TITLE Title Page =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Commonly Asked BookManager Questions and How To Get Support April 30, 1996 Willis N. Ward, Jr. and Tracey Scheyer-Nolander NOTICES Notices =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trademarks and Service Marks The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*), used in this publication are trademarks or service marks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: BookManager BookMaster IBM OS/2 The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**), used in this publication are trademarks of other companies as follows: AmiPro Lotus Development, Inc. Chinon Chinon Industries, Inc. FrameMaker Frame Technology, Inc. HP Laser Jet Hewlett-Packard Company Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation Motif Open Software Foundation, Inc. NEC NEC Corporation Norton Desktop Symantec Corp. Novell Novell, Inc. WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation PREFACE About this Book =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This book contains commonly asked questions and answers for the BookManager(*) Workstation products. It is broken up into seven sections. Five are product specific, one is on file transfer, and one on how to get Service and Support for your BookManager and the IBM Library Reader products. Section "BookManager READ/DOS Questions" in topic 1.0 is about BookManager READ/DOS. Section "BookManager READ/2 Questions" in topic 2.0 is about BookManager READ/2. Section "BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 and 2.1 Questions" in topic 3.0 is about BookManager Build/2 2.0 and 2.1. Section "BookManager Read for Windows Questions" in topic 4.0 is about BookManager Read for Windows. Section "BookManager Read/6000 Questions" in topic 5.0 is about BookManager READ/6000. Section "File Transfer Between PC and Host" in topic 6.0 contains information about uploading and downloading BookManager files (books, shelves, indexes). Section "Support Processes" in topic 7.0 contains detailed steps for how to get telephone service for the BookManager and IBM(*) Library Reader products. These questions and answers have been gathered over the past several years by Service and Support technicians. If you do not find the answer to your particular question, and/or want to order the latest BookManager fixes, follow section "Support Processes" in topic 7.0 to talk with a technical support representative and/or ftp fixes. CONTENTS Table of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title Page TITLE Notices NOTICES About this Book PREFACE Table of Contents CONTENTS BookManager READ/DOS Questions 1.0 General Questions 1.1 Memory Questions 1.2 Starting READ/DOS Questions 1.3 CD-ROM Questions 1.4 LAN Questions 1.5 Printing Questions 1.6 Picture Questions 1.7 National Language System Questions 1.8 Installing READ/DOS as a Shared Application on a LAN 1.9 Sample Batch File to Start READ/DOS 1.9.1 Sample READDOS.PRO File for the LAN 1.9.2 BookManager READ/2 Questions 2.0 General Questions 2.1 Printing Questions 2.2 Display Questions 2.3 Picture Questions 2.4 Installing READ/2 as a Shared Application on the LAN 2.5 Sample Command File to Start READ/2 2.5.1 BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 and 2.1 Questions 3.0 Features of BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 3.1 New features since BUILD/2 1.2. 3.1.1 Difference between BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 3.1.2 File Input Questions 3.2 Formatting Questions 3.3 Graphic Questions 3.4 Warning Message Questions 3.5 Miscellaneous Questions 3.6 Word Processor Guidelines 3.7 BUILD/2 Graphic Guidelines 3.8 BookManager Read for Windows Questions 4.0 General Questions 4.1 BookManager Read/6000 Questions 5.0 General Questions 5.1 File Transfer Between PC and Host 6.0 General Notes About Transferring 6.1 Uploading From a PC to VM 6.2 Uploading From a PC to MVS 6.3 Sample File Transfer Commands Using SEND/RECEIVE 6.4 Support Processes 7.0 Self-help service via Internet 7.1 Telephone Support for Collection Kits and Library Readers 7.2 Telephone support for BookManager workstation products 7.3 IBM BookManager Host Support 7.4 1.0 BookManager READ/DOS Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with READ/DOS, I just see a shaded box in place of the copyright or the registered trademark. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have your DOS system running in codepage 850. By default U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage to 850 in order to display the characters. You will need to add the following statements to your CONFIG.SYS in order to change your codepage to 850. country=001,850, c:\dos\country.sys mode device codepage prepare=2 850,437 c:\dos\ega.cpi The above is assuming that you have DOS installed in a directory named \DOS. Next you will need to add the following statements to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. nlsfunc chcp 850 Once you reboot, your system will be in codepage 850 and the copyright symbol and the registered trademark symbol should then display correctly. 2. Question: I type SET on my DOS command line and it shows a funny statement following BOOKMGR=C:\READDOS\READDOS.PRO. What does this statement mean: ;C_FILE_INFO---AA Answer: This statement is the temporary environment variable that is used to pass data to BookManager READ/DOS. 3. Question: How many characters or directories can I have on my -bpath statement? Answer: The -bpath statement is limited to 128 characters for listing paths. There is no limit to the number of directories as long as they don't go over the 128 character limit. 4. Question: How do I know what level of READ/DOS I am running? Answer: When starting READ/DOS, look at the left hand corner of the Welcome Screen before pressing Enter. If you do not see anything, then you are at the original ship level of READ/DOS. If you see a (V9112), then you are at the 1991 base level. If you see any date more current than 12/91 (V9112), then you have some fixes applied to the base Read/DOS product. Note that if you number starts with an S (S9112) then you are running the IBM Library Reader product. 5. Question: How do I increase my Environment variable space in DOS? Answer: On the SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P /E:256 statement, change the /E:256 to be higher. The default is 160 and you can set it as high as 32,768. Increase the number on /E: to be higher. 6. Question: How much disk space does READ/DOS need? Answer: READ/DOS needs approximately 1.3 megs of hard disk. 7. Question: What does TP101 error message in READ/DOS mean? Answer: This means that the note file does not match the books structure. In other words, the note cannot find the Topic in the book. So the book was probably rebuilt without the topic the note was against. There is no support at this time for migrating note files to changed books. 8. Question: Will BookManager READ/DOS work if I am using a monochrome monitor? I am getting a P01 error message, this display type is not supported. Answer: Yes. But you need to add the following statement to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. MODE CO80 This statement, added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT, will enable you to display pictures from READ/DOS with a monochrome monitor. Additionally, instead of putting this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, you could issue the statement from the command line before starting READ/DOS. 1.2 Memory Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal Error -700. What does that mean? Answer: An internal error -700 means you are running out of memory. You need to make sure you have approximately 350Kb of conventional memory available to READ/DOS. 2. Question: I have a statement in my CONFIG.SYS that is hanging my READ/DOS. The statement I want to use is DOS=HIGH,UMB but this hangs the system. If I take the UMB off then it works. What should I do? Answer: You need the 12/91 READ/DOS base level and the latest fixes. This will correct the problem. 3. Question: If I am using EMM386.SYS and it is loaded high and I have DOS=HIGH in my CONFIG.SYS, READ/DOS will hang my system. What should I do? Answer: You can do one of two things. You can change DOS=HIGH to be DOS=LOW and this will resolve the problem. Or you can remove your EMM386.SYS statement from your CONFIG.SYS. READ/DOS can not run when both DOS=HIGH and EMM386.SYS is loaded high. 4. Question: How much memory do I need to run READ/DOS? Answer: If you are running the 9/28/90 level of READ/DOS, then you need a minimum of 290Kb. If your BOOKMGR.EXE file is dated later than 9/28/90, then you generally need between 320Kb and 390Kb of memory. The amount you need is based on the size of the book or the size of the bookshelf index file being used. 5. Question: When I am trying to open a bookshelf that lists all of the books on a CD-ROM, I am getting an R05 Internal error 815 and READ/DOS will not start. What does this mean? Answer: The 815 error indicates that you do not have enough memory to open that particular bookshelf and bookshelf index. You should read your CD-ROM booklet to see if there is any note that this particular bookshelf and bookshelf index cannot be used by READ/DOS. Some bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are too large for READ/DOS to accommodate. 1.3 Starting READ/DOS Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I just updated READ/DOS with the CSD from IBM and now I get the message "Cannot read temporary (.SNP) file". What should I do? Answer: Do a DIRectory command in DOS to look for any *.SNP files. If you have an EOXMAIN.SNP file, delete it. For some reason you have one that you do not need. This file is created on the fly when READ/DOS is started. Delete it. 2. Question: I am getting an error message "Ack Overflow, System Failure". This sometimes shows as "internal Stack Overflow, system halted". What should I do? Answer: Please check the date of your BOOKMGR.EXE. You probably do not have the CSD applied. You need to have the BOOKMGR.EXE dated 10/91 or later. 1.4 CD-ROM Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting R05 Internal Error -53 or -55 or -535 or -545. My configuration includes a NEC(**) CD-ROM CDR-73. What does this mean? Answer: You have a set-up problem with your NEC CD-ROM. You need to verify the following: a. Both the internal and external daisy chain port has a terminator plugged into it, thereby terminating the chain. The external is on the outside of the CD-ROM drive and the internal is on the inside of the PC on the SCSI card. The external one is called a Terminating Resistor. b. Then check the Dip Switches on the back of the CD-ROM. DIP Switch 4, which is usually set to 0, should be changed to 1 for "on". DIP Switch 4 is for SCSI data bus parity check. c. The T128 SCSI Host Adapter also has switches that may need to be changed. Switch 6 is for Zero Wait-State Operation. Set this to "on" for AT or faster machines and "off" for XT's. If you still have trouble, call your NEC hardware support for assistance. 2. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal error -53 when I open a bookshelf or do a search. My configuration is a PC with a Chinon(**) CD-ROM player. Answer: You have an incorrect CD-ROM driver for your PC Hardware. Look at the date and size of your CHINON02.SYS file. The only one we know that works is the one dated 12/11/90 and has a file size of 12,530. The other device drivers, that have a file size of 13,278 or that are dated other than 12/11/90, seem to have problems. The CompuAd bulletin board has the correct driver. You can test to see if that is the problem by doing a copy and compare of several books and bookshelf indexes from the CD-ROM drive to your hard disk. They will most likely show compare errors. 3. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal error 536 or -536 when I open a bookshelf. I can press the ESC key and clear the message box. How do I get rid of this message? Answer: You need to apply the latest fixes for READ/DOS. 4. Question: Can you load MSCDEX into high memory? Answer: No. MSCDEX cannot be loaded into high memory. 1.5 LAN Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am setting BookManager up to run on a Novell(**) Network and I cannot get READ/DOS to recognize my full path name when I specify volume. Will READ/DOS work without using redirected drives? Answer: No. You must use a drive letter, i.e. a redirected drive. 2. Question: I have READ/DOS and I am a DOS LAN Requester going to an OS/2(*) LAN Server and the server has a CD-ROM attached. When I try to list the bookshelves, only the first and last shelf will list. What is wrong? Answer: In the DOSLAN.INI file, on the Requester, there is a /NBC: statement that has the number of buffers on it (i.e. 4 for Redirectors and 5 for Receivers). Increase the number by one. So if it says /NBC:4 make it say /NBC:5. This will resolve the problem. 1.6 Printing Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How do I get BookManager to print correctly on my HP Laser Jet(**) printer? It prints, but instead of printing a box, it prints funny characters. Answer: You need to change the HP LaserJet Font to 850. You can change it via the symbol set by changing it to PC-850. If you need help, call the HP Laser Jet Hotline. 2. Question: How can I make READ/DOS print to my HP Laser Jet printer. I keep getting error C10 Printer is off-line or not responding. Answer: Make sure your AUTOEXEC.BAT contains the following: MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P MODE LPT1:=COM1 Test printing with straight DOS. Do a COPY CONFIG.SYS LPT1: This should copy to the LPT1 port (i.e. where it's been redirected). Also try TYPE CONFIG.SYS LPT1: Then make sure that if you have a switch between you and the printer that it is not off. Try to do a copy from within READ/DOS and for the file name enter LPT1: to see if it prints. This is definitely a setup problem. 1.7 Picture Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I cannot display pictures in READ/DOS. The picture starts to display and then flashes back to the text. My configuration is a PC with DOS 5.0 and no mouse. Answer: You need to apply the latest fixes for READ/DOS. 2. Question: How do I get pictures to print with READ/DOS? Answer: READ/DOS does not have a print facility for printing pictures. The only option is if you have GRAPHICS.COM running. This is a DOS file. With this running, you can do a screen print of the picture to have it printed. 3. Question: I am getting the error message "Picture baseline directory failed". What does this mean? Answer: This problem was fixed with the 12/91 READ/DOS CSD that was auto-shipped to all customers of record. If by chance you do not have this level, then you should contact your local IBM Representative and have them assist you in getting a copy of this level of READ/DOS. 1.8 National Language System Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I have a Canadian French book that I cannot see the Table of Contents. What is wrong? Answer: You need to be sure to have your code page set to 850 to be able to display the Table of Contents. From the DOS prompt issue CHCP and see what your setting is set to. Then do a CHCP 850 to change it to 850. For further assistance on switching the codepage, please contact your DOS Support. 