Product: Corepoint Telephony ToolKit Version: 6.2.0 Level: E1925 Platform: AIX Date: 14 December 2000 Service File: etkaix.tar Fileset: cseksdk.obj Size: 1587200 (1.5Mb) Checksum: 2671282003 Installation Instructions: -------------------------- This Service File is a tar of an installp update fileset. It includes both the fileset, cseksdk.obj, and its related .toc file. You must have root authority to install this fileset. - Download etkaix.tar into a directory. - Extract the fileset using the command "tar -xvf etkaix.tar". - Start "smit install_update" (for AIX < 4.2 use install_selectable). - Select "Install/Update From All Available Software". - Enter the directory name to which the fileset was extracted. - Enter the fileset name, cseksdk.obj, into the field "SOFTWARE to install". Service files are installed with root ownership and root access permissions. If you want users WITHOUT root authority to be able to start or access the Corepoint Telephony ToolKit product files, the following changes are required: - Change the group with the chgrp command for all of the directories and files within the installation path. For example, to permit the Admin group, issue: "chgrp -R Admin /usr/lpp/cseb" - Change the file permissions with the chmod command. For example, "chmod -R g+x+r /usr/lpp/cseb" Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC28423 Date: 09 Oct 2000 Symptom: Errors in fields in TADS_ACD_STATUS_EVENT, TrxQueryLoadFactor response. Problem: The resource name is incorrectly copied to the pilot number field in the TADS_ACD_STATUS_EVENT (seen when application issues a TrxGetEvent). Also, the pilot number is incorrectly copied to the resource name field in the TrxQueryLoadFactor response. Workaround: None. Solution: Code is fixed to handle these items correctly. Name: PMR 27972 Symptom: Unreceivable events and intermittent traps when large amounts of data sent in events. Problem: Large data sizes ( > 63 Kb) in Corepoint Telephony events can result in eventsthat cannot be received using TadsGetEvent, and on occassion may cause a trap or core dump. Internal defect number CMVC 8254. Workaround: Reduce amount of call data or extension data. Solution: Force call data and extension data maximums to be consistent with CEO event model. Name: PMR 74905 Symptom: Intermittent traps on various REXX API calls. Problem: Unitialized pointers used in various REXX API's. This has been seen when running in the Windows/NT environment. Internal defect number CMVC 8159. Workaround: None. Solution: Validate pointers following Object REXX utility function calls before using them. Name: PMR 51773 Symptom: TrxGetEvent may trap on TADS_EXTENSION_DATA_EVENTs. Problem: Unitialized pointer used in TrxGetEvent when handling TADS_EXTENSION_DATA_EVENTs. Intermittently causes the REXX DLL to trap. Workaround: None. Solution: Correct programming error. Name: Defect 7325 Symptom: TrxQueryAgentStatus always fails with "Invalid Parameter in API". Problem: Incorrect usage of sscanf() routine causes parameter parsing to fail. Workaround: None. Solution: Correct programming error. Name: PMR 64255 Symptom: csebtest.exe memory leak when running on Windows 95. Problem: 12 byte memory leak in Windows 95 when using native C runtime _beginthread(). Workaround: Visual Age C++ has provided a work-around for this OS problem. This version of csebtest.exe utilizes this work around when using the IThread library. Solution: None. Name: Defect 6809 Symptom: No sample program source code available for ADDPTY sample program. Problem: No sample program source code available for ADDPTY sample program. ADDPTY.C is missing. Solution: Added ADDPTY.C to ship list. Name: APAR IX82684 Symptom: REQACD.C Sample program incorrect. Problem: In REQACD.C, the sample program issues user prompts incorrectly stating the values for the "ACD Action". The program presents a list starting with the value 1, when in fact the starting value should be 0. All values listed in the prompt are off by 1. Workaround: Subtract 1 from the desired ACD action before issuing command. Solution: Correct prompts in REQACD.C sample program. Name: Defect 8192 Symptom: AIX application programs using the draft 4 pthread library (known as DCE threads) are not able to use the CEO API. The application hangs on the first CEO API call. Problem: On AIX, the CEO API library uses the draft 7 pthread library. There's some incompatibilities between draft 4 and draft 7 pthreads. Workaround: None. Solution: Modify the CEO API library to ensure that they work properly regardless of whether the application is using draft 4 or draft 7 pthreads. Name: PMR 26871 Symptom: rqstrict.exe gives "TadsGetEvent: Not enough space allocated to hold data". Problem: Rqstrict.c initalised the wrong variable prior to TadsGetEvent() call . Workaround: None. Solution: Correct programming error. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- cseb/bin/csebtest cseb/include/cseb.rc cseb/include/csebdef.h cseb/include/csebver.h cseb/include/csekutil.hpp cseb/include/csessbrd.h cseb/rc/Csektime cseb/samples/client/addpty cseb/samples/client/altr cseb/samples/client/answer cseb/samples/client/conf cseb/samples/client/confjoin cseb/samples/client/disc cseb/samples/client/dontdist cseb/samples/client/extend cseb/samples/client/forward cseb/samples/client/getdata cseb/samples/client/getevent cseb/samples/client/getstats cseb/samples/client/getxdata cseb/samples/client/hold cseb/samples/client/make cseb/samples/client/makeans cseb/samples/client/makecall cseb/samples/client/makeext cseb/samples/client/qci cseb/samples/client/qls cseb/samples/client/qryagent cseb/samples/client/qrylims cseb/samples/client/qrysys cseb/samples/client/queryacd cseb/samples/client/redirect cseb/samples/client/reqacd cseb/samples/client/retrnctl cseb/samples/client/rqstrict cseb/samples/client/rqstrict.c cseb/samples/client/senddd cseb/samples/client/setdata cseb/samples/client/setevent cseb/samples/client/setxdata cseb/samples/client/teststat cseb/samples/client/transfer cseb/samples/client/qpotcall cseb/samples/client/reqenq cseb/samples/client/reqdeq cseb/samples/client/reqrqu cseb/samples/client/rqsttrmt cseb/samples/server/csektime/csektime.cpp cseb/text/cseksdk.copyright cseb/text/cseksdk.txt