7.0 Support Processes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following topics explain how External Customers and Internal IBM Customers can receive support for BookManager and IBM Library Reader products. There are fours sections. Self-help service via Internet, Telephone support for Collection Kits and Library Readers, BookManager Workstation products telephone support, and BookManager VM & MVS host products telephone support. 7.1 Self-help service via Internet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Many of the BookManager and Library Reader products have fixes and FAQs (hints) available via FTP and the Web. ° FTP to ps.software.ibm.com and login as anonymous with your internet address as the password ° Or visit us on the Web: http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com and look for the service and support icon. Our FTP site has the latest Library Readers for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. All are at the most current service level. You can download and install a Library Reader and know that you have all maintenance that's generally available. The files you need on the FTP server are in the following directory path: /ps/product/bookmanager. See the README for our file naming conventions and directory structure. ° Library Reader for DOS ° Library Reader for OS/2 ° Library Reader for Windows We also have fixes for many of our Workstation products available from this ftp site. ° Build/2 2.0 & 2.1 (fixes only) ° Build SGML (fixes only) ° Index/2 Utility with all fixes included Other BookManager workstation products such as Read/DOS, Read/2, Read for Windows, Read/6000, and BookServer do not offer self-help service via this FTP server. If you need fixes for one of these, and you have ftp access, you can fax your request to 1-800-426-8602. Include the full name of the BookManager product you have installed and it's service level. (see the Help/About panel in BookManager to get this information). Also include your name, internet address and phone number in case we need to contact you. If you do not have ftp access, open a problem report up with the BookManager service team using the telephone procedures outlined in the following section. 7.2 Telephone Support for Collection Kits and Library Readers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The products covered under this process include: ° IBM Library Reader/DOS 1.2 ° IBM Library Reader/2 1.2.1 ° IBM Library Reader for Windows 2.0 To get telephone assistance for IBM Library Readers: 1. Call 1-800-237-5511, press 0 to speak with a representative 2. They will ask for your Customer number. If you do not have a customer number, you can use BOOKMGR as your generic customer number or access key. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Say "My product id is 5648-032-00". Do not answer the operating system question, and if they say hold on while they transfer you to Socrates for the PS Support family entitlement, STOP THEM! Explain that you want to use the product id 5648-032-00 and you do not want to be transferred to Socrates. 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to SCKIT at location 118. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within two business hours. 7. The IBM Library Reader support team will call you back and assist with your IBM Library Reader and/or Collection Kit questions. 7.3 Telephone support for BookManager workstation products =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As of 5/31/96 all BookManager service for workstation products is available for a fee. If you have a Customer number, you should call 1-800-992-4777 to open a problem record. If you do not have a Customer number, you should call 1-512-339-5000. The products covered under this process include: ° IBM BookManager READ/DOS 1.2 ° IBM BookManager READ/2 1.2.1 ° IBM BookManager Read for Windows 2.0 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/2 2.0 & 2.1 ° IBM BookManager BUILD SGML 2.0 & 2.1 ° IBM BookManager Read/6000 1.2 ° BookManager BookServer for OS/2 2.0 & 2.1 ° BookManager BookServer for AIX 2.0 & 2.1 ° Index Utility for OS/2 2.0 & 2.1 The 60 day free service is no longer available. We offer self-help service via the Internet. See the Self-help service via the Internet section for more details. 7.4 IBM BookManager Host Support =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Host support is a FREE Service, covering both "defect" and "how to" questions. The products covered under this process include: ° IBM BookManager READ/VM 1.3 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/VM 1.3 ° IBM BookManager READ/MVS 1.3 ° IBM BookManager BUILD/MVS 1.3 To open a problem record for one of the BookManager Host products listed above: 1. Call 1-800-237-5511 2. They will ask for your Customer number. If you do not have a customer number, you can use BOOKMGR as your generic customer number. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Answer with the BookManager product you are using... IBM BookManager READ/VM 1.3 IBM BookManager BUILD/VM 1.3 IBM BookManager READ/MVS 1.3 IBM BookManager BUILD/MVS 1.3 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to BKMGR at location 144. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within the hour. 7. The BookManager VM/MVS Support Team will call you back and assist with your BookManager questions.