NETVIEW DMA 1.2 FOR WINDOWS 3.1 TO TME 10 SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION 3.1.3 FOR _________________________________________________________________________ WINDOWS 3.1 MIGRATION SCENARIO ______________________________ This scenario explains how to migrate from the NetView DMA 1.2 for Windows 3.1 client to the TME 10 Software Distribution 3.1.3 for Windows 3.1 client. ENVIRONMENT ___________ The scenario requires the following: o A Windows 3.1 client preparation site with NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 installed. o One of the following: - An AIX server with TME 10 Software Distribution 3.1.3 or later for AIX installed. - A NetWare server with TME 10 Software Distribution 3.1.3 for NetWare installed. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS To complete this scenario you must have the following: o The Software Distribution 3.1.3 LCD4-0491-01 CD-ROM o The XR21382 CSD CD-ROM. o Microsoft WIN32S available (see "Step 7. Installing WIN32S by Using DiskCamera" on page 17). WIN32S are available on the Microsoft Internet site. o The TME 10 Software Distribution 3.1.3 code images stored on the Windows 3.1 client. Or you can use a remote directory that you can access from a workstation with NetView DMA 1.2 installed. o MIGPINOT.ZIP file. o One of the following communication protocols: - TCP/IP installed with IBM TCP/IP for DOS/Windows or Novell LanWorkPlace 5. The following table shows the compatibility between the Windows 3.x.x clients, the AIX server distribution product level, and the TCP/IP protocol: (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 1997 1 +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | Client Operating | Client Protocol | AIX Server | Connection | | System | | Distribution | Availability | | | | Product Level | | +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | Windows 3.1 | IBM TCP/IP or | Software | Command Line, | | | Novell | Distribution | NetView DMA 1.2 | | | LanWorkPlace 5 | 3.1.3 | Agent | +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | Windows 3.11 | Microsoft TCP/IP | Software | NetView DMA 1.2 | | | 32 Bit | Distribution | Agent | | | | 3.1.3 | | +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ +------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ NOTE: If TCP/IP installed is not IBM TCP/IP for DOS/Windows or Novell LanWorkPlace 5, you must have a NetView DMA 1.2 for OS/2 or Windows NT installed in the same network as the AIX or NetWare server. You need those products to build the migration change files in the NetView DMA 1.2 for Windows 3.1 environment because the NetView DMA 1.2for Windows 3.1 command line and GUI do not work with the Software Distribution 3.1.3 servers. - IPX installed with NetWare Requester for DOS/Windows. STEP 1. DOWNLOADING THE TME 10 SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION CODE IMAGES Download the TME 10 Software Distribution code images from the LCD4-0491-01 CD-ROM to the Windows 3.1 client, as described below: 1. Insert the TME 10 Software Distribution CD-ROM (LCD4-0491-01) in the Windows 3.1 client workstation. This scenario assumes that the drive letter corresponding to the CD-ROM is F. 2. Create the D:\SD_IMG directory on the Windows 3.1 client. 3. From a command prompt type: xcopy F:\SD4W31\*.* D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\ /s /e When you complete this step, the following structure is created under the D:\SD_IMG directory: 2 Pristine and Migration Scenarios D:\SD_IMG\| |\SD4W31\| | . | .. | INSTALL.EXE | NVDMPKG.PKG | ..... | ..... |\ CLIENT |\ MOBILE |\ COMMON | ..... | ..... STEP 2. APPLYING THE XR21382 CSD TO THE DOWNLOADED IMAGES To apply the XR21382 CSD to the downloaded images perform the following steps: 1. Insert the XR21382 CSD CD-ROM in the Windows 3.1 client workstation. 2. Open a command prompt. 3. From a command prompt type: xcopy F:\SD4W31\*.* D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\*.* /s /e STEP 3. APPLYING THE MIGPINOT.ZIP FILE TO THE DOWNLOADED IMAGES To apply the MIGPINOT.ZIP to the downloaded images perform the following steps: 1. Go on the D drive ad enter: CD \ 2. then PKUNZIP -d MIGPINOT.ZIP When you complete this step, the following directory structure is created under the D:\MIGPINOT\ directory: 3 D:\MIGPINOT\| |\SD4W31\| | . | .. | SDMIG.BAT |\UPDATE |\NVDM12 |\NVDMCFG |\W31C |\DKAM31 |\SD4WNT95\| | . | .. | SDMIG.BAT |\UPDATE |\NVDM12 |\NVDMCFG |\WNTC 3. To update the creates images with the MIGPINOT.ZIP files enter: XCOPY \MIGPINOT\SD4W31\*.* \SD_IMG\SD4W31\*.* /s /e An overwrite message appears. Answer ALL to the message. 4. Change the current directory to D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31 and create the migration change file by entering the following command: SDMIG.BAT D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31 D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31 When you complete this step, the following directory structure is created under the D:\SD_IMG directory: D:\SD_IMG\| |\SD4W31\| | . | .. | 31PRE.PRO | 31MIG.PRO | 31POST.PRO | \UPDATE | \NVDM12 | \NVDMCFG | ..... STEP 4. USING THE 31MIG.PRO PROFILE ___________________________________ Use the 31MIG.PRO profile to migrate 4 Pristine and Migration Scenarios The following is an example of the complete profile: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | |GLOBAL NAME: IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.REF.3132.MIGRATION | |DESCRIPTION: SD Client 3.1.3 for Windows 31 (XR21382 level) | |CHANGE FILE TYPE WINGEN | |COMPRESSION TYPE LZW | |POSTREQ COMMAND: $(FILEPATH)bin\sdconf.exe CHECK_TCP_PORT | |POST-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\migrate.mod| | | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdm12\hwp.lst | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)WORK\hwp.lst | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdm12\*.* | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.* | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\w31c\*.exe | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.exe | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 5 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\w31c\*.dll | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.dll | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\w31c\*.cat | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)*.cat | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\dkam31\*.* | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.* | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | # ----- GUI code - remove the number sign (#) to install it | | #OBJECT: | | #SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\gui31\*.* | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.* | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: COPY | | #INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | #----- Documentation files - remove the number sign (#) to install them | | #OBJECT: | | #SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\doc\*.* | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.* | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: COPY | | #INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The GUI and the documentation components are commented out in the profile. To install the GUI and the documentation components customize the profile in the following way: 1. To install the GUI, remove the number sign (#) from the following statements: #OBJECT: #SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\gui31\*.* #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.* #TYPE: FILE #ACTION: COPY #INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO 2. To install the documentation, remove the number sign (#) from the following statements: 6 Pristine and Migration Scenarios #OBJECT: #SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\doc\*.* #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)BIN\*.* #TYPE: FILE #ACTION: COPY #INCLUDE SUBDIRS: NO STEP 5. USING THE 31PRE.PRO PROFILE ___________________________________ Use the 31PRE.PRO profile to prepare the environment for the migration. The following is an example of the 31PRE.PRO profile. 7 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | GLOBAL NAME: IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.PREMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION | | DESCRIPTION: CF to migrate from nvdm12 | | CHANGE FILE TYPE: WINGEN | | COMPRESSION TYPE: LZW | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdmcfg\SDCONF.EXE | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\SDCONF.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdmcfg\gui.mod | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\gui.mod | | TYPE: FILE_WITH_TOKENS | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdmcfg\base.mod | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\base.mod | | TYPE: FILE_WITH_TOKENS | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdmcfg\doc.mod | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\doc.mod | | TYPE: FILE_WITH_TOKENS | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdmcfg\docgui.mod | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\docgui.mod | | TYPE: FILE_WITH_TOKENS | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\update\nvdmcfg\migrate.mod | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\migrate.mod | | TYPE: FILE_WITH_TOKENS | | ACTION: COPY | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STEP 6. USING THE 31POST.PRO PROFILE ____________________________________ Use the 31POST.PRO profile to delete the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 files and to install the GUI and the documentation icons. The following is an example of the 31POST.PRO profile. 8 Pristine and Migration Scenarios +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | GLOBAL NAME: IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION | | DESCRIPTION: CF to delete the old nvdm12 files | | CHANGE FILE TYPE: GEN | | COMPRESSION TYPE: LZW | | POSTREQ COMMAND: $(FILEPATH)bin\sdconf.exe MIGRATE | | | | #*************** Base component *********************** | | PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\base.mod | | #*************** GUI component *********************** | | #PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\gui.mod | | #*************** Doc component *********************** | | #PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\doc.mod | | #*************** Doc + GUI components ********************** | | #PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\docgui.mod | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 9 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWCCC.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWACAM.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWATCM.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDM.COM | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC2N.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC1N.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC3N.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFCMN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMBLDN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 10 Pristine and Migration Scenarios +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFQMN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFRTN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFSMN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFDCN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMLCFN.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC2L.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC1L.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC3L.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFCML.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 11 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMBLDL.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFQML.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFRTL.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFSML.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFDCL.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMLCFL.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC2T.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC1T.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFC3T.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 12 Pristine and Migration Scenarios +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFCMT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMBLDT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFQMT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFRTT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFSMT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMFDCT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMLCFT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWACAT.CAT | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMUPD.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 13 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMDCAM.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWWCAM.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWABCK.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDWWTCM.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMWUPD.