This file describes the directory structures and steps to create database and build two cics programs -- qdept and qemp, on NT. It assumes that both DB2 and TXSeries have already been installed on the system. Directory structure and files: .\readme.txt -- this file .\empdep\createdb\empdb.db2 -- script to create empdb .\empdep\createdb\emp.del -- data to populate emp table .\empdep\createdb\dept.del -- data to populate dept table .\empdep\cics\qemp.sqc -- qemp cics program .\empdep\cics\qdept.sqc -- qdept cics program .\empdep\cics\qemp.ccp -- emp COBOL COMMAREA .\empdep\cics\qdept.ccp -- dept COBOL COMMAREA .\empdep\empdep.dat -- vaj repository, can be imported to vaj from vaj, empdep.jar can be exported .\empdep\Model\obm.UNI -- empdep sample model files .\empdep\Model\obp.UNI .\empdep\Model\PROJECT.CFG .\empdep\client\querycli.cpp -- client application to run query .\empdep\client\makefile.shp.nt -- makefile for NT .\empdep\client\Makefile.shp.aix -- makefile for AIX To create empdb database, tables, and populate data: 1. from DB2 Command Window, enter the following command from .\empdep\createdb directory: db2 -f empdb.db2 To compile and link qdept.sqc, from .\empdep\cics directory: 1. db2 connect to empdb 2. db2 prep qdept.sqc 3. rename qdept.c qdept.ccs 4. set USERLIB=d:\sqllib\lib\db2api.lib 5. cicstcl -lIBMC qdept.ccs 6. copy qdept.ddl to c:\cics\bin 7. define QDEPT cics program if not already defined. To compile and link qemp.sqc, from .\empdep\cics directory: 1. db2 connect to empdb 2. db2 prep qemp.sqc datetime iso 3. rename qemp.c qemp.ccs 4. set USERLIB=d:\sqllib\lib\db2api.lib 5. cicstcl -lIBMC qemp.ccs 6. copy qemp.ddl to c:\cics\bin 7. define QEMP cics program if not already defined. To compile and link querycli.cpp on NT, from .\empdep\client directory: 1. nmake -f makefile.shp.nt