1.9 Installing READ/DOS as a Shared Application on a LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Each Requestor must issue the SET BOOKMGR= statement. ° Each Requestor must have the READDOS.PRO file on their hard disk. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -bpath updated to include the paths where the books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are located. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -newnotefiledirectory to be the users C drive. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -temppath updated to be the users C drive. ° It is a good idea to make the Server disk, where READ/DOS is installed, read-only. ° It is a good idea to make the Server disk, where the library of books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are installed, read-only. 1.9.1 Sample Batch File to Start READ/DOS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REM Get access to books: NET USE K:booksdir REM Save current path: SET oldpath=%PATH% REM the variable DRV gets set to the drive with program REM example D: SET path=%DRV%\ C: CD\ If exist READDOS.PRO goto ISPROF REM Install profile on user's workstation if it is not found COPY %DRV%\READDOS.PRO C:\ :ISPROF REM Tell READ/DOS where to look for the profile SET BOOKMGR=C:\READDOS.PRO BOOKMGR *.BKS REM Restore path (so the net command can be found PATH %oldpath% REM Discard temporary variable SET OLDPATH= REM Drop access to books NET USE K: /d 1.9.2 Sample READDOS.PRO File for the LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -p1 -temppath=C:\ -newnotefiledirectory=C:\ * add the k: LAN drive to the -bpath statement -bpath=c:\;c:\books;k:\; 2.0 BookManager READ/2 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with READ/2, I just see a shaded box in place of the copyright or the registered trademark. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have your OS/2 system running in codepage 850. By default U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage to 850 in order to display the characters. You can change your codepage in two ways. a. To change your OS/2 system permanently, you need to modify the CONFIG.SYS statement "codepage=437,850" to be "codepage=850,437". Once you reboot your system your codepage will be set to 850. b. To change your OS/2 system temporarily for the current session, type CHCP 850 at an OS/2 command line. Then start READ/2 in this OS/2 session. In either case, you should now be able to see the copyright or the registered trademark symbols. 2. Question: What is the limit to the number of characters on the READ/2 SET BOOKMGR= statement in CONFIG.SYS? Answer: The limit is 1023 characters. 3. Question: READ/2 cannot find my Courier font. What is it looking for and where? Answer: READ/2 looks on the C drive for the C:\OS2\DLL\COURIER.FON and the C:\OS2\DLL\COURIER.PSF files. The path is hard coded so the fonts must be in those exact subdirectories. If the files are there and you are still having problems, you should contact IBM OS/2 Support for further assistance. This is an OS/2 problem and not a BookManager READ/2 problem. One other thing you might try before calling OS/2 Support is to do a Selective Install and reinstall all of the fonts. At this point the OS2.INI should be correctly updated to indicate that you have the Courier font installed. 4. Question: How much disk space does READ/2 take up? Answer: You need approximately 3 megs of hard disk storage. 5. Question: If I want to write a front end to do a search in READ/2 that searches for several phrases at once, what is the character that Read/2 uses to separate search phrases? Answer: The separator character used is: #define SEPARATOR_CHAR (CHAR) 20 2.2 Printing Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I cannot print from OS/2 1.3 with READ/2 and an HP Laser Jet 3 printer. What is the matter? Answer: You need to look at your CONFIG.SYS file to see the memman= command and make sure that at the very end it has a ,LP added to it. MEM MAN= SWAP, NOSWAP, MOVE, LP You should also be sure that your OS/2 spooler knows that READ/2 wants to use the HP printer as it's default application printer. For more help on HP printers, call the HP Laser Jet Hotline. 2. Question: My printer will not print all of my pictures in READ/2. Why? Answer: Depending on the quality of the printer, you may not be able to print images and text on the same page. You must have a high quality printer to be able to print text and images on the same page. 3. Question: Can READ/2 print to a postscript printer? Answer: Yes. READ/2 sends a straight ASCII file to the PM interface. The PM interface will then call the postscript driver and send the file to the printer. 4. Question: What does Print Error 7 mean? Answer: This means your default printer is not set up correctly in OS/2. The following are some things to possibly check on and try. a. Check to be sure that the printer you have set as your default has LPT1 set as its Output port. Retry printing from READ/2. b. Check to be sure that "Print While Spooling" is selected in the Queue option of the default printer icon. Check to be sure you have spooling "enabled" in the OS/2 System settings. Retry printing from READ/2. c. Try removing the print driver and then reinstalling the print driver. Then retry printing from READ/2. 2.3 Display Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: Is there a problem with scrolling in READ/2 using an XGA monitor? Answer: There is a known problem and the XGA folks have a new device driver that will resolve the problem. 2. Question: I am using the 6091 19-inch display that can show 65 lines. Can READ/2 use this? Answer: Yes. 2.4 Picture Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How can I tell whether a picture is an Image or a Graphic in READ/2? Answer: You can tell by displaying the picture and making an icon out of it. If the icon looks like a scaled down version of the picture, then it is an image. If the icon looks like a mountain/sky landscape, then it is a vector graphic. 2.5 Installing READ/2 as a Shared Application on the LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Each Requestor must have the SET BOOKMGR= statement in their CONFIG.SYS and this statement must point to the books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes. ° Each Requestor's LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS must begin with a ".;" in order to make the DLLs accessible to the requestor. ° The Server's disk, where BookManager is installed, should be read-only. ° The Server's disk, where the books are located, should be read-only. ° Note files will be written to the Requestor's C:\ root directory if the Server's disk where BookManager and the books are located are read-only. 2.5.1 Sample Command File to Start READ/2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REM access books NET USE K:booksdir REM tell READ/2 where to look for books SET BOOKMGR=K:\ REM start READ/2 BOOKMGR /ds REM drop access to books NET USE K: /d EXIT 3.0 BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 and 2.1 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ÚÄÄÄ Note about BUILD/2 1.2.1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ Note: As of December 31, 1995, BUILD/2 1.2.1 is no longer supported. ³ ³ All following information pertains to BUILD/2 2.0 or 2.1 and not to ³ ³ BUILD/2 1.2.1. ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3.1 Features of BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.1.1 New features since BUILD/2 1.2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following is a list of improvements or enhancements which are included in BUILD/2 Version 2. ° Improved recognition of author's intent by using word processor styles. A new filter component of BUILD/2 accurately maps the elements of your word processor source files and provides true spacings and formatting information to BUILD/2. ° Performance improvements. With style-based processing, BUILD/2 spends less processor cycles trying to identify the author's intent of the word processor document. The analyzing phase of processing source documents is significantly faster. ° Formula Suppoprt Forumlas are imbedded as graphics in the softcopy book only if the word processors support formulas as imbedded graphics. This capability allow forumlas and any accompanying text to display together on the same page (this support is available in BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above). ° Reflow Support All books built with BUILD/2 Version 2 have reflow codes placed into the book structure. This enables BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above, to format text to fit into the defined window. The following text elements are reflowable: - Paragraphs - List items - Definition and Glossary lists - Quotes The following text elements are not reflowable: - Blank lines - Tables - Figures - Example text - Text with boxes around them - Footnotes - Right and center justified text - Pictures and graphics - Special topics (table of contents, index) ° Application Launch A hypertext link called application launch allow authors to define links that start applications. Application launch is supported by BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above. ° Cross-book linking Another type of link allow authors to define links that open other softcopy books. For READ products that support cross book linking (host READ products and BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above), a reader detecting a highlighted link opens another window of the target book and can navigate throughout that book. ° Processing non-standard numbering schemes in headings Three types of numbering schemes for headings are supported by BUILD/2 Version 2. - Author-entered numbering - Word processor automatic numbering - BUILD/2 default numbering Author-entered numbering allows the author to include the heading number directly into the heading text. A heading rule is defined which allows BUILD/2 to filter out this author-entered numbering scheme and apply it to the heading numbering. ° Use of any workstation BookManager READ product You can have BUILD/2 automatically start BookManager READ/2, READ/DOS or Read for Windows at the end of the build to inspect the softcopy book. ° Definition list and Glossary list Support Authors can create definition lists and glossary lists in their word processor document using two column tables. ° Expanded heading Support BUILD/2 Version 2 allow authors to identify the Abstract, Glossary, Preface, Synopsis and Appendix headings. This support allows for easier searching and grouping of vital book elements. ° Auto-document recognition With BUILD/2 Version 2, you no longer have to specify the word processor source file type or rules file type. ° Expanded installation methods You can install BUILD/2 Version 2 using any of the following modes: - CD install - LAN install - Service update install - CID-enabled install ° Expanded graphics support TIFF support is added primarily for FrameMaker graphic support. 3.1.2 Difference between BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Basically BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 are the exact same product. The only difference is that BUILD/2 2.1 contains all of the fixes for the BUILD/2 2.0 product since it became generally available. The BUILD/2 2.1 product is the new base level of the product. Any future Corrective Service (CSDs) will be based off of the BUILD/2 2.1 level. 3.2 File Input Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: What word processor formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.0? Answer: The following formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.0: ° Microsoft Word(**) for Windows, Version 2.0 and Version 6.0 ° Microsoft Word for DOS, Version 5.0, Version 5.5, and Version 6.0 ° WordPerfect(**) for DOS 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 ° WordPerfect for Windows 5.1, 6.0 and 6.1 ° WordPerfect for OS/2 Version 5.2 ° AmiPro(**) for Windows and OS/2 Version 3.0, Version 3.1 for Windows ° FrameMaker** Version 4.0 (MIF Format only) 2. Question: What additional word processor formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.1? Answer: The following additional formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.1: ° Microsoft Word Version 7.0 ° FrameMaker Version 5.0 (MIF Format only) 3. Question: Can I use FrameMaker 4.0 or 5.0 native or MIF files as input to BUILD/2? Answer: You cannot use the native FrameMaker 4.0 or 5.0 formats. If you are using FrameMaker 4.0 or 5.0, you must save the document in a .MIF format. 4. Question: Can I use a "Master Document" format as input to BUILD/2? Answer: You can use a "Master Document" format with any of the input formats. 5. Question: Can I use my BUILD/2 1.2 Notebooks or Rules files with BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1? Answer: The BUILD/2 1.2 Notebooks are not supported with BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1. The BUILD/2 1.2 Rules files are supported though. When you try to use a BUILD/2 1.2 Rules file, you will be told that the rules file needs to be converted. To convert the BUILD/2 1.2 Rules file, just open the Rules file and then resave it. The Rules file will now be usable by BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1. 3.3 Formatting Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: In my Word Processing document, my tables are indented. However in the built book, the tables are left justified. How can I make my tables be indented? Answer: All tables will be left justified in the built book. Our book format does not support indented tables. However, to give the appearance that your table is indented, you should create a new column at the beginning of the table. This column will not contain any text. Also, you should not have any lines or borders turned on for this column. In the built book, the table will now appear to be indented, but actually there is a blank column there. 2. Question: In my Word Processing document I have indented regular text and text in tables with spaces. In the built book they are no longer indented. How do I indent my text? Answer: For regular text, you should either use tabs or the indent feature available. This will not be removed during the building of the book. For tables however, this is a limitation in this version of the product. Our book format does not allow text to be indented in the table, either by spaces or tabs. 3. Question: Can I have index entries on my heading styles in my WordPerfect documents? Answer: Yes you can. But, the index entries have to be placed after the style off code. If the index entry codes are placed within the style on/style off codes, then the index entry codes are not recognized. 