2.0 BookManager READ/2 Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with READ/2, I just see a shaded box in place of the copyright or the registered trademark. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have your OS/2 system running in codepage 850. By default U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage to 850 in order to display the characters. You can change your codepage in two ways. a. To change your OS/2 system permanently, you need to modify the CONFIG.SYS statement "codepage=437,850" to be "codepage=850,437". Once you reboot your system your codepage will be set to 850. b. To change your OS/2 system temporarily for the current session, type CHCP 850 at an OS/2 command line. Then start READ/2 in this OS/2 session. In either case, you should now be able to see the copyright or the registered trademark symbols. 2. Question: What is the limit to the number of characters on the READ/2 SET BOOKMGR= statement in CONFIG.SYS? Answer: The limit is 1023 characters. 3. Question: READ/2 cannot find my Courier font. What is it looking for and where? Answer: READ/2 looks on the C drive for the C:\OS2\DLL\COURIER.FON and the C:\OS2\DLL\COURIER.PSF files. The path is hard coded so the fonts must be in those exact subdirectories. If the files are there and you are still having problems, you should contact IBM OS/2 Support for further assistance. This is an OS/2 problem and not a BookManager READ/2 problem. One other thing you might try before calling OS/2 Support is to do a Selective Install and reinstall all of the fonts. At this point the OS2.INI should be correctly updated to indicate that you have the Courier font installed. 4. Question: How much disk space does READ/2 take up? Answer: You need approximately 3 megs of hard disk storage. 5. Question: If I want to write a front end to do a search in READ/2 that searches for several phrases at once, what is the character that Read/2 uses to separate search phrases? Answer: The separator character used is: #define SEPARATOR_CHAR (CHAR) 20 2.2 Printing Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I cannot print from OS/2 1.3 with READ/2 and an HP Laser Jet 3 printer. What is the matter? Answer: You need to look at your CONFIG.SYS file to see the memman= command and make sure that at the very end it has a ,LP added to it. MEM MAN= SWAP, NOSWAP, MOVE, LP You should also be sure that your OS/2 spooler knows that READ/2 wants to use the HP printer as it's default application printer. For more help on HP printers, call the HP Laser Jet Hotline. 2. Question: My printer will not print all of my pictures in READ/2. Why? Answer: Depending on the quality of the printer, you may not be able to print images and text on the same page. You must have a high quality printer to be able to print text and images on the same page. 3. Question: Can READ/2 print to a postscript printer? Answer: Yes. READ/2 sends a straight ASCII file to the PM interface. The PM interface will then call the postscript driver and send the file to the printer. 4. Question: What does Print Error 7 mean? Answer: This means your default printer is not set up correctly in OS/2. The following are some things to possibly check on and try. a. Check to be sure that the printer you have set as your default has LPT1 set as its Output port. Retry printing from READ/2. b. Check to be sure that "Print While Spooling" is selected in the Queue option of the default printer icon. Check to be sure you have spooling "enabled" in the OS/2 System settings. Retry printing from READ/2. c. Try removing the print driver and then reinstalling the print driver. Then retry printing from READ/2. 2.3 Display Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: Is there a problem with scrolling in READ/2 using an XGA monitor? Answer: There is a known problem and the XGA folks have a new device driver that will resolve the problem. 2. Question: I am using the 6091 19-inch display that can show 65 lines. Can READ/2 use this? Answer: Yes. 2.4 Picture Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How can I tell whether a picture is an Image or a Graphic in READ/2? Answer: You can tell by displaying the picture and making an icon out of it. If the icon looks like a scaled down version of the picture, then it is an image. If the icon looks like a mountain/sky landscape, then it is a vector graphic. 2.5 Installing READ/2 as a Shared Application on the LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Each Requestor must have the SET BOOKMGR= statement in their CONFIG.SYS and this statement must point to the books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes. ° Each Requestor's LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS must begin with a ".;" in order to make the DLLs accessible to the requestor. ° The Server's disk, where BookManager is installed, should be read-only. ° The Server's disk, where the books are located, should be read-only. ° Note files will be written to the Requestor's C:\ root directory if the Server's disk where BookManager and the books are located are read-only. 2.5.1 Sample Command File to Start READ/2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REM access books NET USE K:booksdir REM tell READ/2 where to look for books SET BOOKMGR=K:\ REM start READ/2 BOOKMGR /ds REM drop access to books NET USE K: /d EXIT