: procdrop -list -primRelId -nlvRelId -lang µ-dir º { -defect | -feature } -list names of the files that contain the lists of the source files to process. -primRelId suffix identifier for primary release name. Identifier must be at the end of the release name, and must be the same length as the nlvRelId. -nlvRelId suffix identifier for NLV release name. Identifier must be at the end of the release name, and must be the same length as the primRelId. -lang identifier for NLV language being processed. Usually the same length as primRelId and nlvRelId. -dir directory in which to find the NLV source files. -defect CMVC defect name for processing the NLV source files. -feature CMVC feature name for processing the NLV source files. A.2 OBTAINING THE TOOLS A.2.1 Obtaining chkpii _______________________ Obtain CHKPII from the corporate NLSTOOLS disk on VM. Use these steps: 1. From the VM ready prompt, type "toolcat nlstools". 2. Search on CHKPII. 3. Get the package. Appendix A. Description of Tools and How to Get Them 33 4. Follow the package's instructions for unpacking and installa- tion. A.2.2 Obtaining the Other Tools ________________________________ The other tools described in this technical report can be down- loaded as follows: o From the IBM intranet (only for IBM employees). o From the Internet (open to everyone). A.2.2.1 IBM Intranet Web Home Page: You can access the CMVC Service/Development Home _____________ Page at: From the index at the top of the page, select the section "NLS tools". FTP: You can download the code from our internal FTP site, by ___ doing: 1. ftp 2. login as 'anonymous' and for password give your email address. 3. cd pub/cmvc/fixes 4. binary 5. get chglist.cmd 6. get nlsext.cmd 7. get procdrop.cmd 8. quit A.2.2.2 Internet Web Home Page: Not available. _____________ 34 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs FTP: You can download the code from our external FTP site, by ___ doing: 1. ftp 2. login as 'anonymous' and for password give your email address. 3. cd ps/products/cmvc/fixes 4. binary 5. get chglist.cmd 6. get nlsext.cmd 7. get procdrop.cmd 8. quit Appendix A. Description of Tools and How to Get Them 35 36 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs APPENDIX B. TRANSLATION SHIPMENT SCENARIO B.1 BACKGROUND Below is an outline of a typical translation shipment scenario using CMVC and the tools described in this technical report. It is meant to give you ideas of how you can perform translation shipments in your own organization. Your organization could use this scenario as a model, modifying it as necessary. B.1.1 Organizational Structure _______________________________ In the scenario below, the term DEVELOPMENT refers to program- mers, technical writers, and build personnel for a particular project; the term CENTRALIZED NLS refers to NLS planners and NLS technical support personnel. In the SWS AE development laboratory, the centralized NLS team provides services to all lab products for common, specialized activities that all products need. These activities include: o Library manipulation of translated files o File shipping and receiving o Translation tool guidance and expertise B.1.2 Making a Freeze Level of a Product _________________________________________ Most products have several iterations of build (compilation and linking) activities during the development cycle. In the sce- nario below, development creates a BUILD LEVEL for each build, tracks are added as level members, the level is extracted, the code is built, and if the build is successful, then the level is committed. If there are problems with the build, then the tracks with files that do not compile properly can be removed as level members, the files can be fixed, the tracks can be added again as level members, and then the build process is repeated. As part of the development cycle, products perform translation shipments. Before a product ships translatable material to the translation centers, a particular level needs to be documented as being the FREEZE LEVEL. In this way, it is easy to know exactly what files (and what versions of the files) were shipped. In order to easily identify a freeze level, development uses a different naming convention for a freeze level than it uses for a build level. The name of the freeze level has a descriptive name that can be recognized as the translation shipment snapshot, for Appendix B. Translation Shipment Scenario 37 example, NLSDROP2. Development also synchronizes a freeze level with an already existing build level. First, a build level is chosen to also be the freeze level. Immediately after the build level has been committed, the freeze level is created and committed. The freeze level will have no explicit level members. In cases such as this, CMVC implicitly gives a level exactly the same level members as the most recently committed level before it. An alternative is to use customized values for the level type. The CMVC administrator can customize the values of the entries for LEVELTYPE in the CONFIG.LD file to include values such as BUILD and FREEZE. You can change the level type at any time, regardless of whether the level is committed or uncommitted. B.1.3 Information About CMVC for this Scenario _______________________________________________ The CMVC OS/2 client was used in this scenario, with a CMVC server. The CMVC process for the releases is