1.0 BookManager READ/DOS Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.1 General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: When I created my book, I had the copyright and the registered trademark symbol included. When I look at the book with READ/DOS, I just see a shaded box in place of the copyright or the registered trademark. How do I get these characters to display? Answer: The reason the characters are most likely not displaying is because you need to have your DOS system running in codepage 850. By default U.S. English users have codepage 437 as the default. You will need to change your codepage to 850 in order to display the characters. You will need to add the following statements to your CONFIG.SYS in order to change your codepage to 850. country=001,850, c:\dos\country.sys mode device codepage prepare=2 850,437 c:\dos\ega.cpi The above is assuming that you have DOS installed in a directory named \DOS. Next you will need to add the following statements to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. nlsfunc chcp 850 Once you reboot, your system will be in codepage 850 and the copyright symbol and the registered trademark symbol should then display correctly. 2. Question: I type SET on my DOS command line and it shows a funny statement following BOOKMGR=C:\READDOS\READDOS.PRO. What does this statement mean: ;C_FILE_INFO---AA Answer: This statement is the temporary environment variable that is used to pass data to BookManager READ/DOS. 3. Question: How many characters or directories can I have on my -bpath statement? Answer: The -bpath statement is limited to 128 characters for listing paths. There is no limit to the number of directories as long as they don't go over the 128 character limit. 4. Question: How do I know what level of READ/DOS I am running? Answer: When starting READ/DOS, look at the left hand corner of the Welcome Screen before pressing Enter. If you do not see anything, then you are at the original ship level of READ/DOS. If you see a (V9112), then you are at the 1991 base level. If you see any date more current than 12/91 (V9112), then you have some fixes applied to the base Read/DOS product. Note that if you number starts with an S (S9112) then you are running the IBM Library Reader product. 5. Question: How do I increase my Environment variable space in DOS? Answer: On the SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P /E:256 statement, change the /E:256 to be higher. The default is 160 and you can set it as high as 32,768. Increase the number on /E: to be higher. 6. Question: How much disk space does READ/DOS need? Answer: READ/DOS needs approximately 1.3 megs of hard disk. 7. Question: What does TP101 error message in READ/DOS mean? Answer: This means that the note file does not match the books structure. In other words, the note cannot find the Topic in the book. So the book was probably rebuilt without the topic the note was against. There is no support at this time for migrating note files to changed books. 8. Question: Will BookManager READ/DOS work if I am using a monochrome monitor? I am getting a P01 error message, this display type is not supported. Answer: Yes. But you need to add the following statement to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. MODE CO80 This statement, added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT, will enable you to display pictures from READ/DOS with a monochrome monitor. Additionally, instead of putting this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, you could issue the statement from the command line before starting READ/DOS. 1.2 Memory Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal Error -700. What does that mean? Answer: An internal error -700 means you are running out of memory. You need to make sure you have approximately 350Kb of conventional memory available to READ/DOS. 2. Question: I have a statement in my CONFIG.SYS that is hanging my READ/DOS. The statement I want to use is DOS=HIGH,UMB but this hangs the system. If I take the UMB off then it works. What should I do? Answer: You need the 12/91 READ/DOS base level and the latest fixes. This will correct the problem. 3. Question: If I am using EMM386.SYS and it is loaded high and I have DOS=HIGH in my CONFIG.SYS, READ/DOS will hang my system. What should I do? Answer: You can do one of two things. You can change DOS=HIGH to be DOS=LOW and this will resolve the problem. Or you can remove your EMM386.SYS statement from your CONFIG.SYS. READ/DOS can not run when both DOS=HIGH and EMM386.SYS is loaded high. 4. Question: How much memory do I need to run READ/DOS? Answer: If you are running the 9/28/90 level of READ/DOS, then you need a minimum of 290Kb. If your BOOKMGR.EXE file is dated later than 9/28/90, then you generally need between 320Kb and 390Kb of memory. The amount you need is based on the size of the book or the size of the bookshelf index file being used. 5. Question: When I am trying to open a bookshelf that lists all of the books on a CD-ROM, I am getting an R05 Internal error 815 and READ/DOS will not start. What does this mean? Answer: The 815 error indicates that you do not have enough memory to open that particular bookshelf and bookshelf index. You should read your CD-ROM booklet to see if there is any note that this particular bookshelf and bookshelf index cannot be used by READ/DOS. Some bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are too large for READ/DOS to accommodate. 1.3 Starting READ/DOS Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I just updated READ/DOS with the CSD from IBM and now I get the message "Cannot read temporary (.SNP) file". What should I do? Answer: Do a DIRectory command in DOS to look for any *.SNP files. If you have an EOXMAIN.SNP file, delete it. For some reason you have one that you do not need. This file is created on the fly when READ/DOS is started. Delete it. 2. Question: I am getting an error message "Ack Overflow, System Failure". This sometimes shows as "internal Stack Overflow, system halted". What should I do? Answer: Please check the date of your BOOKMGR.EXE. You probably do not have the CSD applied. You need to have the BOOKMGR.EXE dated 10/91 or later. 