Fix (APAR): IZ66120 Status: Fix Product: WBI Release: Operating System: All operating systems Supersedes Fixes: IZ61656;IZ63026 Pre-requisite Fixes: Exclusive-requisite Fixes: CMVC Defect: IZ66120 Byte size of APAR: 35461261 Date: 2010-01-21 Abstract: Querytable support in BPC Explorer for query performance improvement. Description: Query tables are an efficient way to increase response times of Business Process Choreographer queries. Query table support is available for Business Process Choreographer since version 6.2. See ?topic=/ for more information about using query tables for Business Process Choreographer. To define your own query tables, you can download and use SupportPac PA71: WebSphere Process Server - Query Table Builder See ?rs=693&context=SSBTEG&q1=utility&uid=swg24021440 for more information. You need version 1.2 of PA71 and it is recommended to additionally apply iFix IZ66813 This iFix enables Business Process Choreographer Explorer to use query tables for predefined and custom views. When you apply this iFix all predefined views that query for task and process instances, except 'Critical Processes' and 'Failed Compensations' are based on query table definitions that are supplied with this iFix. The result when running any predefined view does not change. In addition, this iFix provides default query table definitions for all entity types supported by Business Process Choreographer Explorer views. These can be used to define new personalized and customized views based on query table support. You can also define your own query tables and Business Process Choreographer Explorer will make them available for new view definitions. When you apply this iFix, already existing custom views are still available and working, however, they are not based on query table definitions. To take advantage of query table support in a public or private custom view click the new search icon or the define views menu item, respectively. On the search definition page a new drop-down list contains the names of the query tables that are available to define a new view. Select one of the query table definitions, and define additional view properties. You may explicitly select to not use query tables for your search, which allows to specify views like before applying the iFix. Query table definitions can contain parameter definitions in order to make queries more flexible. Business Process Choreographer Explorer also supports views that are based on parameterized query tables. If you select a query table that is defined with parameters, Business Process Choreographer Explorer provides a page to declare the actual parameter mapping. You can also specify a default value for each parameter. Note: it is recommended to use default parameter values and to describe the parameters in the view's description field in order to assist users when running a parametrized view. For more information and recommendations how to use query tables in Business Process Choreographer Explorer see the following TechDoc: Instructions for applying the iFix: For each stand-alone profile for which you configured Business Process Choreographer, do the following: 1. Make sure the application server where Business Process Choreographer is configured is stopped. 2. Install this interim fix on the stand-alone installation. 3. Go to the /ProcessChoreographer/config directory. 4. Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -conntype NONE -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -conntype NONE -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -conntype NONE -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl where is the name of the profile that contains the Business Process Choreographer configuration. If WebSphere administrative security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user -password " parameters where is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and is the password for that user ID. 5. Restart the application server. 6. Go to the /ProcessChoreographer/admin directory. 7. Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -server -f -deploy ..\\util\\bpcexplorerquerytables.jar * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -server -f -deploy ../util/bpcexplorerquerytables.jar * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -server -f -deploy ../util/bpcexplorerquerytables.jar 8. Verify successful upgrade: Login to Business Process Choreographer Explorer. Select the About item and verify that the build level information of the about page contains a reference to this iFix. For non-clustered servers in a network deployment environment 1. Stop the deployment manager. 2. Install this interim fix on the deployment manager's installation. 3. Start the deployment manager. This is necessary because the wsadmin scripting client must connect to the central configuration repository on the deployment manager to make the updates. 4. For each node with one or more servers where you configured Business Process Choreographer Explorer do the following: 1. Make sure all servers (application servers and node agents) of the node to be upgraded are stopped. 2. Install this interim fix onto the node's installation. 3. On the node, go to the /ProcessChoreographer/config directory. 4. Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl where is the name of the node's profile. If WebSphere administrative security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user -password " parameters where is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and is the password for that user ID. 5. Restart all servers of the node 6. Go to the /ProcessChoreographer/admin directory. 7. Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -server -f -deploy ..\\util\\bpcexplorerquerytables.jar * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -server -f -deploy ../util/bpcexplorerquerytables.jar * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -server -f -deploy ../util/bpcexplorerquerytables.jar where is the name of the server on the node. 8. Verify successful upgrade: Login to Business Process Choreographer Explorer. Select the About item and verify that the build level information of the about page contains a reference to this iFix. For clusters in a network deployment environment 1. Stop the deployment manager. 2. Install this interim fix on the deployment manager's installation. 3. Start the deployment manager. This is necessary because the wsadmin scripting client must connect to the central configuration repository on the deployment manager to make the updates. 4. For each cluster where you configured Business Process Choreographer Explorer, do the following: a) For each installation that hosts cluster members do the following: - Make sure all servers (application servers and node agents) to be upgraded are stopped. - Install this interim fix onto the node's installation. - Copy pak file to the directory maintenance in the UpdateInstaller directory - Follow the Fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to install the Fix. - Restart all servers of the node. b) On the deployment manager, go to the /ProcessChoreographer/config directory. c) Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl -cluster * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl -cluster * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -profileName -f bpeupgrade.jacl -cluster where is the name of the deployment manager's profile and is the name of the cluster. If WebSphere administrative security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user -password " parameters where is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and is the password for that user ID. d) Restart all servers of the node. 8. Go to the /ProcessChoreographer/admin directory. 9. Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -cluster -f -deploy ..\\util\\bpcexplorerquerytables.jar * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -cluster -f -deploy ../util/bpcexplorerquerytables.jar * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -cluster -f -deploy ../util/bpcexplorerquerytables.jar 10. Verify successful upgrade: Login to Business Process Choreographer Explorer. Select the About item and verify that the build level information of the about page contains a reference to this iFix. Directions to remove iFix: NOTE: IFIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE AN IFIX UNLESS ALL IFIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED IFIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, then fix2 may be removed 1) Delete all newly defined custom queries based on query tables in BPC Explorer 2) Shutdown WebSphere Application Server. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before uninstalling the iFix. 3) Follow the Fix instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to uninstall and reinstall the iFix. 4) Restart WebSphere 5) Run bpeupgrade.jacl 6) Remove the query tables installed with this iFix: Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands to list the installed query tables: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -cluster -f -query names -kind composite * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -cluster -f -query names -kind composite * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -cluster -f -query names -kind composite For each query table name with Prefix IBM.BPCE_ run one of the following commands to remove the query table: * On Windows: ..\..\bin\wsadmin -cluster -f -undeploy IBM.BPCE_... * On UNIX and Linux: ../../bin/ -cluster -f -undeploy IBM.BPCE_... * On i5/OS: ../../bin/wsadmin -cluster -f -undeploy IBM.BPCE_... Directions to re-apply iFix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere Application Server. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Follow the Fix instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to uninstall and reinstall the iFix. 3) Restart WebSphere