4. Question: How do styles work in the Word Processors with BUILD/2? Answer: If you are familiar with building books on the host and using a tagging language like BookMaster, then styles are similar to different tags. For example, if you define a :h1. for your heading level 1, then when you build the book you will get 1.0 and the text you have indicated. A style works very similar. If you use the style name of "heading 1" around a piece of text, then BUILD/2 would recognize this and create a topic 1.0. BUILD/2 supports the use of paired styles or character styles. Paired styles must be used on document elements such as headings. A character style can be used on document elements such as application launch or cross-book links. Styles can just be blank and contain no formatting codes. Or they can contain formatting information such as bolding, underlining and font control. With the Word Processors, they have 'controls' that let you define a style and then apply it to certain parts of a document. The style names themselves do not appear in the physical body of the document. They are control words that appear around the text. Once you have added styles to your document, you then take the style names that you have and you create a rules file for the book you are building. You can define rules for headings (levels 1-7), examples, alerts, captions, etc. When defining your rules file, if you used a "heading 1" style in your document, then in the Heading 1 tab of the Headings section, you would add the style name of "heading 1". You would not type the quotes and you must have the space. Style names in the rules file are case sensitive and space sensitive. "Heading1" is not the same as "heading 1". Styles help in the formatting and the recognition of different elements within your document. When using a style name, you are explicitly telling the Analyzing Phase how to recognize different parts of your document. 5. Question: Do I have to use styles in my Word Processing documents? Answer: No you do not have to use styles in your Word Proccessing documents. However, it is highly recommended that you do. If you do not use styles for your headings in your documents, then you will end up with one big topic called FRONT. 6. Question: If I have any type of list in my tables, that uses indents or tabs, the indents and tabs are being removed. How can my lists be formatted so that they appear like I want them to? Answer: You need to place the bullet (or list number) into its own column. This can be a small column. Then you place the text of the bullet in another column. This will give the affect of having an indent or a tab. Based on the Word Processor used, you may want to turn off the border or not place a border between these two columns. 7. Question: I have placed a border around my example text and I want there to be blank lines between some of my text lines. How do I get the blanks to appear in the built book? Answer: The blank lines must only contain a hard return. If there are any spaces on that line, they must be removed so that only a hard return is there. Then when you rebuild the book, the blank lines will appear. 8. Question: In my Word 6.0 document, I have placed a border around "example" text. In the built book, the border is there but the right hand side of the border is way past the screen boundary. How do I get the right border to be in closer? Answer This is a current limitation in our product. 9. Question: Are MS Line Draw graphics supported by BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1? Answer: No they are not. MS Line Draw graphics are considered "Absolute Positioned". The BookManager Book format and the BookManager READ products do not support absolute positioned graphic/text. If you have text and graphics that you want to be included into the built book, you must first create them as one physical entity and then include this graphic into your Word document. 10. Question: In my FrameMaker document I have a paragraph style and a character style with the name of "Example" and this style name is defined in the rules file under the example tag. When I build my book, the text that was part of the character style is now on its own line. Why is this happening? Answer: To resolve this, you must rename the character style name to something else. What is happening is that the character style text is being recognized as example text. Example text must begin on its own line. It cannot be mixed with non-example text. This is why the weird brekage is occurring. 11. Question: In my FrameMaker document I am using the automatic numbering feature to add numbers to my headings. When I build the book I get an extra period. For example, "Chapter 1." appears as "Chapter_1.." in the built book. How do I keep from getting the extra period. Answer: You will need to modify the style definition for the automatic numbering. You should remove the period from the automatic numbering section and then add a blank space from the keyboard. When you rebuild your book, you will no longer get the double periods. 3.4 Graphic Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I have created a graphic with a graphic product (not the word processor). When I build this graphic in the book, the background of the picture is now black. Why is this? Answer: When you created the graphic you most likely did not indicate that you wanted the background to be white. It was most likely defined to be transparent. You need to resave your graphic with a white background and then place it back in your document and rebuild. 2. Question: In my graphic I have added some text to it. After I have built the book, if I look at the graphic with READ/DOS, READ/2, READ/VM or READ/MVS, the text is bigger than what I originally created. How can I get the text to be smaller and fit with the graphic? Answer: There are two options to resolve this. First, you can resave the graphic as an image. This will prevent any text from being converted to another size or font. The Second choice is to "stroke out the text" in your graphic package. Not all graphic packages have this option or they may call it something else. Basically, if you "stroke out the text" you are creating the text as a graphic and not text. 3. Question: I am using both WordPerfect 5.x and 6.x and I have graphics in my document. I created the graphics outside of WordPerfect and have imported them into my document. After I build the document into a book, my pictures are not there. Why not? Answer: You need to verify the settings you have defined in WordPerfect for inclusion of graphics. There are three settings that you can select: a. Windows Metafiles b. WordPerfect Graphics Files c. Windows Metafiles and WordPerfect Graphics files You need to make sure that you have one of the choices with the WordPerfect Graphics format selected as your setting. BUILD/2 will only recognize WordPerfect Graphic format from WordPerfect files. 3.5 Warning Message Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When building a FrameMaker document with native FrameMaker graphics, I receive the message "EZW7023 The file being processed contains unsupported graphics." What does this message mean? Answer: This means that the graphic used in the FrameMaker document will not be incorporated into the built book. Native FrameMaker graphics are considered "Absolute Positioned". This means that text and graphics are absolutely positioned with respect to each other. Our book format and our READ products do not allow this type of graphic/text combination. The graphic and the text must exist as one single entity for it to be processed correctly. 2. Question: When building a book that has tables in it, I sometimes get the message EZW5124 or the message EZW5122. They both indicate that some characters have been truncated from my table cells. I have looked at the tables and do not see any text missing. What does this error message mean then? Answer: What has happened is that you have some extra hard returns (carriage controls) in your table cells. When BUILD/2 encounters these extra characters, they get removed (truncated) from the table cells. When you get these messages, this is all that is happening. If you go back into your source document and remove all of the extra returns, then you should not get these messages when building your book the next time. 3.6 Miscellaneous Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: If I copy a notebook file (.NBK) or a rules file (.RUL) onto a diskette and then place it on another machine, BUILD/2 will not display the file when I do an "open" of a notebook or a rules file. If I then display all of the files the .NBK or the .RUL file is there. Why doesn't it appear when I do the "open"? Answer: Both the BUILD/2 .NBK and the .RUL files have extended attributes with them. When you copy the files to diskette the extended attributes are not copied. You should just get the list of files and then open the .NBK or the .RUL file and then resave it. Once you do this the extended attributes will be added back. When you do the copy of the files to a diskette, make sure that you are in OS/2. If you are in DOS, then the extended attributes will be lost. Under OS/2, they will not be lost. 3.7 Word Processor Guidelines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following items are some additional hints and tips that may be helpful when creating your documents. ° Turn off automatic hyphenation in the word processor. This will allow BUILD/2 to reformat the text as appropriate. ° Microsoft Word 2.0 has a Fast Save option that may result in lost formatting. Turn off the Fast Save option. This is also recommended when using Microsoft Word 6.0. ° When creating list items with bullets, try to use the default bullets provided with the bullet tool of the word processor being used. ° When creating your figure/table captions, do not use any tabs or indents to separate the caption text from the caption number. Use the space bar to separate the caption number from the caption text. ° When creating a style definition for an application launch in your word processor, do not add any codes for bolding. 3.8 BUILD/2 Graphic Guidelines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Note: The following information is additional information about the types of graphics that can be used with BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1. In general, BUILD/2 can handle any graphic that has been successfully incorporated into your word processor document. Your word processor converts the graphics into one or two data types that are stored in your word processor document. BUILD/2 is then presented with this new version of the graphic rather than the original graphic. The general rule-of-thumb is that if you can see a graphic in your word processor document while you are editing it, then BUILD/2 will be able to incorporate it into your book. There are three exceptions to this rule: 1. Encapsulated PostScript graphics (other than Adobe Illustrator format and those containing 'headers') 2. Composite graphics composed of several separate graphics 3. Composite graphics composed of a combination of graphics and true text. These exceptions are each described more fully: 1. Encapsulated PostScript graphics. Many word processors can accept graphics imported in a PostScript format. These graphics are not, however, converted to a form preferred by the word processor. They remain as PostScript data and can be presented only by a suitable PostScript printer. Usually their presence in the document is indicated on the screen by an empty box the approximate size of the graphic. Like the word processor, BUILD/2 is unable to process graphics in a PostScript format. Fortunately, there are two instances where this exception does not hold: ° Adobe Illustrator. The Adobe Illustrator format is a subset of the PostScript format. Adobe Illustrator data can be processed by BUILd/2 and is printable on a PostScript printer. ° PostScript graphics that contain a TIFF, WMF or PICT header. Many graphics editors that create PostScript files can include a 'snapshot' of the graphic in the TIFF, WMF or PICT format. Because these 'snapshots' are at a low resolution suitable for display on a screen, they can also be displayed by the word processor and processed by BUILD/2. 2. Composite graphics composed of a number of separate graphics. Some authors will juxtapose several graphics, creating a group that appears to be one single graphic. BUILD/2 cannot detect this condition and processes each graphic as a single entity. To prevent BUILD/2 and READ from processing these as individual graphics, authors can simply combine the individual graphics into one single graphic before incorporating it into the document. 3. Composite graphics composed of a combination of graphics and true text. Many word processors contain a graphics editor that authors can use to create graphics to include in their documents. This type of graphic is a single entity that BUILD/2 can process. A small number of editors, such as Word 6.0 and FrameMaker, provide a suite of graphics tools rather than a separate graphics editor. Authors can use these tools to create graphics objects, such as circles and lines, that they can freely intermix with the text of the document. The viewer then groups these entities, including the text, into a single 'graphic'. This situation is similar to that described in Exception 2, with the added complexity of text being mixed with graphics. BUILD/2, however, like many word processors, cannot group these individual objects into a single entity. Therefore, these graphics cannot be readily translated to another word processor format nor can they be accurately processed by BUILD/2. 4.0 BookManager Read for Windows Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting a GPF error when I try to print with Read for Windows. What should I do: Answer: This is a known problem with Read for Windows, APAR PN63941. The circumvention is to use the TrueType Courier New font when printing. To get the fix, contact the Support Center. Additionally, the fixes will be made available via the Internet. 2. Question: What are some of the enhancements for Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: Some of the enhancements are as follows: ° Reflow word wrap support ° Bookshelf performance improvements ° Boolean search (and, or, butnot logic) ° Full font support ° Print Preview and Pretty Print ° Cross book linking ° ICON tool bar ° Accurate bookshelf searches using bookshelf indexes 3. Question: What software is required to run Read for Windows? Answer: You need to run one of the following operating systems: ° Microsoft Windows(**) 3.1 enhanced mode (recommended) ° IBM OS/2 2.11 with WIN-OS/2 4. Question: Can I run Read for Windows 2.0 in the standard mode of Microsoft Windows 3.1? Answer: Yes you can run in Standard mode of Microsoft Windows 3.1. However, it is recommended that you run in Enhanced mode of Microsoft Windows 3.1. 5. Question: What is the recommended hardware in order to run Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: It is recommended that you have a 386 processor with 25MHz or better and a minimum of 8MB of RAM. 6. Question: Can I install Read for Windows 2.0 on a 286 machine? Answer: No you cannot install Read for Windows 2.0 on a 286 machine. You need at least a 386 machine in order to install Read for Windows 2.0. 7. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with Read for Windows, I just see an underscore or no character at all in place of the copyright or the registered trademark symbol. