Subject: CMVC manuals in PDF Format List of CMVC manuals in PDF format. You need Acrobat Reader to look at them: +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | FILE NAME | TITLE / ORDER NO. | DESCRIPTION | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvcserv.pdf| IBM CMVC Server | contains detailed information | | | Administration | needed to install, configure, | | | and Installation, | customize, operate, and | | | SC09-1631 | maintain a CMVC environment. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvccpts.pdf| IBM CMVC Concepts,| provides the basis for your | | | SC09-1633 | understanding of CMVC by | | | | detailing the concepts and | | | | processes involved in CMVC. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvcur.pdf | IBM CMVC User's | contains the reference lists, | | | Reference, | tables, and state diagrams | | | SC09-1597 | for CMVC. It also describes | | | | how the message-integrated | | | | CMVC uses the Broadcast | | | | Message Server to fully | | | | integrate with other | | | | integrated development | | | | environment tools. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvccmds.pdf| IBM CMVC Commands | describes all CMVC commands, | | | Reference, | their syntax and use, as | | | SC09-1635 | implemented in the command- | | | | line interface. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvcclnt.pdf| IBM CMVC Client | contains detailed information | | | Installation and | needed to install and | | | Configuration, | configure the CMVC clients. | | | SC09-1596 | | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ The following are obsolete manuals: +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | FILE NAME | TITLE / ORDER NO. | DESCRIPTION | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvcdgs.psz | IBM CMVC Getting | contains detailed inforamtion | | | Started Using DOS/| about installing,configuring, | | | Windows, | and using the DOS/Windows | | | SC09-3000 | workstation client for CMVC. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvcogs.psz | IBM CMVC Client/2 | contains detailed information | | | Getting Started, | about installing and configur-| | | SC09-1599 | ing the OS/2 workstation | | | | client for CMVC. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | cmvcug.pdf | IBM CMVC User's | old user guide (now obsolete) | | | Guide | | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | iforsmg.psz | iFor/LS System | Describes how to install and | | | Management Guide | configure iFOR/LS (NetLS) | | | SC23-2665 | and how to do basic | | | | troubleshooting. | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ | ifortat.psz | iFor/LS Tips and | Describes the general concepts| | | Techniques | and planning activities. | | | SC23-2666 | | +-------------+-------------------+-------------------------------+ *** end ***