6.0 File Transfer Between PC and Host =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6.1 General Notes About Transferring =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BKSHELF and NOTE files are text files and must go through a translate table during the file transfer. BOOK and BKINDEX files are binary and compressed files and must not be modified during the transfer. 6.2 Uploading From a PC to VM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OBJECT TRANSLATION RECFM/LRECL .BOO to BOOK binary FIXED/4096 .BKI to BKINDEX binary FIXED/4096 .BKS to BKSHELF ASCII to EBCDIC VARIABLE 6.3 Uploading From a PC to MVS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OBJECT TRANSLATION RECFM/LRECL .BOO to BOOK binary F or FB/4096 .BKI to BKINDEX binary F or FB/4096 .BKS to BKSHELF ASCII to EBCDIC VARIABLE Note: After uploading a bookshelf to MVS, the location of the books and the bookshelf search index needs to be added to the bookshelf via the READ/MVS "Add data set names" function. 6.4 Sample File Transfer Commands Using SEND/RECEIVE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To upload .BOO or .BKI files from the PC to a VM Host: SEND c:\filename.boo a:filename book a (RECFM F LRECL 4096 BLKSIZE 409 Note: Do not use CRLF on Binary files To download BOOK or BKINDEX files from a VM Host to the PC: RECEIVE c:\filename.boo a:filename book a Note: RECEIVE defaults to BINARY. For BKSHELF or Notefiles, you would specify the parameter (ASCII during the download and (ASCII CRLF during the upload. To upload a .BOO or .BKI file from the PC to a MVS Host: SEND c:\filename.boo a:'hlq.filename.book' RECFM(F) LRECL(4096) To download a BOOK or a BKINDEX from a MVS Host to the PC: RECEIVE c:\filename.boo a:'hlq.filename.book' Note: RECEIVE defaults to BINARY.