Product: Corepoint Telephony Phone for Java Version: 6.2.0 Level: J2066 Platform: WindowsNT Date: 25 July 2001 Service File: phnwnt.exe Size: 1823839 (1.7Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, phnwnt.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. This will start an InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the installation process. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: Defect 8113 Symptom: (and beans in the cpphone.jar) are now internationalized. German is included. Detail: has now been completely internationalized (there were several places in the file that still had "hard-coded" strings). These are now being read from the file. Additionally, a German version of the properties files is include in the cpphone.jar file. If your machine's locale is set to German, CPPhone will automatically select this version of the properties file. Name: Defect 8165 Symptom: GUI Translation for CPPhone now includes both Traditional and Simplified Chinese Detail: If your machine's locale is set to either Traditional or Simplified Chinese, CPPhone will automatically display itself in those languages. Name: PMR 71603 Symptom: Configuration Utiltity user is notified that data cannot be read from server. Problem: There is a 64000 character limitation for any key-value(s) pairing in the INI file due to an underlying limitation of the communication protocol. In the original file format, JTAPIUsers is a key with all individual users as values of that key. This makes it easy to cross 64000 if there are many users. Solution: A utility tool is available (UserUpdate) which will convert the old INI file format into a new format, where [JTAPIUSERS] is the section and the keys are the users' JTAPI agent identifiers. So the key-value pairing will now be of the form: "[JTAPIUSERS] username = resources;." With this format, a single user would have to be assigned to over 64000 characters worth of resources to cause a failure. The tool is Java-based, and requires Version 1.1.6 or later of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Developers Kit (JDK) to be installed on the machine where it is used. In general, we have found that the JRE's provide the least number of setup challenges. Windows users can download Java from OS/2 and AIX users should use To fix the problem -- 1. Copy the Configuration Daemon INI file, csebprof.ini, to a temporary directory. By default, csebprof.ini is located in c:\cseb\conf (Windows and OS/2) or /usr/lpp/cseb/conf (AIX). 2. Rename the copy of csebprof.ini to csebprof.old. 3. In the temporary directory, type the following command to start the conversion. JRE on Windows and OS/2: jre -cp UserUpdate.jar UserUpdate csebprof.old csebprof.ini JDK on Windows and OS/2: java -classpath %classpath%;UserUpdate.jar UserUpdate csebprof.old csebprof.ini JDK on AIX: java -classpath $classpath:./UserUpdate.jar UserUpdate csebprof.old csebprof.ini 4. Copy the new version of csebprof.ini to the configuration directory on the server. 5. Restart all of the Corepoint Telephony Server components. Status: IMPORTANT! You can use this version of Phone for Java without implementing the new INI file format. This version will function properly with all levels of Telephony Server and the Configuration Utility (to date). However, if you need to implement the new INI file format, you must upgrade the following components to the levels listed below: 1. Corepoint Telephony (Configuration) Tools (S6B18 or greater). 2. Corepoint Telephony Server (E1716 or greater). 3. Corepoint Telephony Phone for Java (J1717 or greater). Name: Defect 8202 Symptom: has been modified to dynamically react to configuration changes Detail: has been modified to detect a configuration change made via the CPE Configuration Utility. It will automatically read and display the new configuration. This will only affect those users who were affected by the configuration change. Note: To enable this function, you must have the corresponding dynamic JTAPI support installed on the server. Download the corresponding support in the CPE Server fixpack. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- cpphone.jar readme.phn