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have both your DOS and your Windows system running in codepage 850. By default, U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage in DOS and your codepage setting in Windows to be 850 in order to display the characters. To change your DOS codepage to 850: ° You need to add the following statements to your CONFIG.SYS. The statements assume that DOS is installed in a directory called \DOS. country=001,850, c:\dos\country.sys mode device codepage prepare=2 850,437 c:\dos\ega.cpi ° You will need to add the following statements to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. nlsfunc chcp 850 To change your Windows settings: ° Go to a DOS prompt and change to the directory and drive where Windows is installed. ° Type setup ° Press C to continue to the next page ° Use the arrow key to go up to the line that says code page ° Press Enter and select the "Multi-lingual (850) code page" ° Save and exit the windows setup At this point you should reboot your system so that all of the changes will go into affect. Once you have rebooted, you can go into Windows and Read for Windows and you should see the copyright symbol and the registered trademark symbol. If you get the error EJRBK066 you most likely do not have your code pages set up correctly. 8. Question: Are notes from my current READ 1.2 product compatible with Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: Notes from any of the READ 1.2 products are upwardly compatible with Read for Windows 2.0. 9. Question: Can I use notes from Read for Windows 2.0 with my other BookManager READ 1.2 products? Answer: You can use your Read for Windows 2.0 notes with the other 1.2 READ products, but there are some compatibility issues. The 1.2 READ products notes have a 72 character line limit where as the Read for Windows 2.0 notes have word wrapping capability. 10. Question: What is the maximum number of phrases or characters that I can have as a search request in Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: You can have up to 50 phrases or up to 254 characters. 11. Question: Some of my books do not reflow and some books do? Why don't they all reflow? Answer: Only books that have been built with BUILD/VM 1.3 or BUILD/MVS 1.3 can have text that reflows. To determine if the book you are reading is built with one of the 1.3 products, you need to do a describe of the book. This is under the File action item. If the field "Version of BUILD:" says 1.2.0, then the book was built by either BUILD/VM 1.2, BUILD/MVS 1.2 or BUILD/2 1.2. These books do not have the reflow capability. 12. Question: When I reflow the text in my book, not all of the text reflows. Shouldn't all text reflow in the book? Answer: Not all text in the book is capable of being reflowed. Text that is a table, an example, a figure, right-justified, tabbed or in columnar format does not reflow. There are also certain topics in the book that do not reflow, for example the table of contents and the index. 13. Question: Can I use the UNC convention for specifying my paths and directories when starting Read for Windows? Answer: The UNC convention is not valid when starting Read for Windows. You must use the physical drive letters and directories. Otherwise you will get a message back stating that the file is not a valid book or bookshelf. 14. Question: I am receiving Message EPFIE197: Cannot unpack MFC250.DLL when I am trying to install Read for Windows. After this message, installation stops. What does this error mean and how can I install Read for Windows? Answer: This error occurs when the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory is READ ONLY. The installation is trying to put the MFC250.DLL file into the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and it cannot. To resolve this, the file EJRIRENU.PKG, which is on the first diskette, needs to be modified. Around line 308 the PWS line needs to be changed to point to the \WINDOWS directory instead of the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. The following shows what is currently in the file and what changes need to be made: ----------------- WAS ----------------- * Copy the MFC250.DLL to the user's SYSTEM subdirectory FILE WHEN = 'OUTOFDATE', DATE = '931123', TIME = '1601', PWS = '%EJRISYSTEMDIR%/MFC250.DLL', SOURCE = 'DRIVE:MFC250.DL_', VOLUME = 'EJRENU01', PWSPATH = 'PWSFILE', UNPACK = 'YES' ----------------- SHOULD BE ------------------ * Copy the MFC250.DLL to the user's SYSTEM subdirectory FILE WHEN = 'OUTOFDATE', DATE = '931123', TIME = '1601', PWS = 'x:/WINDOWS/MFC250.DLL', SOURCE = 'DRIVE:MFC250.DL_', VOLUME = 'EJRENU01', PWSPATH = 'PWSFILE', UNPACK = 'YES' The x:/WINDOWS/MFC250.DLL statement is saying to use the X:\ drive and the directory \WINDOWS as the place to put the file MFC250.DLL. You should change the drive letter as appropriate. Make sure you do not have an antivirus program running and that you are installing from a Windows desktop. 15. Question: I am using the Norton Desktop(**) and when I try to install Read for Windows, after about 10 seconds of unloading the files, the installation just hangs. Can I use the Norton Desktop when installing Read for Windows? Answer This is a known problem with the Software Installer that is used for the Read for Windows installation. At this time, you cannot be using the Norton Desktop when you try to install Read for Windows. You should switch out of the Norton Desktop and back to the regular Windows desktop. The installation should work then. 5.0 BookManager Read/6000 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How can I invoke BookManager and default to come up with a detailed view of my bookshelves? Answer: Using the command... Bookmgr -s "*" -dt will give you the detailed view of the shelves. For more options key in Bookmgr ? at the command line. 2. Question: I am getting a License Demon core dump when installing Read/6000 What should I do? Answer: You need the latest Read/6000 fixes. Call Service 1-800-237-5511 and ask for the latest level of BookManager Read/6000 fixes. 3. Question: When running Read/6000 with Motif(**) 1.1.4 or Motif 1.2, the pull downs do not work correctly. What should I do? Answer: When you install Motif 1.2, the files for Motif 1.1.4 will not be removed, and will remain available (although some will be relocated). This was done because some applications developed using Motif 1.1.4 may have noticeably different behavior or appearance when they are run using the Motif 1.2 shared libraries. Although Motif 1.2 is meant to be binary compatible with Motif 1.1.4, some of the widgets have had specification changes in Motif 1.2. See /usr/lpp/X11/README.MOTIF for a list of some of these changes. If you have problems running an existing Motif application using the Motif 1.2 shared libraries, we have provided the following options for accessing the Motif 1.1.4 shared libraries: - Set LIBPATH Use this option if you only have one or two applications that are not running well with the Motif 1.2 libraries. Before running your application, set the environment variable LIBPATH to the value /usr/lpp/X11/lib/R5:/usr/lpp/X11/lib:/lib:/usr/lib: and export it. This will cause all applications in the current shell to use the Motif 1.1.4 shared libraries. - Change symbolic links to point to Motif 1.1. Use this option if you frequently run applications that do not run Use this option if you frequently run applications that do not run well with the Motif 1.2 libraries, or if you need to access the Motif 1.1.4 libraries and header files to develop Motif 1.1.4 applications. Run the following shell scripts as root: /usr/lpp/X11rte/set_symlinks.Motif1.1. /usr/lpp/X11dev/set_symlinks.Motif1.1. These will change symbolic links to the Motif shared libraries and include-file directories. There are a corresponding pair of shell scripts to point the symlinks back to the Motif 1.2 files. 4. Question: I am getting an error EDLAMRI not found. License server cannot be loaded. What do I do? Answer: You need to add a line to your RC file, just before the line with EDLALIC. The line you should add is... export PATH=/usrlpp/bookmgr/bin:%PATH% 6.0 File Transfer Between PC and Host =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6.1 General Notes About Transferring =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BKSHELF and NOTE files are text files and must go through a translate table during the file transfer. BOOK and BKINDEX files are binary and compressed files and must not be modified during the transfer. 6.2 Uploading From a PC to VM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OBJECT TRANSLATION RECFM/LRECL .BOO to BOOK binary FIXED/4096 .BKI to BKINDEX binary FIXED/4096 .BKS to BKSHELF ASCII to EBCDIC VARIABLE 6.3 Uploading From a PC to MVS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OBJECT TRANSLATION RECFM/LRECL .BOO to BOOK binary F or FB/4096 .BKI to BKINDEX binary F or FB/4096 .BKS to BKSHELF ASCII to EBCDIC VARIABLE Note: After uploading a bookshelf to MVS, the location of the books and the bookshelf search index needs to be added to the bookshelf via the READ/MVS "Add data set names" function. 6.4 Sample File Transfer Commands Using SEND/RECEIVE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To upload .BOO or .BKI files from the PC to a VM Host: SEND c:\filename.boo a:filename book a (RECFM F LRECL 4096 BLKSIZE 409 Note: Do not use CRLF on Binary files To download BOOK or BKINDEX files from a VM Host to the PC: RECEIVE c:\filename.boo a:filename book a Note: RECEIVE defaults to BINARY. For BKSHELF or Notefiles, you would specify the parameter (ASCII during the download and (ASCII CRLF during the upload. To upload a .BOO or .BKI file from the PC to a MVS Host: SEND c:\filename.boo a:'hlq.filename.book' RECFM(F) LRECL(4096) To download a BOOK or a BKINDEX from a MVS Host to the PC: RECEIVE c:\filename.boo a:'hlq.filename.book' Note: RECEIVE defaults to BINARY. 7.0 Support Processes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following topics explain how External Customers and Internal IBM Customers can receive support for BookManager and IBM Library Reader products. There are fours sections. Self-help service via Internet, Telephone support for Collection Kits and Library Readers, BookManager Workstation products telephone support, and BookManager VM & MVS host products telephone support. 7.1 Self-help service via Internet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Many of the BookManager and Library Reader products have fixes and FAQs (hints) available via FTP and the Web. ° FTP to ps.software.ibm.com and login as anonymous with your internet address as the password ° Or visit us on the Web: http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com and look for the service and support icon. Our FTP site has the latest Library Readers for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. All are at the most current service level. You can download and install a Library Reader and know that you have all maintenance that's generally available. The files you need on the FTP server are in the following directory path: /ps/product/bookmanager. See the README for our file naming conventions and directory structure. ° Library Reader for DOS ° Library Reader for OS/2 ° Library Reader for Windows We also have fixes for many of our Workstation products available from this ftp site. ° Build/2 2.0 & 2.1 (fixes only) ° Build SGML (fixes only) ° Index/2 Utility with all fixes included Other BookManager workstation products such as Read/DOS, Read/2, Read for Windows, Read/6000, and BookServer do not offer self-help service via this FTP server. If you need fixes for one of these, and you have ftp access, you can fax your request to 1-800-426-8602. Include the full name of the BookManager product you have installed and it's service level. (see the Help/About panel in BookManager to get this information). Also include your name, internet address and phone number in case we need to contact you. If you do not have ftp access, open a problem report up with the BookManager service team using the telephone procedures outlined in the following section. 7.2 Telephone Support for Collection Kits and Library Readers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The products covered under this process include: ° IBM Library Reader/DOS 1.2 ° IBM Library Reader/2 1.2.1 ° IBM Library Reader for Windows 2.0 To get telephone assistance for IBM Library Readers: 1. Call 1-800-237-5511, press 0 to speak with a representative 2. They will ask for your Customer number. If you do not have a customer number, you can use BOOKMGR as your generic customer number or access key. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Say "My product id is 5648-032-00". Do not answer the operating system question, and if they say hold on while they transfer you to Socrates for the PS Support family entitlement, STOP THEM! Explain that you want to use the product id 5648-032-00 and you do not want to be transferred to Socrates. 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to SCKIT at location 118. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within two business hours. 7. The IBM Library Reader support team will call you back and assist with your IBM Library Reader and/or Collection Kit questions. 7.3 Telephone support for BookManager workstation products =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As of 5/31/96 all BookManager service for workstation products is available for a fee. If you have a Customer number, you should call 1-800-992-4777 to open a problem record. If you do not have a Customer number, you should call 1-512-339-5000. The products covered under this process include: ° IBM BookManager READ/DOS 1.2 ° IBM BookManager READ/2 1.2.1 ° IBM BookManager Read for Windows 2.0 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 & 2.1 ° IBM BookManager BUILD SGML 2.0 & 2.1 ° IBM BookManager Read/6000 1.2 ° BookManager BookServer for OS/2 2.0 & 2.1 ° BookManager BookServer for AIX 2.0 & 2.1 ° Index Utility for OS/2 2.0 & 2.1 The 60 day free service is no longer available. We offer self-help service via the Internet. See the Self-help service via the Internet section for more details. 7.4 IBM BookManager Host Support =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Host support is a FREE Service, covering both "defect" and "how to" questions. The products covered under this process include: ° IBM BookManager READ/VM 1.3 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/VM 1.3 ° IBM BookManager READ/MVS 1.3 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/MVS 1.3 To open a problem record for one of the BookManager Host products listed above: 1. Call 1-800-237-5511 2. They will ask for your Customer number. If you do not have a customer number, you can use BOOKMGR as your generic customer number. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Answer with the BookManager product you are using... IBM BookManager READ/VM 1.3 IBM BookManager BUILD/VM 1.3 IBM BookManager READ/MVS 1.3 IBM BookManager BUILD/MVS 1.3 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to BKMGR at location 144. