Product: IBM CallPath Reporter Version: 6.3.1 Level: J2109 Platform: Windows Date: 18 September 2001 Service File: ecrwnt.exe History: ecrwnt.hst Size: 1464647 (1.4Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, ecrwnt.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. This will start an InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the installation process. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC30821 Date: 02 Jul 2001 Library: 9509 Symptom: Reporter should automatically attempt to restart after a database connection failure. Problem: When Reporter encounters a problem inserting a record into the database, it suspends the database connection but never tries to reestablish the connection. Instead, the customer must manually resume the connection. Solution: Added code so that Reporter will automatically attempt to resume a failed database connection. Name: APAR IC31659 Date: 17 Sep 2001 Library: 9730 Symptom: Reporter should be able to be automatically started when the GUI comes up. Problem: When the Reporter GUI is brought up, the user must manually click on Actions-->Reporter-->Start in order for Reporter to be started. Solution: The user can now specify AutoStart=YES in Report.cfg in order to specify that Reporter will be automatically started when the GUI is brought up. In order for Reporter to successfully start, the user must have previously configured the server and database information correctly. Setting AutoStart=NO or removing this parameter from Report.cfg will disable this feature. Name: APAR IC31660 Date: 17 Sep 2001 Library: 9823 Symptom: Timestamps are incorrect in the Reporter database when using certain timezones. Problem: When using certain system timezones, the timestamps that Reporter generates in the database, as well as in Report.out and on the "Last database insert" field of the Reporter GUI, are incorrect. The timezones that were addressed with this fix are GMT0BST and NZST-12. Solution: Java does not always correctly map the timezone of the system that Reporter is running on to a Java timezone; in these cases, the timezone that Java uses usually defaults to GMT, which then throws off the times that Reporter writes to the database and to its logs. Code has been added to correct this problem for the GMT0BST and NZST-12 timezones. The user can now add CustomTimeZone=GMT0BST to Report.cfg to correctly handle British Summer Time or CustomTimeZone=NZST-12 to correctly handle New Zealand time. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- cpeecr.jar cfgframe.jar readme.ecr