Product: Corepoint Telephony SwitchServer/2 Nortel DMS100 Version: 6.2.0 Level: V1898 Platform: OS/2 Date: 11 October 2000 Service File: dmsss2.exe Size: 894111 (0.9Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, dmsss2.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to undo the service update, issue the following commands: : cd \ -Qdr where is the drive letter on which product is installed and is the full path name of the backup self-extracting file. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: Defect 7876 Detail: Return Control for CDN was not supported in previous release. Solution: Code will put the call in CND queue to default destination. Name: Internal 1373 Symptom: When extend a call to unmonitored resource, dialed number is different with switch reported number. Detail: Scenario: 1. X call agent A, 2. Agent A extend to Y, 3. DMS-100 reported extend to Z. The previous release callflow as: Call_alerting (A), Call_Answer (A), Call_Routed(A,null,Y), Call_Disconnected(Y). Call_Routed( A,null,Z). The current fix will reported as: Call_alerting (A), Call_Answer (A), Call_Routed(A,null,Y), Call_Routed(A,Y,Z). Note: Same flow is true. If agent a extend Y after Y disconnected then extend Z. Name: Defect 7928 Detail: Output of error continuously made in the error logger. The error message is "Cannot Find CallID ... xxx". The condition to exit loop will never be met under this unique situation (corrupted data). Solution: Purges corrupted data prior to loop entry. Name: Defect 7973 Detail: If CompuCALL is set for "Forced Message", the call flows from the switch are reversed in some instances such that CallPath's processing results in a NULL Pointer being used to do a data base search. Resolution was to test the pointer before using it. Solution: Test the pointer prior to utilization. However, the event being reported by the switch will be lost. Status: The customer discovering this error found many other problems using the Forced messaging feature and has decided not to employ this function. The code fix has not been tested because the condition cannot be replicated without the Forced messaging function turned on. It is presumed that the problem has been isolated and corrected. It is strongly recommended that users do not employ this feature. If you do use this function, please advise if you find any core or trap condition. Name: Defect 8074 Detail: DMS-100 X.25 communication code for NT did not timeout the X.25 API semaphores. Switch Connection code would wait forever if the ARTIC X.25 code for NT fails to respond to our requests. Solution: Time out all "To Switch" communication semaphores. If a timeout occurs, the Switch Connection code will log the error and take down the switch connection. The error log entry contains a cause code of "semaphore timeout". Status: A semaphore timeout error most likely indicates that something is wrong the ARTIC X.25 feature on NT or the X.25 link. Name: Defect 8086 Detail: Switch Connection code cores when it receives from the switch a DV_Call_Offered_U event with a CallMode of CallWaited on a DN that is not being monitored. This extraneous event causes the switch.exe to core. Solution: Process this event without causing a null pointer exception. Name: Defect 8142 Detail: Switch Connection code cores when an uninitialized local variable causes an address out of range condition if one of its subfunctions cannot locate a Call ID in the call state table. Solution: Initialize the local variable to zero. Name: Defect 8143 Detail: Switch Connection code cores when local variables cause an address out of range condition in low memory if one of its subfunctions tries to copy memory contents based on the sizes passed into it. Solution: Initialize the local variables to default values. Name: Defect 8146 Detail: Switch Connection code cores when DMS-100 switch sends it an event message with a zero length ACD DN. The DMS-100 CompuCALL Interface Specification states that the ACD DN length will be 10 bytes. Solution: Treat a zero length ACD DN as if the ACD DN contains ten 0's (0000000000). Name: Defect 8147 Detail: Switch Connection code cores when DMS-100 switch sends out-of-sequence DV-Call-Queued-U messages from parallel queues. A call queued with reason of overflow on one queue is reported ahead of the call queued with reason of transfer on another queue. Solution: Treat calls from each queue as separate parties in one call. Name: APAR IC27004 Detail: Switch