JDK 1.1.6 Fix Pack 9 for AIX

Downloading and Installation Notes

1. Create a directory to download the install image.

2. Hold down "Shift" and then click to download the Java116fp9.tar.Z file to the temporary directory created.

3. Retrieve the install image by running zcat Java116fp9.tar.Z | tar -xvf - .

4. Run the System Management Interface Tool  (SMIT) and

   a. - assuming you already have JDK installed on the system, then bring up the "update_all" option as follows:

        smit update_all

     or, if you lack the graphics version:

        smitty update_all

      - if you don't have any JDK installed on the system, then bring up the "install_latest" option as follows:

       smit install_latest

      or, if you lack the graphics version:

        smitty install_latest

  b. Then enter the directory containing the fixes in the INPUT device/directory for software field. Then press the Enter key to continue.

  c. Press the Enter key on the next screen.

   d. On the ARE YOU SURE? screen, press the Enter key to confirm the install.

   e. When the install is done,  Select "Exit Smit" from the Exit menu to exit smit or press F10 to exit smitty.

   The "installp" version of the AIX JDK 1.1.6 will install into the "/usr" filesystem. Specifically, it installs into the directory:


5. Remove the temporary directory containing the JDK install image.

6. Verify that the CLASSPATH and PATH  are updated to use the JDK. The CLASSPATH and PATH for your Component Broker user ID must be updated in order to use the JDK.
If JDK is not already added to the CLASSPATH and PATH, the following lines should be added to the.profile of the cbuser user ID:


7. Verify that the java version has been updated by typing: java -fullversion
The correct version should be:   fullversion "JDK 1.1.6 IBM build a116-19990903":

