(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp., 1999

IBM Component Broker
CICS and IMS Application Adapter Install Checker

To develop and deploy Component Broker Procedural Application Adapters (PAA) requires you to install and configure several software products. Any mistake or oversight might cost many hours of frustration when you try to debug your PAA application. The PAA Install Checker program is intended alert you of many common errors in the installation and configuration of PAA and its prerequisites. In later releases, this PAA Install Checker will be integrated with the Component Broker "prereq" tool.

How to download the PAA Install Checker

The PAA Install Checker is provided for both Windows/NT and AIX systems:
Windows/NT version: checkpaa.exe
AIX version: checkpaa

To download, left click on the name of the tool and you will be prompted to save it on your machine.

How to run the PAA Install Checker

To check your computer for PAA, run checkpaa with no parameters. A message is displayed indicating success ("OK") or failure of each check. Read the "Notes" in the output to determine which errors are relevant to your intended application. For example, if you do not intend to use APPC, you can ignore errors with IBM Communications Server. Run the program with -help to list valid command line options.

What the PAA Install Checker Does

The following outline describes what the PAA Install Checker does on the Windows NT operating system. Similar function is also performed on AIX and other platforms.
  1. Check environment variables CLASSPATH, PATH, LIB, INCLUDE are not longer than 512 bytes in the NT registry.
  2. Check the version of CB is 2.0
  3. Check the CB packages: Server, ¹ Server SDK, PAA RT, ¹ PAA Dev
  4. Check JDK version is 1.1.6 and x:/jdk/lib/classes.zip exists and is on the CLASSPATH. Also check if x:/jdk/bin is on the path. ¹ Check if x:/jdk/include is in INCLUDE and x:/jdk/lib is in LIB.
  5. (APPC only) Check IBM Comm Server is version 5.x
  6. ¹ Check VisualAge Java is version 2.0 or above
    ¹ ² Check these features are installed
  7. (ECI only) Check IBM CICS Transaction Gateway is version 3.x. Also check that x:/ibm/connectors/cics/classes/ctgclient.jar and ctgserver.jar are in the CLASSPATH. Also check that x:/ibm/connectors/cics/bin/CICSCLI.INI as follows
    1. file exists
    2. contains at least one valid server definition
    3. ² MaxServers is not too small
    4. ² DceCellDirectory = N
    5. If any protocol = SNA, then APPC must be installed
  8. (HOD only) Check that CLASSPATH contains x:/cbroker/lib/somhod20.jar and does NOT contain "hacl20".
  1. This requirement is only necessary for development (not runtime).
  2. This requirement can be fixed automatically by the checker.