This page was last modified: 2 November 1999, 11:53am
Required Version | 2.02 Please note that this service can only be applied to the required version. To obtain service for previous versions, click here) |
Service File | g3s1707.exe |
Service Readme | g3sread.txt has a more detailed description of the defects for this cumulative service, along with instructions on how to apply the service. |
Service Level | 1707 |
Size | 821957 (802Kb) |
Ethernet Service File | g3es1707.exe |
Ethernet Size | 828377 (808Kb) |
INTERNAL | 4870 |
Description | SS/2 startup.cmd file corrupted
INTERNAL | 5131 |
Description | New SS/2 backup procedure
INTERNAL | 5706 |
Description | libpath was not updated for SS/2
INTERNAL | 5708 |
Description | galaxy dll's missing.
Internal | 8000 |
Description | Incorrect existing party list in RECONNECT event by calling party
APAR | IC24604 |
Description | G3 STLQACD returns all zeros in counts
APAR | IC24433 |
Description | G3 Ethernet SWITCH.EXE reports false switch up status
Internal | 7913 |
Description | Redirect events from bridged alerting parties not reported
Internal | 7910 |
Description | Incorrect queue cleanup route reason in routed event
APAR | IC24432 |
Description | Calling a 16 party bridge causes ERR_REQUEST_COMMBFR (6003) error
Internal | 7881 |
Description | Generate negative response for STLXTND or STLRED to self.
APAR | IC24180 |
Description | SWITCH.EXE traps when a bridged call follows coverage to a VDN.
APAR | IC23915 |
Description | Updated revertive call processing to detect fax/modems
APAR | IC23913 |
Description | Corrupted data in Feature_Invoked events for Agent Login/Logouts
APAR | IC23413 |
Description | G3 SWITCH.EXE traps when a VDN service observe is active
Internal | 7278 |
Description | Revertive STLMAKE requests directly from ACD splits create dead calls
Internal | 7263 |
Description | Remove logging of negative responses to disconnect requests
APAR | IC23412 |
Description | STLQPS for feature or indicator returns ERR_RT_RSRC_UNAVAIL (5008) error
APAR | IC23411 |
Description | STLMAKE/STLXTND out ISDN trunks to fast-connecting destination produces wrong cid's
APAR | IC22699 |
Description | G3 SWITCH.EXE goes down after ERR_REQUEST_COMMBFR (6003) error
APAR | IC22698 |
Description | Unexpected CSM errors when conferencing/transfering to external parties.
APAR | IC22697 |
Description | Handle New Lucent G3V6 Cause Codes for the CONNECT event.
APAR | IC22696 |
Description | Type flags not reset when a request tag is reused to monitor a pilot number
APAR | IC22241 |
Description | Missing DISCONNECT event for non-monitored or external parties after call ends.
APAR | IC22240 |
Description | Wrong connection id in CONFERENCED event after a NETWORK REACHED event
APAR | IC22160 |
Description | Discarded ALERTING event after REDIRECT event.
APAR | IC22159 |
Description | PICKED vs. CONNECT event sent when trunk to trunk call CONNECTS.
APAR | IX83160 |
Description | Intermittent core dump when the G3 closes the Ethernet link.
APAR | IC22158 |
Description | CPSS2 for G3 Ethernet ignores the NOSTART option.
APAR | IC22157 |
Description | Get ERR_CREATE_CSM when starting G3 switch on WINNT.
APAR | IC21786 |
Description | Get unexpected CSM errors with queued calls routed off-switch by VDN.
APAR | IC21793 |
Description | ISDN or Ethernet Link to G3 PBX fails to start on correctly configured server
APAR | IC21785 |
Description | No response to STLTRAN request after STLALTR completes.
APAR | IX81036 |
Description | PARTY_STATUS_MSG for agent status query always returns AGENT_LOGON (0).
APAR | IX81781 |
Description | Support Service Observe CONNECT events.
APAR | IC21746 |
Description | Get unexpected CSM errors while party is on HOLD and/or RECONNECTS.
Internal | 5985 |
Description | Added more specific error codes when Ethernet link fails to connect.
Internal | T4400 |
Description | Calling party changes after issuing STLRED with AIX Callpath Server.
APAR | IC20572 |
Description | CONNECT event from station service observe wrongly processed as RECONNECT.
APAR | IC20177 |
Description | G3 switch never comes up on Windows NT and traps.
Internal | 5829 |
Description | Partial support for VDN service observe flows.
Internal | 5766 |
Description | G3 switch fails to start first time, but does on second try.
Internal | 5789 |
Description | Only get one FEATURE_INVOKED msg for multi-skilled agent.
Internal | 5759 |
Description | STLINVK requests would be NAK'ed when using WORKGROUP field.
APAR | IC19815 |
Description | No response to STLQPS requests for parties of length > 6.
Internal | 5716 |
Description | Improved error recovery of ISDN link to G3 switch.
Internal | 5711 |
Description | REQUEST INSTRUCTION events not handling calls with II digits or flexible billing.
APAR | IC19781 |
Description | REQUEST INSTRUCTION events ignored PROGRAM DATA.
Internal | 5680 |
Description | Run out of resources when using three or more CallPath servers to same G3 switch.
Internal | 5622 |
Description | Hostname for G3 switch limited to eight characters.
APAR | IC19461 |
Description | Get wrong trunk and member data in events.
APAR | IX70296 |
Description | Restart on error for local G3 connections on AIX does not always work.
APAR | IC19191 |
Description | Get unexpected CSM errors using STLRED after a REQUEST INSTRUCTION event.
APAR | IC19302 |
Description | Get many CSM errors for predictive dialer applications.
APAR | IC18891 |
Description | STLRETR after STLXTND to consulting party would fail.
Internal | 5030 |
Description | Extension wrongly removed from call when following cover, no answer path.
Internal | 5029 |
Description | Improved reliability of Ethernet communications to G3 switch.
APAR | IC18564 |
Description | Trap/core dump when lots of bridged phones ring.
APAR | IC17991 |
Description | Old calls not cleaned up using CLEAR CALL request.
APAR | IX70296 |
Description | Core dump generating when AIX Ethernet link goes down.