1.4 CD-ROM Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am getting R05 Internal Error -53 or -55 or -535 or -545. My configuration includes a NEC(**) CD-ROM CDR-73. What does this mean? Answer: You have a set-up problem with your NEC CD-ROM. You need to verify the following: a. Both the internal and external daisy chain port has a terminator plugged into it, thereby terminating the chain. The external is on the outside of the CD-ROM drive and the internal is on the inside of the PC on the SCSI card. The external one is called a Terminating Resistor. b. Then check the Dip Switches on the back of the CD-ROM. DIP Switch 4, which is usually set to 0, should be changed to 1 for "on". DIP Switch 4 is for SCSI data bus parity check. c. The T128 SCSI Host Adapter also has switches that may need to be changed. Switch 6 is for Zero Wait-State Operation. Set this to "on" for AT or faster machines and "off" for XT's. If you still have trouble, call your NEC hardware support for assistance. 2. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal error -53 when I open a bookshelf or do a search. My configuration is a PC with a Chinon(**) CD-ROM player. Answer: You have an incorrect CD-ROM driver for your PC Hardware. Look at the date and size of your CHINON02.SYS file. The only one we know that works is the one dated 12/11/90 and has a file size of 12,530. The other device drivers, that have a file size of 13,278 or that are dated other than 12/11/90, seem to have problems. The CompuAd bulletin board has the correct driver. You can test to see if that is the problem by doing a copy and compare of several books and bookshelf indexes from the CD-ROM drive to your hard disk. They will most likely show compare errors. 3. Question: I am getting an R05 Internal error 536 or -536 when I open a bookshelf. I can press the ESC key and clear the message box. How do I get rid of this message? Answer: You need to apply the latest fixes for READ/DOS. 4. Question: Can you load MSCDEX into high memory? Answer: No. MSCDEX cannot be loaded into high memory. 1.5 LAN Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I am setting BookManager up to run on a Novell(**) Network and I cannot get READ/DOS to recognize my full path name when I specify volume. Will READ/DOS work without using redirected drives? Answer: No. You must use a drive letter, i.e. a redirected drive. 2. Question: I have READ/DOS and I am a DOS LAN Requester going to an OS/2(*) LAN Server and the server has a CD-ROM attached. When I try to list the bookshelves, only the first and last shelf will list. What is wrong? Answer: In the DOSLAN.INI file, on the Requester, there is a /NBC: statement that has the number of buffers on it (i.e. 4 for Redirectors and 5 for Receivers). Increase the number by one. So if it says /NBC:4 make it say /NBC:5. This will resolve the problem. 1.6 Printing Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: How do I get BookManager to print correctly on my HP Laser Jet(**) printer? It prints, but instead of printing a box, it prints funny characters. Answer: You need to change the HP LaserJet Font to 850. You can change it via the symbol set by changing it to PC-850. If you need help, call the HP Laser Jet Hotline. 2. Question: How can I make READ/DOS print to my HP Laser Jet printer. I keep getting error C10 Printer is off-line or not responding. Answer: Make sure your AUTOEXEC.BAT contains the following: MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P MODE LPT1:=COM1 Test printing with straight DOS. Do a COPY CONFIG.SYS LPT1: This should copy to the LPT1 port (i.e. where it's been redirected). Also try TYPE CONFIG.SYS LPT1: Then make sure that if you have a switch between you and the printer that it is not off. Try to do a copy from within READ/DOS and for the file name enter LPT1: to see if it prints. This is definitely a setup problem. 1.7 Picture Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I cannot display pictures in READ/DOS. The picture starts to display and then flashes back to the text. My configuration is a PC with DOS 5.0 and no mouse. Answer: You need to apply the latest fixes for READ/DOS. 2. Question: How do I get pictures to print with READ/DOS? Answer: READ/DOS does not have a print facility for printing pictures. The only option is if you have GRAPHICS.COM running. This is a DOS file. With this running, you can do a screen print of the picture to have it printed. 3. Question: I am getting the error message "Picture baseline directory failed". What does this mean? Answer: This problem was fixed with the 12/91 READ/DOS CSD that was auto-shipped to all customers of record. If by chance you do not have this level, then you should contact your local IBM Representative and have them assist you in getting a copy of this level of READ/DOS. 1.8 National Language System Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Question: I have a Canadian French book that I cannot see the Table of Contents. What is wrong? Answer: You need to be sure to have your code page set to 850 to be able to display the Table of Contents. From the DOS prompt issue CHCP and see what your setting is set to. Then do a CHCP 850 to change it to 850. For further assistance on switching the codepage, please contact your DOS Support. 1.9 Installing READ/DOS as a Shared Application on a LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Each Requestor must issue the SET BOOKMGR= statement. ° Each Requestor must have the READDOS.PRO file on their hard disk. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -bpath updated to include the paths where the books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are located. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -newnotefiledirectory to be the users C drive. ° The READDOS.PRO file needs the -temppath updated to be the users C drive. ° It is a good idea to make the Server disk, where READ/DOS is installed, read-only. ° It is a good idea to make the Server disk, where the library of books, bookshelves and bookshelf indexes are installed, read-only. 1.9.1 Sample Batch File to Start READ/DOS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REM Get access to books: NET USE K:booksdir REM Save current path: SET oldpath=%PATH% REM the variable DRV gets set to the drive with program REM example D: SET path=%DRV%\ C: CD\ If exist READDOS.PRO goto ISPROF REM Install profile on user's workstation if it is not found COPY %DRV%\READDOS.PRO C:\ :ISPROF REM Tell READ/DOS where to look for the profile SET BOOKMGR=C:\READDOS.PRO BOOKMGR *.BKS REM Restore path (so the net command can be found PATH %oldpath% REM Discard temporary variable SET OLDPATH= REM Drop access to books NET USE K: /d 1.9.2 Sample READDOS.PRO File for the LAN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -p1 -temppath=C:\ -newnotefiledirectory=C:\ * add the k: LAN drive to the -bpath statement -bpath=c:\;c:\books;k:\;