TRACK_LEVEL. The state of CMVC is as described in section 4.0, "IWPM/2" on page 13 above, with the addition that a freeze level called NLSDROP1 has already been committed. The translation shipment cycle for the previous NLS cycle, NLSDROP1, has been completed. The translation shipment cycle for the current NLS cycle, NLSDROP2, is described below. B.1.4 Tools Used in this Scenario __________________________________ The tools described in this report assist in handling the lan- guage files. See Appendix A, "Description of Tools and How to Get Them" on page 31 for more information. B.2 SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITIES B.2.1 Development Freezes the PII __________________________________ 38 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs PREREQUISITES: All source files of the primary language (English) have been spell-checked and proofed. Also, CHKPII has been run against them, and any errors found by the tool have been corrected in CMVC. All files have been checked into CMVC. All tracks to be included in the build and freeze levels are in the INTEGRATE state. Development has performed a build and has created, com- mitted, and completed a build level. ACTIVITY: Development creates and commits a freeze level in CMVC. B.2.2 Development Creates Output Lists _______________________________________ PREREQUISITES: There are one or more levels associated with the ship- ments for translation. ACTIVITY: Development runs CHGLIST.CMD. EXAMPLE INPUT TO TOOL: chglist delta -release iwpm21enu -startlevel nlsdrop1 -endlevel nlsdrop2 -path src/enu/* > nlsdrop2.lis EXAMPLE OUTPUT OF TOOL: iwpm21enu src/enu/epfisinc.pkg 1.3 install delta src/enu/evn.icf 1.4 install delta src/enu/evn2.pkg 1.6 install delta src/enu/evn2conf.pkg 1.7 install delta src/enu/evn2cus.dlg 1.3 conf delta src/enu/evn2cus.rc 1.4 conf delta src/enu/evn2us.dlg 1.4 base delta src/enu/evn2us.ipf 1.6 base create src/enu/evn2cus.ipf 1.6 conf create src/enu/evn2us.rc 1.7 base delta src/enu/evnart.pkg 1.6 install delta src/enu/evnscdbs.pkg 1.7 install delta src/enu/iirc.rc 1.4 install delta src/enu/info1.txt 1.2 install delta Appendix B. Translation Shipment Scenario 39 B.2.3 Centralized NLS Extracts Files for Shipment __________________________________________________ PREREQUISITES: Output lists from CHGLIST.CMD are available and are valid. ACTIVITY: Centralized NLS uses NLSEXT.CMD to extract files to a LAN directory. EXAMPLE INPUT TO TOOL: nlsext -file cmd\nlsdrop2.lis EXAMPLE OUTPUT OF TOOL: 1/14: file -extract src/enu/epfisinc.pkg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.3 2/14: file -extract src/enu/evn.icf -release iwpm21enu -version 1.4 3/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2.pkg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.6 4/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2conf.pkg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.7 5/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2cus.dlg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.3 6/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2cus.ipf -release iwpm21enu -version 1.6 7/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2cus.rc -release iwpm21enu -version 1.4 8/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2us.dlg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.4 9/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2us.ipf -release iwpm21enu -version 1.6 10/14: file -extract src/enu/evn2us.rc -release iwpm21enu -version 1.7 11/14: file -extract src/enu/evnart.pkg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.6 12/14: file -extract src/enu/evnscdbs.pkg -release iwpm21enu -version 1.7 13/14: file -extract src/enu/iirc.rc -release iwpm21enu -version 1.4 14/14: file -extract src/enu/info1.txt -release iwpm21enu -version 1.2 All files extracted without error. B.2.4 Centralized NLS Sends Translation Shipment to Translation ________________________________________________________________ Centers _______ PREREQUISITES: The files to be translated were extracted using NLSEXT.CMD. ACTIVITY: Centralized NLS packages the files into one large file and sends it to the appropriate translation centers. B.2.5 Centralized NLS Receives Translation Shipment from _________________________________________________________ Translation Centers ___________________ 40 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs PREREQUISITES: The translation centers have translated all the files, spell-checked and proofed them, run CHKPII, fixed any errors, and have returned the translated files in one large packed file. ACTIVITY: Centralized NLS unloads the large packed file onto the LAN. B.2.6 Centralized NLS Checks in Translated Source Files to CMVC ________________________________________________________________ PREREQUISITES: Centralized NLS has confirmed that translated files have been processed with CHKPII and errors have been fixed. ACTIVITY: Centralized NLS uses PROCDROP.CMD to check translated files into CMVC. EXAMPLE INPUT TO TOOL: procdrop -list t:\nlsdrops\iwpm\21base2\cmd\nlsdrop2.lis -prim enu -nlv nlv -lang jpn -feature 984 EXAMPLE OUTPUT OF TOOL: Getting common file information for release iwpm21enu... Getting common file information for release iwpm21nlv... 1/1 1/14: file -lock src/jpn/epfisinc.pkg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 1/14: file -checkin