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within the hour. 7. The BookManager VM/MVS Support Team will call you back and assist with your BookManager questions. TITLE Title Page =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Commonly Asked BookManager Questions and How To Get Support April 30, 1996 Willis N. Ward, Jr. and Tracey Scheyer-Nolander NOTICES Notices =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trademarks and Service Marks The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*), used in this publication are trademarks or service marks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: BookManager BookMaster IBM OS/2 The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**), used in this publication are trademarks of other companies as follows: AmiPro Lotus Development, Inc. Chinon Chinon Industries, Inc. FrameMaker Frame Technology, Inc. HP Laser Jet Hewlett-Packard Company Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation Motif Open Software Foundation, Inc. NEC NEC Corporation Norton Desktop Symantec Corp. Novell Novell, Inc. WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation PREFACE About this Book =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This book contains commonly asked questions and answers for the BookManager(*) Workstation products. It is broken up into seven sections. Five are product specific, one is on file transfer, and one on how to get Service and Support for your BookManager and the IBM Library Reader products. Section "BookManager READ/DOS Questions" in topic 1.0 is about BookManager READ/DOS. Section "BookManager READ/2 Questions" in topic 2.0 is about BookManager READ/2. Section "BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 and 2.1 Questions" in topic 3.0 is about BookManager Build/2 2.0 and 2.1. Section "BookManager Read for Windows Questions" in topic 4.0 is about BookManager Read for Windows. Section "BookManager Read/6000 Questions" in topic 5.0 is about BookManager READ/6000. Section "File Transfer Between PC and Host" in topic 6.0 contains information about uploading and downloading BookManager files (books, shelves, indexes). Section "Support Processes" in topic 7.0 contains detailed steps for how to get telephone service for the BookManager and IBM(*) Library Reader products. These questions and answers have been gathered over the past several years by Service and Support technicians. If you do not find the answer to your particular question, and/or want to order the latest BookManager fixes, follow section "Support Processes" in topic 7.0 to talk with a technical support representative and/or ftp fixes. CONTENTS Table of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title Page TITLE Notices NOTICES About this Book PREFACE Table of Contents CONTENTS BookManager READ/DOS Questions 1.0 General Questions 1.1 Memory Questions 1.2 Starting READ/DOS Questions 1.3 CD-ROM Questions 1.4 LAN Questions 1.5 Printing Questions 1.6 Picture Questions 1.7 National Language System Questions 1.8 Installing READ/DOS as a Shared Application on a LAN 1.9 Sample Batch File to Start READ/DOS 1.9.1 Sample READDOS.PRO File for the LAN 1.9.2 BookManager READ/2 Questions 2.0 General Questions 2.1 Printing Questions 2.2 Display Questions 2.3 Picture Questions 2.4 Installing READ/2 as a Shared Application on the LAN 2.5 Sample Command File to Start READ/2 2.5.1 BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 and 2.1 Questions 3.0 Features of BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 3.1 New features since BUILD/2 1.2. 3.1.1 Difference between BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 3.1.2 File Input Questions 3.2 Formatting Questions 3.3 Graphic Questions 3.4 Warning Message Questions 3.5 Miscellaneous Questions 3.6 Word Processor Guidelines 3.7 BUILD/2 Graphic Guidelines 3.8 BookManager Read for Windows Questions 4.0 General Questions 4.1 BookManager Read/6000 Questions 5.0 General Questions 5.1 File Transfer Between PC and Host 6.0 General Notes About Transferring 6.1 Uploading From a PC to VM 6.2 Uploading From a PC to MVS 6.3 Sample File Transfer Commands Using SEND/RECEIVE 6.4 Support Processes 7.0 Self-help service via Internet 7.1 Telephone Support for Collection Kits and Library Readers 7.2 Telephone support for BookManager workstation products 7.3 IBM BookManager Host Support 7.4 1.0 BookManager READ/DOS Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with READ/DOS, I just see a shaded box in place of the copyright or the registered trademark. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have your DOS system running in codepage 850. By default U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage to 850 in order to display the characters. You will need to add the following statements to your CONFIG.SYS in order to change your codepage to 850. country=001,850, c:\dos\country.sys mode device codepage prepare=2 850,437 c:\dos\ega.cpi The above is assuming that you have DOS installed in a directory named \DOS. Next you will need to add the following statements to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. nlsfunc chcp 850 Once you reboot, your system will be in codepage 850 and the copyright symbol and the registered trademark symbol should then display correctly. 2. Question: I type SET on my DOS command line and it shows a funny statement following BOOKMGR=C:\READDOS\READDOS.PRO. What does this statement mean: ;C_FILE_INFO---AA Answer: This statement is the temporary environment variable that is used to pass data to BookManager READ/DOS. 3. Question: How many characters or directories can I have on my -bpath statement? Answer: The -bpath statement is limited to 128 characters for listing paths. There is no limit to the number of directories as long as they don't go over the 128 character limit. 4. Question: How do I know what level of READ/DOS I am running? Answer: When starting READ/DOS, look at the left hand corner of the Welcome Screen before pressing Enter. If you do not see anything, then you are at the original ship level of READ/DOS. If you see a (V9112), then you are at the 1991 base level. If you see any date more current than 12/91 (V9112), then you have some fixes applied to the base Read/DOS product. Note that if you number starts with an S (S9112) then you are running the IBM Library Reader product. 5. Question: How do I increase my Environment variable space in DOS? Answer: On the SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P /E:256 statement, change the /E:256 to be higher. The default is 160 and you can set it as high as 32,768. Increase the number on /E: to be higher. 6. Question: How much disk space does READ/DOS need? Answer: READ/DOS needs approximately 1.3 megs of hard disk. 7. Question: What does TP101 error message in READ/DOS mean? Answer: This means that the note file does not match the books structure. In other words, the note cannot find the Topic in the book. So the book was probably rebuilt without the topic the note was against. There is no support at this time for migrating note files to changed books. 8. Question: Will BookManager READ/DOS work if I am using a monochrome monitor? I am getting a P01 error message, this display type is not supported. Answer: Yes. But you need to add the following statement to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. MODE CO80 This statement, added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT, will enable you to display pictures from READ/DOS with a monochrome monitor. Additionally, instead of putting this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, you could issue the statement from the command line before starting READ/DOS. 1.2 Memory Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal Error -700. What does that mean? Answer: An internal error -700 means you are running out of memory. You need to make sure you have approximately 350Kb of conventional memory available to READ/DOS. 2. Question: I have a statement in my CONFIG.SYS that is hanging my READ/DOS. The statement I want to use is DOS=HIGH,UMB but this hangs the system. If I take the UMB off then it works. What should I do? Answer: You need the 12/91 READ/DOS base level and the latest fixes. This will correct the problem. 3. Question: If I am using EMM386.SYS and it is loaded high and I have DOS=HIGH in my CONFIG.SYS, READ/DOS will hang my system. What should I do? Answer: You can do one of two things. You can change DOS=HIGH to be DOS=LOW and this will resolve the problem. Or you can remove your EMM386.SYS statement from your CONFIG.SYS. READ/DOS can not run when both DOS=HIGH and EMM386.SYS is loaded high. 4. Question: How much memory do I need to run READ/DOS? Answer: If you are running the 9/28/90 level of READ/DOS, then you need a minimum of 290Kb. If your BOOKMGR.EXE file is dated later than 9/28/90, then you generally need between 320Kb and 390Kb of memory. The amount you need is based on the size of the book or the size of the bookshelf index file being used. 5. Question: When I am trying to open a bookshelf that lists all of the books on a CD-ROM, I am getting an R05 Internal error 815 and READ/DOS will not start. What does this mean? Answer: The 815 error indicates that you do not have enough memory to open that particular bookshelf and bookshelf index. You should read your CD-ROM booklet to see if there is any note that this particular bookshelf and bookshelf index cannot be used by READ/DOS. Some bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are too large for READ/DOS to accommodate. 1.3 Starting READ/DOS Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I just updated READ/DOS with the CSD from IBM and now I get the message "Cannot read temporary (.SNP) file". What should I do? Answer: Do a DIRectory command in DOS to look for any *.SNP files. If you have an EOXMAIN.SNP file, delete it. For some reason you have one that you do not need. This file is created on the fly when READ/DOS is started. Delete it. 2. Question: I am getting an error message "Ack Overflow, System Failure". This sometimes shows as "internal Stack Overflow, system halted". What should I do? Answer: Please check the date of your BOOKMGR.EXE. You probably do not have the CSD applied. You need to have the BOOKMGR.EXE dated 10/91 or later. 1.4 CD-ROM Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting R05 Internal Error -53 or -55 or -535 or -545. My configuration includes a NEC(**) CD-ROM CDR-73. What does this mean? Answer: You have a set-up problem with your NEC CD-ROM. You need to verify the following: a. Both the internal and external daisy chain port has a terminator plugged into it, thereby terminating the chain. The external is on the outside of the CD-ROM drive and the internal is on the inside of the PC on the SCSI card. The external one is called a Terminating Resistor. b. Then check the Dip Switches on the back of the CD-ROM. DIP Switch 4, which is usually set to 0, should be changed to 1 for "on". DIP Switch 4 is for SCSI data bus parity check. c. The T128 SCSI Host Adapter also has switches that may need to be changed. Switch 6 is for Zero Wait-State Operation. Set this to "on" for AT or faster machines and "off" for XT's. If you still have trouble, call your NEC hardware support for assistance. 2. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal error -53 when I open a bookshelf or do a search. My configuration is a PC with a Chinon(**) CD-ROM player. Answer: You have an incorrect CD-ROM driver for your PC Hardware. Look at the date and size of your CHINON02.SYS file. The only one we know that works is the one dated 12/11/90 and has a file size of 12,530. The other device drivers, that have a file size of 13,278 or that are dated other than 12/11/90, seem to have problems. The CompuAd bulletin board has the correct driver. You can test to see if that is the problem by doing a copy and compare of several books and bookshelf indexes from the CD-ROM drive to your hard disk. They will most likely show compare errors. 3. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal error 536 or -536 when I open a bookshelf. I can press the ESC key and clear the message box. How do I get rid of this message? Answer: You need to apply the latest fixes for READ/DOS. 4. Question: Can you load MSCDEX into high memory? Answer: No. MSCDEX cannot be loaded into high memory. 1.5 LAN Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am setting BookManager up to run on a Novell(**) Network and I cannot get READ/DOS to recognize my full path name when I specify volume. Will READ/DOS work without using redirected drives? Answer: No. You must use a drive letter, i.e. a redirected drive. 2. Question: I have READ/DOS and I am a DOS LAN Requester going to an OS/2(*) LAN Server and the server has a CD-ROM attached. When I try to list the bookshelves, only the first and last shelf will list. What is wrong? Answer: In the DOSLAN.INI file, on the Requester, there is a /NBC: statement that has the number of buffers on it (i.e. 4 for Redirectors and 5 for Receivers). Increase the number by one. So if it says /NBC:4 make it say /NBC:5. This will resolve the problem. 1.6 Printing Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How do I get BookManager to print correctly on my HP Laser Jet(**) printer? It prints, but instead of printing a box, it prints funny characters. Answer: You need to change the HP LaserJet Font to 850. You can change it via the symbol set by changing it to PC-850. If you need help, call the HP Laser Jet Hotline. 2. Question: How can I make READ/DOS print to my HP Laser Jet printer. I keep getting error C10 Printer is off-line or not responding. Answer: Make sure your AUTOEXEC.BAT contains the following: MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P MODE LPT1:=COM1 Test printing with straight DOS. Do a COPY CONFIG.SYS LPT1: This should copy to the LPT1 port (i.e. where it's been redirected). Also try TYPE CONFIG.SYS LPT1: Then make sure that if you have a switch between you and the printer that it is not off. Try to do a copy from within READ/DOS and for the file name enter LPT1: to see if it prints. This is definitely a setup problem. 1.7 Picture Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I cannot display pictures in READ/DOS. The picture starts to display and then flashes back to the text. My configuration is a PC with DOS 5.0 and no mouse. Answer: You need to apply the latest fixes for READ/DOS. 2. Question: How do I get pictures to print with READ/DOS? Answer: READ/DOS does not have a print facility for printing pictures. The only option is if you have GRAPHICS.COM running. This is a DOS file. With this running, you can do a screen print of the picture to have it printed. 3. Question: I am getting the error message "Picture baseline directory failed". What does this mean? Answer: This problem was fixed with the 12/91 READ/DOS CSD that was auto-shipped to all customers of record. If by chance you do not have this level, then you should contact your local IBM Representative and have them assist you in getting a copy of this level of READ/DOS. 1.8 National Language System Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I have a Canadian French book that I cannot see the Table of Contents. What is wrong? Answer: You need to be sure to have your code page set to 850 to be able to display the Table of Contents. From the DOS prompt issue CHCP and see what your setting is set to. Then do a CHCP 850 to change it to 850. For further assistance on switching the codepage, please contact your DOS Support. 