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                     CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 - README


Welcome to CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1.

This README file describes updates to the CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 product

and books:

Please read README.FP2 for updates relating to Fixpak 2

   - Planning to install the CICS for OS/2 Server

   - Installing CICS for OS/2 Server

   - Installing CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 with Version 3.0, 2.0 (or 2.0.1)

   - Migrating from CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0

   - Installing CICS for OS/2 Server with the CICS Client

   - File Manager settings.

   - CICS startup problems

   - HTML books

   - Printing PDF books

   - Connecting CICS Clients to CICS for OS/2 server using SNA

   - Deleting CICS for OS/2 Server

   - Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese Windows clients

   - iFOR/LS

   - Dynamic install of remote files

   - CICS Telnet Daemon

   - Exit 32 - APPC Inbound request routing

   - MicroFocus Cobol support

   - CICS Family: Front End Programming Interface book

   - Using CICS for OS/2 with DB2 Universal Database v5

   - Known problem running the CICS supplied translators

Planning to install the CICS for OS/2 Server


   Software requirements:

     IBM Operating System/2 (OS/2) Warp 3, 4, or OS/2 Warp Server.

   Hardware requirements:

     A personal computer that runs OS/2 Warp 3, 4, or OS/2 Warp Server.

   Disk space requirements:

     14.8 MB for the run-time system

     22.3 MB for the full system

      7.1 MB for the clients.

   Random access memory requirements:

      4 MB of memory in addition to that required for the rest of the system.

Installing CICS for OS/2 Server


   There are two books describing installation:

   - IBM Transaction Server Quick Beginnings

     This book comes with the product and is also provided as an IPF (.INF)

     book, HTML (\HTML\US\FAAEAI\FAAEAI00.HTM), and a PDF file

     file (\PSBOOKS\FAAEAI00.PDF) on the CD-ROM. It describes how to

     install a CICS for OS/2 Server, CICS Clients for OS/2 and CICS

     Clients for Windows NT, and how to connect the clients to the server

     using TCP/IP or NetBIOS. The procedure uses default settings

     where possible and requires OS/2 Warp Server to be installed. For

     different system configurations, see CICS for OS/2 Installation.

   - CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 Installation

     This book does not come with the product but is provided as an IPF

     (.INF) book, HTML (\HTML\US\FAAEAA\FAAEAA00.HTM), and a

     PDF file (\PSBOOKS\FAAEAA00.PDF), on the CD-ROM. It

     describes, in more detail, how to install the CICS for OS/2

     server, installation verification procedures, and migrating

     resources from previous versions of CICS for OS/2.

Installing CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 with Version 3.0, 2.0 (or 2.0.1)


     The installation program places the Version 3.1 directories ahead of

     those for Version 3.0, 2.0 (or 2.0.1) in the LIBPATH statement in your

     CONFIG.SYS. This is required to successfully use Version 3.1.

     However, we advise you to remove older versions of CICS for OS/2 before

     installing Version 3.1 (remembering to keep any resource control files

     that you want to migrate to the new level), or remove references to older

     versions from your PATH and LIBPATH.

Migrating from CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0


     Users migrating from CICS for OS/2 version 3.0 wishing to use their

     existing resource control file (FAACTFTB.BTR), must use the Migration

     Utility (CICSMIGR) to migrate the control file to the version 3.1 level.

     This is required to convert any CVT records to a new version 3.1 level


Installing CICS for OS/2 Server with the CICS Client


     If you have both CICS for OS/2 and the CICS Client installed, then you

     should ensure that the Client BIN directory appears before the server

     RUNTIME directory in the LIBPATH.  Applications using the ECI and EPI

     will connect either to the CICS Client or directly to the server,

     depending on which one appears first in the LIBPATH.

File Manager Settings


     The internal file manager of CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 is the Btrieve

     Microkernel Database Engine (OS2MKDE) Version 6.20.430 supplied

     by Pervasive Software Inc.  Note that the Version of Btrieve supplied

     with CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0 was Version 6.20.925.  Despite appearances

     this is actually an earlier release than Version 6.20.430.

     The default value for Record Locks is insufficient if you plan to use

     the supplied CICSLOAD and CICSREAD batch facility to load and unload

     CICS resource definitions, it is necessary to update the File

     Manager settings.

