Product: IBM CallPath Server Version: 6.3.0 Level: V1866 Platform: Windows Date: 10 August 2000 Service File: cpswnt.exe History: cpswnt.hst Size: 1718596 (1.6Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, cpswnt.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. This will start an InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the installation process. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC27669 Symptom: Allow up to 1000 applications to CallPath Server. Workaround: No workaround. Not a problem. Solution: Allow up to 1000 applications to CallPath Server. These limits were put in place based on hardware limitations at the time. They can now be relaxed. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- readme.txt bin\apimhdlr.exe bin\callpath.exe bin\prodinfo.msg bin\cpsnmp.dll bin\cpthinst.exe bin\csacrcrt.dll bin\csacrset.exe bin\csasrvr.exe bin\csauieex.exe bin\csauirel.exe bin\csauitad.exe bin\devmgr.exe bin\libasn1a.dll bin\libcmnr.dll bin\libcpn04.dll bin\liberrp.dll bin\libinapi.dll bin\liblog.dll bin\libpi.dll bin\libpicom.dll bin\libpista.dll bin\rcvsrvr.exe bin\rpcsrvr.exe bin\ss2rx.exe bin\ss2tx.exe bin\sysmgr.exe bin\systrc.exe bin\tblutil.exe bin\teloggr.exe