1.9 Installing READ/DOS as a Shared Application on a LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Each Requestor must issue the SET BOOKMGR= statement. ° Each Requestor must have the READDOS.PRO file on their hard disk. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -bpath updated to include the paths where the books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are located. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -newnotefiledirectory to be the users C drive. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -temppath updated to be the users C drive. ° It is a good idea to make the Server disk, where READ/DOS is installed, read-only. ° It is a good idea to make the Server disk, where the library of books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are installed, read-only. 1.9.1 Sample Batch File to Start READ/DOS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REM Get access to books: NET USE K:booksdir REM Save current path: SET oldpath=%PATH% REM the variable DRV gets set to the drive with program REM example D: SET path=%DRV%\ C: CD\ If exist READDOS.PRO goto ISPROF REM Install profile on user's workstation if it is not found COPY %DRV%\READDOS.PRO C:\ :ISPROF REM Tell READ/DOS where to look for the profile SET BOOKMGR=C:\READDOS.PRO BOOKMGR *.BKS REM Restore path (so the net command can be found PATH %oldpath% REM Discard temporary variable SET OLDPATH= REM Drop access to books NET USE K: /d 1.9.2 Sample READDOS.PRO File for the LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -p1 -temppath=C:\ -newnotefiledirectory=C:\ * add the k: LAN drive to the -bpath statement -bpath=c:\;c:\books;k:\; 2.0 BookManager READ/2 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with READ/2, I just see a shaded box in place of the copyright or the registered trademark. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have your OS/2 system running in codepage 850. By default U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage to 850 in order to display the characters. You can change your codepage in two ways. a. To change your OS/2 system permanently, you need to modify the CONFIG.SYS statement "codepage=437,850" to be "codepage=850,437". Once you reboot your system your codepage will be set to 850. b. To change your OS/2 system temporarily for the current session, type CHCP 850 at an OS/2 command line. Then start READ/2 in this OS/2 session. In either case, you should now be able to see the copyright or the registered trademark symbols. 2. Question: What is the limit to the number of characters on the READ/2 SET BOOKMGR= statement in CONFIG.SYS? Answer: The limit is 1023 characters. 3. Question: READ/2 cannot find my Courier font. What is it looking for and where? Answer: READ/2 looks on the C drive for the C:\OS2\DLL\COURIER.FON and the C:\OS2\DLL\COURIER.PSF files. The path is hard coded so the fonts must be in those exact subdirectories. If the files are there and you are still having problems, you should contact IBM OS/2 Support for further assistance. This is an OS/2 problem and not a BookManager READ/2 problem. One other thing you might try before calling OS/2 Support is to do a Selective Install and reinstall all of the fonts. At this point the OS2.INI should be correctly updated to indicate that you have the Courier font installed. 4. Question: How much disk space does READ/2 take up? Answer: You need approximately 3 megs of hard disk storage. 5. Question: If I want to write a front end to do a search in READ/2 that searches for several phrases at once, what is the character that Read/2 uses to separate search phrases? Answer: The separator character used is: #define SEPARATOR_CHAR (CHAR) 20 2.2 Printing Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I cannot print from OS/2 1.3 with READ/2 and an HP Laser Jet 3 printer. What is the matter? Answer: You need to look at your CONFIG.SYS file to see the memman= command and make sure that at the very end it has a ,LP added to it. MEM MAN= SWAP, NOSWAP, MOVE, LP You should also be sure that your OS/2 spooler knows that READ/2 wants to use the HP printer as it's default application printer. For more help on HP printers, call the HP Laser Jet Hotline. 2. Question: My printer will not print all of my pictures in READ/2. Why? Answer: Depending on the quality of the printer, you may not be able to print images and text on the same page. You must have a high quality printer to be able to print text and images on the same page. 3. Question: Can READ/2 print to a postscript printer? Answer: Yes. READ/2 sends a straight ASCII file to the PM interface. The PM interface will then call the postscript driver and send the file to the printer. 4. Question: What does Print Error 7 mean? Answer: This means your default printer is not set up correctly in OS/2. The following are some things to possibly check on and try. a. Check to be sure that the printer you have set as your default has LPT1 set as its Output port. Retry printing from READ/2. b. Check to be sure that "Print While Spooling" is selected in the Queue option of the default printer icon. Check to be sure you have spooling "enabled" in the OS/2 System settings. Retry printing from READ/2. c. Try removing the print driver and then reinstalling the print driver. Then retry printing from READ/2. 2.3 Display Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: Is there a problem with scrolling in READ/2 using an XGA monitor? Answer: There is a known problem and the XGA folks have a new device driver that will resolve the problem. 2. Question: I am using the 6091 19-inch display that can show 65 lines. Can READ/2 use this? Answer: Yes. 2.4 Picture Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How can I tell whether a picture is an Image or a Graphic in READ/2? Answer: You can tell by displaying the picture and making an icon out of it. If the icon looks like a scaled down version of the picture, then it is an image. If the icon looks like a mountain/sky landscape, then it is a vector graphic. 2.5 Installing READ/2 as a Shared Application on the LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Each Requestor must have the SET BOOKMGR= statement in their CONFIG.SYS and this statement must point to the books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes. ° Each Requestor's LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS must begin with a ".;" in order to make the DLLs accessible to the requestor. ° The Server's disk, where BookManager is installed, should be read-only. ° The Server's disk, where the books are located, should be read-only. ° Note files will be written to the Requestor's C:\ root directory if the Server's disk where BookManager and the books are located are read-only. 2.5.1 Sample Command File to Start READ/2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REM access books NET USE K:booksdir REM tell READ/2 where to look for books SET BOOKMGR=K:\ REM start READ/2 BOOKMGR /ds REM drop access to books NET USE K: /d EXIT 3.0 BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 and 2.1 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ÚÄÄÄ Note about BUILD/2 1.2.1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ Note: As of December 31, 1995, BUILD/2 1.2.1 is no longer supported. ³ ³ All following information pertains to BUILD/2 2.0 or 2.1 and not to ³ ³ BUILD/2 1.2.1. ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3.1 Features of BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3.1.1 New features since BUILD/2 1.2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following is a list of improvements or enhancements which are included in BUILD/2 Version 2. ° Improved recognition of author's intent by using word processor styles. A new filter component of BUILD/2 accurately maps the elements of your word processor source files and provides true spacings and formatting information to BUILD/2. ° Performance improvements. With style-based processing, BUILD/2 spends less processor cycles trying to identify the author's intent of the word processor document. The analyzing phase of processing source documents is significantly faster. ° Formula Suppoprt Forumlas are imbedded as graphics in the softcopy book only if the word processors support formulas as imbedded graphics. This capability allow forumlas and any accompanying text to display together on the same page (this support is available in BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above). ° Reflow Support All books built with BUILD/2 Version 2 have reflow codes placed into the book structure. This enables BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above, to format text to fit into the defined window. The following text elements are reflowable: - Paragraphs - List items - Definition and Glossary lists - Quotes The following text elements are not reflowable: - Blank lines - Tables - Figures - Example text - Text with boxes around them - Footnotes - Right and center justified text - Pictures and graphics - Special topics (table of contents, index) ° Application Launch A hypertext link called application launch allow authors to define links that start applications. Application launch is supported by BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above. ° Cross-book linking Another type of link allow authors to define links that open other softcopy books. For READ products that support cross book linking (host READ products and BookManager READ products, Version 2 or above), a reader detecting a highlighted link opens another window of the target book and can navigate throughout that book. ° Processing non-standard numbering schemes in headings Three types of numbering schemes for headings are supported by BUILD/2 Version 2. - Author-entered numbering - Word processor automatic numbering - BUILD/2 default numbering Author-entered numbering allows the author to include the heading number directly into the heading text. A heading rule is defined which allows BUILD/2 to filter out this author-entered numbering scheme and apply it to the heading numbering. ° Use of any workstation BookManager READ product You can have BUILD/2 automatically start BookManager READ/2, READ/DOS or Read for Windows at the end of the build to inspect the softcopy book. ° Definition list and Glossary list Support Authors can create definition lists and glossary lists in their word processor document using two column tables. ° Expanded heading Support BUILD/2 Version 2 allow authors to identify the Abstract, Glossary, Preface, Synopsis and Appendix headings. This support allows for easier searching and grouping of vital book elements. ° Auto-document recognition With BUILD/2 Version 2, you no longer have to specify the word processor source file type or rules file type. ° Expanded installation methods You can install BUILD/2 Version 2 using any of the following modes: - CD install - LAN install - Service update install - CID-enabled install ° Expanded graphics support TIFF support is added primarily for FrameMaker graphic support. 3.1.2 Difference between BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Basically BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1 are the exact same product. The only difference is that BUILD/2 2.1 contains all of the fixes for the BUILD/2 2.0 product since it became generally available. The BUILD/2 2.1 product is the new base level of the product. Any future Corrective Service (CSDs) will be based off of the BUILD/2 2.1 level. 3.2 File Input Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: What word processor formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.0? Answer: The following formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.0: ° Microsoft Word(**) for Windows, Version 2.0 and Version 6.0 ° Microsoft Word for DOS, Version 5.0, Version 5.5, and Version 6.0 ° WordPerfect(**) for DOS 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 ° WordPerfect for Windows 5.1, 6.0 and 6.1 ° WordPerfect for OS/2 Version 5.2 ° AmiPro(**) for Windows and OS/2 Version 3.0, Version 3.1 for Windows ° FrameMaker** Version 4.0 (MIF Format only) 2. Question: What additional word processor formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.1? Answer: The following additional formats are supported by BUILD/2 2.1: ° Microsoft Word Version 7.0 ° FrameMaker Version 5.0 (MIF Format only) 3. Question: Can I use FrameMaker 4.0 or 5.0 native or MIF files as input to BUILD/2? Answer: You cannot use the native FrameMaker 4.0 or 5.0 formats. If you are using FrameMaker 4.0 or 5.0, you must save the document in a .MIF format. 4. Question: Can I use a "Master Document" format as input to BUILD/2? Answer: You can use a "Master Document" format with any of the input formats. 5. Question: Can I use my BUILD/2 1.2 Notebooks or Rules files with BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1? Answer: The BUILD/2 1.2 Notebooks are not supported with BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1. The BUILD/2 1.2 Rules files are supported though. When you try to use a BUILD/2 1.2 Rules file, you will be told that the rules file needs to be converted. To convert the BUILD/2 1.2 Rules file, just open the Rules file and then resave it. The Rules file will now be usable by BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1. 3.3 Formatting Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: In my Word Processing document, my tables are indented. However in the built book, the tables are left justified. How can I make my tables be indented? Answer: All tables will be left justified in the built book. Our book format does not support indented tables. However, to give the appearance that your table is indented, you should create a new column at the beginning of the table. This column will not contain any text. Also, you should not have any lines or borders turned on for this column. In the built book, the table will now appear to be indented, but actually there is a blank column there. 2. Question: In my Word Processing document I have indented regular text and text in tables with spaces. In the built book they are no longer indented. How do I indent my text? Answer: For regular text, you should either use tabs or the indent feature available. This will not be removed during the building of the book. For tables however, this is a limitation in this version of the product. Our book format does not allow text to be indented in the table, either by spaces or tabs. 3. Question: Can I have index entries on my heading styles in my WordPerfect documents? Answer: Yes you can. But, the index entries have to be placed after the style off code. If the index entry codes are placed within the style on/style off codes, then the index entry codes are not recognized. 