Java for AIX fixes list

File fixes.lst for a116

Automatic generation started at Thursday, September 2, 1999 10:10:58 PM

|Build         |Defect|APAR   |SunBugId|Description                                   |
|GA Release a116-19980924                                                             |
|a116-19980930 |7130  |IX86245|N/A     |Scrollbar.setUnitIncrement not working        |
|a116-19980930 |7340  |IY01058|N/A     |Extra font.properties.xx_UTF8 for XX_XX       |
|a116-19981002 |5034  |IX86243|N/A     |Javac output directories: bad permissions     |
|a116-19981006 |6638  |IX83047|N/A     |RMI error reaping object with references      |
|a116-19981008 |6936  |IX83074|N/A     |Closing sockets on SMP machines               |
|a116-19981008 |7171  |IX83143|N/A     |SIGSEGV with JIT on media files               |
|a116-19981008 |7071  |IX83117|N/A     |AppletSecurity can be bypassed                |
|a116-19981013 |7234  |IX83077|N/A     |Japanese text in EN_GB UTF-8 locale           |
|a116-19981013 |7482  |IX83249|N/A     |bolditalic in EN_GB NullPointerException      |
|a116-19981014 |6831  |IX83275|N/A     |WebSphere scanHandle sigsegv + maybe 6272     |
|a116-19981014 |7233  |IX83270|N/A     |UTF8 locales text component widths wrong      |
|Service Release (PTF 1) a116-19981014 IX83246                                        |
|a116-19981015 |7244  |IX83269|N/A     |dt xlfds with -- get NullPointerException     |
|a116-19981015 |7545  |IX86256|N/A     |async_gc thread fails                         |
|a116-19981016 |6744  |IX83399|N/A     |InetAddress misbehaves with /etc/netsvc.conf  |
|a116-19981016 |7570  |IX83379|N/A     |UNIXProcess.waitFor can block forever.        |
|a116-19981017 |5501  |IX83440|N/A     |jre -cp  -d does not output -d info     |
|a116-19981017 |7580  |IX83439|N/A     |jre -d fullversion info. contains nonsense    |
|a116-19981020 |7607  |IX83483|N/A     |Remove "Error: Child exited!" message.        |
|a116-19981021 |7345  |IX83566|N/A     |JNI panic with JIT                            |
|a116-19981021 |7432  |IX83447|N/A     |Netscape SIGSEGV with JIT on                  |
|a116-19981022 |4669  |IX83604|N/A     |Restore java_g non-optimise build             |
|a116-19981022 |7612  |IY01055|N/A     |java_g JIT CollationKey coredumps             |
|a116-19981022 |7511  |IX83628|N/A     |H.263 video patchy                            |
|a116-19981023 |7487  |IY01056|N/A     |appletviewer -debug not working               |
|a116-19981107 |7001  |IX84157|N/A     |jdb confused by 'next' and exceptions         |
|a116-19981107 |7725  |IX84224|4138234 |Hang with JIT on                              |
|a116-19981107 |7659  |IX84223|N/A     |SEGV with JIT                                 |
|a116-19981107 |7546  |IX84149|N/A     |SIGSEGV under heavy JNI load                  |
|a116-19981110 |7568  |IY01028|N/A     |failures when ksh cd builtin overridden       |
|a116-19981111 |7132  |IX84320|N/A     |DBCS setText() problem with echoChar          |
|a116-19981111 |7879  |IX84319|N/A     |Increase limits when running on AIX 4.3.2     |
|a116-19981113 |7205  |IX84374|N/A     |Add support for Zh_CN's GBK fonts             |
|a116-19981113 |7932  |IX84398|N/A     |Unnecessary space in IM layout (DBCS)         |
|a116-19981116 |7803  |IX84525|N/A     |Italian money format fails                    |
|a116-19981116 |7939  |IX84515|N/A     |Javasoft Security fix 4183641                 |
|a116-19981119 |5679  |IX84622|N/A     |Modal dialog blocking event dispatching       |
|a116-19981119 |8014  |IX84621|N/A     |JIT loop optimisation problem                 |
|a116-19981119 |7650  |IX84616|N/A     |Conflicting definitions of ALIGN macro        |
|a116-19981120 |7720  |IX84662|N/A     |Gaps in font size support for Euro            |
|a116-19981121 |7464  |IX84782|N/A     |print to file hangs                           |
|a116-19981121 |7718  |IX84617|N/A     |No exception on re-binding socket port        |
|Service Release (PTF 2) a116-19981125 IX83247                                        |
|a116-19981126 |7004  |IX84883|N/A     |Apps with system out hang jdb                 |
|a116-19981201 |8091  |IX84943|N/A     |GC/Finalizer hang                             |
|a116-19981208 |7829  |IY01023|N/A     |popup menu causes MOTIF desktop hang          |
|a116-19981208 |8182  |IY01019|N/A     |Add javacpp to jre                            |
|a116-19981208 |7964  |IX86259|N/A     |WebSphere hang in the Garbage Collector       |
|a116-19981209 |8142  |IX86260|N/A     |SIGSEGV in VolanoMark with JIT on             |
|a116-19990105 |6871  |IX86248|N/A     |ALT-key combinations broken on non-US         |
|a116-19990106 |8386  |IX86250|N/A     |Dialog.setLocation() failing                  |
|a116-19990109 |8359  |IX86249|N/A     |SIGSEGV (JITbackPatch) with JIT on            |