     To do this, shut down CICS and double click on the icon for the File

     Manager. When the program runs, select the main menu Settings option

     followed by 'MicroKernel Settings' from the drop down menu.

     Select the category 'File Settings' and the setting 'Record Locks per

     Client'. Enter a number in the data entry field; 300 is recommended.

     When you have completed all the changes select 'Save', followed by 'Exit'.

     and Close the File Manager. The changes will take effect when the File

     Manager is next restarted.

     In addition, if you plan to run multiple CICS systems concurrently you need

     to review your File Manager settings. Information on this is contained

     in the CICS for OS/2 Operation book.

     To avoid a known problem within the OS2MKDE engine, please ensure the

     setting for Transaction Log Buffer is set to 64 if Transaction Durability

     is turned on. This can be set by updating the appropriate field within

     the Memory settings, page 2 of 2.

CICS Startup Problems


     If when restarting CICS for OS/2 the message log shows

         FAA1606E Error creating file FAATDFP1, RC = 1025

     for any of the TS and TD files, the problem can be resolved by shutting

     down CICS, manually terminating OS2MKDE, and restarting CICS.

HTML books


     The English books are available in HTML format on the CD-ROM, point your

     Web browser to the \HTML\US directory and select INDEX.HTM.

     You can also link to the HTML books on our Web site:


Printing PDF books


     The books are available in PDF format on the CD-ROM for viewing

     with the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

     The English Adobe Acrobat Reader is included in the \PSBOOKS directory

     Run the file "aro2e30.exe" to install the reader.

     Go to the Adobe Web site for updates and language versions:

     The US-English PDF books in the \PSBOOKS directory will print on

     an IBM 3916 Page Printer with 16 MB of memory.  They should also print on

     equivalent printers but you may have problems if there is less than 16 MB

     of memory.

     The file names and number of pages in each book are:


         Quick Beginnings                         FAAEAI00       110

         Installation                             FAAEAA00       125

         Customization                            FAAEAB00       350

         Operation                                FAAEAC00       260

         Reference Summary                        FAAEAD00        60

         Intercommunication                       FAAEAE00       210

         Problem Determination                    FAAEAF00       280

         Performance                              FAAEAJ00       110

         Application Programming                  FAAEAG00       700

         Messages and Codes                       FAAEAH00       200

         Clients Administration                   CCLDAA00       300

         Clients Messages                         CCLDAB00        80

         Clients Gateways                         CCLCAC00        40

         CICS Family: API Structure               DFHZAC02       337

         CICS Family: Client/Server Programming   DFHZAD11       179

         CICS Family: Intercommunication          DFHZAF05       110

         CICS Family: FEPI on Workstations        DFHZAH00       363

     Note: The fifth character (*) in the file name is a language code:

           A=US-English       B=Brazilian Portuguese    Z=Simplified Chinese

           F=French           G=German                  T=Traditional Chinese

           I=Italian          S=Spanish                 J=Japanese

           K=Korean           D=Danish                  1=Czech

           0=Hungarian        Y=Polish

     For example, FAAEFA00 would be the French Installation book.

Connecting CICS Clients to CICS for OS/2 server using SNA


     The IBM CICS Clients now send PIP data on CICS function shipping flows,

     a typical example of which is an ECI flow.

     The Communications Server used by CICS for OS/2 must be configured to

     allow the Transaction Program CPMI to accept inbound PIP data from a SNA

     client.  For example, if using a response file to configure the

     Communication Server, set PIP_ALLOWED = 1 for TP CPMI.

     ECI calls between CICS Clients and CICS for OS/2 over SNA.

     The CICS for OS/2 server requires a valid userid and password on all ECI

     calls.  For a SNA link this userid and password must also be defined

     to the Communications Server used by CICS for OS/2.

     See the Communications Server documentation for more information.

Deleting CICS for OS/2 Server


     A known problem exists when deleting the CICS for OS/2 Server from a

     machine. If the error message EPFIE116 occurs indicating a package file

     error then the remaining CICS310 directory will need to be deleted


Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese Windows clients


     Users of Japanese CICS Clients for Windows connecting to a CICS for OS/2

     server should be aware that codepage 932 on Windows supports a new

     Japanese Industry Standard (JIS) sequence for a certain 28 Kanji

     characters, whereas codepage 932 on OS/2 supports the old JIS sequence.