4. Question: How do styles work in the Word Processors with BUILD/2? Answer: If you are familiar with building books on the host and using a tagging language like BookMaster, then styles are similar to different tags. For example, if you define a :h1. for your heading level 1, then when you build the book you will get 1.0 and the text you have indicated. A style works very similar. If you use the style name of "heading 1" around a piece of text, then BUILD/2 would recognize this and create a topic 1.0. BUILD/2 supports the use of paired styles or character styles. Paired styles must be used on document elements such as headings. A character style can be used on document elements such as application launch or cross-book links. Styles can just be blank and contain no formatting codes. Or they can contain formatting information such as bolding, underlining and font control. With the Word Processors, they have 'controls' that let you define a style and then apply it to certain parts of a document. The style names themselves do not appear in the physical body of the document. They are control words that appear around the text. Once you have added styles to your document, you then take the style names that you have and you create a rules file for the book you are building. You can define rules for headings (levels 1-7), examples, alerts, captions, etc. When defining your rules file, if you used a "heading 1" style in your document, then in the Heading 1 tab of the Headings section, you would add the style name of "heading 1". You would not type the quotes and you must have the space. Style names in the rules file are case sensitive and space sensitive. "Heading1" is not the same as "heading 1". Styles help in the formatting and the recognition of different elements within your document. When using a style name, you are explicitly telling the Analyzing Phase how to recognize different parts of your document. 5. Question: Do I have to use styles in my Word Processing documents? Answer: No you do not have to use styles in your Word Proccessing documents. However, it is highly recommended that you do. If you do not use styles for your headings in your documents, then you will end up with one big topic called FRONT. 6. Question: If I have any type of list in my tables, that uses indents or tabs, the indents and tabs are being removed. How can my lists be formatted so that they appear like I want them to? Answer: You need to place the bullet (or list number) into its own column. This can be a small column. Then you place the text of the bullet in another column. This will give the affect of having an indent or a tab. Based on the Word Processor used, you may want to turn off the border or not place a border between these two columns. 7. Question: I have placed a border around my example text and I want there to be blank lines between some of my text lines. How do I get the blanks to appear in the built book? Answer: The blank lines must only contain a hard return. If there are any spaces on that line, they must be removed so that only a hard return is there. Then when you rebuild the book, the blank lines will appear. 8. Question: In my Word 6.0 document, I have placed a border around "example" text. In the built book, the border is there but the right hand side of the border is way past the screen boundary. How do I get the right border to be in closer? Answer This is a current limitation in our product. 9. Question: Are MS Line Draw graphics supported by BUILD/2 2.0 or BUILD/2 2.1? Answer: No they are not. MS Line Draw graphics are considered "Absolute Positioned". The BookManager Book format and the BookManager READ products do not support absolute positioned graphic/text. If you have text and graphics that you want to be included into the built book, you must first create them as one physical entity and then include this graphic into your Word document. 10. Question: In my FrameMaker document I have a paragraph style and a character style with the name of "Example" and this style name is defined in the rules file under the example tag. When I build my book, the text that was part of the character style is now on its own line. Why is this happening? Answer: To resolve this, you must rename the character style name to something else. What is happening is that the character style text is being recognized as example text. Example text must begin on its own line. It cannot be mixed with non-example text. This is why the weird brekage is occurring. 11. Question: In my FrameMaker document I am using the automatic numbering feature to add numbers to my headings. When I build the book I get an extra period. For example, "Chapter 1." appears as "Chapter_1.." in the built book. How do I keep from getting the extra period. Answer: You will need to modify the style definition for the automatic numbering. You should remove the period from the automatic numbering section and then add a blank space from the keyboard. When you rebuild your book, you will no longer get the double periods. 3.4 Graphic Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I have created a graphic with a graphic product (not the word processor). When I build this graphic in the book, the background of the picture is now black. Why is this? Answer: When you created the graphic you most likely did not indicate that you wanted the background to be white. It was most likely defined to be transparent. You need to resave your graphic with a white background and then place it back in your document and rebuild. 2. Question: In my graphic I have added some text to it. After I have built the book, if I look at the graphic with READ/DOS, READ/2, READ/VM or READ/MVS, the text is bigger than what I originally created. How can I get the text to be smaller and fit with the graphic? Answer: There are two options to resolve this. First, you can resave the graphic as an image. This will prevent any text from being converted to another size or font. The Second choice is to "stroke out the text" in your graphic package. Not all graphic packages have this option or they may call it something else. Basically, if you "stroke out the text" you are creating the text as a graphic and not text. 3. Question: I am using both WordPerfect 5.x and 6.x and I have graphics in my document. I created the graphics outside of WordPerfect and have imported them into my document. After I build the document into a book, my pictures are not there. Why not? Answer: You need to verify the settings you have defined in WordPerfect for inclusion of graphics. There are three settings that you can select: a. Windows Metafiles b. WordPerfect Graphics Files c. Windows Metafiles and WordPerfect Graphics files You need to make sure that you have one of the choices with the WordPerfect Graphics format selected as your setting. BUILD/2 will only recognize WordPerfect Graphic format from WordPerfect files. 3.5 Warning Message Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When building a FrameMaker document with native FrameMaker graphics, I receive the message "EZW7023 The file being processed contains unsupported graphics." What does this message mean? Answer: This means that the graphic used in the FrameMaker document will not be incorporated into the built book. Native FrameMaker graphics are considered "Absolute Positioned". This means that text and graphics are absolutely positioned with respect to each other. Our book format and our READ products do not allow this type of graphic/text combination. The graphic and the text must exist as one single entity for it to be processed correctly. 2. Question: When building a book that has tables in it, I sometimes get the message EZW5124 or the message EZW5122. They both indicate that some characters have been truncated from my table cells. I have looked at the tables and do not see any text missing. What does this error message mean then? Answer: What has happened is that you have some extra hard returns (carriage controls) in your table cells. When BUILD/2 encounters these extra characters, they get removed (truncated) from the table cells. When you get these messages, this is all that is happening. If you go back into your source document and remove all of the extra returns, then you should not get these messages when building your book the next time. 3.6 Miscellaneous Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: If I copy a notebook file (.NBK) or a rules file (.RUL) onto a diskette and then place it on another machine, BUILD/2 will not display the file when I do an "open" of a notebook or a rules file. If I then display all of the files the .NBK or the .RUL file is there. Why doesn't it appear when I do the "open"? Answer: Both the BUILD/2 .NBK and the .RUL files have extended attributes with them. When you copy the files to diskette the extended attributes are not copied. You should just get the list of files and then open the .NBK or the .RUL file and then resave it. Once you do this the extended attributes will be added back. When you do the copy of the files to a diskette, make sure that you are in OS/2. If you are in DOS, then the extended attributes will be lost. Under OS/2, they will not be lost. 3.7 Word Processor Guidelines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following items are some additional hints and tips that may be helpful when creating your documents. ° Turn off automatic hyphenation in the word processor. This will allow BUILD/2 to reformat the text as appropriate. ° Microsoft Word 2.0 has a Fast Save option that may result in lost formatting. Turn off the Fast Save option. This is also recommended when using Microsoft Word 6.0. ° When creating list items with bullets, try to use the default bullets provided with the bullet tool of the word processor being used. ° When creating your figure/table captions, do not use any tabs or indents to separate the caption text from the caption number. Use the space bar to separate the caption number from the caption text. ° When creating a style definition for an application launch in your word processor, do not add any codes for bolding. 3.8 BUILD/2 Graphic Guidelines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Note: The following information is additional information about the types of graphics that can be used with BUILD/2 2.0 and BUILD/2 2.1. In general, BUILD/2 can handle any graphic that has been successfully incorporated into your word processor document. Your word processor converts the graphics into one or two data types that are stored in your word processor document. BUILD/2 is then presented with this new version of the graphic rather than the original graphic. The general rule-of-thumb is that if you can see a graphic in your word processor document while you are editing it, then BUILD/2 will be able to incorporate it into your book. There are three exceptions to this rule: 1. Encapsulated PostScript graphics (other than Adobe Illustrator format and those containing 'headers') 2. Composite graphics composed of several separate graphics 3. Composite graphics composed of a combination of graphics and true text. These exceptions are each described more fully: 1. Encapsulated PostScript graphics. Many word processors can accept graphics imported in a PostScript format. These graphics are not, however, converted to a form preferred by the word processor. They remain as PostScript data and can be presented only by a suitable PostScript printer. Usually their presence in the document is indicated on the screen by an empty box the approximate size of the graphic. Like the word processor, BUILD/2 is unable to process graphics in a PostScript format. Fortunately, there are two instances where this exception does not hold: ° Adobe Illustrator. The Adobe Illustrator format is a subset of the PostScript format. Adobe Illustrator data can be processed by BUILd/2 and is printable on a PostScript printer. ° PostScript graphics that contain a TIFF, WMF or PICT header. Many graphics editors that create PostScript files can include a 'snapshot' of the graphic in the TIFF, WMF or PICT format. Because these 'snapshots' are at a low resolution suitable for display on a screen, they can also be displayed by the word processor and processed by BUILD/2. 2. Composite graphics composed of a number of separate graphics. Some authors will juxtapose several graphics, creating a group that appears to be one single graphic. BUILD/2 cannot detect this condition and processes each graphic as a single entity. To prevent BUILD/2 and READ from processing these as individual graphics, authors can simply combine the individual graphics into one single graphic before incorporating it into the document. 3. Composite graphics composed of a combination of graphics and true text. Many word processors contain a graphics editor that authors can use to create graphics to include in their documents. This type of graphic is a single entity that BUILD/2 can process. A small number of editors, such as Word 6.0 and FrameMaker, provide a suite of graphics tools rather than a separate graphics editor. Authors can use these tools to create graphics objects, such as circles and lines, that they can freely intermix with the text of the document. The viewer then groups these entities, including the text, into a single 'graphic'. This situation is similar to that described in Exception 2, with the added complexity of text being mixed with graphics. BUILD/2, however, like many word processors, cannot group these individual objects into a single entity. Therefore, these graphics cannot be readily translated to another word processor format nor can they be accurately processed by BUILD/2. 4.0 BookManager Read for Windows Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting a GPF error when I try to print with Read for Windows. What should I do: Answer: This is a known problem with Read for Windows, APAR PN63941. The circumvention is to use the TrueType Courier New font when printing. To get the fix, contact the Support Center. Additionally, the fixes will be made available via the Internet. 2. Question: What are some of the enhancements for Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: Some of the enhancements are as follows: ° Reflow word wrap support ° Bookshelf performance improvements ° Boolean search (and, or, butnot logic) ° Full font support ° Print Preview and Pretty Print ° Cross book linking ° ICON tool bar ° Accurate bookshelf searches using bookshelf indexes 3. Question: What software is required to run Read for Windows? Answer: You need to run one of the following operating systems: ° Microsoft Windows(**) 3.1 enhanced mode (recommended) ° IBM OS/2 2.11 with WIN-OS/2 4. Question: Can I run Read for Windows 2.0 in the standard mode of Microsoft Windows 3.1? Answer: Yes you can run in Standard mode of Microsoft Windows 3.1. However, it is recommended that you run in Enhanced mode of Microsoft Windows 3.1. 5. Question: What is the recommended hardware in order to run Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: It is recommended that you have a 386 processor with 25MHz or better and a minimum of 8MB of RAM. 6. Question: Can I install Read for Windows 2.0 on a 286 machine? Answer: No you cannot install Read for Windows 2.0 on a 286 machine. You need at least a 386 machine in order to install Read for Windows 2.0. 7. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with Read for Windows, I just see an underscore or no character at all in place of the copyright or the registered trademark symbol. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have both your DOS and your Windows system running in codepage 850. By default, U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage in DOS and your codepage setting in Windows to be 850 in order to display the characters. To change your DOS codepage to 850: ° You need to add the following statements to your CONFIG.SYS. The statements assume that DOS is installed in a directory called \DOS. country=001,850, c:\dos\country.sys mode device codepage prepare=2 850,437 c:\dos\ega.cpi ° You will need to add the following statements to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. nlsfunc chcp 850 To change your Windows settings: ° Go to a DOS prompt and change to the directory and drive where Windows is installed. ° Type setup ° Press C to continue to the next page ° Use the arrow key to go up to the line that says code page ° Press Enter and select the "Multi-lingual (850) code page" ° Save and exit the windows setup At this point you should reboot your system so that all of the changes will go into affect. Once you have rebooted, you can go into Windows and Read for Windows and you should see the copyright symbol and the registered trademark symbol. If you get the error EJRBK066 you most likely do not have your code pages set up correctly. 8. Question: Are notes from my current READ 1.2 product compatible with Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: Notes from any of the READ 1.2 products are upwardly compatible with Read for Windows 2.0. 9. Question: Can I use notes from Read for Windows 2.0 with my other BookManager READ 1.2 products? Answer: You can use your Read for Windows 2.0 notes with the other 1.2 READ products, but there are some compatibility issues. The 1.2 READ products notes have a 72 character line limit where as the Read for Windows 2.0 notes have word wrapping capability. 10. Question: What is the maximum number of phrases or characters that I can have as a search request in Read for Windows 2.0? Answer: You can have up to 50 phrases or up to 254 characters. 11. Question: Some of my books do not reflow and some books do? Why don't they all reflow? Answer: Only books that have been built with BUILD/VM 1.3 or BUILD/MVS 1.3 can have text that reflows. To determine if the book you are reading is built with one of the 1.3 products, you need to do a describe of the book. This is under the File action item. If the field "Version of BUILD:" says 1.2.0, then the book was built by either BUILD/VM 1.2, BUILD/MVS 1.2 or BUILD/2 1.2. These books do not have the reflow capability. 12. Question: When I reflow the text in my book, not all of the text reflows. Shouldn't all text reflow in the book? Answer: Not all text in the book is capable of being reflowed. Text that is a table, an example, a figure, right-justified, tabbed or in columnar format does not reflow. There are also certain topics in the book that do not reflow, for example the table of contents and the index. 13. Question: Can I use the UNC convention for specifying my paths and directories when starting Read for Windows? Answer: The UNC convention is not valid when starting Read for Windows. You must use the physical drive letters and directories. Otherwise you will get a message back stating that the file is not a valid book or bookshelf. 14. Question: I am receiving Message EPFIE197: Cannot unpack MFC250.DLL when I am trying to install Read for Windows. After this message, installation stops. What does this error mean and how can I install Read for Windows? Answer: This error occurs when the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory is READ ONLY. The installation is trying to put the MFC250.DLL file into the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and it cannot. To resolve this, the file EJRIRENU.PKG, which is on the first diskette, needs to be modified. Around line 308 the PWS line needs to be changed to point to the \WINDOWS directory instead of the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. The following shows what is currently in the file and what changes need to be made: ----------------- WAS ----------------- * Copy the MFC250.DLL to the user's SYSTEM subdirectory FILE WHEN = 'OUTOFDATE', DATE = '931123', TIME = '1601', PWS = '%EJRISYSTEMDIR%/MFC250.DLL', SOURCE = 'DRIVE:MFC250.DL_', VOLUME = 'EJRENU01', PWSPATH = 'PWSFILE', UNPACK = 'YES' ----------------- SHOULD BE ------------------ * Copy the MFC250.DLL to the user's SYSTEM subdirectory FILE WHEN = 'OUTOFDATE', DATE = '931123', TIME = '1601', PWS = 'x:/WINDOWS/MFC250.DLL', SOURCE = 'DRIVE:MFC250.DL_', VOLUME = 'EJRENU01', PWSPATH = 'PWSFILE', UNPACK = 'YES' The x:/WINDOWS/MFC250.DLL statement is saying to use the X:\ drive and the directory \WINDOWS as the place to put the file MFC250.DLL. You should change the drive letter as appropriate. Make sure you do not have an antivirus program running and that you are installing from a Windows desktop. 15. Question: I am using the Norton Desktop(**) and when I try to install Read for Windows, after about 10 seconds of unloading the files, the installation just hangs. Can I use the Norton Desktop when installing Read for Windows? Answer This is a known problem with the Software Installer that is used for the Read for Windows installation. At this time, you cannot be using the Norton Desktop when you try to install Read for Windows. You should switch out of the Norton Desktop and back to the regular Windows desktop. The installation should work then. 5.0 BookManager Read/6000 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How can I invoke BookManager and default to come up with a detailed view of my bookshelves? Answer: Using the command... Bookmgr -s "*" -dt will give you the detailed view of the shelves. For more options key in Bookmgr ? at the command line. 2. Question: I am getting a License Demon core dump when installing Read/6000 What should I do? Answer: You need the latest Read/6000 fixes. Call Service 1-800-237-5511 and ask for the latest level of BookManager Read/6000 fixes. 3. Question: When running Read/6000 with Motif(**) 1.1.4 or Motif 1.2, the pull downs do not work correctly. What should I do? Answer: When you install Motif 1.2, the files for Motif 1.1.4 will not be removed, and will remain available (although some will be relocated). This was done because some applications developed using Motif 1.1.4 may have noticeably different behavior or appearance when they are run using the Motif 1.2 shared libraries. Although Motif 1.2 is meant to be binary compatible with Motif 1.1.4, some of the widgets have had specification changes in Motif 1.2. See /usr/lpp/X11/README.MOTIF for a list of some of these changes. If you have problems running an existing Motif application using the Motif 1.2 shared libraries, we have provided the following options for accessing the Motif 1.1.4 shared libraries: - Set LIBPATH Use this option if you only have one or two applications that are not running well with the Motif 1.2 libraries. Before running your application, set the environment variable LIBPATH to the value /usr/lpp/X11/lib/R5:/usr/lpp/X11/lib:/lib:/usr/lib: and export it. This will cause all applications in the current shell to use the Motif 1.1.4 shared libraries. - Change symbolic links to point to Motif 1.1. Use this option if you frequently run applications that do not run Use this option if you frequently run applications that do not run well with the Motif 1.2 libraries, or if you need to access the Motif 1.1.4 libraries and header files to develop Motif 1.1.4 applications. Run the following shell scripts as root: /usr/lpp/X11rte/set_symlinks.Motif1.1. /usr/lpp/X11dev/set_symlinks.Motif1.1. These will change symbolic links to the Motif shared libraries and include-file directories. There are a corresponding pair of shell scripts to point the symlinks back to the Motif 1.2 files. 4. Question: I am getting an error EDLAMRI not found. License server cannot be loaded. What do I do? Answer: You need to add a line to your RC file, just before the line with EDLALIC. The line you should add is... export PATH=/usrlpp/bookmgr/bin:%PATH% 6.0 File Transfer Between PC and Host =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6.1 General Notes About Transferring =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BKSHELF and NOTE files are text files and must go through a translate table during the file transfer. BOOK and BKINDEX files are binary and compressed files and must not be modified during the transfer. 6.2 Uploading From a PC to VM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OBJECT TRANSLATION RECFM/LRECL .BOO to BOOK binary FIXED/4096 .BKI to BKINDEX binary FIXED/4096 .BKS to BKSHELF ASCII to EBCDIC VARIABLE 6.3 Uploading From a PC to MVS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OBJECT TRANSLATION RECFM/LRECL .BOO to BOOK binary F or FB/4096 .BKI to BKINDEX binary F or FB/4096 .BKS to BKSHELF ASCII to EBCDIC VARIABLE Note: After uploading a bookshelf to MVS, the location of the books and the bookshelf search index needs to be added to the bookshelf via the READ/MVS "Add data set names" function. 6.4 Sample File Transfer Commands Using SEND/RECEIVE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To upload .BOO or .BKI files from the PC to a VM Host: SEND c:\filename.boo a:filename book a (RECFM F LRECL 4096 BLKSIZE 409 Note: Do not use CRLF on Binary files To download BOOK or BKINDEX files from a VM Host to the PC: RECEIVE c:\filename.boo a:filename book a Note: RECEIVE defaults to BINARY. For BKSHELF or Notefiles, you would specify the parameter (ASCII during the download and (ASCII CRLF during the upload. To upload a .BOO or .BKI file from the PC to a MVS Host: SEND c:\filename.boo a:'hlq.filename.book' RECFM(F) LRECL(4096) To download a BOOK or a BKINDEX from a MVS Host to the PC: RECEIVE c:\filename.boo a:'hlq.filename.book' Note: RECEIVE defaults to BINARY. 7.0 Support Processes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following topics explain how External Customers and Internal IBM Customers can receive support for BookManager and IBM Library Reader products. There are fours sections. Self-help service via Internet, Telephone support for Collection Kits and Library Readers, BookManager Workstation products telephone support, and BookManager VM & MVS host products telephone support. 7.1 Self-help service via Internet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Many of the BookManager and Library Reader products have fixes and FAQs (hints) available via FTP and the Web. ° FTP to ps.software.ibm.com and login as anonymous with your internet address as the password ° Or visit us on the Web: http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com and look for the service and support icon. Our FTP site has the latest Library Readers for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. All are at the most current service level. You can download and install a Library Reader and know that you have all maintenance that's generally available. The files you need on the FTP server are in the following directory path: /ps/product/bookmanager. See the README for our file naming conventions and directory structure. ° Library Reader for DOS ° Library Reader for OS/2 ° Library Reader for Windows We also have fixes for many of our Workstation products available from this ftp site. ° Build/2 2.0 & 2.1 (fixes only) ° Build SGML (fixes only) ° Index/2 Utility with all fixes included Other BookManager workstation products such as Read/DOS, Read/2, Read for Windows, Read/6000, and BookServer do not offer self-help service via this FTP server. If you need fixes for one of these, and you have ftp access, you can fax your request to 1-800-426-8602. Include the full name of the BookManager product you have installed and it's service level. (see the Help/About panel in BookManager to get this information). Also include your name, internet address and phone number in case we need to contact you. If you do not have ftp access, open a problem report up with the BookManager service team using the telephone procedures outlined in the following section. 7.2 Telephone Support for Collection Kits and Library Readers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The products covered under this process include: ° IBM Library Reader/DOS 1.2 ° IBM Library Reader/2 1.2.1 ° IBM Library Reader for Windows 2.0 To get telephone assistance for IBM Library Readers: 1. Call 1-800-237-5511, press 0 to speak with a representative 2. They will ask for your Customer number. If you do not have a customer number, you can use BOOKMGR as your generic customer number or access key. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Say "My product id is 5648-032-00". Do not answer the operating system question, and if they say hold on while they transfer you to Socrates for the PS Support family entitlement, STOP THEM! Explain that you want to use the product id 5648-032-00 and you do not want to be transferred to Socrates. 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to SCKIT at location 118. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within two business hours. 7. The IBM Library Reader support team will call you back and assist with your IBM Library Reader and/or Collection Kit questions. 7.3 Telephone support for BookManager workstation products =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As of 5/31/96 all BookManager service for workstation products is available for a fee. If you have a Customer number, you should call 1-800-992-4777 to open a problem record. If you do not have a Customer number, you should call 1-512-339-5000. The products covered under this process include: ° IBM BookManager READ/DOS 1.2 ° IBM BookManager READ/2 1.2.1 ° IBM BookManager Read for Windows 2.0 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 & 2.1 ° IBM BookManager BUILD SGML 2.0 & 2.1 ° IBM BookManager Read/6000 1.2 ° BookManager BookServer for OS/2 2.0 & 2.1 ° BookManager BookServer for AIX 2.0 & 2.1 ° Index Utility for OS/2 2.0 & 2.1 The 60 day free service is no longer available. We offer self-help service via the Internet. See the Self-help service via the Internet section for more details. 7.4 IBM BookManager Host Support =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Host support is a FREE Service, covering both "defect" and "how to" questions. The products covered under this process include: ° IBM BookManager READ/VM 1.3 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/VM 1.3 ° IBM BookManager READ/MVS 1.3 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/MVS 1.3 To open a problem record for one of the BookManager Host products listed above: 1. Call 1-800-237-5511 2. They will ask for your Customer number. If you do not have a customer number, you can use BOOKMGR as your generic customer number. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Answer with the BookManager product you are using... IBM BookManager READ/VM 1.3 IBM BookManager BUILD/VM 1.3 IBM BookManager READ/MVS 1.3 IBM BookManager BUILD/MVS 1.3 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to BKMGR at location 144. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within the hour. 7. The BookManager VM/MVS Support Team will call you back and assist with your BookManager questions.