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMWCAM.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDCMA1.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDGPRCL.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDCKPUQ.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 14 Pristine and Migration Scenarios +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDPCFI2.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDCOWIN.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FCLCNRW.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDCMAM.BAT | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDCR.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDMSG.CAT | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDPCFI.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDPCFR.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDPCFA.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 15 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDPCFT.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | OBJECT: | | TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FNDPCFU.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: DELETE | | #- GUI old code - remove the number sign (#) to delete it | | #OBJECT: | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\NVDMGI.HLP | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: DELETE | | #OBJECT: | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\GLCV31MW.DLL | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: DELETE | | #OBJECT: | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\GLFS31MW.DLL | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: DELETE | | #OBJECT: | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FCLDLGW.DLL | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: DELETE | | #OBJECT: | | #TARGET NAME: $(FILEPATH)bin\FCLDRCW.DLL | | #TYPE: FILE | | #ACTION: DELETE | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you use the 31POST.PRO profile as it is, you create only the Distribution Agent and the Distribution Command Line icons in your Tivoli TME 10 Software Distribution folder. To install the Distribution Agent, the Distribution Command Line, and the GUI icons, remove the number sign (#) from the #PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\gui.mod statement and comment out all the other PRE-INSTALL statements. To install the Distribution Agent, the Distribution Command Line, and the documentation icons, remove the number sign (#) from the #PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\doc.mod statement and comment out all the other PRE-INSTALL statements. To install the Distribution Agent, the Distribution Command Line, the GUI and the documentation icons, remove the number sign (#) from the 16 Pristine and Migration Scenarios #PRE-INSTALL: $(FILEPATH)bin\dpfupd.exe /MOD:$(FILEPATH)bin\docgui.mod statement and comment out all the other PRE-INSTALL statements. STEP 7. INSTALLING WIN32S BY USING DISKCAMERA On the workstation were the Windows 3.1 client with NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 is installed, use DiskCamera to prepare the change file that you use to install WIN32S on the workstations of the network. On this step we assume that Windows 3.1 is installed on the D: drive. To do this perform the following steps: 1. Close all the MS-DOS prompt windows and the NetView DMA window. 2. From the Program Manager window select FILE>RUN. The Run window appears. 3. To take a picture of the D drive where Windows 3.1 is installed, enter FNDWWCAM D: 4. To be sure that DiskCamera took the picture of the D drive, check that the D:\NVDMTMP directory has been created, 5. To install WIS32S go to Main, select the File Manager icon and then select the WIN32S images directory. 6. Double click on Setup.exe. WIN32S will be installed. 7. When the installation is completed select CONTINUE to restart Windows 3.1. 8. From the Program Manager window select FILE>RUN. The Run window appears. 9. To create a change file profile and a modification file in the D:\NVDMTMP, enter FNDWWTCM D: WIN32S 10. Select a MS-DOS prompt. 11. Enter D: 12. Enter cd \NVDMTMP 13. Edit the NVDMUPD.PRO change file profile. 14. If present delete all the object sections whose source name is not: D:\WINDOWS and D:\NVDMTMP\NVDMUPD.MOD 17 The following is an example of the complete profile: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | GLOBAL NAME: DiskCamera.WIN32S.REF.1.0 | | DESCRIPTION: CF Profile for WIN32S | | CHANGE FILE TYPE: WINGEN | | COMPRESSION TYPE: NONE | | | | POST-INSTALL: NVDMWUPD.EXE $(WIN32SDir)NVDMTMP\NVDMUPD.MOD /T:$(WIN32SDir)| | | | DEFAULT TOKEN: WIN32SDir=D:\ | | | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\MERGE.REG | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\MERGE.REG | | TYPE: FILE_WITH_TOKENS | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLECLI.W31 | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLECLI.W31 | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S.INI | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S.INI | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S\*.* | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S\*.* | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | INCLUDE SUBDIRS: YES | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2PROX.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2PROX.DL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 18 Pristine and Migration Scenarios +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2CONV.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2CONV.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMPOBJ.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMPOBJ.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2DISP.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2DISP.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STORAGE.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STORAGE.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2NLS.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2NLS.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\TYPELIB.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\TYPELIB.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 19 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2.REG | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE2.REG | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDOLE.TLB | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STDOLE.TLB | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINHLP32.CNT | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINHLP32.CNT | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\W32SYS.