src/jpn/epfisinc.pkg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 2/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn.icf -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 2/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn.icf -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 3/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn2.pkg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 3/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn2.pkg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 4/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn2conf.pkg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 4/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn2conf.pkg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 5/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn2cus.dlg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 5/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn2cus.dlg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 6/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn2cus.rc -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 6/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn2cus.rc -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 7/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn2us.dlg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 7/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn2us.dlg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 Appendix B. Translation Shipment Scenario 41 1/1 8/14: file -create src/jpn/evn2us.ipf -release iwpm21nlv -component base -feature 984 1/1 9/14: file -create src/jpn/evn2cus.ipf -release iwpm21nlv -component conf -feature 984 1/1 10/14: file -lock src/jpn/evn2us.rc -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 10/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evn2us.rc -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 11/14: file -lock src/jpn/evnart.pkg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 11/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evnart.pkg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 12/14: file -lock src/jpn/evnscdbs.pkg -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 12/14: file -checkin src/jpn/evnscdbs.pkg -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 13/14: file -lock src/jpn/iirc.rc -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 13/14: file -checkin src/jpn/iirc.rc -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 1/1 14/14: file -lock src/jpn/info1.txt -release iwpm21nlv 1/1 14/14: file -checkin src/jpn/info1.txt -release iwpm21nlv -feature 984 All actions completed successfully. B.2.7 Development Builds the Translated Source Files _____________________________________________________ PREREQUISITES: All the translated files have been successfully checked in to CMVC. ACTIVITY: Development creates a build level, adds the tracks with the translated files as level members, extracts the files, builds the files and if the build is successful, commits the build level. 42 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs APPENDIX C. GLOSSARY OF SELECTED ACRONYMS CMVC Configuration Management and Version Control DBCS Double-Byte Character Set FAT File Allocation Table FTP File Transfer Protocol HPFS High Performance File System ITIRC IBM Technical Information Retrieval Center IWPM/2 ImagePlus Workstation Program/2 LAN Local Area Network NFS Network File System NLS National Language Support NLV National Language Version PII Program Integrated Information REXX Restructured Extended Executor Language SWS AE Software Solutions Application Enabling TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol TR Technical Report Appendix C. Glossary of Selected Acronyms 43 44 Using CMVC for Products with Multiple NLVs APPENDIX D. COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS The following terms used in this technical report are trademarks or service marks of the indicated companies: +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | TRADEMARK, | COMPANY | | REGISTERED | | | TRADEMARK OR | | | SERVICE MARK | | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | IBM, OS/2, AIX, | IBM Corporation | | VisualAge Generator,| | | ImagePlus, CMVC, | | | TeamConnection | | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | UNIX, USL | UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Microsoft, Windows | Microsoft Corporation | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | NetLS, Network | Apollo Computer, Inc., a subsidiary of | | Licensing System | Hewlett-Packard Co. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | OSF, OSF Motif | Open Software Foundation, Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | PostScript | Adobe Systems Incorporated | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | INFORMIX | Informix Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ORACLE | Oracle Corp. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | SYBASE | Sybase Inc. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Sun, SunOS, | Sun Microsystems Inc. | | OpenWindows, Solaris| | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | HP, HP-UX, | Hewlett-Packard Company | | SoftBench | | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | X Window System | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ END OF DOCUMENT Appendix D. Copyrights, Trademarks and Service Marks 45