************************************************************************ IBM Variable Data Support for Adobe(R) PageMaker(R) 6.0 / 6.5 Version 1.2.1 QuarkXPress(R) 3.32 Version 1.2 README (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1998, 2002 All Rights Reserved Licensed Materials - Property of IBM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ************************************************************************* To install: 1. Close PageMaker and QuarkXPress. 2. Select "Run" from the Start menu. 3. In the Open field, enter the following file name: D:\Setup.exe where D: is the CD-ROM drive. 4. Click "OK" to continue. The setup program starts. 5. Follow the instructions on the installation screens to install the software. During the installation, you will be prompted to select either the Adobe PageMaker Plug-In, QuarkXTensions, and sample files. If the PageMaker Plug-In is selected, the InstallShield setup program will attempt to automatically install the Variable Data Plug-In to the C:\pm65\rsrc\usenglsh\plugins directory (where C: denotes the hard disk drive upon which PageMaker was installed). If it cannot access this directory, you will be prompted to browse to the directory into which the Plug-In will be installed. If installing for PageMaker 6.0, this directory will be C:\pm6\rsrc\usenglsh\plugins (where C: denotes the hard disk drive upon which PageMaker was installed). Troubleshooting: PageMaker 6.5 includes a filter called EPS Import Filter. This filter has an option to "Create preview if none exists" and this option is enabled by default everytime PageMaker opens. This option creates a preview of an EPS file if no preview exists. This can affect the way an IBM Variable Data box preview is displayed (i.e. Blank instead of a normal gray fill with a field name.). Follow these steps to temporarily disable the "Create preview if none exists" option: 1. From the PageMaker File menu select Place. 2. Select any EPS file and check the box called "Show filter preferences", then click Open. 3. Uncheck the box "Create preview if none exists" and click OK. 4. Click on the document page to place the EPS. 5. Delete the EPS. Quark, QuarkXPress, and QuarkXTensions are trademarks of Quark, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM. Off.