|a116-19990109 |8458  |IX85983|N/A     |Flush in AWT does not free system resources   |
|a116-19990112 |8128  |IX86254|N/A     |Euro broken in single-byte IBM1252 locale     |
|a116-19990113 |7877  |IX86252|N/A     |Crash due to Xt and modal dialog timing       |
|a116-19990114 |8186  |IX87182|N/A     |GC signals blow DB2 CLIENT                    |
|a116-19990114 |8503  |IY01057|N/A     |hang problem                                  |
|a116-19990114 |8321  |IX86255|N/A     |X server grab/hang with popup menus           |
|a116-19990115 |8440  |IY01015|N/A     |WebSM status line clipped in Ja_JP/DBCS       |
|a116-19990115 |8526  |IX87177|N/A     |Update README for CP1252 font changes         |
|a116-19990115 |8522  |IX87182|N/A     |GC signals blow DB2 CLIENT                    |
|a116-19990115 |8505  |IX86218|N/A     |OutOfMemoryError String intern table overflow |
|Service Release (PTF 3) a116-19990115 IX84865                                        |
|a116-19990122 |8283  |IY01013|N/A     |Stop re-awakening of Zombie threads           |
|a116-19990126 |8618  |IX85983|N/A     |Flush in AWT does not free system resources   |
|a116-19990127 |8145  |IX87180|N/A     |Reduce AWT CPU usage when idling              |
|a116-19990128 |8395  |IX86824|N/A     |SEGV from modal dialog race                   |
|a116-19990128 |8625  |IX86831|N/A     |SEGV using debug pthreads library             |
|a116-19990128 |8507  |IX86852|N/A     |clean up threads in VolanoMark                |
|a116-19990128a|8636  |IX86882|N/A     |JIT core dump in tile_reg_alloc()             |
|a116-19990202 |8498  |IX87222|N/A     |file seeking over 2GB                         |
|a116-19990202 |8673  |IX86994|N/A     |Spurious IOException's in Socket writes       |
|a116-19990202 |8621  |IX86938|N/A     |JIT IncompatibleClassChangeError              |
|a116-19990202a|8594  |IX87020|N/A     |JIT class GC memory leak                      |
|a116-19990203 |8634  |IX87029|N/A     |JIT Loop optimisation problem                 |
|a116-19990204 |8697  |IX87174|N/A     |JIT Core dump with array optimization         |
|a116-19990205 |8246  |IX87182|N/A     |jdb hangs JVM after breakpoint hit on AIX     |
|a116-19990205 |8696  |IX87101|N/A     |Textfields in IBM-1252 locales broken         |
|a116-19990206 |8718  |IX87135|N/A     |OutOfMemory due to many finalize()'s          |
|a116-19990206 |8768  |IX87182|N/A     |Integrate second jit change for defect 8545   |
|a116-19990209 |8486  |IX87181|N/A     |JIT buffer overflow + thread infinite loop    |
|a116-19990210 |6344  |IX87218|N/A     |Properties encoding dependent eg user.dir     |
|a116-19990210 |8738  |IX86907|N/A     |Add support for files over 2GB                |
|a116-19990210 |8711  |IX87219|N/A     |Mappings for IBM-943, IBM-932 converters      |
|a116-19990212 |8075  |IX87292|N/A     |Make TextArea resize correctly                |
|a116-19990213 |8090  |IX87361|N/A     |Resume suspended threads under jdb            |
|a116-19990213 |8227  |IX87359|N/A     |Chinese font off center in labels/buttons     |
|a116-19990218 |8543  |IX87476|N/A     |java_g -verify assertion error with jit on    |
|a116-19990218 |8853  |IX87407|N/A     |Avoid Hang/crash on SMP Machines on aix4.3    |
|a116-19990219 |8877  |IX87516|N/A     |Potential memory corruption of fullversion    |
|a116-19990224 |8955  |IX88935|N/A     |SEGV in class GC with JIT & some locales      |
|a116-19990226 |8598  |IX87733|N/A     |AIX/Win32 incompatibility of rmic classes     |
|Service Release (PTF 4) a116-19990227 IX86441                                        |
|a116-19990304 |8627  |IX87898|N/A     |English font quality in Japanese locales      |
|a116-19990304 |8818  |IX87485|N/A     |Back port JDBC-ODBC Bridge fix as in 8331     |
|a116-19990305 |9043  |IX88008|N/A     |RMI soft/weak refs not GC'ed after 8091       |
|a116-19990306 |8893  |IX88040|N/A     |JIT Error with Method Overriding              |
|a116-19990306 |9057  |IX88010|N/A     |change examples directory & add ODBC example  |
|a116-19990306 |9030  |IY01009|N/A     |JIT: crash when DEBUG_MALLOC is on            |
|a116-19990306 |9003  |IX88012|N/A     |JRE incorrectly interpreting app. params      |
|a116-19990312 |9131  |IX88291|N/A     |Infinite finilizer threads with manual GC     |
|a116-19990317 |9070  |IX88388|N/A     |AIX JDK breaks WebSphere 2.0                  |
|a116-19990318 |9112  |IX88479|N/A     |PostScript: Java prints Arc incorrectly       |
|a116-19990319 |9061  |IX88938|N/A     |URL does not parse qualified FTP locations    |
|a116-19990323 |7574  |IX88939|N/A     |VM fails to load and init certain C++ class   |
|a116-19990324 |9259  |IX88656|N/A     |JDBC-ODBC Bridge - add concurrency support    |
|a116-19990325 |8930  |IX88704|N/A     |Long pause in GC when lots of threads         |

