Product: CallPath HAT Facility Version: 6.3.1 Level: Z2051 Platform: Windows Date: 16 July 2001 Service File: hatwnt.exe History: hatwnt.hst Size: 1354251 (1.3Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, hatwnt.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. This will start an InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the installation process. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC30707 Library: 9352 Detail: The HAT Facility needs the ability to hide or minimize its window screen when it is started in order to prevent it from being display to the user. Solution: Added three input parameters to the HAT Facility. They are: /MIN - minimize the screen /NODISPLAY - Do not display the screen (or icon) Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- azaprod.dll azaprod.txt azapbmp.dll readme.txt azamtads.dll azamtadr.dll azaddde.dll azadddec.dll azadqkf.dll azahcmds.exe azahctbl.dll azahetbl.dll azahexec.dll azahgetv.dll azadglob.dll azahmenu.exe azahmgrt.exe azadio.dll azadhlpi.dll azadmath.dll azadpgm.dll azahrcfg.dll azahrhat.dll azadstrg.dll azadteld.dll azadarc.dll azadtime.dll exgtc.exe readme.txt