Connection code would sometimes process TCP/IP messages received from the DMS-100 before entire message arrived. When a message was split across multiple packets, receive processing would not ensure that entire message had arrived before passing on the data. Later, this partial message would get decoded as defective and a decoder error would be logged. Solution: TCP/IP receive processing now determines the size of the message by reading the message header first, determining the exact size of the message and then reading the rest of the message. Name: APAR IC26955 Detail: When Application Logon fails due to configuration errors, the error log entry created by Switch Connection code would contain non unique return codes. From these error log entries, it would be difficult to determine the configuration parameter in error. Solution: Switch Connection code now generates error log entries with unique return codes for each configuration parameter that the DMS-100 checks during Application Logon. It also includes the name of the parameter the switch says is in error. Name: APAR IC27562 Detail: Switch Connection code treated a CDN Route in the Call History as an invalid route reason and logged a 5401 error. For a CDN, the DMS-100 now puts CDN Route in the Call History (instead of Redirected) when a call arrives at an ACD after having been redirected from a CDN. Solution: Switch Connection code now recognizes a CDN Route in the Call History and treats it like a Redirected call. Name: APAR IC27564 Detail: Stopping the DMS-100 Switch Connection which uses X.25 communication in Windows NT would cause a system icax25.exe. The system exception was caused by the Switch Connection code using local memory to pass a logoff request (shared memory is required for all ARTIC X.25 API requests in NT). Additionally, an intermittent system exception in switch.exe was occurring on shutdown in the heart beat function if a heart beat reply was outstanding when the shut down occurs. Solution: Switch Connection code now uses shared memory for the logoff request and the heart beat function now handles shut down correctly. Name: APAR IC27699 Detail: The STLMON table in the DMS-100 Switch Refrence does not match the Switch Connection code implementation. 1) STL_CALL_ACTION_PROVIDED_EVENT is supported but not in the table 2) STL_CALL_PARTY_REMOVED_EVENT is not supported but not in the table 3) STL_CALL_CONFERENCED_EVENT is supported 4) STL_CALL_PICKED_EVENT is supported (except for BCS33) 5) STL_FEATURE_INVOKED_EVENT is supported (BCS35 and above) 6) STL_INDICATOR_PROVIDED_EVENT is supported (SCAI07 and above) 7) The following events are supported for STL_RANK_PRIMARY only: STL_CALL_ACTION_PROVIDED_EVENT STL_CALL_TRANSFERRED_EVENT STL_FEATURE_INVOKED_EVENT Also, the event supported bit mask was incorrect and three unsupported events were not being checked in the Switch Connection code. Solution: The Switch Connection code was updated to return the correct events supported bit mask when an unsupported event is being monitored. For SCAI07 and above: 81090000 FF5DFFEE F0CC2000 00000000 For BCS35 thru SCAI06: 81090000 FF5DFFEE 30C02000 00000000 The following three unsupported events are now checked on a STLMON request and will now return a negative response if any of them are listed on the STLMON request: STL_CALL_PARTY_REMOVED_EVENT STL_DATA_COLLECTED_EVENT STL_RESOURCE_DELETED_EVENT Name: APAR IC27810 Detail: When the DMS-100 Switch Connection code processed a blind conference from CallPath Enterprise, sometimes it would create a new call when the call entend request is immediately followed by the call conference request. Solution: Switch Connection code now handles call conference requests occurring immediately after a call extend request. Name: APAR IY11304 Detail: When the DMS-100 Switch Connection code restarts after an error, it occasionally encounters a 6104 error during restart which indicates that shared resources were not deleted when the switch connection went down. Once this occurs, all subsequent restarts of this switch instance will fail with a 6104 error until the share resources are deleted by running csaclean. Solution: During start up, Switch Connection code now cleans up old shared resources, if any still exist. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- asn1.dll csacrcrt.dll hm.exe libcmnr.dll libpicom.dll prodinfo.msg readme.txt stt.dll switch.exe dmsss2.dsc dmsss2.icf csauiswm.exe csm.exe libasn1a.dll swchgdm.dll