|a116-19990325 |9326  |IX88705|N/A     |Update documentation for JDBC-ODBC Bridge     |
|a116-19990326 |5586  |IY01010|4154685 |getHostAddress & fully qualified name         |
|a116-19990330 |8688  |IX88810|N/A     |Verify error with >32 args & finally {}       |
|a116-19990330 |9353  |IX88818|N/A     |JNI panic calling priv. method of superclass  |
|a116-19990401 |9377  |IY01008|N/A     |Array index out of bound in check_code.c      |
|Service Release (PTF 5) a116-19990401 IX88050                                        |
|a116-19990407 |9344  |IX89086|N/A     |jikes debugger hangs when attaching to a java |
|a116-19990408 |9369  |IX88945|N/A     |MouseDragged Event thrown to wrong components |
|a116-19990408 |9424  |IX89127|N/A     |Release version of JDBC-ODBC Bridge           |
|a116-19990409 |9445  |IX88566|N/A     |Poor Java sockets performance                 |
|a116-19990413 |9285  |IX89134|N/A     |JIT - SIGSEGV rotating register assignments   |
|a116-19990413 |9461  |IX89250|N/A     |jdbcodbc_example/jni_example in top level     |
|a116-19990413 |9437  |IX89249|N/A     |Thread.stop() deadlock with Socket connect    |
|a116-19990414 |9466  |IX89383|N/A     |Class.newInstance() checks missing            |
|a116-19990422 |9347  |IX89629|N/A     |JIT core dump on POWER machines               |
|a116-19990423 |9528  |IX89612|N/A     |DriverManager class GC'ed too soon            |
|Service Release (PTF 6) a116-19990423 IX88865                                        |
|a116-19990427 |9627  |IY01006|N/A     |Backout 9528 DriverManager GC fix             |
|a116-19990428 |9550  |IX89805|N/A     |JdbcOdbc result set not closed by prepStmt    |
|a116-19990428 |9646  |IX89804|N/A     |JdbcOdbc setString fails if length > 254      |
|a116-19990430 |9630  |IX89859|N/A     |Characters transposed when typing quickly     |
|a116-19990507 |9234  |IY00021|N/A     |Further fix to 9061 (FTP URL parsing)         |
|a116-19990508 |3845  |IX89385|4065037 |Enable cacheing of hostnames                  |
|a116-19990513 |9549  |IY00695|N/A     |socket read hang if another thread closes it  |
|a116-19990515 |9856  |IY01005|N/A     |internal locking performance enhancement      |
|a116-19990518 |9626  |IX89866|N/A     |AWT Choice does not report correct size       |
|a116-19990518 |9771  |IY00940|N/A     |JIT coredump with RMI-IIOP                    |
|a116-19990519 |9713  |IY00316|N/A     |JIT - SIGSEGV When running weblogic server    |
|a116-19990521 |9576  |IY00490|N/A     |SEGV thread race between closedir/fork        |
|a116-19990525 |9980  |IY00593|N/A     |SEGV in JIT                                   |
|a116-19990526 |10015 |IY00639|N/A     |improve diagnostic info in javacore.txt       |
|a116-19990526 |10024 |IY00641|N/A     |jbuilder class files fail with JIT on AIX     |
|a116-19990527 |9146  |IY00681|N/A     |AIX perf prob using CICS Java Gateway         |
|a116-19990527 |9650  |IY00274|N/A     |mmap causing excessive paging                 |
|a116-19990602 |3778  |IX89252|4103861 |Canadian English/French date formats          |
|a116-19990602 |9309  |IX89390|N/A     |Bad clipping in awt.Component.getGraphics()   |
|a116-19990603 |10179 |IY00939|N/A     |Java Heap Fragmentation occurring             |
|Service Release (PTF 7) a116-19990603 IY00593                                        |
|a116-19990604 |6012  |IX89251|4147286 |PlainDatagramSocketImpl finalize() hangs      |
