Product: IBM CallPath Predictive Dialer Version: 6.3.0 Level: E2033 Platform: OS/2 Date: 25 June 2001 Service File: pdlos2.exe History: pdlos2.hst Size: 1106990 (1.1Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, pdlos2.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to undo the service update, issue the following commands: : cd \ -Qdr where is the drive letter on which product is installed and is the full path name of the backup self-extracting file. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC30312 Library: 9418 Symptom: The logged on agent did not get notified that a call was transferred to him. The agent stays in PENDING_OUTBOUND until he times out. The error occurred because another agent was logged on at the time and using the same extension. When that agent logged off, the monitor for the extension was removed. Solution: Fix code so that an agent cannot log on and use an extension that is already being used by another agent. Name: APAR IC30155 Library: 9368 Symptom: In application development, there is uncertainty in expected agent state transition. Solution: The state transition table shown here will be incorporated into a future version of the publications. Where 54 = Agent not available, and 72 = Agent not talking, are Pacing Engine Error Messages. State Change Table: Current State Action Expected State Expected rc --------------+------------+---------------+----------- LOGGED_ON AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) UNAVAILABLE (LOGGED_ON) (580, 54) WORK (LOGGED_ON) (580, 54) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) UNAVAIL AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) WORK (UNAVAILABLE) (580, 54) LOGON (UNAVAILABLE) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE (UNAVAILABLE) (0) WORK (AVAILABLE) (580, 72) LOGON (AVAILABLE) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) WORK AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) UNAVAILABLE (UNAVAILABLE) (0) LOGON (WORK) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) ACD_CALL AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) UNAVAILABLE (UNAVAILABLE) (0) WORK (WORK) (0) LOGON (ACD_CALL) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) Name: APAR IC29420 Library: 9127 Symptom: After installation of service on AIX, the softlink may still point to a different executable rather than the one that was just updated. Solution: The fixpack installation program is updated to update the softlink to point to the executable that was updated. Name: APAR IC29194 Symptom: A RequestDequeue for enqueued calls removed enqueued calls from more than one campaign. Solution: In the case of a RequestDequeue, remove only those calls that were enqueued by that application. Name: APAR IC29021 Symptom: Notifcation of CloseCampaign results in trap because the the campaign expression is removed from the agent qualification list. Subsequent agent logoff traps when attempting to access qualification position 1. Solution: Corrected processing of PurgeCampaign to call a new function to logoff predictive agents. Name: APAR IC28977 Symptom: Predictive agent logon or logoff gets two status change events. First may say successful. Second may say failed in the case the campaign is not open. Solution: Corrected processing of RequestACDAction for logon and logoff to evaluate if predictive agent, and to not send a status change event but wait for pacing engine result before sending status change event. Name: APAR IC28462 Symptom: Predictive dialer agent attempts to go UNAVAILABLE but fails. Retry of abandoned call fails. Pacing engine does not remove call that fails to connect. Solution: Corrected processing of agent going unavailable to wait until get AF notification from pacing enqine before changing agent state to UNAVAILABLE. Corrected ProcessDialResult to not remove call if abandoned. Corrected OpenCampaign to specify TT option, which designates to pacing engine to drop the call if no response within 1 minute. Also, use PR0 option for AU command to pacing engine. Name: APAR IC28416 Symptom: Pacing engine does not notify predictive dialer that call has not connected within allotted time. Solution: Corrected OpenCampaign to specify TT option, which designates to pacing engine to drop the call if no response within 1 minute. Name: APAR IC28325 Symptom: The predictive dialer could not discern if an answer machine had connected and so was not able to transfer the call to an agent. Solution: The csebprof.ini file [SWITCH] section, field DestinationDetectAction = CONNECT will be evaluated for. In csebprof.ini file [[TADSSKBR_PREDICTIVE_DIALER] section, new field AnswerMachineTransfer = 1 will be evaluated for. During execution, the predictive dialer will be able to determine that an answer machine connected and transfer the call to the agent. If it was a fax or modem the dialer will return TADS_FAX. Name: APAR IC27952 Symptom: The predictive agent received a call that was made as part of the campaign. The agent transfers the call to another extension. The agent does not go from ACD_CALL state to ACD_STATE_WORK. Solution: The predictive dialer code will now monitor for Transfer events and will determine if the transfer is from a predictive agent that is in ACD_CALL state. If so, the agent state will be changed to ACD_STATE_WORK. Name: APAR IC28839 Date: 15 Nov 2000 Library: 9021 Symptom: When installing an Enterprise product the following error occurs; "Could not add dll path to autoexec.bat". If this error was ignored on the installation then there will be an incomplete install of the product. Now when service is applied to the product the following error will be displayed; "Not Enough disk space on target drive while attempting to copy files. To continue, first free disk space on the target drive and then click OK." Whether OK or Cancel is chosen the program will result in an endless loop. One must use Task Manager to end the Callpath Service application. Problem: The problem is that some Windows 2000 machines have a hidden AUTOEXEC.BAT file which prevents install from updating the path. This results in a corrupted registry entry. This also causes the service executables to fail which gives the "out of disk space" error above. Solution: The solution is to turn off the hidden attribute from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, uninstall, and then reinstall. The following steps will assist in the process. 1) Stop all components 2) Turn off the hidden attribute on the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This can be done by opening a command prompt and from the root directory, usually c:\, type "attrib -H AUTOEXEC.BAT". 3) Copy all of the .INI and/or .DEF files from the conf directory to a temporaray directory. 4) Uninstall the product. 5) Reinstall the product. This time there should be no error messages displayed from the install program. 6) Copy the .INI and/or .DEF file from the temporary directory back to conf. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- csespdlr.icf csespdlr.txt bin\csesskbr.exe