Product: CallPath Server for OS/2 Version: 2.02 Package Name: cpso1840.exe Size: 1567026 (1530Kb) Level: 1840 How to install: download the self extracting file, cpso1840.exe, to a temporary directory. Run it from any command line and follow the prompts. If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to undo the service update, issue the following commands: <installdrive>: cd \ <backupexe> -Qdr where <installdrive> is the drive the product is installed on, and <backupexe> is the full path of the backup self-extracting file. Fixes: PMR 41626 Symptom: Unable to monitor CEO servers from CallPath Server UI (or SMIT) Problem: The files used by CallPath Server to monitor CEO servers were not updated using the files from the CEO build. As a consequence, compatability was lost. Solution: The CallPath Server build environment is being modified to keep these files up-to-date. APAR IC26885 Files in service: bin\apimhdlr.exe bin\cpsnmp.exe bin\csasrvr.exe bin\csasrvr.vr bin\csauicmn.vr bin\csauieex.exe bin\csauirel.exe bin\csauitad.exe bin\devmgr.exe bin\libasn1a.dll bin\libcmnr.dll bin\libcpo04.dll bin\liberrp.dll bin\libinapi.dll bin\liblog.dll bin\libpi.dll bin\libpicom.dll bin\prodinfo.msg bin\rcvsrvr.exe readme.txt bin\rpcsrvr.exe bin\ss2rx.exe bin\ss2tx.exe bin\syslevel.dat bin\sysmgr.exe bin\systrc.exe bin\tblutil.exe bin\teloggr.exe bin\ bin\ bin\ bin\ bin\ bin\