Readme for Corrective Service Diskette



This CSD contains fixes for Text Search Engine and NetQuestion for Multiple Servers.

Fixes for Text Search Engine on AIX, Sun, Windows NT, and Windows 2000:

Fixes for NetQuestion for Multiple Servers on Windows2000


You must install CSD V2.3.1.1 over Intelligent Miner for Text V2.3.1.
V2.3.1 is a combination of fixes and CSDs. It is not enough to install V2.3 and the available fixes from the Intelligent Miner for Text web site; you must order and install V2.3.1 before you can apply this CSD.

Prerequisite software

Before you can install CSD, you must install:

Installing the TSE fix on AIX

  1. Change to a temporary directory.
  2. Download im4t_tse_2.3.1.1_aix.tar
  3. Extract all files from im4t_tse_2.3.1.1_aix.tar. It contains IBMIMTCS.PKG, and IBMIMTTT.PKG
  4. Use smitty to install the software from this temporay directory.
  5. Install 'all_latest' (all TSE fixes, all dictionaries), or select the appropriate components you are interested in.
  6. Try running the TSE Installation Verification Program. See the product README and documentation for a description of how to do this.

Installing the TSE fix on Windows NT and Windows 2000

  1. Start a Command Prompt window.
  2. Change to a temporary directory.
  3. Download im4t_tse_2.3.1.1.exe to the temporary directory.
  4. Run im4t_tse_2.3.1.1.exe to expand the installation files to the temporay directory.
  5. Run setup.exe to start InstallShield.
  6. If InstallShield asks where to install the CSD, specify the original installation directory. Typically, this is <drive>:\TextTools.
  7. Select the components you want to install.
  8. Ignore warning messages concerning the nodelock file (such as 'Already installed'). Your license information remains valid, if you have one.
  9. Try running the TSE Installation Verification Program. See the product README and documentation for a description of how to do this.

Installing the TSE fix on Solaris

  1. Download im4t_tse_2.3.1.1_sun.tar.Z und uncompress it.
  2. Extract all files from im4t_tse_2.3.1.1_sun.tar. It contains several directories with TSE fixes, and two scripts called install and deinst.
  3. Use the new scripts to maintain your Intelligent Miner for Text V2.3.1.1 installation
  4. Start install
  5. Enter options '1 2 3' if you want to install all the TSE fixes. Select the appropriate dictionaries, or '24' for all dictionaries.
  6. Try running the TSE Installation Verification Program. See the product README and documentation for a description of how to do this.

Installing the NetQuestion for Multiple Servers fix on Windows 2000

You can also install this fix on Windows NT. However, we do not know of any problems with this product on this platform related to this CSD.
  1. Start a Command Prompt window.
  2. Change to a temporary directory.
  3. Download the file iwv_run.exe. Overwrite the file iwv_run.exe, version 2.3.1 with this CSD fix version, having the same file name. The file is located typically in directory <drive>:/TextTools/bin/. The date of the older V2.3.1 file is 05/04/00.
  4. Try running the NetQuestion Installation Verification Program. See the product README and documentation for a description of how to do this.