Welcome to the README.TXT file for The VisualAge Java Enterprise V1.0 Screencam Demo & Tutorial System For your information: This collection of screencam demos and tutorials will grow over time. For the latest list of VAJava screencams available, visit www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava. Useage Notes: To use the VisualAge Java Screencams: - Download from www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava the Base VisualAge Java Enterprise V1.0 Screencam Demo & Tutorial System - Make a NEW sub-directory of your choice and place the VAJSCAMS.EXE in that Directory - Extract the files by typing VAJSCAMS.EXE - Run the demo & tutorial system by typing "demont.bat" or "demo95.bat" based on your system type - Download additional screencams from www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava as needed - All you need to do is download and extract additional screencams into the SAME directory as the Base VAJava Screencam Demo & Tutorial System. The Screencam Demo & Tutorial System will find the new screencams and make them accessible to you via the demo main menu via "demont.bat" or "demo95.bat" For questions or comments about the VAJava Screencam Demo & Tutorial System, please e-mail Bill Hahn at wrhahn@us.ibm.com.