Product: IBM CallPath Intelligent Routing Version: 6.3.0 Level: E2033 Platform: AIX Date: 25 June 2001 Service File: icraix.tar History: icraix.hst Fileset: cpeicr.obj Size: 1802240 (1.7Mb) Checksum: 3090479767 Installation Instructions: -------------------------- This Service File is a tar of an installp update fileset. It includes both the fileset, cpeicr.obj, and its related .toc file. You must have root authority to install this fileset. - Download icraix.tar into a directory. - Extract the fileset using the command "tar -xvf icraix.tar". - Start "smit install_update" (for AIX < 4.2 use install_selectable). - Select "Install/Update From All Available Software". - Enter the directory name to which the fileset was extracted. - Enter the fileset name, cpeicr.obj, into the field "SOFTWARE to install". Service files are installed with root ownership and root access permissions. If you want users WITHOUT root authority to be able to start or access the IBM CallPath Intelligent Routing product files, the following changes are required: - Change the group with the chgrp command for all of the directories and files within the installation path. For example, to permit the Admin group, issue: "chgrp -R Admin /usr/lpp/cseb" - Change the file permissions with the chmod command. For example, "chmod -R g+x+r /usr/lpp/cseb" Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC28839 Date: 15 Nov 2000 Library: 9021 Symptom: When installing an Enterprise product the following error occurs; "Could not add dll path to autoexec.bat". If this error was ignored on the installation then there will be an incomplete install of the product. Now when service is applied to the product the following error will be displayed; "Not Enough disk space on target drive while attempting to copy files. To continue, first free disk space on the target drive and then click OK." Whether OK or Cancel is chosen the program will result in an endless loop. One must use Task Manager to end the Callpath Service application. Problem: The problem is that some Windows 2000 machines have a hidden AUTOEXEC.BAT file which prevents install from updating the path. This results in a corrupted registry entry. This also causes the service executables to fail which gives the "out of disk space" error above. Solution: The solution is to turn off the hidden attribute from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, uninstall, and then reinstall. The following steps will assist in the process. 1) Stop all components 2) Turn off the hidden attribute on the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This can be done by opening a command prompt and from the root directory, usually c:\, type "attrib -H AUTOEXEC.BAT". 3) Copy all of the .INI and/or .DEF files from the conf directory to a temporaray directory. 4) Uninstall the product. 5) Reinstall the product. This time there should be no error messages displayed from the install program. 6) Copy the .INI and/or .DEF file from the temporary directory back to conf. Name: APAR IC29100 Library: 9062 Problem: IR Configurator does not display all the views in the database and all the columns for those views when the DB2 Server resides on a AS/400 system. The SQL statment to query the DB2 Server on a AS/400 system is different from the SQL statement that is created to query the DB2 Server on the other platforms (OS/2, Windows NT, AIX). Workaround: None Solution: The environment variable "IR_DBSERVER_PLATFORM" has been defined to identify the platform the DB2 Server resides on. If the DB2 Server resides on a AS/400 system then set this environment variable to "AS400". If the DB2 Server resides on any other system then this environment variable does not have to be set. IR will construct the required SQL statement to query for the Views and Columns based on this environment variable. Name: APAR IC29616 Library: 9197 Problem: If the IR user ID who logs on to DB2 on AS/400 is different from the owner of the view tables then all database queries will fail. Workaround: Config the owner of the DB2 tables as the IR Database user ID. Solution: The environment variable "IR_DBSERVEROWNER_KEY" has been defined to identify the owner of the database tables. If the IR database is DB2 in which the server is running on a AS/400 system, then set this variable to the owner of the DB2 tables. Name: APAR IC30705 Library: 9473 Problem: The IR Configurator for OS/2 encounters a trap on startup. Workaround: Use the IR Configurer on Windows NT. Solution: Problem has been corrected. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- cseb/bin/azairdb cseb/bin/azairf cseb/lib/libAZAicrte.a cseb/lib/libAZAicrtu.a cseb/lib/azaidb2.a cseb/text/cpeicr.copyright cseb/text/cpeicr.txt cseb/bin/ecs.config