IBM (R) DB2 (R) Intelligent Miner (TM) Modeling IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner Scoring IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner Visualization Version - PTF IP22825 README February 4th, 2005 Updated August 19th, 2005 *Note:* Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under 5.2 Notices. This file includes the following information: 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE PTF IP22825 3.0 INSTALLATION AND SETUP 3.1 Prerequisites 3.2 Installing Intelligent Miner version PTF 22825 on Windows operating systems 3.3 Installing Intelligent Miner version PTF 22825 on Linux operating systems 3.4 Installing Intelligent Miner Version PTF 22825 on AIX 4.0 DEINSTALLATION OF THIS PTF 5.0 APPENDIX 5.1 Contacting customer support 5.2 Notices *1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE * This is the Readme about IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner V8.2.0.1 PTF IP22825. For the V8.2 Release Notes, see the second part of this file. In this readme file, IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner Modeling, Intelligent Miner Scoring, and Intelligent Miner Visualization is referred to as "Intelligent Miner". The PTF to upgrade to Intelligent Miner V8.2.0.1 is called IP22825. On AIX, PTF IP22825 is divided into the following ten PTFs: IP22825, IP22826, IP22827, IP22828, IP22829, IP22830, IP22831, IP22832, IP22833, IP22834. If you install this PTF, Intelligent Miner V8.2.0.1 is installed on your operating system. *2.0 CONTENTS OF THE PTF IP22825* As of August 2005, Linux support on 64bit platforms is added, i.e. on 64bit POWER PC (linux_ppc64) and on AMD64/EM64T (linux_x86-64). The PTF IP22825 fixes the following issues: * The Java Record Scorer feature now supports the 64 bit version. * Intelligent Miner Modeling might have calculated incorrect model statistics if more than 42 buckets existed. * Intelligent Miner Scoring parallelism might not have worked properly under any conditions. * The "Load model from database" function might not always have loaded the correct model, if identical names existed. Details: If two models are stored in a database in different tables with IM Modeling default names and the same primary key, the wrong model might have been loaded by Intelligent Miner. * In Intelligent Miner Scoring, several issues with PMML formats are corected. * In the Easy Mining procedures, several issues are fixed. * When you are defining a mining task for Intelligent Miner Modeling, you can manually deactivate certain mining fields by using the API command DM_setFldUsageType( [fldName], 2 ). If you use this command, the field [fieldName] is not used as explanatory field when the model is created. In Intelligent Miner Modeling 8.2, the command 'DM_buildRegModel' sometimes ignores manually defined field usage types when a Regression model is created. This means that the model might contain a manually deactivated field as explanatory field. This error is fixed in this PTF. * You can score several models by specifying their model names in a single SQL statement, however, the cache might not have been big enough to store these models. This performance limitation is fixed. * "defMiningData" was limited to a maximum number of columns of about 400. This limitation is removed. The new maximum number, limited by DB2 capability, is 1012 columns per table. * "Out of memory"-situations were reduced by internal memory optimizations. *3.0 INSTALLATION AND SETUP* *3.1 Prerequisites * See for DB2 Intelligent Miner prerequisites (all platforms). To retrieve updates about this PTF, see the Web based support page at and search for the PTF IP22825. *3.2 INSTALLING INTELLIGENT MINER VERSION PTF 22825 ON WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS * To install the PTF on Windows operating systems, follow these steps: * Stop DB2. * Start the file IP22825.exe. * In the initial dialog, select the language for your installation. * Follow the instructions. In the Custom Setup Dialog, you can choose between several features. * Start the installation. Your license files will be backuped, Intelligent Miner V8.2 will be deinstalled, Intelligent Miner V8.2.0.1 will be installed and the backuped license keys will be installed. * Reboot your system. * If you haven't had Intelligent Miner V8.2 already installed before installing the V8.2.0.1, it will be installed as Try & Buy version. To upgrade to a fill version, copy the license files "nodelock_mo" and "nodelock_sc" from your LICENSE folder from the