Product: IBM CallPath SwitchServer/2 Lucent G3 Version: 6.3.0 Level: V1984 Platform: OS/2 Date: 29 March 2001 Service File: g3ss2.exe History: g3ss2.hst Size: 566307 (0.5Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, g3ss2.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to undo the service update, issue the following commands: : cd \ -Qdr where is the drive letter on which product is installed and is the full path name of the backup self-extracting file. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC29936 Library: 8580 Symptom: Feature Invoked events will not flow when using incorrect values in the pool field of the STLINVK request to change an agent's state after an agent is logged in, however, the switch accepts and performs the change for the agent anyway. This occurs because the G3 ignores the pool field in the request and instead uses the ACDs within its own configuration. Since call reporting applications rely heavily on this event, the system was changed to no longer accept invalid ACD values that appear in the pool field or valid ACDs that are not consistent with the ones reported by prior logon events. This new error will help identify all the inaccurate agent/ACD configurations and therefore correct the reporting data. This code update also corrects inconsistent reporting of agent ID's via the party address fields in all events. Name: APAR IC29613 Library: 9210 Symptom: When using two or more CallPath Servers connected to the same G3 and both servers monitor the same set of phones, calls can be lost in some scenarios such as a blind transfer. These lost calls are correctly reported to applications with disconnect events, however, they still exist within the switch. The reason they are cleared is because the two links must use a call controlling association for tracking purposes of which one and only one link may obtain. Therefore, one link will win the call and all others will lose it. This resource limitation cannot be completely avoided in all scenarios, however, changes were done to reduce the need to take control of a call to track it and therefore not lose it. Name: APAR IC29443 Library: 9148 Symptom: Using trunk access codes to manually dial extensions on another G3 with a common set of extensions as the originating switch can sometimes create dead calls. The reason for this behavior is that the dialed numbers reported during these scenarios are the ones at the remote switch without the trunk access code which would make the remote party number unique. The G3 switch dependent code has been updated to mark any connection ID's associated with off-switch numbers to avoid some of this ambiguity and send disconnects for the remote party after all local numbers drop out of the call. It is highly recommended to avoid the direct use of trunk access codes to make calls to another G3 and create a dialing plan to perform this function so that applications work properly. Name: APAR IC27991 Library: 9023 Symptom: A STLMAKE call request will fail to return a response and log an ERR_ASN1_ENCODE_ERROR (5065) and eventually exhaust all of the CallPath Server Request tags. For this error to occur, a manual call must already be in progress from an extension to an unanswered destination that generates a NETWORK_REACHED event and the STLMAKE request issued is from the same extension to a different destination. The switch dependent code was changed to correctly return the response and prevent CallPath Server request tag leak. Name: APAR IC27966 Library: 8920 Symptom: The Alerting/Connected events for an ACD agent are are discarded after a TAKE CONTROL ACK response is received from the G3. This condition will happen when the call routes between two monitored VDN's where the first VDN queues the call to a hunt group/ACD skill and contains a route-to step to a second VDN that sends the call to an agent of another hunt group/ACD skill. The switch dependent code was changed to correctly send the alerting and connected events for the agent. Name: APAR IC28242 Library: 8919 Symptom: A parked event will be reported when a trunk to trunk event should have been sent. This occurs when the calling and called numbers of the transfer event are reported by the switch as both being (unknown external). The switch dependent code was changed to correctly send a transferred event in this case. Name: APAR IC28243 Library: 8668 Symptom: The SWITCH.EXE fails to start due to error ERR_CREATE_CSM on a Windows NT/2000 system. The cause of this condition is usually due to a catastrophic error in the TCP/IP subsystem communicating with the G3 or the G3 failing itself. The failure can leave the CSM.EXE process running without its parent SWITCH.EXE. Code was added to attempt to shut down the orphaned CSM.EXE and restart. If the failure continues, the only recovery will be to reboot the Windows system. Name: APAR IC27215 Library: 8644 Symptom: The SWITCH.EXE traps or invalid transferred event occurs where the common party in the two calls is an external number. The cause of this is due to a new calling party reported in the switch CONNECTED event. In some circumstances, this calling party is a hunt group. The switch dependent code has been changed to ignore all monitored hunt groups in this situation and never generate an inferred transfer event with an external number as the common party. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- hm.exe prodinfo.msg readme.txt stt.dll switch.exe g3ss2.icf