|a116-19990604 |9420  |IX89509|N/A     |cp1047 - EBCDIC Not included in classes.zip   |
|a116-19990608 |10202 |IY01062|N/A     |Swing Spanish 2 key stroke chars don't work   |
|a116-19990609 |9902  |IY01074|N/A     |JIT throws +++ EXCEPTION: Unknown (code=c0000 |
|a116-19990616 |10241 |IY01308|N/A     |TextArea does not display ISO8859-2 chars     |
|a116-19990616 |10335 |IY01346|N/A     |hang/crash during synchronous finalisation    |
|a116-19990624 |9303  |IY01232|4038527 |Can't compile Try or Synchronize in instance  |
|a116-19990630 |10225 |IY01789|N/A     |printStackTrace output displays junk characte |
|a116-19990702 |10725 |IY02898|N/A     |Error sending datagrams to broadcast address. |
|a116-19990707 |10790 |IY02819|N/A     |Remove section covering JAVA_DISABLE_IM flag  |
|a116-19990708 |10255 |IY02040|N/A     |Xlib: resource ID allocation space exhausted  |
|a116-19990708 |10820 |IY02820|N/A     |Remove reference to JAVA_FONT_OFFSET in READM |
|a116-19990708 |10276 |IY02884|N/A     |DestroyJavaVM doesn't restore signal handlers |
|a116-19990710 |9359  |IY02214|4137568 |RMI - Stopped Client stops Server handling ot |
|a116-19990710 |10538 |IY02118|N/A     |Java Benchmark core dumps on SMP machine      |
|a116-19990710 |10482 |IY02912|N/A     |java hangs waiting for a child daemon process |
|a116-19990713 |10089 |IY01580|4092784 |jar does not read non-ascii names correctly   |
|a116-19990716 |10971 |IY02305|N/A     |Deadlock in classloading + gc                 |
|a116-19990722 |11051 |IY02388|N/A     |Final fix for VolanoMark core dumps           |
|a116-19990731 |10983 |IY02821|N/A     |Can't enter simplified Chinese into JTextFiel |
|a116-19990803 |7423  |IY01792|N/A     |root can't exec cmds owned by others          |
|a116-19990807 |7893  |       |N/A     |Calling java from within java fails to execut |
|a116-19990807 |11210 |       |N/A     |Deadlock - Garbage Collector not releasing He |
|a116-19990807 |11185 |IY02916|N/A     |exec() method does not report full path       |
|a116-19990810 |11217 |       |N/A     |Deadlock - Finalizer hang waiting for Class l |
|a116-19990811 |11186 |       |N/A     |exec() does not perform any buffer lengh chec |
|a116-19990813 |11248 |       |N/A     |Customer is using xlC 3.6.4 on AIX 4.3.2 and  |
|a116-19990814 |10985 |       |N/A     |TextArea does not display ISO8859-2 chars     |
|a116-19990817 |11208 |IY03117|N/A     |JVM crashes during initialisation if multiple |
|a116-19990818 |8005  |       |N/A     |starting JVM in debug mode with JNI           |
|a116-19990818 |10162 |       |4179773 |ClassCastException: AWTEventMulticaster       |
|a116-19990819 |10680 |       |N/A     |Error on POWER2 machine with the JIT on       |
|a116-19990819 |11139 |       |N/A     |JIT error - Code buffer is not enough at ..   |
|a116-19990820 |11277 |IY03238|N/A     |Graphics overlay and truncate text. Colours c |
|a116-19990820 |11284 |       |N/A     |Deadlock in classloader                       |
|a116-19990825 |11317 |       |N/A     |Korean currency symbol output as ?            |
|a116-19990901 |10446 |IY00593|N/A     |SEGV in JIT                                   |
|a116-19990902 |11357 |       |N/A     |Translations in filedialog box using jre      |
|a116-19990903 |11425 |IY00593|N/A     |SEGV in JIT                                   |

Automatic generation completed successfully Thursday, September 2, 1999 10:10:58 PM