Product: Corepoint Telephony HAT Facility Version: 6.2.0 Level: Z2063 Platform: OS/2 Date: 23 July 2001 Service File: hatos2.exe Size: 1094923 (1.0Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, hatos2.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to undo the service update, issue the following commands: : cd \ -Qdr where is the drive letter on which product is installed and is the full path name of the backup self-extracting file. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC28412 Library: 8943 Detail: Out-of-memory errors can occur running many HAT tables concurrently due to a buffer-pool shortage. Solution: The buffer-pool of pending HAT execute requests has been increased to accommodate a higher load. Name: APAR IC28413 Library: 8944 Detail: Invalid Parameter return code received when attempting to do a busy with followup call with the AZADTELD call driver. Solution: This will be mapped to a TADS_ACD_WORK state. Name: APAR IY12922 Library: 8907 Detail: The HAT command VERIFY does not retry if it encounters an HLLAPI error. It only retries if it successfully determines that the host session is currently not on the specified screen. Solution: The HAT Facility has been modified to retry the VERIFY command on HLLAPI errors. Name: APAR IC27858 Library: 8906 Detail: The HAT command USERPROMPT does not return unless the user enters either the configured resume or halt keys on the hst session. In this case the HAT table is blocked and no additional HAT tables can execute, for the specified line, until the current HAT table with the USERPROMPT completes. The USERPROMPT command issues a call to HLLAPI that blocks until a keystroke is entered. Solution: The HLLAPI calldriver AZADHLPI.DLL now supports the required functions to intercept keystrokes from the host, and to send the keystroke back to the host. The interception of keystrokes can be setup to return immediately even if no keystrokes were entered. This allows the HAT to take control and to either pause for some time before issuing the HLLAPI command to attempt to retrieve a key again or to exit the HAT based on a timeout. The following functions for the calldriver AZADHLPI.DLL are now supported: START_KEYS_INT This function allows one to use the function RETRIEVEKEY to intercept keystrokes from a host session. Input format is: SESSION=a|| where a - Host session short name. STOP_KEYS_INT This function allows one to stop the keystroke interception started by the function START_KEYS_INT. Input format is: SESSION=a|| where a - Host session short name. RETRIEVEKEY This function allows one to start intercepting keystrokes from a Host session. The function START_KEYS_INT must have been previously issued. Input format is: SESSION=a|| where a - Host session short name. This function returns the mnemonic form of the keystroke that was intercepted. This function blocks until a keystroke is intercepted. However, if one adds the parameter NWAIT (e.g. SESSION=a||NWAIT||) then this function returns immediately. If no keystrokes were intercepted and NWAIT was specifed then this function returns with a non-zero return code. PRESSKEY This function "sends" a keystroke character to a specific host screen. The input format is: SESSION=a||b|| a - Host session short name. b - Contains the keystroke to send. Value keystroke values are: ENTER, CLEAR, DELETE, EOF, ERASEINPUT, HOME, TAB, BACKTAB, PF1-PF24. or one can specific "MNEMONIC=d" where d is the mnemonic value to send. Name: APAR IC28311 Library: 8928 Detail: The HAT commands that issues hllapi requests (e.g. GET, PUT) to Rumba fail when with Rumba version 4, level 10 or greater. Solution: The HAT Facility has been modified to work with this version of Rumba. Name: APAR IC29682 Library: 9218 Detail: If an extension is transferred an external call (trunk line) and the extension has not yet answered the call (extension's phone is alerting) then the completion of transfer results in the extension receiving a connection with the external party. Name: APAR IC30707 Library: 9352 Detail: The HAT Facility needs the ability to hide or minimize its window screen when it is started in order to prevent it from being display to the user. Solution: Added three input parameters to the HAT Facility. They are: /MIN - minimize the screen /NODISPLAY - Do not display the screen (or icon) Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- readme.txt azamtads.dll azaprod.txt azadhook.dll azadmon.exe azadqkf.dll azahcmds.exe azahexec.dll azahmenu.exe azadhlpi.dll azahrcfg.dll azadteld.dll