Intelligent Miner V8.2 CD-ROM or download package to your \IMinerX\bin directory. Typically, the bin directory is "C:\Program Files\IBM\IMinerX\bin". * You can verify the installation by using the "idmlicm" command after you copied the license keys. Refer to the documentation "Installing the Intelligent Miner products" for configuring the DB2 database management system (enabling DB2 databases, optionally verifying the installation), if you are installing Intelligent Miner for the first time. *3.3 INSTALLING INTELLIGENT MINER VERSION PTF 22825 ON LINUX OPERATING SYSTEMS * To install the PTF on Linux operating systems, follow these steps: * Download the installation tgz file into a directory. * Unpackage the tgz file into that directory. * From within that directory, issue the following command with administrator rights: sudo ./installSDK To upgrade the PTF for a full version, install the appropriate license keys: (1) For Linux 32bit on Intel x86 and Linux 64bit on x86-64 architecture (AMD64 or EM64T): The Intelligent Miner V8.2 Linux CD-ROM or download package contain the following files in the "linux_x86" directory: "IMinerXModelingLicense-8.2.0-1.i386.rpm" "IMinerXScoringLicense-8.2.0-1.i386.rpm" * Install these license keys on top of the PTF. (The 32bit Linux license keys are suitable for AMD64 and EM64T 64bit Linux, too.) (2) For Linux 64bit on POWER PC: Copy the license files "nodelock_mo" and "nodelock_sc" from the product CD-ROM or download package LICENSE folder to your Intelligent Miner bin directory. Typically this is opt/IMinerX/v8.2/bin/ . Refer to the documentation "Installing the Intelligent Miner products" for configuring the DB2 database management system (enabling DB2 instances, enabling DB2 databases, optionally verifying the installation), if you are installing Intelligent Miner for the first time. *3.4 INSTALLING INTELLIGENT MINER VERSION PTF22825 ON AIX * The PTF for AIX is divided into the following PTFs: IP22825, IP22826, IP22827, IP22828, IP22829, IP22830, IP22831, IP22832, IP22833, IP22834. To install the PTFs on AIX operating sytems, follow these steps: * Download all files into a directory. * Log on as user root. * Type "smit" or "smitty" on the AIX command line. * Select the following options: * Software Installation and Maintenance * Install and Update Software * Update Software by Fix (APAR) * Enter input device/path containing update packages * List FIXES to install * Install this fix (IC44192, IC44194, IC44195, IC44337). *Configuration of the DB2 java heap size configuration parameter (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) under AIX 64 bit for the Easy Mining Procedures:* Under AIX 64 bit you may get the following error message when you try to run an Easy Mining Procedure: * SQL4301N Java or .NET interpreter startup or communication failed, reason code "2". SQLSTATE=58004 The reason for this is that the default value of 512 for the size of DB2 java heap size parmeter (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) is too small. A value of 2048 for JAVA_HEAP_SZ should be sufficient for solving this problem. You can increase it to 2048 with the following command: * db2 update dbm cfg using JAVA_HEAP_SZ 2048 Refer to the documentation "Installing the Intelligent Miner products" for configuring the DB2 database management system (enabling DB2 instances, enabling DB2 databases, optionally verifying the installation), if you are installing Intelligent Miner for the first time. *4.0 DEINSTALLATION OF THIS PTF* This PTF upgrades Intelligent Miner V8.2 to Intelligent Miner V8.2.0.1. Therefore you cannot deinstall the PTF only. You must deinstall the complete product Intelligent Miner V8.2.0.1 before you can reinstall the original version Intelligent Miner V8.2. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001, 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. *5.0 APPENDIX* *5.1 Contacting customer support* Web-based support for DB2 Intelligent Miner products including documentation, PTFs, and APAR information is provided at this Web site. To contact IBM DB2 Customer Service by phone, you can use the following telephone numbers: United States 1-800-237-5511 Canada 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378) Worldwide 1-404-238-1234 Charges might apply. For information about IBM offices in your country or region, refer to the IBM Directory of Worldwide Contacts at this Web site . *5.2 Notices* IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. 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