     Hence, these special characters may appear differently.

     Users of Korean or Simplified Chinese CICS Clients for Windows connecting

     to a CICS for OS/2 server should be aware that codepages 949 and 1381 on

     Windows support an extended character set that is not supported by OS/2.



     CICS for OS/2 version 3.1 installs the iFOR/LS License Use Runtime

     product. If an earlier version of iFOR/LS has already been installed by

     another product the Nodelock Administration Tool may display some

     incorrect characters.

Dynamic Install of Remote Files


     It is not possible to use CEDA dynamic resource install to update the

     definitions of files that are defined as remote.  If you attempt to

     do so you may receive the error message FAA5245W or FAA5285W.

CICS Telnet Daemon


     The CICS Telnet Daemon (CICSTELD) allows you to use a 3270 Telnet client

     to connect to a CICS for OS/2 server.

     CICSTELD accepts the following parameters:

     -p (port)            - the TCP/IP port number used by CICSTELD

                            (default is 1436)

     -c (client codepage) - the EBCDIC codepage used by the 3270 Telnet client

                            (default codepage is 37)

     -s (server codepage) - the ASCII codepage used by the CICSTELD server

                            (default codepage is 437)

     -t (initial transid) - the transaction started on the server when a

                            client connects (default is CLOG)

     -nt                  - do not start any transaction when a client

                            connects to the server

     -n (number)          - to limit the number of 3270 Telnet clients

                            (default 20)

     CICSTELD supports a maximum of 20 3270 Telnet clients at any time.

     You may experience problems with CICSTELD if the number of 3270 Telnet

     clients connected exceeds the number of free tasks on the CICS for OS/2

     server.  You should ensure that there are sufficient free tasks on the

     server to handle the expected number of 3270 Telnet clients.

Exit 32 - APPC Inbound request routing


     To activate user exit 32, you must place the file FAAEXP32.DLL in a

     directory that is in your LIBPATH.  Unlike the other user exits, it

     cannot be loaded from CICSWRK.

Micro Focus Cobol Support


     To support COBOL applications built with the Micro Focus COBOL compiler

     the appropriate run time libraries must be available to the system. These

     are supplied as part of the Micro Focus compiler. To enable run unit

     support the file FAASRSMF.MF, in the RUNTIME directory, should be renamed

     to FAASRSMF.DLL. In addition, the environment variable COBPATH should

     include the \CICS310\RUNTIME directory.


     If CICS for OS/2 V3.0 is installed on the same system as V3.1 then the

     .DLLs prefixed MF*, in the V3.0 runtime directory, must NOT be on either

     LIBPATH or the path specified by the CICSWRK environment variable.

CICS Family: Front End Programming Interface book


     In the appendix titled "Installing the samples for CICS for OS/2 and

     VisualAge CICS AD", the section "CICS front-end samples" refers to the

     CICS300 directory. This should refer to the installation directory chosen

     for CICS for OS/2, which is CICS310 by default.

Using CICS for OS/2 with the DB2 Universal Database v5


     In order to use the CICS supplied samples with DB2 Universal Database

     (UDB) it is required that UDB Fixpak 1 is installed prior to generating

     the sample database.

     In addition, to use IBM COBOL with UDB v5, it is necessary to apply

     UDB apar JR11651, which should ship in UDB Fixpak 3. Be aware that it

     is also necessary to change the COBCPY environment variable in the

     CONFIG.SYS to point to x:\SQLLIB\INCLUDE\COBOL_A (where x is the drive

     that UDB is installed on).

Known problem running the CICS supplied translators


     There is a known problem with the CICS supplied translators trapping

     immediately on execution when they are run on a machine with old versions

     of both IBM Visual Age COBOL and IBM Visual Age C installed.

     This problem is still being investigated, but a workaround is to

     remove the Visual Age C from the LIBPATH prior to executing the




      CICS, IBM, OS/2, and VisualAge are trademarks of the IBM Corporation

      in the United States and other countries, or both.

      Adobe, Acrobat Reader, the Acrobat logo, and Adobe Type Manager are

      trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

      Btrieve and Microkernel Database Engine are trademarks of Pervasive

      Software Inc.

      Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

To order this PTF please contact your local IBM representative quoting the PTF number.

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