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\W32SYS.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINMM16.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINMM16.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINDOWS.HLP | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINDOWS.HLP | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 20 Pristine and Migration Scenarios +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINHLP32.HLP | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINHLP32.HLP | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLECLI.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLECLI.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S16.DLL | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S16.DLL | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINHLP32.EXE | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINHLP32.EXE | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | | OBJECT: | | SOURCE NAME: D:\NVDMTMP\NVDMUPD.MOD | | TARGET NAME: $(WIN32SDir)NVDMTMP\NVDMUPD.MOD | | TYPE: FILE | | ACTION: COPY | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STEP 8. BUILDING THE CHANGE FILES IN THE NETVIEW DISTRIBUTION MANAGER 1.2 FOR WINDOWS 3.1 ENVIRONMENT To build the IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.PREMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION and the IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.REF.3132.MIGRATION change files in the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 environment, do the following: 1. Change the current directory to D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31. 2. Enter the following commands from the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 command prompt: nvdm bld nvdm bld 21 STEP 9. ADDING THE CFGDIR INSTALLATION PARAMETER To add the CFGDIR= installation parameter to each NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 target, enter the following command from the TME 10 Software Distribution 3.1.3 for AIX server: nvdm addpm ¤| | -a‡ -i > "CFGDIR=" where is the directory in which the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 is installed, for example C:\IBMNVDMA. If the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 has been installed in different directories for each target, enter the ADDPM command specifying each target name. If you create groups of targets that have NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 installed in the same directory, enter the ADDPM command specifying the group name. If each target of the network has the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 installed in the same directory, enter the ADDPM command specifying -A. STEP 10. VERIFYING THE TARGET OPERATING SYSTEM To verify that the target operating system is WINDOWS, enter the following command: nvdm lstg -l If the target operating system is not WINDOWS, you must change it by entering the following command: nvdm updtg -y WINDOWS STEP 11. INSTALLING THE CHANGE FILES In Step 7 you created the change file to install WIN32S with the following change file names: DISKCAMERA.WIN32S.REF.1.0 In Step 8 you created two change files that are stored under the repository of the TME 10 Software Distribution for AIX server with the following change file names: o IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.PREMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION o IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.REF.3132.MIGRATION 1. To install the change files, enter the following commands from the TME 10 Software Distribution for AIX server: 22 Pristine and Migration Scenarios nvdm inst IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.PREMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION -w nvdm inst DISKCAMERA.WIN32S.REF.1.0 -n -w nvdm inst IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.REF.3132.MIGRATION -n -vs -w 2. Enter the following command to see whether the installations have completed correctly: nvdm lscm IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.PREMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION -w nvdm lscm DISKCAMERA.WIN32S.REF.1.0 -w nvdm lscm IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.REF.3132.MIGRATION -w The change management status of the change files will be as follows if the installation completed successfully: IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.PREMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION installed removable active DISKCAMERA.WIN32S.REF.1.0 installed not removable active IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.REF.3132.MIGRATION installed not removable inactive If the installation has been executed successfully, perform an activate request on the NetView Distribution Manager 1.2 for Windows 3.1 client to make the code changes active. To perform this activate request, enter the following command from the TME 10 Software Distribution for AIX server command line: nvdm act -w -f During the execution of this step, the client workstation will reboot twice automatically in order to make the code changes active. The FNDCO206W warning message is displayed. Ignore this message. STEP 12. BUILDING THE IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION CHANGE FILE ON THE WINDOWS 3.1 CLIENT To build the IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION change file on the Windows 3.1 client, do the following: 1. From the Windows 3.1 Program Manager window select FILE > RUN. The Run window appears. 2. In the COMMAND LINE field type the following command: nvdm.exe Then press Enter. The TME 10 Software Distribution Command Line window appears. 3. Enter the following command: 23 bld D:\SD_IMG\SD4W31\31POST.PRO STEP 13. INSTALLING THE IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION CHANGE FILE ON THE WINDOWS 3.1 CLIENT In Step 12 you built the IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION change file that is stored under the repository of the TME 10 Software Distribution for AIX server. To install the change file, enter the following command from the TME 10 Software Distribution for AIX server: nvdm inst IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION -w After you have installed the change file, enter the following command to see whether the installation completed correctly: nvdm lscm IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION -w The change management status of the change file will be has follows if the installation completed successfully: nvdm lscm IBM.SD4W31.CLIENT.POSTMIG.REF.3132.MIGRATION installed removable active After this step the migration is completed. 24 Pristine and Migration Scenarios